Nine Heavens

Chapter 932 Great Accomplishment of the Auxiliary Sword

Chapter 932: Auxiliary Sword Dacheng

Above the clouds tens of thousands of miles high, Liu Qianlang, Pa'er, Xiaomei, Xiaolin and Xiaomogui are overlooking the Emperor City in the ghost boat. The three little guys are watching birds and catching clouds for fun. But Liu Qianlang and Pa'er were looking at the small green bamboo building on Qianque Lake.

"After marrying her, why don't you take her back to the Langyuan Gate in Cangshan Mountain?" Pa'er asked.

"He still has a wish!" Liu Qianlang said looking at Pa'er's slightly unhappy face. Then he told about himself and Tianshuang in detail.

"Tianshuang really deserves you to treat her like this, but you promised to accompany me to relax, but in the end, you go to talk to Tianshuang. But forget about me!" Although Pa'er was no longer angry after hearing Liu Qianlang's words, But still very disappointed said.

"I know, Pa'er has been left out in the cold, and I have never cared much about you, so Qianlang decided to spend ten days with Pa'er at the Lihua'er Zuanyue Palace in Moyu Skull Xuan, and then go back to Cangshan Langyuan Gate?" Liu Qiang Lang looked at Pa'er's beautiful eyelashes and said.

"Really?" Pa'er immediately showed joy on her face, and asked with flashing eyes.

"Really, Qianlang doesn't do anything, just spend ten days admiring the pear blossoms with Pa'er, never leaving the pear blossoms in the moon palace!" Liu Qianlang nodded. Looking at Pa'er's happy face, I couldn't help but feel very guilty. Because he had already faintly felt that in the near future, there seemed to be a huge change between the heaven and the earth, and it was very ominous.

He needs to go to the Black Jade Skeleton Profound Realm to think about where the Cangshan Langyuan Sect will go in the future, and how to better protect his relatives, brothers and friends around him. The nine Nascent Souls in his body will be born soon, and he should have a clear idea about the next step of cultivating the Nascent Souls and continuing to refine the soul. That's why Liu Qianlang planned this.

Of course, in his heart, he couldn't escape Pa'er, but as long as the two of them could be alone for a few days, Pa'er would be very happy. He was not surprised that Liu Qianlang was thinking about the mountain gate. She was a wise existence , thinking of no less than Liu Qianlang.

"Hee hee! Pear Blossom Diamond Moon Palace, it's very interesting there, when shall we go?" Xiaomei asked happily when she heard the two talking, remembering the world where Pear Blossoms flew all over the sky that Pa'er took her to .

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang laughed loudly and said, "Aren't we in the Moon Palace of Lihua'er now?" When Liu Qianlang's laughter hadn't stopped, with a thought, he had already appeared in the Lihua where Pa'er was in the past In the nursery.

"Wow! The head is so powerful, how can you go wherever you want?" Looking at the pear blossom trees everywhere in front of him and behind him, and the white pear blossoms flying all over his head, Xiaolin shouted in surprise.

"Hey! This pear blossom is really fragrant!" The little devil turtle caught a pear blossom, put it gently in his nose, and sucked it intoxicated.

"Hehe!" Seeing their appearance, Pa'er finally smiled happily, and then looked at Liu Qianlang with beautiful eyes and said: "You also carry me behind your back, as good as you are to Tianshuang!"

"Hehe! So you." Liu Qianlang was interrupted by Pa'er in the middle of his speech.

"If you don't accompany her at night, of course they won't worry about you, but you are lucky, and the frost is flying all over the sky, so I have to go back to Panshui Tower and lie on the bed alone counting the stars!" Pa'er pouted.

"Hehe, good. Liu Qianlang is really a blessing!" He picked up Pa'er, and then asked: "Oh! Pa'er, you will let me watch Li Hua'er behind your back!?".

"Heck! You're so smart, just keep carrying me behind your back like this, don't use magic tricks, keep walking in my pear blossom garden, when I'm tired, then you will drink pear blossom wine with me!" Pa'er Fu She smiled mischievously on Liu Qianlang's shoulder.

"Oh! Pa'er, I'm carrying you, will you be tired?" Liu Qianlang asked with a smile while carrying Pa'er on his back as he walked on the ground full of petals.

"I don't care about it, just go away, cluck! Wow! My pear blossom in the moon palace is so beautiful!" Pa'er said mischievously and domineeringly.

"Ah! How embarrassing!"

