Nine Heavens

Chapter 946: Northern Territory of the Universe

Chapter 946: The Northern Territory of the Universe

"Heck! It's so comfortable to sleep! I was exhausted before!"

When Liu Qianlang was looking at the sky in all directions of the vast land of Shenzhou, Xiaomei's sweet laughter suddenly came from his ears, and then three lively figures suddenly appeared in the ghost boat, one was bright red, one was golden, and the other was emerald. Lin.

Standing in front of the three silhouettes is a girl wearing a dress of red and flowing clouds. It is Xiaomei who spoke just now. It looks happy.

Hearing the laughter, Liu Qianlang looked at the three of them gratefully and said, "This time, thanks to the three Chaos Origin Gods in Liu Qianlang's sea of ​​souls, with the help of your soul power, I finally completed the task of destroying the four-color time star." In exchange for the mission of the evil god, in exchange for the temporary peace of all the disciples of Cangshan Langyuan Sect, and even the whole world! You have been troubled, Liu Qianlang thanked the three primordial gods of chaos!"

After Liu Qianlang finished speaking, he saluted respectfully.

"Hey! Sect Leader Liu is so polite, it's okay, we slept through it, and we're not tired anymore!" The little devil turtle said with a naive and cute smile.

"Hey! Where's the four-color time star? We won't help you destroy the four-color time star!" Xiaolin looked around the dim Cangshan world, and then looked up at the original four-color time star On the hundreds of thousands of feet above the high Cangshan Mountain, he asked strangely.

"Cut! How is that possible? The four-color time star was shaped by sister Nuwa out of the multicolored stars in our chaotic universe. It is no different from those ordinary stars in the chaotic universe. Let alone the three of us, even my mother can't destroy it." Yes." Xiao Meiman retorted.

"But, why is the four-color time star gone, hehe! Could it be that my sister stole it?" Xiaolin's eyes flashed, and he looked at Xiaomei and said with a serious expression.

"Fuck you, start talking nonsense again! Mother said it, let me watch you tighter, don't be fooled, I don't know, you secretly gave the chaotic spirit flower to Sister Pa'er, and forced Sister Pa'er to eat it, Right?" Xiaomei said angrily.

"Huh? Little Devil Turtle, you betrayed me!" Xiaolin heard her secret, her sister must have betrayed her, and immediately cast her eyes on Little Devil Turtle.

"I, if I don't tell her, she will steal my Huiling Orb, which makes me afraid to sleep, so I have to say it!" The little devil turtle said with an embarrassed expression.

"Hmph! Little Devil Turtle, I won't talk to you anymore!" Xiaolin pouted and turned her face away.

"Haha! Look, isn't the four-color time star really good, why is it gone?"

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang waved his giant sleeves tens of thousands of feet into the sky, and instantly four rays of divine light, black, white, blue and green, shot at Tianyu, and then the four rays of divine light condensed and swelled, quickly restoring the original appearance of the four-color time star.

"Wow! It's so good to see, how did the four-color time star become so big!" The three little guys immediately forgot what happened just now, and held hands and jumped and cheered.

Seeing their pure and lovely appearance, Liu Qianlang felt relieved a lot. With a thought of the eighteen souls, he summoned Song Zhen, Cheng Yuanfang, Lion Demon and Eagle Demon, sister Shifeng, and others who participated in the cultivation of Xinghua Nine Swords Sword servants, including Master Chasing Fate.

The purpose of calling out Song Zhen is to discuss with him about the selection of the Time and Star Palace by the Langyuan Gate in Cangshan Mountain. And the others came to help him cultivate the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation. Now that the big event is over, it is really not good to delay their respective careers, so they call out thank you and say goodbye.

As soon as Song Zhen appeared, he immediately inspected the four-color time star, and then looked at his own astrological ruler. At this moment, there were four star points, black, white, blue and green, flying away to the east of the vast land of Shenzhou. A gleam of light flashed, and two hexagrams were spoken: "The northern boundary of the heavenly demon will be destroyed, and the four evils will flee to the east!"

Liu Qianlang glanced around the crowd, then looked at Song Zhen and said, "As the fourth brother said, the first catastrophe of Cangshan Langyuan Sect since its founding. , except for the four-color and eight-element evil god, all of them died under the chaotic cauldron!"

