Nine Heavens

Chapter 933 Breaking into Cangshan Mountain

Chapter 933 Breaking into Cangshan Mountain

Everyone first went to the Xinghua Nine Swords practice field, old and new friends chatted and laughed, and then went back to their respective residences. For the time being, Liu Juan, a group of people from the Xianshan School, settled down with Yaya, Shifeng and others on Qingyu Peak, Natural Gate Tiangang and other gates Shi Jiujiang and Long Xianren followed her to Qingyu Peak. However, Nine Generals of the Men's family had too much spirit of darkness, so he chose to stay in Liu Juan's incense-refining ancient handkerchief.

Because the dharma bodies they had when they committed suicide were taken in by Liu Juan at that time, so after arduous cultivation and nourishment of the dharma body, they still had the hope of returning to life, so they were grateful for Liu Juan's great kindness and immediately entered He began to practice while refining the incense ancient pa.

For the next few days, the mountain gate was relatively quiet, and all the disciples were still practicing and studying, constantly seeking progress.

In the middle of the night, Liu Juan was lying on the bed thinking about the accidental injury to Tan Jing back then. Now that she has retrieved Tan Jing's frozen body at Longyun Villa, it is time to make up for her regrets back then. Liu Juan thought, after destroying the omens gathered by the four stars, at least to ensure the safe existence of Cangshan, and then destroy other omens one after another with Cangshan as the center.

However, that was all done by my brother Qianlang and others, and I would naturally relax, and then I would have a lot of things to do, so the first thing I had to deal with was the nine blood sea mysterious girls that my brother let go. Based on my understanding of the nether world, any ghosts with a heart full of hostility and malice, including my former self, will never give up unless they are destroyed

"Hee hee! Queen's mother, I can't sleep, talk to me!" When Liu Juan was thinking, Xiao Hong got on Liu Juan's bed and said with a smile.

"Hehe, why, did you quarrel with Qiqi again today?" Liu Juan said with a slightly unhappy expression.

"Well, he was so mad at me that he promised me to go find Die'er together and play in the tea garden cultivated by Die'er's father. His Aunt Shui'er is not feeling well, so he immediately ignored me and went to see his Aunt Shui'er!" Xiaohong said while lying on Liu Juan's side.

"Hehe! Silly girl, don't worry, I think that Qiqi likes you very much, and he will definitely find you later. I heard that he, Shui'er and younger brother Qianlang have experienced many things together, and they have long become a moment. Missing relatives, now I hear that Shui'er is not feeling well, can he not be worried? It can suddenly leave you and go to see Shui'er, which shows that he values ​​love and righteousness!"

"As for you, he went there without saying hello to you, which means that he no longer treats you as an outsider! This is not a bad thing, you should learn to care for each other, don't just think about your own happiness, but also think about each other. Because around us, there is more than one person you care about, and more than one person cares about you. Understand?"

Liu Juan laughed.

"Oh! I don't understand!" Xiaohong Lianhong listened, looked up at Liu Juan's beautiful face, and said mischievously on purpose.

"Cut! The queen's mother is ignoring you. Look how soundly Aunt Yun and Aunt Sixiang are sleeping. Look at you, you always stay up in the middle of the night and run around." Liu Juan said angrily.

"Hee hee! They were all woken up by me just now, and I came to you last." Liu Juan didn't hear the voices of Xiaoyun and Sixiang not far away, thinking they were all sleeping soundly, so she said.

"Heck! We're here too!" Liujuan and Xiaohong were talking, when the moonlight in front of the bed dimmed, Xiaoyun and Sixiang also got into Liujuan's bed. The bed, which was not very big in an instant, was filled with seven people.

Since Liujuan met the sisters and Xiaohong, they have a deep friendship, and they can't bear to part even at night, so they have been living together. Usually, there are many situations where they get together like this to talk and laugh.

"Look at you, how old you are, you're still a little red, not stable at all!" Liu Juan laughed looking at Xiaoyun and Sixiang in the dim light.

"Hee hee! Who makes my sister warm here? Is it fun to be with sister Juan!" Chunxiang approached Liu Juan mischievously, hugged Liu Juan's shoulder and smiled.

"I see, I have to sleep in a big box tomorrow, otherwise you won't let me have a full sleep." Liu Juan smiled and said with her arms around Xiao Hong Dian'er and Hua'er.

"Don't blame us all. Didn't Sister Juan also come to our bed to talk to someone?" Xia Xiang had a gentle personality, and was used to gently kneading Liu Juan's shoulders, and said from behind her head.

"Hey! I'm sleepy, tell me, I'm going to sleep!" Before they could say a few words, Xiao Hong leaned into Liu Juan's arms, and soon she heard the sound of sleeping.

Xiaoyun and Sixiang teased for a while, seeing that she was really sleepy, they stopped teasing her, and then talked to Liujuan. Actually, there was nothing important to say, but they had endless things to say to each other.

Say you're tired, no matter how crowded you are, you lie on my body, I lie on your back, sleep carelessly, and they all look very happy.

When everyone fell asleep, Liu Juan was still not sleepy, and gently combed Xiaoyun, Sixiang and Xiaohong's hair one by one, looking at their smiling faces, her heart was full of comfort.

However, Liu Juan is more and more worried. Everyone has their own fate in pursuing the Dao of cultivation. In the future, if she ascends, or if one of her sisters ascends, obviously not everyone will succeed together. At that time, this kind of sisterhood will not come to an end! Every time Liu Juan thought of this verse, her heart ached.

Especially younger brother Qianlang, Yuanfang and mother's adopted son Song Zhen all have lovely families. Wouldn't it be like parting from life and death on the day of ascension, so how should they deal with themselves?


Liu Juan sighed softly.

