Nine Heavens

Chapter 972: Slaughtering the Heavens

Chapter Nine Hundred and Seventy Second

"Haha! The third brother expected it well. After the collapse of the Nine Realms of the Earth Immortal, only gold in the Mortal Realm can be peaceful for a long time. Now all the boats of fleeting illusion are carried by the phoenix, and fly to the former emperor like moths to the flame. What about today's Golden City! The Golden City is already super big, and it will definitely be bigger than all the nations in the Mortal Realm in the future!"

"Sister-in-law Tianshuang can't do it this time if she wants to hide quietly, and she is the only one who can order Jindu! Unexpectedly, we have worked so hard to destroy the Omen of the Eight Firmaments, and the fairy world of Mortal Realm has become chaotic by itself. I don’t know how many years have passed.”

Because the common people of the Mortal Realm don't have to worry about their lives, Song Zhen doesn't care about the attacks from the Tianjue Gate in the north and the Promise Gate in the east, he laughed.

"This is not a good thing after all. We can protect the earth immortal monks in Cangshan Mountain or our star palace, but the common people in the Mortal Realm cannot adapt to the high spirit of the Earth Immortal Realm. Now Cangshan Mountain is already a place of public outrage in the three realms, and we can only embrace it." The Golden City under Julongyun Mountain is relatively safe."

"However, the world of all mortal domains, except for Jindu, will become a situation where earth immortals are everywhere. We, Langyuanmen, have no intention of conquering territories, nor do Shura Temple and Qingxin Dao. Then the entire mortal domain Apart from Cangshan Mountain and the Western and Southern Regions, the rest of the world will soon be occupied by the Tianjue Gate in the north and the Promise Gate in the east."

"However, the Tianjue Sect and the Wuji Sect have long been ambitious, and they have long been devoid of righteousness. When the treasures of heaven and earth outside of Jindu are exhausted by them, they are bound to extend their claws to Jindu, so the future of Jindu is also fearful." It's hard. We must never let this happen!"

Liu Qianlang raised his head and drank a glass of Brother Hengxiang wine, and said with a rare coldness in his eyes.

"Third brother, have you forgotten that there is Tianshuang's sister-in-law in the Golden City, and the powerful Dragon Ball seal of our Langyuan Sect outside the Golden City, and our power protects it, it should be no problem, and the fourth brother will have a radius of tens of millions in the Golden City." The area inside has been sealed. Such a large time and space is enough to support until the world of Mortal Domain is calm!"

Song Zhen also drank a glass of fine wine, then looked in the direction of Longyun Mountain, and said disapprovingly.

"What worries me the most is not the forces of Mortal Realm Tianjue Sect and Promise Sect. I am most worried about the rise of Nether Hell forces. Now the Blood Moon God Sect Mortal Realm Demon Sect's power is increasing day by day. Ouyang Langlong, the leader of Blood Moon God Sect, listen to Xiao Red Dot said that his blood demon magical skills have reached the point of perfection."

"Fortunately, Sister Juan took away the blood demon altar that he wanted wholeheartedly, and prevented him from using the power of the blood demon emperor of the eight worlds to slaughter the human race in the mortal realm, and destroy the gate to release the god of darkness. Otherwise, Perhaps the current Mortal Realm has been completely swallowed by the death breath of the ghost devil."

"Although he doesn't have the blood demon power in his hand to control now, but with his blood demon magic skill, he has been attacking the gate for a long time, and coupled with the impact of the three worlds of ghosts, ghosts and ghosts, it seems that the gate will be broken sooner or later. The disaster in Mortal Realm is even more terrifying!"

"What we have to do now is to continuously strengthen the soul power and wisdom of all the disciples of the Langyuan Sect, and even all the people in Jindu. Only in this way can we overcome the current difficulties and the infinite uncertainty in the future."

Liu Qianlang talked to Song Zhen about her sister Liu Juan getting the Blood Demon Altar, and her future plans.

"Hmm! What the third brother said is very true. The Blood Moon Sect is indeed our biggest problem. However, it is not that simple to eradicate the Blood Moon Sect. It seems that we still have a long, long way to go!"

Song Zhen also put away his indifferent expression, and said meaningfully.

"Fourth brother, third brother wants to tell you a happy event!"

After Liu Qianlang was worried for a while about Jindu, where the people of the world gathered together, he finally wanted to tell Song Zhen about his father and mother's evil spirits. So he pretended to be relaxed and said.

"Third Brother said he found his parents for Fourth Brother, right?" Song Zhen asked Liu Qianlang in surprise.

"Fourth brother knows?" Liu Qianlang was surprised.

