Nine Heavens

Chapter 951: The Eighth Sunset

Chapter 951: The Eighth Sunset

"Haha! Let's take a look at the third brother who is in charge. If he still doesn't come out, I will also retreat for a while and practice the Seven Gods Art. If the practice is successful, the divination will naturally be more advanced in the future, and it will be better for us in the future." A full precaution and preparation. They are really too naughty, no one can control them except the third brother in charge and their mother."

"It's all right now, Immortal Master Haiyan has returned from his travels, and he's going to take care of the four naughty ghosts, so I'm finally relieved!"

Song Zhen looked at the Qishang Spring in his hand, couldn't hold back his heart, and smiled. Then quickly flew towards the Jiuding Formation where Liu Qianlang retreated.

Besides, the four sisters Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou and Liusha fluttered their little wings, and with a small white cloud on their heads, they floated mysteriously behind the Xianwen Hall in Xianxue City, bypassing one after another Xianxue classrooms, hiding After passing in and out of the students, they finally entered their own Celestial Literature class on the second floor.

In order to hide more naturally, the white clouds were turned into light mist.

Of course, those students from Xianxue City who were much older than them had already seen them, and when they saw their weird and mischievous faces, they knew that they must have skipped class to go out to play.

I just laughed secretly in my heart, and no one paid attention to them. But the four sisters don't think so, they all think that they are well hidden and have fooled everyone.

The four sisters flew to the door of the classroom, looked inside, and were very happy. Because the immortal master is not in the classroom, dozens of companions are practicing writing immortal prose seriously.

Brother Xiaohongzuier, sister Linger, and some younger brothers, younger sisters and younger brothers from the Dragon Palace, Phoenix Palace, Dragon Ball Palace, Fengdan Palace, Dumo Shenjian Palace, Fengjian Palace, etc. are all there. And the phantoms of himself and others are also pretending to be reading books seriously.

Moreover, there is a stack of fairy scrolls neatly placed on the upper left corner of the table for the four of them, with the golden fairy script on them shining brightly. Apparently, sister Ling'er has already finished the homework of the four sisters and put it away.


The four sisters looked at each other and smiled, and immediately relaxed. As soon as the faint clouds and small wings around them were closed, they floated to the door of the classroom as usual, making faces and laughing happily with their partners: "Giggle, we came back!"

After hearing this, the partners glanced at them, but after only one glance, they quickly lowered their heads and continued to write.

Only Ling'er blinked vigorously, signaling the four sisters to return to their seats quickly.

"Huh? What's wrong with them?"

It's so strange. In the past, when the four sisters came back, everyone would eagerly surround them and listen to them talking about going out to be happy and carefree. Something is wrong today. Why do the partners suddenly love to study! ?

The four sisters glanced at each other, and the words they were prepared to make a speech were useless. They were embarrassed for a while, thinking that the fairy master was coming behind them, but when they looked back, there was no one.

It was uncomfortable not to express the happiness in their hearts, so the four sisters happily ran to Linger's seat next to theirs, talking and laughing in a low voice as much as possible. Then he entered the phantom with a big figure.

"Wow! Sister Ling'er's handwriting is beautiful again!"

As soon as Liusha entered the phantom body, she closed her body, picked up the fairy essay homework that Linger helped to write in the upper left corner, looked back at the five-color ginseng Linger, and praised without any hesitation.

When Ling'er heard this, her small face immediately turned pale, and she stared at Liu Sha in a daze, but didn't say a word. Tianling, Xiaoying and Danrou beside Liusha didn't look at Linger, but they kept looking at the Xianwen homework in Xiao's hands, and they were full of praise.

"Back? Skipping class for two hours and a quarter! Are you having fun?"

The moment Tianling turned his head back, he suddenly saw an immortal teacher who had never seen before, wearing a blue fairy suit, with a thin figure and a cold face. He was holding a teaching fairy ruler in his hand. Like a ghost, he floated in front of the four sisters. With a white beard more than a foot long, he looked straight at the four sisters and said with a straight face.

"Go, be happy! No, we didn't skip class, we went to catch monsters!" Tian Ling murmured to himself, why did he really change the fairy teacher, why did the former Aunt Miaoyin leave, this old man is not easy to deal with. For the first time, Tianling's little mouth faltered timidly.



Hearing Tian Ling's reason for skipping class, Hai Yan secretly turned his head to look at the little fellows of the four sisters behind him, and couldn't help laughing. They have heard it for this reason countless times.

"Really? Where did you go to catch the monsters? My immortal master knows that there are no monsters to catch in the star palace. Could it be that you have gone outside the star palace?" Haiyan looked at the seemingly innocent four sisters one by one. asked with eyes.

"It's not us anymore, Brother Yiying insisted on dragging us there!" Liusha suddenly thought that Brother Yiying didn't come to the school, she said sorry in her heart, and took him as a scapegoat.

"Huh? Right!"

When the other three sisters heard this, they immediately cooperated.

"Turn around, if you don't study hard, add a hundred times for those who watch the excitement. Linger, a thousand times!" Haiyan looked back at the little guys who stretched their necks to watch the excitement behind him, and said with a straight face.


Dozens of little ones heard it, and after a miserable cry, they were silent again, including the five-color ginseng Ling'er who was fearless before, and they were all very obedient.

Seeing this situation, the four sisters couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts, feeling faintly that the happy days of skipping classes in the future must come to an end.

"The four of you didn't study hard, skipped class and ran out of the star palace privately, each of you was punished to write 10,000 characters of the fairy characters, no repetitions, no one is allowed to write for you, otherwise it will be doubled, let's start!"

