Nine Heavens

Chapter 952 Heavenly Planting Essential Technique

Chapter 952: Essential Art of Heaven Planting

When Ling'er said this, her eyes shone with a very seductive and mysterious color, looking at the four sisters.

When the four sisters heard Luo Xianguo, their saliva flowed out, and the four little heads immediately moved close to Linger's head, and the five heads just formed a black plum blossom.

"However, we don't have the seeds of the luoxiangguo tree. How do we plant them?"

Xiaoying was careful, and immediately thought of this question, rubbing her chin and asking.

"That's right, there are no seeds, how can we plant them?" The other three sisters also frowned slightly and asked.

"Hee hee! I happen to have four, here you go!"

After Ling'er finished speaking, she mysteriously took out a fragrant sachet from her bosom, then poured out four glittering golden seeds, and pressed one in the palms of each of the four sisters!

Then, Linger took the four sisters to the Tianxian library, found the book and handed it to the four sisters, but the four sisters were dumbfounded when they opened it, because few of them knew the words in the Tianxian language. , I don't understand what it means at all.

"Okay, whether you can eat Luoxiangguo or not depends on your luck. I have to go back. I have to practice tonight, so I will go back and prepare first!" The little face turned around and floated away.

The four sisters at the back looked at the "Luoxiangguo" seeds in their little hands with clever eyes, thinking of ways to understand the planting method in the fairy book.

"Hehe, we can go to Aunt Shifeng for help, let her understand it for us, and just tell us if we don't!" Tianling suddenly said excitedly.

"That's not good! Then, Xiaohongzuier and the others will know, and it would be strange for them to steal and eat all the Luo Xiangguo they grow!" Liu Sha shook her head, disagreeing.

"Then find Aunt Shui'er! Aunt Shui'er won't tell others. Except for going to Tianyuan Palace to teach those aunts and grandma how to learn immortality, she rarely interacts with other people." Liu Sha suggested.

"No, I can't. If Mother finds out that we skipped class, it will be miserable!" Tianling was most afraid that Mother would punish him for practicing kung fu, so he stopped quickly.

"Hee hee! Go find Aunt Lan Shuang, she'd better talk!" Shining Mou said with a smile.

"Cut! I don't want it anymore, mother will treat you well and be strict with me!" Liu Sha also disagreed.

"Hey! Then what should I do?" Danrou looked at the golden "Luoxiangguo" seed in her hand and said while holding the braid with her other little hand.

"There is another annoying solution!" Tianling said with a bitter face.

"What way? Sister Tianling, tell me quickly!" The other three little sisters hurriedly asked the little leader.

"That's right, we have learned all these celestial characters, and we can understand them ourselves, so that we can secretly plant Luoxiangguo trees, and no one will know. Hehe, naturally Luoxiangguo will mature in three years , we can eat enough! But, then we will be tired!" Tianling said reluctantly.

"Huh? Good! Come on, isn't it just these celestial writings? Is it just that the fairy teacher punished me for writing a hundred thousand? Why don't we just finish writing it cruelly, and we will learn it naturally. Then we will plant luoxiangguo trees!"

Xiao Ying thought for a while and said.

When Danrou and Liusha thought of the 100,000 celestial characters, her whole body trembled, but she looked at the miraculous luoxiangguo seeds and Tianling in her hands, and Xiaoying nodded her head heavily with encouraging eyes, agreeing very tragically. up.

After the four little sisters reached a consensus, they each carefully called the Luoxiangguo seeds into the mind storage sea, and the fairy scroll "Tianzhi Yaoshu" was collected by Tianling, and then went back to the classroom to seriously write the words that were written. He writes one and engraves one in his heart. It seems that he is learning without sleeping and eating. It is admirable to watch.

It wasn't until the ninth day when the mountain was setting an hour later that the four sisters tidied up the fairy paper, brushes and ink on the Juanyun table, and then they flew together towards Qingcang Peak and Qingqiong Peak in the northwest direction.