"To tell the truth, third brother, when I got the Qishang Spring, I will be there, and I can see the father and mother who have been thinking about for more than 20 years from the Qishang Spring. But the fourth brother really didn't expect Dad Mother turned out to be an evil sage of astrology, and I never thought that father and mother would join the Blood Moon Sect!"

Song Zhen twisted his black and white eyebrows, and said with a painful expression on his face.

"What's the fourth brother's plan?" When Liu Qianlang asked this, his heart was very depressed, but his tone was pretending to be relaxed.

"For more than 20 years, my parents have never contacted me. Apparently they wanted me to be an undercover orthodox sect. It was just that they deliberately placed the blood unicorn, the number one astrological beast, near Cangshan Mountain ten years ago, and let me get it on purpose. At that time, I I thought I tamed it myself, but in fact, I have the blood of the astrology and evil family left in me, and I have the natural ability to summon blood unicorns."

"These are all when I sensed my father and mother through Qishangquan, and all the memories sealed by my parents were restored in an instant. Third brother, one day I left the Langyuanmen, will you still recognize me?" My brother?"

Song Zhen stared at Liu Qianlang, and said without any concealment,

"Yes! The third brother will never deny the fourth brother. Even if one day you stand beside Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon Sect, and help him deal with the third brother, the third brother will also recognize you as the fourth brother." .Because what the fourth brother has done for the third brother is worthy of the third brother! The third brother firmly believes that the fourth brother is absolutely not willing to do that!"

Liu Qianlang said what he wanted to say, but his heart relaxed, and he said calmly.

"Knowing the third brother is something Song Zhen will never regret! No matter how many crises there are, he will never forget to find his parents for the fourth brother. I have never held a fairy wedding ceremony for any sister-in-law, but I have held for the fourth brother. Two celestial wedding ceremonies. At such a critical time now, knowing that the fourth brother is the only astrologer of the Langyuan Sect, but for the reunion of the brothers and parents, regardless of the safety of himself and the mountain gate, he told this matter, and he did not belittle his father in the slightest Mother is the words of a cult."

"Third brother, how can fourth brother be willing to leave? Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang's two beloved wives don't know about this. If they know, how can they leave third brother and me to the Nether Demon Land!? If third brother doesn't mention it, Song Zhen really hopes to never think about it. But now that the third brother mentions it, the fourth brother can't avoid it."

"Although father and mother are saints of the evil sect, and may even do many evils, they are biological parents after all, so how can we ignore them. Therefore, if parents summon fourth brother in the future, how can fourth brother not go!"

When Song Zhen said this, the tough guy who seldom shed tears burst into tears. He couldn't hold the wine glass steady, put down the wine glass, and choked up in pain.

"Fourth brother, there is no need for pain. Since you and I walked out of the Xianyuan Cave from Qingshi Villa, we have suffered countless life and death. This time, it should be another tribulation! If that day comes, brothers will be at the opposite ends of the earth, even if they fight with each other, they will not abandon their friendship! If the fourth brother Need third brother to die, defending the common people is a matter, and you must smile!"

Liu Qianlang held Song Zhen's hands tightly, just like encouraging each other in the past.

"Okay! If that day comes, you and I have nowhere to go, we must die, and Song Zhen will also fly away with the soul of the third brother!" Song Zhen said, twisting his black and white eyebrows.

"Haha! Now that we brothers drink this cup of Brother Hengxiang wine, how about repelling the enemies of the Northern Tianjue Sect and the Eastern Promise Sect together in the song "Nine Heavens Immortal Fate" played by our teacher Fufeng Daoist and Senior Fengxie?" ?”

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang laughed heartily. Then he took the wine glass and put it in Song Zhen's hands, and he picked up the wine glass himself. After looking at each other for a long time, they suddenly looked up and drank.


The two stood up in a sad and heroic manner, and Liu Qianlang flew in white, calling out the Chaos Cauldron. Song Zhenhuang flew onto the blood unicorn, both of them laughed loudly, carrying a series of hurricanes, roaring, and shot out of the four-color time star.

The two drove straight to meet the army of Tianjue Gate in the north and Promise Gate in the east, which were still tens of thousands of miles away. After galloping for thousands of miles, the two of them cleared the air one after another, and then Liu Qianlang went straight to the Tianjuemen forces led by Wang Nibatian of the Northern Territory. And Song Zhen held the Qishang Spring in one hand, shook the astrological ruler in the other hand, and ran towards the king of the Eastern Region, who was also the emperor of the Lich Holy Kingdom, and Kong Sheng, the emperor of Wanduku.

