Nine Heavens

Chapter 944 Sea of ​​Talisman Bowls

Chapter 944: Talisman Bowl Sea

The cauldron was floating above the palm of his hand, not more than a foot high, but after a while, he saw Liu Qianlang's mouth opening and closing, and the different cauldron began to grow bigger and bigger, spinning slowly, and then suddenly flew to the center of the four-color time star. above the center.

Immediately, with it as the center, lights of all colors are emitted, and the lights of all colors are filled with all kinds of beasts.

The light of all colors and the beasts in it immediately formed a huge trumpet-shaped rainbow mask of all lights and beasts, completely covering the four-color time star in it.

Immediately, in the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation, nine wild dragons whizzed and flew right under the rainbow mask of the four-color time star, and surrounded the only exposed space in the ten directions of the four-color time star.

"Chaos Cauldron!? The No. 1 Cauldron of Soul Refining Nine Cauldrons!?"

In the confusion of the evil god of four colors and eight phenomena, he saw a series of actions completed by Liu Qianlang in an instant, and raised his eyes to look at the tens of thousands of feet high. While the vast Yijun's divine power was suppressing, he also saw the words "Chaos Cauldron" flashing on the wall of the different cauldron.

The evil god of four colors and eight phenomena, the degree of shock he received in his heart at this moment is simply indescribable. What a god is the soul refining nine cauldrons. The magical soul tripod has never been seen before, and a boy from the human era in front of him, whose age is not as good as the chaotic time, in the blink of an eye, there is the existence of the supreme creation of the Nuwa empress!

shock! incredible! The evil gods of four colors and eight images looked at each other, tongue-tied.

"That's right! It is true that Liu Qianlang only has eighteen soul powers. Compared with you evil spirit gods with thousands of souls, he has no chance to make a move. However, Liu Qianlang got the Nine Soul Refining Cauldron from Empress Nuwa by chance. The vast power of chaos contained in it is the existence of divine power from the source of chaos, which is absolutely beyond your reach.

Although I don't have the soul power of your protoss, I can completely slaughter you evil gods with the chaotic power of the chaotic tripod and the array of Xinghua Nine Swords that Liu Qianlang's eighteen soul powers have activated! Today, Liu Qianlang has completed the task that the gods did not complete back then! "

Liu Qianlang's face was still very calm, and he said in a calm and condensed voice.

"Huh? Do you want to kill tens of thousands of evil gods in our four-color time star? Huh! You are so arrogant. There were no gods in the chaotic space back then, and they couldn't kill us. In the end, you just killed us from the eight worlds of demons and demons." Countless evil gods are sealed in the Octagonal Demon Formation, and it was the three Fallen Demon Immortal Clan who stole my magic skills from the Evil God God Clan."

"Now that you have such a powerful Chaos Cauldron in your hand, it is indeed terrifying. However, you can imagine how much power of the Cauldron you can exert with your eighteen souls' mental power, and besides, the Xinghua Nine Sword Formation below is no longer mine. The threat of waiting, I am very surprised, how can you slaughter tens of thousands of evil gods like me! Haha!"

The Fox Rabbit Evil God squinted his fox eyes, covering Liu Qianlang with an evil smile.

Then the four-color and eight-element evil gods immediately appeared at the bottom of the star under the four-color time star, and then they all roared, waving their hammers together, and shouted in unison: "Kill! Slaughter the human race! Destroy the gate! ! Unleash the darkness! Slaughter the heavens!"

"Slaughter the human race! Destroy the gate! Unleash the darkness! Slaughter the heavens!"

As soon as the voice of the four-color and eight-element evil myth fell, the countless evil gods who came out of the four-color time star with the magic smoke all raised their arms in response, brandishing thousands of evil and strange artifacts, and then shot at Liu Qianlang and the star at an indescribable speed. Hua Jiujian transformed into nine mad dragons.


