Nine Heavens

Chapter 934 The danger of the water moon

Chapter 934: Water Moon’s Danger


Liu Juan saw the leader of the Blood Moon Sect roaring towards Qingcang Peak, and immediately snorted coldly, and at the same time sacrificed the Sword of Cuiyou Mianhun and the Jade Seal of Nine Dragons Fireworks. The light blade slashed at the Blood Demon Dragon under the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect.

The speed was as fast as lightning, and at the moment when the blood demon dragon was about to jump up Qingcang peak, it happened to be wrapped around the blood demon dragon, and there was a sudden roar. However, the surging ghostly blood light outside the blood demon dragon flickered for a while, and after bursting out in groups of dark red thunderbolts, it was unscathed, and became even more irritable. Zhangwai Liujuan is a huge blood cell.

When Liu Juan saw it, she couldn't help being horrified, she quickly took back the Cuiyou Mianhun Sword and the Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal, and absorbed the huge blood cells as quickly as possible, fearing that the blood of the Netherworld would fall on the Cangshan Mountain.

The blood of the netherworld is amazing. If any living beings from the Yang world are contaminated, they will immediately be alienated into blood monsters, and the alienated blood monsters will also attack other living beings. Once the attacked living beings see blood, they will do the same. Alienation, if this continues, the consequences will be disastrous.

After Liu Juan was convinced that she had sucked all the Nether blood cells, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect controlled the Blood Demon Dragon and jumped up to Qingcang Peak. Liu Juan couldn't help being dizzy for a while, her heart skipped a beat, and then flew towards Qingcang Peak again at the fastest speed.

The leader of the Blood Moon God Sect stood on the head of the Blood Demon God Dragon and laughed wildly, then glanced around, and immediately sensed the location of the Water Moon Palace, which was exactly where the eighty-first magic dragon ball was located, and immediately rushed there. shoot away.

Inside the Shuiyue Hall, the lights were brightly lit.

The leader of the Blood Moon God Sect controlled the Blood Demon Dragon, but after a short time, he flew to the front of the Shuiyue Temple, and was about to rush in directly to catch Shui'er alive, but he didn't want to hear the voice inside, so he stopped his body suddenly. Listen and look into the hall through the window of the hall.

"Well, my water, let elder brother touch it, it seems that you have not moved on your own initiative!" Liu Qianlang said in a voice.

"Heck! Brother, look at how anxious you are, how can you feel it if you move. But, little naughty, it's really moving in my stomach!" Shui'er laughed.

"Master, you are back, my sister misses you every day!" said a woman's crisp voice.


The leader of the Blood Moon God Sect was very surprised when he heard Liu Qianlang's voice. He was clearly not in Cangshan Mountain when he came, so why did he come back suddenly? Could it be that he has cultivated into the body of a blood demon, and he has also successfully cultivated some magical skills! ?

The leader of the Blood Moon God Sect saw four figures in the hall through the silk brocade window. One was a charming woman sitting on the bed with a big belly. She guessed it was the water girl with the eighty-first dragon ball. No doubt.

In front of her, the hateful Liu Qianlang was crouching in front of that Shui'er, leaning over to listen to the movement of the fetus in her womb. He was so excited that the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect was trembling with anger when he saw it.

In addition, not far from the store, there are two disciples of Tianjuemen who are wearing light blue and are busy. They are not very old, slender, and beautiful. They all look at Liu Qianlang and that water.

"Brother! Where have you been for the past ten days or so? I heard that Sister Juan, Sister Shifeng, Sister Cailing and Brother Yuanfang all went looking for you!" Shui'er combed Liu Qianlang's silver-white hair said.

"Hehe, Shui'er, don't worry, we found a good place to practice Xinghua Nine Swords, so we went there to practice for a few days, and I have some good news for you. Our four main swords have been combined!" Liu Qianlang laughed.

"Really! Hehe! My brother is really amazing, I hope our children will think of you as well! Just like Yun'er, he is really good, and the seven immortals will praise him every time they come to visit their parents. Yun My son has come to see me many times, she is pretty and sensible, and she looks just like you!" Shui'er was very happy to hear Liu Qianlang's words, looked at Liu Qianlang tenderly, and said while stroking his stomach.

