Nine Heavens

Chapter 945

Chapter 945: Waves and Star Palace

Liu Qianlang controlled the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, chasing after frantically, the sword howling and the dragon roaring.

The Four Colors and Eight Elephants turned their heads frequently, terrified in their hearts, worried that Liu Qianlang would use the Chaos Cauldron to cover them again and kill the gods, so while turning their heads and swinging the hammer wildly, they flew towards the oriental ominous blood moon in the east of Shenzhou.

Because they found that among the omens of the eight vaults, except for the four-color time star, only the seal of the Eastern Blood Moon Immortal Formation has been broken, and they can go in and use it as a shelter to avoid Liu Qianlang's pursuit.

While Liu Qianlang was chasing after them, he naturally saw their intentions, and of course he didn't want to leave four guys with endless troubles behind, so he also spared no effort in chasing them madly. Under the mentality of both parties, one ran away desperately, and the other chased after life. One can imagine how fast their speed is, but Chazhan's kung fu flew in front of Xueyue.

"Haha! Heavenly Demon East Realm!"

The four-color and eight-element evil god finally flew close to the blood moon, cheered for a while, and then shot into the blood mist of the blood moon amidst loud laughter.

Afterwards, Liu Qianlang also flew to the front, and chopped out roaring dragons one after another to the blood moon. Under the domineering chasing momentum, his feet trembled, and he was about to fly into the blood moon.

"Stop! Kid, don't die! If it doesn't get better, just accept it! Now that the Chaos Cauldron is silent, your Xinghua Nine Swords can no longer kill the opponent. If the opponent knows the truth and fights back, you will be miserable!" At this moment, the eighteen soul thoughts in Liu Qianlang's mind immediately received a voice transmission from the old man Bai Guang.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang suddenly became sober. He hurriedly stopped his figure, and stabilized his body a bit, and said: "Thank you, Senior Bai Guang, for reminding me! It's a pity that the Four Colors and Eight Symbols Evil God escaped, I'm afraid that future disasters will be inevitable!"

"Hey! That's not bad. It's important to stabilize the situation first, and we'll talk about other things later. I really didn't expect you to be so smart with your current strength of eighteen soul powers. Thinking of using Xiaomei, Xiaolin and Xiaolin The souls of the three Chaos Origin Dolls of the Demon Turtle activated the Chaos Cauldron, and they really killed all the evil gods in the four-color time stars except the four-color and eight-image evil gods! Miraculous!"

"Haha! This old man really has more and more confidence in you! But this old man is very strange, why don't you also use the chaos divine power of the guardian god of the nine-tailed golden trout to summon the Chaos Cauldron? Wouldn't that be able to maintain the Chaos Cauldron?" If the myriad beasts wake up for a longer period of time, maybe the evil spirits of four colors and eight phenomena will not be able to escape! How did you come up with the idea of ​​using the Chaos Cauldron to deal with them?"

The old man Bai Guang was a little puzzled by Liu Qianlang's actions and asked.

"Senior Bai Guang's words are true. Liu Qianlang also thought so at first, and even at first simply thought that he could easily deal with the countless evil gods in the four-color time star after successfully cultivating the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation."

"But soon this junior realized that he was wrong. At least this junior faced three difficulties. One was that he was only the existence of eighteen soul powers, while countless evil gods were all spirit bodies of ten thousand souls. They were driven by my eighteen soul powers. The Xinghua Nine Swords Formation is obviously unable to deal with the opponent's strong soul power."

"Second, their divine bodies contain all the power of chaos, and although I refined the Stone of Cangyuan, the Stone of Flowing Light and the Stone of Primordial Desolation, and obtained the corresponding power of chaos, compared with all of their power of chaos, Hitting a stone with an egg is really not worth mentioning!"

"Thirdly, after countless years, the cultivation of the four-color and eight-element evil god and countless other evil gods will definitely be enhanced. Although they were sealed by the Xinghua Nine Sword Formation at that time, now the four-color time star has changed, which shows that Their abilities are already capable of breaking through the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation. In other words, we now have no chance of winning against them with only the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation!"

"So, on the way back from the blood moon, which is an ominous omen in the east, after some thinking, this junior came up with two remedies. For my lack of soul power, I can use Nine-Tailed Golden Trout and Xiaomei, Xiaolin and Xiaomei Demon turtles and their innate souls and demon bodies. At the beginning, I also planned to ask the nine-bearded golden trout to help me, because he happened to be the patron saint of the chaotic cauldron, and he summoned it more freely. enemy."