When flying to the center of the two peaks, Tianling and Xiaoying need to fly back to Qingcang Peak, while Danrou and Liusha need to fly back to Qingqiong Peak. Things to learn together when the moon rises, and only then to part.

The four sisters didn't know, just after they left the classroom, Immortal Master Haiyan appeared in the classroom strangely, and beside him was an eleven or twelve-year-old girl. The cirrus table went.

"Hehe, Ling'er really has you, you see they really write seriously!" Xianshi Haiyan smiled as he looked at the childish handwriting on the fairy scroll paper of the four sisters.

"Oh! It's the first time I've seen them complete a piece of celestial characters. Today is really miraculous!" Ling'er couldn't help but admire herself. She talked nonsense for a while, and their fourth sister was really fooled.

"These four mischievous ghosts are pretty smart. Although you tricked them with four fake Luo Xiangguo seeds, they will not lose if you can let them learn a hundred thousand celestial characters!" Xianshi Haiyan said.

"However, I regret it a little. After they understand "Heavenly Planting Essentials", if they really planted those four seeds from which I don't know what kind of tree they are, and they can't grow Luo Xiangguo, how can I explain to them at that time? Ah, they will definitely ignore me in the future!"

Five-color spirit ginseng Ling'er said apologetically.

"Hehe, it's okay, they are still young, and when they are older, they will understand your kindness!" Xianshi Haiyan said.

As the sun sets, the world inside the white star of time is very mysterious. The misty world is covered with a blushing color. Among the countless strange peaks, the peak called Qingcang Peak by the Langyuan Gate is bathed in a blushing world. , appears mysterious.

Tianling and Xiaoying sisters flew up Qingcang Peak hand in hand in the blushing mist, and soon they also flew towards their own palaces. Tian Ling flew towards the Shuiyue Hall, while Xiaoying flew towards the Love Flower Hall.

Tianling quickly flew back to the Shuiyue Temple, but he didn't dare to fly directly into the main hall, but flew around the sky of the Shuiyue Temple mysteriously. It wasn't until the ninth sunset, the first moon rising, and the moment when the sun and the moon were in the same sky, that when the light and darkness of the sky and the earth exchanged, the sight was blurred, and then he landed and flew towards the hall.

"Hehe, sister, don't worry, we went to see it just now, the young sect master, Xiaoying, Danrou, and Liusha are actually studying hard in Xianxue City. It's so cute!" Shui'er used to Among the two Envoys of the Dharma Protector Feng Yun, the Envoy Feng Yun said with a smile.

"Heck! Don't lie to me, the wise girl Mo Ruomu, I haven't seen her write a decent fairy essay yet. Well, it's getting late, you guys go to rest! By the way, these two I just collected the bottle of orchid honey, so go and take it!"

When Shui'er heard that the two guardians praised her naughty daughter, how could she believe it, and said with a smile. Then put two bottles of nectar in the hands of the Second Envoy of Fengyun.

"Heck! Thank you sister! Really, sister! We really didn't lie to you this time! That girl is really writing!" Yunshi also said.

But Shui'er still just smiled and shook his head, signaling the two younger sisters to go. The second envoy of Fengyun looked at each other and smiled wryly, only blamed for always lying for the little girl, now no one believed the truth, and then went down to rest.

Tianling saw that the two aunts Fengyun had left her mother's side, took away the wings of Tian Ling, quickly came in from the palace door, ran to the second envoy Fengyun, and whispered: "Aunt Feng! Aunt Yun! You go first!" don't go."

"Oh! Cutie, you're back!"

The Second Envoy of Fengyun was walking when he suddenly saw Tianling floating over, squatted down, picked him up and laughed.

"Sister! The young sect master is back!" Although Shui'er is no longer the master of the Tianjue sect, and all the disciples of the Tianyuan sect have joined the Langyuan sect, and the Tianyuan sect no longer exists, the second envoy of Fengyun is still It is customary to call Shui'er the old sect master, so it is logical to call Tianling the young sect master.