"Mother Queen!"

Xiao Hongdian called to Liu Juan in her sleep, and then hugged Liu Juan's arm tightly, under her beautiful eyelashes, her eyes were closed safely, very cute and sweet. Liu Juan lovingly kissed Xiaonaughty's forehead.

Moonlit night, very quiet.

The half-moon light outside the window flows quietly in the bedroom space of Liu Juan and her sisters, feeling cool and mysterious, which makes Liu Juan feel even more warm when snuggling with her sisters.

Liu Juan was intoxicated, quietly admiring the shimmering moonlight shining into the room from the window, there was a smile on Bingao's face at the moment, with a smile that could overwhelm the city, and then smile over the country.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in the shimmering moonlight. It was the black shadow of a man. The head of the black shadow was winding like a snake swimming, which was very strange.

Liu Juan was startled suddenly, she raised her head and looked out of the window, she saw a huge dark red blood dragon galloping under the bright moon, and on the blood dragon stood a tall figure in a blood-red robe, with a dragon crown. The movement is so fast that it can't be seen in a blink of an eye.

Liu Juan quickly called all the sisters and Xiao Hong Dian'er into the Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal. Then he quickly got dressed and flew out of the window on the pure white incense ancient handkerchief.

When Liu Juan soared into the clouds and mists at a height of ten thousand feet, the huge dark red blood dragon appeared in her sight again, and it was roaring towards Qing Cang Peak at this moment.

"not good!"

An ominous feeling immediately floated in Liu Juan's heart, the other party's target was obviously Qingcang Peak, and parents, brothers and sisters, especially Shui'er, who was due to give birth in a few months, Palace Master Qinghuaer, Lan Shuang, Yexiang, and His beloved wives Hong Ying and Lan Ying are both there, isn't it dangerous.

So he immediately speeded up to chase this person, and at the same time sent out the Cangshan golden magpie, telling Song Zhen and Yaya to immediately mobilize the power of Cangshan and rush to Qingcang Peak immediately.

It is said that Liu Qianlang was happily entertained by Pa'er, Xiaomei, Xiaolin and Xiaomogui in Pa'er's Lihua'er Zuanyue Palace for eight or nine days. In the early morning of this day, Liu Qianlang always felt flustered in his heart, especially afterward. Seeing his lover's ring flashing a faint blue color. Thinking of what Shui'er might feel.

So I hurriedly told Pa'er, and Pa'er naturally knew that Shui'er was pregnant and she was a sister in need, so she was also very worried, so the two of them immediately floated into the ghost boat with the three little ones.

After flying for a while, Liu Juan used the clouds to hide her figure, because the opponent's speed slowed down when she approached Qing Cang Peak, so Liu Juan quickly flew in front of him.

Who is this? Liu Juan saw that the other party was wearing a blood-red robe and a nine-color dragon crown, standing on the head of a thousand-foot-high red blood dragon. Even the man and the dragon looked blood-sparkling, so she secretly guessed.

The other party was surrounded by a ghostly aura, but it was a demon body, so powerful that it was terrifying. Entering Cangshan Mountain so blatantly, he could easily pass through the eighty-one dragons, dragon balls, and the magic sword formation. rare.

Seeing the other party's aura, it was obvious that they had bad intentions. The first thing Liu Juan thought of was the safety of everyone in Qingcang Peak, so she planned to fly to Qingcang Peak quickly to protect her parents and siblings. However, before his figure moved, he heard the man above the blood dragon laugh wildly.

"Haha! Come on down, are you Liu Qianlang's sister Liu Juan? I heard from those idiots of Xuannv Xuehai that you once stayed in the Wandering Ghost Realm in the Ice Field and Snow Region of the Nether World for a while, and then turned back. It’s sunny! My leader, it’s really strange, is this Cangshan Langyuan sect a decent school or an evil school.”

"If you talk about evil sects, they are hypocritical all day long. If you talk about decent sects, why are there all sorts of monsters and goblins in the mountain gate! Haha."

The person raised his head and laughed wildly, and spoke in a male and female voice for a while, in a strange way.

"Oh! It turns out that you are the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect. No wonder you don't look good in your clothes. Why? The nine Blood Sea Profound Girls were defeated. You, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, came here to be beaten in person!"

Liu Juan found out that the other party had noticed her, so she simply floated down and stopped a thousand feet away from the other party, and also retorted.

"Hmm! She's pretty good looking. Why don't you and my beloved Yun Qianmeng go back to the Blood Moon God Palace with my leader after I slaughtered the Cangshan Langyuan Sect? "Seeing Liu Juan's alluring beauty, Ouyang Lang, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, shot two blood rays from behind the mask of Long Xueyu.

When Liu Juan heard the words, a chill appeared on her face, and she said with a smile: "Haha! You don't even look in the mirror to see what kind of virtue you are, but you still talk nonsense shamelessly! I'm surprised, what ability do you have? Slaughter Cangshan Langyuanmen. On the contrary, I think you are here to die, you think Cangshan Langyuanmen come and leave as soon as you say!?"

"Hmph! Now that the leader of the sect is a blood demon body, he can turn Cangshan Mountain into a sea of ​​blood in an instant. It's nothing to slaughter a few people. If it weren't for your beauty, you would be dead now, haha! Pick me up Wait, I will now slaughter all of Liu Qianlang's family members on the top of Dao Peak. Take the magic dragon ball from the witch in the Bone Finger Cave, oh! By the way, I saw in the magic crystal ball that the witch seemed to be about to give birth I just don't know if I killed him, will Qianlanglang feel distressed!"

Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, trembled, and the Blood Demon Dragon immediately flew towards the top of Qingcang Peak in Cangshan Mountain with a roar.

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