"However, I immediately thought that the Nine-bearded Golden Trout and the Four-Colored Eight Elephant Evil God were born together in the Primal Chaos. If the Nine-Bearded Golden Trout appeared, it would be easy for a powerful evil god like the Four-colored Eight Elephant God to sense its existence quickly. When we got close, they broke into the four-color time star and wiped it out! It was too risky to do so, so I chose Xiaomei and the others to help me."

"Because Xiaomei, Xiaolin and Little Demon Turtle all come from the Soul Breaking Origin Universe. Although they are in the same body as the Four Colors and Eight Elephants Evil God, the chaotic soul power in their bodies is more pure. Like the evil gods who have been in contact with it, they will not be able to find it anyway under the concealment of the breath."

"For the lack of chaotic divine power in my body, I thought of the powerful chaotic divine power contained in the chaotic cauldron. So I chose the chaotic cauldron, hoping to get help. Speaking of it, I am not afraid of senior Baiguang's jokes. The younger generation does not know what it will do. The effect, based on my original intention, is to use the soul power of the three of Xiaomei and the others to stimulate the supreme chaos source cosmic divine power of the Chaos Cauldron itself, and draw countless evil gods such as the four-color, eight-symbol evil gods into the Chaos Cauldron."

"What's ridiculous is that with the help of Xiaomei and the others, the junior tried his best, but he couldn't activate the Chaos Origin Divine Power of the Chaos Cauldron. Presumably, the soul power of thousands of souls alone would not be able to activate all the power in the Chaos Cauldron. Contains a powerful source of chaotic divine power.

The younger generation speculates that if you want to control the Chaos Cauldron as you like, I think you need at least tens of thousands of souls to do it. However, according to the introduction of the God of Chaos that the younger generation read in the Chaos God Book, I haven't seen it yet. There is such a god.

It is estimated that this is also the reason why Empress Nuwa wanted to destroy the Nine Cauldrons after she created the Soul Refining Nine Cauldrons but could not. "

"Because the younger generation couldn't activate the Chaos Cauldron Chaos Source Cosmic Divine Power, the countless evil gods in the four-color time star attacked us, and when all thoughts were wiped out, he accidentally awakened countless evil spirits on the outer wall of Chaos. Myriad beasts, and have completed the mission of slaughtering countless evil gods in the four-color time star as envisioned by the younger generation!"

"This really surprises this junior. It's like a dream. It's beyond my expectations. Until now, this junior is still terrified. I can't believe that this junior used the Chaos Cauldron to kill countless evil gods! What a fluke!"

Under the huge blood moon that was a thousand feet high, Liu Qianlang stood in the light mother's boat, holding the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword in his hand, his face was a little pale, his brows were slightly frowned, and his soul thought was transmitted to the old man Bai Guang.

"Hmm! As you said, it was really a fluke to destroy the four-star disaster omen this time! Fortunately, after all, all the evil gods in the four-color time star except the four-color and eight-symbol evil gods were exterminated. And I also got the four-color time star. These four four-color time stars are really useful for you four-star boys."

"You can consider placing all the disciples of Cangshan Langyuan Sect in the white star of time as the Langyuan Star Palace, and Cangshan Wangong is only used as your temporary palace gate, just to put on a show for all schools in the world to see. This can ensure the most effective protection of the disciples of the mountain gate when the forces of the three realms attack in the future. At the same time, it can attack other mountain gates unexpectedly!"

"The black time star, the green time star and the blue time star are just right for Cheng Yuanfang, your sister Liu Juan and your sister Cheng Shifeng's time star palace, and they are the most suitable."

After hearing Liu Qianlang's words, the old man Bai Guang couldn't help being afraid for a while, pondered for a while, and reminded.

"Oh! That's right! This junior is worried about not being able to take into account the safety of the tens of millions of disciples of Cangshan Langyuan Sect and the convenience of watching the mortal world and the earth fairy world. Senior Bai Guang's proposal just solved this problem for this junior. This junior is very concerned about protecting the entire mountain gate. The safety of the disciples is not worrying, the junior has the Black Jade Skeleton Profound Realm, and the entire mountain gate disciples are safe."