Xiaomei, Xiaolin and Little Demon Turtle saw that Liu Qianlang was carrying Pa'er on his back, and they laughed for a while, then Xiaomei took Xiaolin and Little Demon Turtle, who had never been here before, to avoid the two of them and went to many magical places Playing away.

Talking about Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, Cailing, Cheng Shifeng, and the bronze armored generals such as Men Tiangang who followed behind the four, after a day and a night of galloping across the Western Regions of Nine Dragons, they finally crossed the Western Ocean and appeared in Cangshan in the evening. in the area.

During the march, Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang and Cheng Shifeng habitually looked at a cliff under the setting sun thousands of miles away, which was the training ground of Xinghua Nine Swords Formation.

It happened to be there in the line of sight, the auspicious clouds in five colors of purple, white, yellow, pink, and gold, covered with a layer of blushing in the afterglow of the setting sun, were flying around there as the center, and the scene was very mysterious and beautiful.

And the five wild dragons in the blossoming auspicious clouds were tossing and turning, screaming and roaring, and the sound shook the entire Cangshan Mountain.

And the five wild dragons sometimes form a circle, stretching their teeth and claws, and sometimes they suddenly merge into one, turning into a larger colorless dragon with dragon scales, swallowing clouds and mist, and flying wildly with five-colored flames all over its body. Even more terrifying.

"Haha! Sister Juan, Shifeng! The five-handled Xinghua Nine Swords and the auxiliary swords have also successfully cultivated their respective sword arrays, and they have completed the combination of the auxiliary swords. Now wait for Qianlang to come back and join the nine swords!"

Seeing the scene in the distance, Cheng Yuanfang laughed loudly.

"Well! This is a great thing. Although we went to the Tianhuang City of Longyun Mountain halfway, it did not affect the progress of Xinghua Nine Swords at all, and there was an existence of eighteen souls in Qianlang's body, which is powerful. His spiritual power is unimaginable. He has appeared anywhere in the Mortal Realm, and it hardly takes any time, and he can do it instantly with his powerful soul power!"

"According to what I know about the nether world and the mortal world, an existence like him seems to be unique. Presumably, his mana has reached an unimaginable level. The road he walks in cultivating immortals, although he is walking on the road of ordinary monks in the mortal realm The pace is fast, but it has surpassed the limit of the growth of Mortal Realm monks. It can be seen that he was still in the chaotic state of forming alchemy and Nascent Soul not long ago, but this time, within a few days, he has reached the state of Nascent Soul Late Stage."

"And there are nine nascent infants in his body that are breathing inexplicable divine breath, and the nine dharma appearances are different, which can be called a miracle in the fairy world. I can't see how powerful he is!"

Liu Juan smiled when she heard Cheng Yuanfang's words, and she was full of praise for her younger brother Qianlang.

"Haha! Leading the waves is really our pride, but Sister Juan's cultivation has also greatly admired Yuanfang. She has cultivated to the point where the Yin and Yang worlds are connected. It is really an ancient anecdote in the cultivation world! This time I successfully defeated the nine dragons. Sister-in-law, I successfully rescued the owner of Qianque Lake and the nine lotus girls, thanks to my sister's Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal!" Cheng Yuanfang laughed.

"Heck! And Cailing and I, don't forget that it's the Xinghua Nine Swords main sword array controlled by the four of us!" Cheng Shifeng playfully flashed his big eyes, the blue flowers on a white background under the setting sun The dress looked extremely beautiful, she tilted her head and said gracefully.

"Oh! There's me, Mancang, and the Demon Bull King!" The white-faced tiger king at Shifeng's feet interjected naively.

"Haha! That's natural. The smooth success this time is the result of everyone's unity. Without Brother Bu Miaolong's entrusted dreams, Qianlang would not know so many things about the Blood Moon Peony Flower Palace. A general, secretly blocked the countless entrances of Qianque Lake, before we wait for Qianlang to appear, we will be finished."

"That's why! We are all great heroes, right! Generals and Brother Long!" Cheng Yuanfang said when he saw everyone talking, and Nine Dragons of the Western Regions was a little embarrassed, so he said so.

Hearing the words, Nine Dragons of the Western Regions looked at Cheng Yuanfang gratefully, and then Bu Miao Shenlong also smiled and said: "Haha! Nine Dragons of the Western Regions is very grateful for what the Master Duoxie said. If you are ashamed, Nine Dragons of the Western Regions will not mention it anymore. , On the day of the big celebration, Nine Dragons of the Western Regions will definitely offer wine to all brothers and sisters, thank you for your generosity!"