Liu Qianlang was not in a hurry, and after a cold snort, he sat cross-legged firmly in the ghost boat, pinched his hands into a miraculous formula, and suddenly his whole body was filled with colorful clouds, inexplicable multicolored visions, divine formulas, and chaotic and strange talisman characters , Like billions of butterflies and bees coming out of the mouth.

These talismans and the Buddha light talismans that swirled out of the black steel clock quickly gathered and extended rapidly, but in the blink of an eye, a gorgeous sea of ​​talismans was formed within a million miles of Cangshan Mountain, and then the sea of ​​talismans in all directions quickly formed again. Flip upwards to form a huge sea of ​​gorgeous talisman bowls, supporting the four-color time star above and the chaotic cauldron above the four-color time star.



At the same time that the countless evil gods in the four-color time star launched an attack, the myriad beasts in the huge horn mask formed by the chaotic cauldron opened their mouths one after another, screaming like a flood, and rushed towards the evil gods.

The myriad beasts swallow evil gods when they catch them, and chase after them when they see them. Although those evil gods are powerful, they are not in the slightest the opponents of the myriad beasts from the primordial universe of chaos. They were swallowed up before breaking out of the huge light layer formed by the chaotic cauldron, and howled miserably.

How did they know that when the Chaos Cauldron was being made, the material Nuwa Empress chose was not the chaotic matter in the Chaos Universe, but obtained from the Primordial Primordial God of the Chaos Universe in the Chaos Origin Universe to refine the Chaos Cauldron body , the infinite divine power of the source of chaos was conceived in it, and countless divine beasts of the source of chaos were distributed on it.

Such a tyrannical existence, not to mention these little evil gods, even the god of darkness, if Liu Qianlang's soul power is strong enough, he probably won't be an opponent.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the four-color eight-elephant evil god and some other evil gods who have not yet been devoured have retreated into the four-color time star, or towards the Xinghua Nine Sword Formation below the four-color time star, where the nine mad dragons are. position to escape.

However, Liu Qianlang had already expected such a result. With a thought of the eighteen souls, the ghost boat was instantly transformed into a silver-gray fairy wind, and then stepped on the black steel bell and shot into the huge horn mask formed by the chaos tripod, and then continued towards the four-color time star. fly away.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

"Bang! Bang!"


At this moment, Liu Qianlang is like a raging god of chaos, with a rainbow of light and a vast expanse of splendor, standing on top of the black steel clock that has become like a mountain, while the black steel clock trembles and howls, he controls his crazy power Crash into the four-color time star.

Immediately, the four-color time star made an extremely terrifying sound, and countless Buddha light talismans shot into it. Under the inner and outer divine power, the four-color time star couldn't help jumping, and the evil god who fled back inside couldn't hide at all, and jumped out lifelessly. Four-color time star.

After shrinking their heads for a while, they all rushed under the four-color time star.

Speaking of it, it is true that the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation is relatively weak in Liu Qianlang's attack this time. The nine wild dragons transformed by the Xinghua Nine Swords are not as powerful as the myriad beasts in the Chaos Origin Universe. They are not strong enough for the evil gods that charge down, but they are also the evil gods of chaos that roar and charge down with the hurricane that washes the sky. Fight to a place.

Although it can't devour the evil god, but the nine claws are scratching wildly, the bloody dragon's mouth is open, the dragon's teeth are sharp, and the fire, thunder, fireball, thunderbolt and lightning are constantly attacking the opponent. Of course, the other party is even more frightening, chaotic lightning, tearing souls and hearts, and thunder in the sky, shaking the world!

Looking at the Cangshan Mountain from a distance, at the height of hundreds of thousands of feet, the most intense space at this moment is the part of the space under the four-color time star and above the sea of ​​talisman bowls. In the center of the already gorgeous talisman bowl sea, in addition to the brilliance of the four-color time star, there are strange-colored lightning flashes below it, countless fireballs, fire clouds, and fire mist, under the four-color time star, burning There was a raging fire. It's as if the four-color time star is reborn in the sea of ​​flames.