"Hmm! Are you studying in Xianxue City today?" Shui'er asked with a straight face when he saw the two guardian sisters going back and forth, hugging his naughty daughter.

Tianling thought that his mother didn't know about the fact that he and his three younger sisters skipped class together, so his eyes flashed and he said, "Mother, you don't know, I found that I like studying more and more in the past few days, and I have been in the fairy school all day I have never left, and I have been learning to write seriously. If you don’t believe me, you can ask sister Ling’er!”

"Really? Ling'er is promising, so why did Danrou and Liusha sneak out of the Xinggong without taking Xiaoying with her?" Shui'er asked with a straight face.


When Tianling heard what his mother said, he couldn't help sticking out his tongue, and quickly turned his head to look at the second envoy Fengyun and said, "Aunt Feng! Aunt Yun! Ling'er is hungry! Take me to something quickly, please?" After speaking, he blinked vigorously.

"Heck! Ling'er has been studying all day, so she must be starving, okay! Elder sister, let's take Ling'er to eat!" The Second Envoy of Fengyun naturally understood, and greeted Shui'er, before Shui'er could speak, The three of them had already drifted to the side hall.

"This? Hehe, everyone is so naughty!"

Shui'er sighed helplessly, and felt relieved when she knew that her daughter was back, and didn't care about them anymore, she just floated back to the dormitory and waited for her daughter to come back to rest.

But after Shuiren returned to the dormitory, after several hours, he didn't see his daughter coming back to sleep. If he should have come back in the past, he felt a little surprised, so he got up and planned to go to the side hall to have a look.

Just when he was about to leave the dormitory, he suddenly heard a slight sound of flipping books in a scroll pavilion not far from the dormitory. Usually there is no one going there except myself and my husband elder brother, so I couldn't help but feel a little strange, I turned back and walked towards Juan Pavilion.

Looking in through the window, I almost fainted with joy. My beloved daughter, Ling'er, was sitting at Elder Brother's scrolling table, holding a fairy scroll in one hand and a scroll in the other. The fairy pen, who reads and writes for a while, and Shui'er has never seen that serious look.

Through the window lattice, under the light of the white spirit stone on the roof of the Juan Pavilion, Shui'er saw that the name of the fairy scroll was "Tianzhi Yaoshu", and felt that he had wronged his daughter a little bit. The "Tianzhi Yaoshu" is a fairy tale, and the reasoning is extremely difficult to understand. I still can't understand it all, but at this moment my daughter is reading it carefully and is still making annotations.

Shui'er was overjoyed, and didn't bother to bother, just enjoying it happily outside. About when the second month was about to rise, the little guy cleaned up the table, then glanced at his bedroom, and flew a ball of aura with a flick of his fingers, then walked out of the scroll pavilion carefully, and walked out of the hall out.

"Where is she going?"

Shui'er murmured in his heart, and with a thought in his soul, he took the group of aura seals into his hands, and immediately sensed a sentence: "Hee hee! Mother, you go to sleep first, and sister Xiaoying and I will go find sister Danrou and Sister Liusha went to study!"


Shui'er sighed inexplicably, how could I believe it! Anyway, nothing happened, so he simply floated out of the hall on the ghost beast.

At this moment in the night of the Star Palace, the first month has risen above the treetops, and the second month is slowly rising. The sky is dark blue, with thousands of colorful stars shining, and the faint white moonlight quietly flows with the night wind. My daughter is flashing a pair of pure white The small wings of the butterfly are like a beautiful butterfly drawing a graceful arc under the moonlight.

"Sky Spirit Wings?"

Seeing her daughter's white wings, Shui'er couldn't help being surprised, how could this child have white spirit wings, one of the four pairs of chaos spirit wings that elder brother mentioned? And who helped them refine and recognize the master? Could it be that elder brother is out of customs! ?

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