"Well! The nine generals of the Men's family are able to follow the queen again. They are all heroes of the Cangshan Wave Fate Sect. It can be said that they are making friends with immortals. What a pleasure!" Men Tiangang also laughed.

Everyone continued to hurry and gallop while talking and laughing.

"Respected Immortals! Dear Immortals, stay a step!" Suddenly, a group of pure white clouds whizzed over from behind the crowd, in which was wrapped a person wearing a pure white fairy robe, with a childlike face and white hair, and a complexion as fair as jade. In the clouds and mist, he waved the dust whisk in his hand and shouted.

"Heck! I saw this old man with a white beard. He has been hiding behind a big tree on the east bank of Qianque Lake. I asked Brother Qianlang, and Brother Qianlang said that he is the owner of Panshui Building in Tianhuang City! "Shifeng saw the fair and chubby figure of Longxian, and thought it was quite funny, so he smiled happily.

"Yes! That's right, this person is the owner of Panshui Tower. He is a very nice person, and he has helped the head a lot this time!" said Men Tiangang and other nine generals who were very familiar with Long Xianren.

"Oh! Then what is he doing here?" Cai Ling also exclaimed with a mischievous expression.

Everyone was afraid that he would not be able to catch up, so they stopped, and after a while, they saw him coming close, panting, waiting for him to catch up. Liu Juan asked with a smile: "I don't know if the Dragon Immortal has come after him all the way, what advice can I give?"

"No, I dare not. I, I came to the Langyuan Sect in Cangshan Mountain, and the head of the sect agreed!" Long Xianren's mana was low, and when he saw the cloud, everyone understood that it was Liu Qianlang who brought him Use mana to send it here, otherwise he will not be able to catch up with everyone if he is exhausted.

Liu Juan inspected Longxian for a while, and recognized him after a while. This person was the folk believer who taught Xiaoyun a few small spells in Qingliu Kingdom in the past. She stood in Panshui City by herself. He outside the city gate. Because I heard that he had such a face since he was a child, I found it very strange, so I had a deep impression on him. Although I only saw him, I remembered his appearance.

"Oh! It turns out that he is Yun Xiangguo's apprentice, so why not be Xiaoyun's apprentice!" Liu Juan said. Conveniently, a green light shot out of Longxianren's chest, instantly opening up the eight extraordinary meridians of Longxianren.

Immortal Long suddenly felt that the meridians all over his body were bursting with torrents, and suddenly became infinitely smooth. After a little stimulation of the spiritual energy, he felt full of overwhelming power, and his body was as light as cotton. Daxie said: "Thank you Queen Qixiang for your enlightenment! Master Yun is also at the Langyuan Gate in Cangshan?"

"Hee hee! You are so lucky. Now sister Xiaoyun is my parents' precious daughter. She is also the sister of the head of the sect! She has no other apprentices except you, and your fortune will be limitless in the future! But , I want to remind you! With your cultivation base, you can only be wronged as a junior junior in your generation. Your senior brothers and sisters are all very young, some are just six or seven years old!" Cheng Shifeng laughed.

"It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter! As long as Immortal Long can step on the road of cultivating immortals, anything will happen!" Immortal Long said happily when everyone agreed, and his once beautiful Yun Xiangguo was also his mentor.

"However, Dragon Immortal! What about your Panshui Tower? I heard about it in Qingxin Dao. There is a magical Emperor City in Longyun Mountain. Although there are many disasters in the world, it is much safer and more auspicious there. And there is a very luxurious restaurant called Panshuilou, unexpectedly you are the owner!" Cai Ling asked curiously.

"Returning to the Immortal Venerable, the younger generation gave the Panshui Tower to the Lake Master of Qianque Lake and her daughters, and now the nine lotus girls are taking care of it. Hehe, if you have a chance, you Immortal Venerables will go to Tianhuang City again. Take a look, the owner of Qianque Lake is a very good person, and he used to be the Emperor Shuangtian of the Ling Kingdom, and later the Emperor Wantong of the Kingdom of Wantong." This Dragon Immortal has a good eloquence, and once he opens his mouth, he will accept it. I can't stop talking. I can't stop talking.

Everyone laughed and continued on their way. No one liked to hear it, but Cheng Shifeng and Cai Ling surrounded him, and they could hear the laughter constantly.

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