"It will definitely be, the daughter must be as soft and beautiful as the water, and the son must be as free and easy as the elder brother!" Liu Qianlang laughed.

"Well! Elder brother, come back in the middle of the night, have you been to your parents and sisters?" Shui'er asked.

At this time, Liu Qianlang got up, whispered something close to Shui'er, and then saw Shui'er blushing, and then Liu Qianlang helped Shui'er to lie on the bed.

Shui'er looked at Liu Qianlang's resolute face with flickering eyes, and Liu Qianlang patted Shui'er gently, and said with a smile: "It's strange, it's time to sleep, if you don't sleep so late, you won't be able to rest OK!"

"Do you miss elder brother?" Shui'er said coquettishly.

Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, leaned over and kissed Shui'er's forehead lightly, and said, "I know, my lover's ring was still flashing not long ago. Go to sleep! My brother is by your side, Always with you!"

"go to hell!"

Seeing Liu Qianlang being so warm and happy, Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, couldn't help being so angry that his heart was churning. With a strange roar, he raised the Blood Demon Sword, shining with a blood-colored Changhong, and headed towards the Shuiyue Palace. Chop down.


However, just when Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, slashed down the Blood Demon Excalibur, Liu Qianlang did not turn around, but intentionally or unintentionally waved his sleeves and shot a bright white light out of the palace window, quickly spreading across the entire Shuiyue Outside the hall was a layer of 100,000 powerful dragon ball aura seals.

The moment the sword rainbow of the blood demon sword came into contact with the seal mask of the dragon ball, there was an earth-shattering noise. However, in the palace for several months, Liu Qianlang had already used the silencing spell, and almost no sound could be heard.

"Brother! Parents and sisters have entered the Black Jade Skull Profound Realm, and Shui'er wants to go in when he wakes up tomorrow. Shui'er is like the small river in our greenhouse." Shui'er said.

"Hey! Langer's father Kiki also wants to take Xiaohongdian to play for a few days." Kiki flew over from a distance.

"Okay, Shui'er and Qiqi can do whatever they want, let's go to sleep!" Liu Qianlang said, still looking calmly at Shui'er.

"Oh, that's right! Brother, I'm planning to give the magic dragon ball that my master left to me to Brother Yuanfang. I heard that he is fighting against many demon forces, and he has already won nine magic dragon balls. It just so happens that you represent him. I'll give it to him! It can be considered that this magic dragon ball has a proper place!"

Shui'er said, and then opened his mouth, and out of his mouth, a thick and moist dragon ball the size of a thumb belly flew out, which immediately became the size of a fist and floated in front of Liu Qianlang's eyes.

"Hehe! Well, as long as Shui'er is willing, Yuanfang will be very happy." Liu Qianlang put the magic dragon ball in his arms and smiled, but Yun Qianmeng's forehead was a little sweaty because she had been secretly outputting spiritual energy to the outside of the hall .

Outside the hall, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect saw Shui'er spitting out the magic dragon ball from his mouth, and was then taken into Liu Qianlang's arms. He couldn't help being terrified, his whole body burst into shock, and he suddenly activated the blood demon magic power. In an instant, the whole Shui'er The Moon Palace was wrapped in Taotao's blood and blood.

Seeing that Shui'er's Shuiyue Palace had become a sea of ​​blood, Liu Juan who was speeding up from behind immediately burst into tears, gritted her silver teeth, and then quickly moved towards the Palace of Grace of her parents and the palace of other siblings. Dianyu flew away.