After Hai Yanxian trained the other little guys in the classroom, he looked back at the four sisters and said. Then he walked towards the podium with his hands behind his back, and then sat on the seat, stroked his goatee and looked at dozens of little guys under the age of ten. He was very satisfied to see how they were serious about writing.

The four sisters heard that they were fined 10,000 celestial characters, and they were also cut off from finding someone to write for them. At this time, everyone was grimacing, almost crying, and had no choice but to pick up the fairy pen that felt like a thousand catties, and start writing.

After writing for a while, the four sisters were unwilling to be punished, especially if the punishment was so heavy, their brains were racing, thinking of ways, hoping to let the old man in front of them let it go, even if it was relieved.

After thinking for a while, Tian Ling realized that his father hadn't come out of closed-door training, so he got up and snorted coldly: "My father is the head of the sect, aren't you afraid of punishing us?"

"My father is Heavenly Executioner!"

The four sisters all thought one after another that on weekdays, the whole Langyuanmen would greet the headmaster and the first heavenly master of the Shanmen with respect and awe, so the old man on the podium must also be afraid of them, so he was very domineering said.


Sure enough, when the old man in front heard what the four sisters said, he immediately stood up, stroked his beard, scanned the four little guys, and showed a kind smile after a while.

When the four sisters saw that they were married, they couldn't help but see joy in their eyes, and their hearts immediately turned into spring and March. They put down their fairy pens, and waited for the old man in front of them to lift the punishment, and praised them by the way. Say something intoxicating about being good-looking and smart.

"Well, it really is the spiritual root of the fairy father. Haha! Good! Good!" Hai Yan saw that the four children were full of fairy spirit, and their soul power and magic power were far superior to his own, so he couldn't help but be full of praise.

At this moment, the four sisters completely let go of their mental calculations, secretly complacent for a while, thinking that they were so smart that they moved out of their father in time to get rid of the siege of being punished, and they also heard praise.

"Write 100,000 celestial characters! It must be finished in ten days."

At this moment, the heads of the four sisters suddenly buzzed, and they almost fainted, because the old man in front suddenly knocked on the table without any warning, and with a thud, his face sank, and he said the above words word by word. if.

After being dizzy for a while, the four sisters looked weakly at the old man in front of them, and dared not speak any more. They grinned at the corners of their mouths, crying, and then picked up a pen and began to write stroke by stroke.

In the classroom, when other children saw it, their little hearts were beating loudly, but they didn't dare to let out a sound. At this time, God's Punishment was finally satisfied, and his figure froze and disappeared.

However, all the fairies in the classroom know that this old man is not easy to mess with, and the dragon sees his head but doesn't see his end. Even if there is even a hint of insincerity in the class, you will immediately stand in front of you strangely.

What's even more frightening is that he punished people too harshly. He opened his mouth a hundred times to get the bottom line. Classes become learning doors.

Gradually, these dozens of children also discovered that this divine punishment teacher has another characteristic, that is, when he talks to you, the more kind and gentle he is, the harder he punishes you. So what these children desire most is to see the other party looking at them fiercely, because this means that most of them are only punished a hundred times.

In the star palace, there are nine days in the sky during the day and nine months at night. The whole day is equivalent to one hundred and sixty-two hours outside the star palace.

School is over after sunset on the eighth day of the day. But after school, because Linger and the four sisters were punished more. Ling'er still has dozens of words in Tianxian Wen, and the four sisters don't work hard at ordinary times, so they put all their energy into breastfeeding, and they only wrote a few hundred words, sweating profusely with tears. Lian Lian!

Ling'er wrote for a while longer, and said: "Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou, and Liusha have to study hard. This fairy teacher is very powerful. He has taught almost all of Gaozun Yamamoto, and there is no disrespect for him! And The students he has taught have heard that all the immortals have bright paths and extraordinary achievements. Although I have a divine body, I don’t even know how to write immortals. I will definitely work hard in the future.”

"I'm leaving first, I must write carefully! But you should go back soon, after the eighth sunset, there are still nine hours before dark, before dark, you must go back, or your mother will Miss you!"

The five-color spirit ginseng changed from being naughty before, and calmed down a lot. He stroked the heads of the four little sisters side by side, wiped away their tears, and said with concern.

"Understood, Sister Ling'er! I'm sorry, we skipped class, and you will be punished too!" Tianling lowered his head and said unwillingly.

"Hehe, it's okay, my sister is happy after being punished. Do you know why?" Ling'er smiled.

"You're happy to be punished, why?" Xiaoying, Danrou and Liusha immediately asked.

"Actually, gods and immortals punished us so that we can learn more immortal scripts. You have not studied hard and have fallen behind a lot, but if you finish writing these one hundred thousand non-repeating immortal scripts carefully, you will They have caught up with us! The Immortal Master of God's Punishment is actually helping you! Do you understand?"

Ling'er explained with a smile.

"Oh! I don't understand!"

After the four sisters finished listening, they nodded obediently, but Qi Dao didn't understand, how tired of being punished, and said to help himself. Besides, what are you doing learning those fairy texts?

The five-color spirit ginseng Ling'er heard it, blinked and thought for a while and said: "I heard that there is a wonderful book in the Tianxian Library, which introduces a method of planting Luoxiang fruit trees. If you learn the above method, you will grow Luoxiang fruit trees. Fruit trees, but it will take three years for Xingzhou to bear fruit, and then you will."

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