It had already been arranged to stop the offending Langyuanmen army from both sides, and suddenly saw the two supreme immortals from the Star Palace appearing in person, and they couldn't help cheering. Leading the way tens of thousands of feet ahead, roaring towards the invading army.

Liu Qianlang controlled the Chaos Cauldron, bristling with anger, with eighty-one soul powers, urging the powerful power of the gods all over his body, he blocked the parties led by the northern Tianjuemen, who were flying shadows all over the sky, in less than half an hour In front of the surrendered righteous forces.

"Haha! Haha, isn't this the head of the Langyuan Sect in Cangshan Mountain? I haven't seen you for more than ten years, and I don't know which demon cave he hid in. It seems that he has grown up again, and the dragon has changed to a broken tripod. Don't tell me , this broken tripod is really weird, messy, and I can't tell what color and shape it is!"

Tens of thousands of feet away on the opposite side, Ni Batian, the head of the Wang Tianjue Sect in the Northern Territory, stands on top of the Tianjue Dinosaur, which is ten thousand feet long, surrounded by no less than hundreds of Earth Immortals on the left and right, and behind him. As a powerful person who joined the Tianjue Sect, the previous fear of Yiying leading the four Tianling sisters to plunder the Qishang Spring and other three treasures was swept away.

On the contrary, now standing on top of the Tianjue dinosaur, holding the huge Tianjue flag in his hand, looking at the roaring Liu Qianlang, not only has no fear, but almost regards Liu Qianlang as a dead person, laughing wildly. road.

"Ha ha!"

Everyone around him thinks that he is a supreme and powerful general existence in the high realm of the earth immortal. Seeing a strange cauldron under Liu Qianlang's feet, how can they know how powerful the chaotic cauldron is, and they can't imagine the current Liu Qianlang As well as the existence of the supreme and powerful soul power of the human race, he couldn't help laughing wildly.

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang originally had some scruples that some monks belonged to the same sect of Xuanling Sect in the past, and wanted to show mercy, but looking around, the flying shadows all over the sky could no longer see the slightest aura of righteousness from the former Xuanling Sect. He couldn't help being furious, and he didn't talk nonsense to Ni Batian.

The body was still tens of thousands of feet away, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword was tens of thousands of feet away, and Yin Hong Changhong slashed down at Ni Batian, and immediately eighty-one crazy sword dragons rushed into the flying shadows all over the sky.



In an instant, the eighty-one wild dragons with the speeding demon sword roared and rushed towards the Tianjuemen army, swallowing and biting, scratching wildly, and the eighty-one crazy dragons were surrounded by a terrifying array of flames and sword lights. , Seeing that the Tianjuemen army was torn eighty-one huge holes. The tragically dead monk let out a miserable howl.

And the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword in Liu Qianlang's hand suddenly swung towards the sky, and then kept chopping down groups of roaring sword dragons, and charged down on the entire Tianjuemen army. At the same time, Liu Qianlang just urged the countless myriad beasts on the chaotic cauldron wall, making them make an incomparably frightening howling sound. .

"He He!?"

Ni Batian, the king of the Northern Territory, thought and saw that Liu Qianlang was stronger than before, but he never expected that the other party would be so tyrannical, and after a while he was tongue-tied.

Seeing that he was no match for the opponent, he immediately turned the head of the Tianjue dinosaur and shouted: "Run away!" Then he ignored the army of the Tianjue Sect, and stepped on countless corpses floating in the air, and ran towards the dragon with his life. Flee in the direction of Longyun Mountain.

The high-level Earth Immortal monks who surrounded him and thought they were great just now were stunned for a while, and some of them couldn't understand until their death how there was such a different kind of existence as Liu Qianlang in the Low-level Earth Immortal. Those who were lucky enough to survive hurriedly fled away crying for their parents and mothers.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang's eyes were frighteningly bright red and bloody, and he had already hated Tianjuemen to the utmost, and his offensive remained undiminished. It's ridiculous that Liu Qianlang was wiped out in less than an hour by the mighty and mighty Tianjuemen army who came to pacify Langyuanmen in Cangshan Mountain, holding high the order to kill immortals. Except for a few high-level monks who Liu Qianlang thought had done nothing serious and let them escape, Liu Qianlang didn't let them go.

Ni Batian had already been shrouded in Liu Qianlang's powerful consciousness before Liu Qianlang, when he escaped tens of thousands of feet away, Liu Qianlang controlled the Chaos Cauldron and suddenly appeared in front of him. With a sword slashing down the door covering his face, eighty-one crazy stegosaurus immediately tore him and the celestial dinosaurs under him to pieces.

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