"Oh! It turns out that I have never been able to determine whether the auspicious cloud flying from the sky is He Bao. I didn't expect that it should be on top of the third brother's immortal god." Song Zhen twisted his black and white eyebrows. , said with a black and white flashing rainbow between his brows.

"Haha! No matter what, I'll just wait for success! Qianlang, Zhu Xie Tianzun and all the fairy friends take care! Yuanfang and the two brothers Eagle Demon and Lion Demon still have work to do, so let's say goodbye!"

"That's right! Qianlang asked your four sister-in-laws and the two respected sister-in-laws, the Eagle Demon and the Lion Demon, to stay with your parents for a period of time. They will meet soon, let them be happy together, and have a good time. Since my brother's Youdu Xuanze sword belongs to the Xiwei Dumoshen Sword in Xinghua's Nine Swords Sword Formation, in the future Qianlang will have to practice the 9981-handed Dumoshen Sword's combined magic skill, so I will leave it to you."

"Brother, I don't use this sword very much. The Golden Arrow of Punishing Evil Crossing the Boundary is enough! Take care, everyone!"

During Cheng Yuanfang's stay at the Langyuan Gate in Cangshan Mountain, he conceived various plans in his mind to compete with the Blood Moon Sect for the power of the demon world. Now Liu Qianlang no longer needs him, so he is anxious to implement the next plan.

"Okay! Qianlang has long thought of Yuanfang's revenge on Yuanda, so he didn't dare to waste the time of the brothers. It's just a pity that he didn't celebrate the success of the three brothers. I am deeply sorry!" Liu Qianlang did not refuse Cheng Yuanfang's gift of the sword , with deep eyes, nodded and said.

"Although you can't drink the celebration wine, it's still okay to have a glass of heart wine to wish you kindness!" Song Zhen stepped forward and said.

"En! What the fourth brother said is wonderful, haha!" Liu Qianlang laughed heartily, and immediately flicked his giant sleeves. Everyone present had a glass of pure white Lingyu wine floating in front of their eyes. fragrance.

"This wine is rich in fragrance and colorful in color. We drink it because of good luck. We call it Cailian Yuanhun Bar!" Cheng Shifeng's beautiful eyes looked at the colorful wine in the pure white jade cup. Sensitive, sensed that brother Liu Qianlang was immersed in the wine with a touch of colorful fate, and smiled.

"Those who know me, Fengmei is also! Yes, Liu Qianlang has put a long-preserved Cailian Yuanhun in this wine. I hope that everyone will drink this wine. Pursue the avenue of good fate, and the friendship between brothers and sisters will last forever!"

Liu Qianlang nodded, looked at Shifeng, Tingting Yuli's younger sister, and said.

"Haha! Good wine! It's clear and mellow, and it's heart-warming!" Liu Qianlang's voice had just finished speaking. On the opposite side, Cheng Yuan, the eagle demon and lion demon had already drunk their heads and laughed heartily.

Then the eyes flashed the color of farewell, looked around everyone one by one, then stepped back, rose into the sky, and soon floated on the huge black wall of Wolf Castle that had been called out behind him, the three of them saluted and bowed again, Roar away.

Below, everyone watched the Dark Wolf Fort and drank Cailianyuanhun wine in the farewell. Afterwards, Master Chasingyuan also sat on the Bird of Paradise and flew west. Hua'er sat on the peach blossoms and drifted away, while Cai Ling also walked towards the south with the mooing sound of the demon bull king gifted by Liu Qianlang.

"Don't look at me, brother Qianlang wants to drive away sister Shifeng?" Liu Qianlang reluctantly watched many people leave one after another, and finally looked at his younger sister Shifeng again with unbearable eyes, sizing her up and down from childhood to adulthood They were all wearing white orchid dresses, and their hearts were full of love, hoping to see their sister a few more times before parting.

"Your sister?" Hearing Cheng Shifeng's words, Liu Qianlang was overjoyed and asked in surprise.

"Father and mother, big daddy and aunt, are all here. Master also agreed that I should stay at the Langyuan Sect of Cangshan Mountain. Moreover, the master also let Tianling and Diling stay at the Langyuanmen Sect of Cangshan Mountain to practice. Do you agree or not?" Cheng Poetry smiled.

"Haha! That's great! Agreed! How could you not agree?" Liu Qianlang was overjoyed and said quickly.