The four-color and eight-element evil god never dreamed that a boy from the human era would survive countless heavenly demons in the northern realm to this day, and he was about to see the evil god brothers in the chaotic world again. Killed!

Seeing that the four-color time star could not stay any longer, and if they did not escape, they would die under the chaotic cauldron, so the four looked at each other, and a tacit understanding had been formed in their minds. The talisman bowl sea under the four-color time star, the weak part of the bottom of the bowl was smashed away.

The four-color time star was at the top, Liu Qianlang sensed the loud sound from the bowl sea of ​​talismans, knew what the four-color eight-symbol evil god was doing, and immediately stepped up the action of the black steel clock to drive away the evil god in the four-color time star.

When it was completely confirmed that there were no more evil gods in it, the eighteen soul thoughts moved again, urging the magical art of shrinking the pulse, and instantly shrunk the four-color time star into four bright balls the size of thumb belly, and incorporated it into oneself Inside the black jade skull.

Then, tens of thousands of feet below, I reached out and grabbed it. In an instant, the nine mighty dragons roared and flew up and down towards Liu Qianlang. The sword shot into Liu Qianlang's hand.

At this time, the black steel clock suddenly turned into a ray of dark blue divine light and shot into the hilt of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, forming a dark blue ancient clock spot, delicate and beautiful.

"Where are you running?"

With a clear whistle, Liu Qianlang landed steadily on the Chaos Cauldron that was galloping towards him at this moment, and then, holding the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, flew tens of thousands of feet below. Swing the sword to chase and kill the evil gods of four colors and eight images and those evil gods who fled to the bottom of the sea of ​​talisman bowls.

The huge trumpet light formed by the chaotic cauldron and the myriad beasts that swallowed a large number of demons and gods from the northern realm are still entangled around the chaotic cauldron. , Seeing that the remaining evil gods were swallowed up.



However, at the same time, what Liu Qianlang had been worrying about happened. The Four Colors and Eight Elephants finally waved the hammer and smashed through the bottom of the Fulu Bowl Sea, and then the Fulu Bowl Sea collapsed instantly.

Without the atmosphere of the chaotic universe supported by the chaotic talisman bowl sea, the myriad beasts were startled, and instantly returned to the wall of the chaotic cauldron, and the chaotic cauldron quickly returned to its original size, and flew back to Liu Qianlang's palm.

"Haha! Run!"

Just when Chaos Dingfei returned to Liu Qianlang's palm, the evil god of four colors and eight phenomena laughed triumphantly, and waved his hammer to the huge blood moon god in the east of Shenzhou.

Liu Qianlang was willing to let them go, and conveniently incorporated the Chaos Cauldron into the Moyu Skeleton, and then immediately transformed the ghost boat on his body into its original shape, stood on the bow of the boat, and brandished the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword to chase after it.

However, although the speed of the Light Mother's Boat is infinite, the other party is also the evil god of chaos, and the inexplicable artifact under his feet is also a god of instant escape, so it is not easy for Liu Qianlang to chase.

While chasing, Liu Qianlang slashed out one sword after another, and every time Jianhong slashed out, Jianhong would turn into nine sword rainbow mad dragons, rushing towards the opponent roaring. And the hammer that the other party returned was also a ferocious chaotic beast, ferocious and terrifying.

Above the Cangshan Mountain, there was no four-color time star, and it suddenly became dark, the sky was faintly moonlight, casting a faint light, in the darkness, Liu Qianlang galloped and chased wildly, and the four-color and eight-element evil god ran ahead.

Looking from a distant space, one can see four magical rainbows of black, white, blue and green flying out of the majestic and cloudy Cangshan Mountain. And then shot out a silver-gray Shenzhou leaf, on which stood a white-haired figure flying wildly. This person waved a sky-diving Danhong in his hand, and nine crazy dragons shot out from the Danhong from time to time.

People and dragons flew together, chasing the four divine rainbows ahead.

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