"Brother, are you hot? Why are you sweating so much on your forehead?" Shui'er was already very sleepy, but she still couldn't bear to close her eyes. She kept looking at Liu Qianlang, and suddenly saw beads of sweat glistening on Liu Qianlang's forehead, and couldn't help but ask. road. Then, he raised his hand to wipe Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe! Seeing Shui'er, my brother is sweating so much!" Liu Qianlang felt the terrifying attack of the unknown person outside the palace, and had activated the two great divine powers of Xuanzhen and Liuguang Chaos into the Dragon Ball Within the aura seal, but there was still a churning in the abdomen, and I felt very tormented. That's why he was sweating profusely, but Liu Qianlang didn't want his wife to worry about him. So I still pretend to be relaxed.

"Heck! It's nonsense, Shui'er understands that he has heard of it, who would sweat because of happiness! Well, Shui'er is really sleepy now, brother, can you fall asleep with Shui'er?" Shui'er gently He let out a laugh.

"Well, Elder Brother watched Shui'er sleep sweetly, Shui'er is so beautiful, Elder Brother really likes to see Shui'er sleeping!" Liu Qianlang nodded and smiled.


Shui'er listened to Liu Qianlang's words, smiled happily, and then slowly closed her beautiful eyes. After Liu Qianlang patted gently, her breathing gradually became steady, and soon a slight but peaceful sweetness came. The sound of sleep.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang called over to Shui'er's second envoy Fengyun and said, "The old Envoy Fengyun is troubled, come to my profound realm to take care of your elder sister Shui'er." Then he glanced sideways out of the window , indicating that Fengyun Ershi is in danger outside the window.

The two envoys of Fengyun had already sensed that something was wrong outside the hall, they looked at each other and said: "Don't worry, the master!"

Hearing the words, Liu Qianlang had a thought, and instantly summoned Shui'er and Fengyun, who were sleeping in their dreams, into the Moyu Skull Tomorrow's Realm of Love and Flowers, and told Miaoyan through voice transmission that Yun Qianmeng Take care of Shui'er with Princess Jinling.

After Shui'er and Fengyun were both safe, Liu Qianlang's spirit quickly relaxed a lot, and he laughed loudly: "Haha! I don't know who is my friend. He came to Cangshan Langyuan as a guest, and he broke in without even saying hello. , wouldn’t it make Cangshan Langyuanmen lose the etiquette of welcoming them!”

"Bah! This Cangshan Langyuanmen is also worthy of my leader's visit? This leader is here to slaughter the Cangshan Langyuanmen tonight and take back the nine magic dragon balls that you lied to Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang!" Blood Moon Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the divine religion, said.

"Oh! It's you Ouyang Langlong again! With such a big tone, you slaughtered my Cangshan Langyuanmen? Haha! Don't you think it's too easy for you to enter Cangshan Langyuanmen? You might as well look back, you can still go Is it? Liu Qianlang always thought that Ouyang Langlong was a very smart person, why did he become so restless because of a few magic dragon balls!"

Based on the other party's powerful cultivation, Liu Qianlang had already guessed that it might be Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, and now the conversation immediately confirmed his guess. So I also guessed that Song Zhen must have let him in on purpose, otherwise, with the astrology of his brother Song Zhen, it is impossible not to take precautions. At this moment, Liu Qianlang urged the psychic to see the silhouettes of Qingcang Peak all over the sky. .

"Third brother! Are all sisters-in-law and parents alright!?" Song Zhen asked via sound transmission outside the hall.

"Haha! They're all fine, it seems you figured I'd come back, so you let this devil in!" Liu Qianlang laughed loudly.

"That's natural. Your fourth brother can't even count what his third brother can do, so what's the name of Xie Xie Tianzun? A few days ago, even if I came to this bastard meeting, I must kill him today, really It's so hateful. Ever since we two brothers went to Shuicheng to meet him, he hasn't stopped making trouble for us!"

Song Zhen has always held a grudge against Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, especially since he sent him to his door today, how could he let him go. The divination was completed a few days ago, and careful arrangements were made with the people involved in the three-layer seal formation of the eighty-one dragons, dragon balls, and demon-speeding swords in Cangshan Mountain.

However, Song Zhen didn't expect Liu Juan to appear suddenly, otherwise he would have already chopped Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, and the blood demon dragon into minced meat. When they couldn't make a move, a huge encirclement circle came to encircle Qingcang Peak.

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