Then, everyone burst into laughter. Then Cheng Shifeng, Yun Qianmeng, Tan Jing, Lan Ying and Fang Jun returned to Liu Qianlang's Moyu Skull Profound Realm to look for people from the Palace of Grace.

Afterwards, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen took Xiaomei, Xiaolin and Xiaomogui to fly towards the white time star among the four-color time stars. Soon after, I heard the voices of Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen from the White Time Star, and the voices of the three little guys playing.

"Haha! Third brother. Unexpectedly, this white star of time is so magical and vast, with flying peaks and swirling mountains everywhere, and the sea of ​​gods and celestial beings is endless, with auspicious clouds and glowing clouds, flashes of inspiration, vast sky and earth, so high and far away that Song Zhen It’s really an eye-opener. The heavenly wonderland I’m waiting for in the future is probably nothing more than this!”

Song Zhen raised his eyes and looked around, his eyes were shining brightly, and he laughed loudly.

"Hehe, what the fourth brother said is right. It may be better than the current Heavenly Wonderland. At least it is safe and undisturbed here. But we are not strong enough after all. Although we people from Cangshan Wangong can live here. But the universe is vast and infinite. For the time being, we can only stay in the northern fringe area where the spirit of the gods is extremely weak, and we cannot adapt to other areas for the time being, and we need to gradually adapt as our cultivation becomes stronger."

Liu Qianlang said in a smiling voice.

"Hee hee! That's you, sister Xiaomei, me, and the little devil turtle are not afraid, oh! This time star made by sister Nuwa is so beautiful, let's go and play!" Xiaolin's mischievous voice laughed.

"Haha, the three Primal Gods of Chaos just want to have fun. From now on, the three of you will be the special envoys of the Universe Patrol in this Star of Time. Don't forget to order my Cangshan Langyuan Sect disciples in the future. The head of this sect will be here first." Thank you!" Liu Qianlang laughed.

"Heck! Master Liu, don't worry, we will!"

"Special envoy for patrolling the universe! Hee hee! Are we in the court of gods as mother said!"

Xiaomei, Xiaolin and Little Demon Turtle said in voices from the depths of the White Time Star.

Inside the White Time Star.

"Hehe, third brother! Do you want to say it, thanks to these three little treasures this time, otherwise Cangshan Langyuanmen will be in great trouble!" Song Zhen also loves these three mischievous treasures around Pa'er. . It's funny every time I see it.

"That's true. Although they were still children in the chaotic universe, they are supreme existences in our chaotic universe, especially in our human era world. In addition, there are red fairy, three-color fire baby, Ling'er, etc. It is the magical existence of our Cangshan Mountain, and the Langyuan Gate of Cangshan Mountain will become more and more lively in the future."

"At first, I only thought that one day, I could go against the sky, be domineering, and be the only one who is the only one, but then I have you brothers and your sister-in-law, especially knowing that my body is Tianlinghe Langhuaer, who is responsible for Nuwa Empress. When the expectations are bestowed. I no longer value the idea of ​​myself ascending to the nine heavens!"

Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen looked at the infinitely vast world of the white time star together and said.

"You're thinking?"

Song Zhen was startled when he heard the words, his side eyes flashed, and he twisted his black and white eyebrows to look at Liu Qianlang. said in astonishment.

Liu Qianlang didn't answer, but asked: "If you can ascend to the nine heavens now, you can be a god who is at ease forever, but Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang will never be able to ascend by their own abilities, and you will never see each other again. Will you ascend?" ?”

"No! To tell you the truth, third brother, brother has never cared about whether he can ascend to immortality in the future, brother only cares about being with brothers like Lan Shuang, Ye Xiang, and third brother. If I were to give up Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang, Song Zhen would rather be a mortal Even if one day I accompany them to the end of the world, I don't regret it!"

Song Zhen said without thinking.

"Hehe! Well said! Come on, we need to do something. We don't move at all outside Cangshan Wangong, but we are on this white star of time, on the top of Xuanshan Feifeng in the Northern Territory, and recreate the same wave of fate as outside." Palace, and then slowly create our Cosmic God Palace in the future."

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang nodded deeply and said with a smile.


After the two finished talking, Liu Qianlang pressed Song Zhen's shoulder with his big hand, and instantly injected three strands of divine power into Song Zhen. Then the two looked at each other and laughed. , and started the construction of the Time Star Beiyu Langyuan Star Palace.

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