"However, although it is safe inside the Moyu Skull, it is not convenient for the disciples of the mountain gate to communicate with the outside world, and it is also inconvenient to observe the situation of the outside world. The four-color time star hangs tens of thousands of feet above the top of Cangshan Mountain, living in the sky. Among them, the vast land of Shenzhou has a glimpse of the sea of ​​eyes, and you can go in and out as you like, and you can also be nourished and protected by the natural chaotic air of the four-color time star, which can not only prevent foreign enemies from invading, but also obtain the breath of the supreme gods, cleanse the heart and marrow, and promote Cultivation progress!"

"Haha! It's simply wonderful! The Waves and Star Palace can roam freely and shine in the Cangshan Mountains. It exists in the sky and the earth, looming and independent! Thank you, Senior Bai Guang, for your enlightenment, and this junior has solved another very worrying matter!"

Liu Qianlang looked inside at the four-color time star in the black jade skull, and smiled happily.

"However, there is one more thing. The old man is very worried about you and your sister Liu Juan. Your sister plans to undercover the Blood Moon God Sect so that she can help you in the future, especially Cheng Yuanfang defeating the Blood Moon God Sect and leading the demon world. This kind of inside and outside Although the strategy of responding is good, but your sister Liu Juan is deeply involved in the Blood Moon God Sect, and she is really in danger!"

"I hope she can succeed in cultivating the magic of chaos and fragrance. Then she will realize the integration of human, ghost, demon and god in the four worlds. Naturally, she will not be afraid. The evil gods of four colors and eight images, and more evil gods will join the Blood Moon God Sect in the future!"

Elder Bai Guang, after Liu Qianlang was happy for a while, he said worriedly.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang was also silent for a while. Thinking of my sister making a long-term and dangerous move in order to help Yuanfang and myself destroy the Blood Moon Sect in the future, my heart feels like a knife is piercing.

At that time, Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, used a trick to deceive the sky and cross the sea, and killed the fake Liu Juan in front of Liu Qianlang and others, causing Liu Qianlang and others to misunderstand that Liu Juan was dead. And he secretly sealed his elder sister Liu Juan into the blood abyss at the bottom of the Nether Blood Sea, intending to call out the beast who should have turned into a fierce demon when the blood demon palace reached the ninety-nine and eighty-first level. Liu Juan, as her right-hand man in controlling the ghost world.

The thought of Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, had been exchanged by Liu Qianlang and Liu Juan, and he guessed it was the same. In addition, Liu Juan needed a cultivation environment in the blood abyss. So Liu Juan proposed a long-term plan to undercover the Blood Moon Sect.

Although Liu Qianlang was unwilling, but after thinking about it, he also felt that this was an excellent method full of danger. Therefore, twenty-one Chaos Elves were permanently left behind and hid in my sister's body to protect her safety, so I agreed.

"Senior Bai Guang's worries are also the worries of this junior. I hope that this junior can destroy the remaining seven omens as soon as possible, completely wipe out countless evil gods, and relieve the disaster of the eight omens in the mortal realm of the world! My sister will be safe at that time!" Liu Lead the way.

"However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop! The evil god breaks out of the four-color time star, and other omens will soon come out. You have to hurry up and continue to refine your soul. You only have eighteen soul powers. It is okay to deal with the forces of the Ten Thousand Factions in the Earth Immortal Realm, but it is absolutely impossible to deal with the countless powerful evil gods in the Eight Directions Immortal Formation."

"Besides, in order to be able to freely control the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining, to display the supreme divine power contained in them, and to help you conquer the situation, you also need to constantly refine your soul and improve your soul power level. At the same time, the old man saw that the nine Nascent Souls in your body all It's time to come into the world. In this era when the chaotic universe is subverted at any time, it is better to directly inject a powerful soul into it, so that they have a strong soul power. When the nine great souls become adults in the future, the day when they will merge with you will also be you The time of supreme good fortune!"

The old man Bai Guang was silent for a while, then spoke again.

"Well! This junior is deeply impressed by this statement, and he is planning to realize the twenty-seven soul power in the next step, preparing to refine the nine golden crow souls. At the same time, he will refine a batch of colorful training fate souls, and spread these souls throughout Cangshan Langyuan Sect disciples, if you want to realize the Dao of Good Fate in the chaotic universe, start with our Cangshan Langyuan Sect!"

Liu Qianlang nodded and said.

"Okay! Don't talk too much, old man. You should hurry back to Cangshan and continue to do your work!" Old Bai Guang was very satisfied with Liu Qianlang's attack on the four-color time star. After saying something, he went on There is no sound.

For this, Liu Qianlang has long been used to it, thanked him, and controlled the ghost boat. After a while, he returned to the majestic Cangshan Mountain under the moonlight. Rage!

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