Nine Heavens

Chapter 973

Chapter 973: Defeat Kong Sheng Again

Liu Qianlang glanced coldly at Ni Batian's body that had turned into powder, and then flew wildly with white hair and controlled the Chaos Cauldron for a while. After half an hour, he joined Song Zhen and Emperor Kong of the Wandu Cave of Dongfang Wujimen The Wuji army led by Sheng Sheng has reached one place.

Song Zhen roared wildly in the air, and an astrological ruler turned into a pitch-black dragon, turning clouds and rain, swallowing mountains and drinking seas. In his hand, the Qishangquan was rolling, and the seven-color chaotic light turned into a raging wave, sending out sorrowful Kagura, all of which swept the Wujimen army with inexplicable killing power. Just as Liu Qianlang came roaring, a large number of Wujimen The faction of the sect has already been massacred by Song Zhen.

"Haha! The third brother is here, what a joy! Is the grandson of Niba Tiangui dead?"

Seeing Liu Qianlang coming, Song Zhen felt warm in his heart, and an indescribable joy floated in his heart. This feeling has been going on for more than 20 years. Seeing brothers is kind and powerful! He laughed loudly during the battle.

"That's right! How can he be allowed to stir up troubles and continue to endanger the earth and fairyland in such a season in Mortal Realm? Today, we two brothers will first slaughter the two sects of Tianjue and Wuji, level Longyun Mountain and Dongtianyang Wuji Island, completely Pull out the evil forces of the righteous sect in the Earth Immortal Realm, and then unify the world of the Earth Immortal Righteous Way, restore the Xuanling Gate to the north, and Wenyang Palace to the east, can the fourth brother agree!?"

Liu Qianlang's psychic psychic eyes flashed the rainbow and let out the waves, and his white hair flew wildly standing on the chaotic cauldron whizzing towards him, and said loudly, and the sound resounded throughout the Mortal Realm.

"Haha! Good! Song Zhen is very gratified to be able to complete the great cause of unifying the world with the third brother, and to restore the Xuanlingmen, which has been favored by us in the past, haha! Wait for death!"

Song Zhen laughed loudly, and then controlled the blood unicorn to continue flying in the air, constantly slaughtering the still overwhelming Sky Shadow evil poison army in the Eastern Promise Gate.

As the Emperor of the Ten Thousand Poison Caves, Kong Sheng is the chief seat of the Twelve Poison Emperors of the Blood Moon God Sect. Although the Twelve Poison Emperors did not come, he went with the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect to attack Cheng Yuanfang's lair, Mitianshayu, the Boiling Sea went.

However, in the Wujimen army, apart from a large number of human monks from the sect who suppressed and subdued the east, and even some decent forces in the northeast and southeast, who were poisoned into an army of evil, there were also countless cold toads, poisonous flame spiders, evil smoke monsters, and colorful miasmas. Poisonous snakes, thousand imaginary centipedes, and inhuman forces such as demonic wolves, demon foxes, poisonous dragons, evil phoenixes, evil eagles, and strange fishes, accompanied by many evil formations.

Speaking of which, Langyuan Sect is now a terrifyingly powerful existence, and only Liu Qianlang can do it alone. Although Song Zhen controls the Qishang Spring and the Astrology Ruler, because only Eleven soul power, so it is much worse than Liu Qianlang's strength.

Therefore, Song Zhen didn't feel any difficulty in slaughtering a large number of mid-to-low-level monks of the Promise Sect and all kinds of evil beasts and evil forces, but it was difficult to deal with a character like Kong Sheng, who was like a king of poisonous caves.

In fact, until Liu Qianlang appeared on the Chaos Cauldron, Kong Sheng had been steadily stepping on the Nine Frost Toad filled with cold smoke, floating in the sky tens of thousands of feet above the tens of thousands of soldiers of the Promise Gate, without moving. It's just that a little surprise flashed in his eyes, he felt that Ni Batian was too useless, and Liu Qianlang took care of the vast army so quickly.

Regarding the fact that the armies of both sides held high the order of killing immortals and came to slaughter the Langyuanmen of Cangshan, the demise of the northern Tianjuemen had already been expected by Kong Sheng, the king of the Eastern Domain, the emperor of the Lich Holy Kingdom, and the emperor of the Ten Thousand Poison Caves under the command of the Blood Moon Sect. , It is also one of the purposes of his army's expedition this time.

Since the day when I stepped into Wenyang Palace from the Hopeful Water City of the Qingliu Kingdom in the past, I have been realizing my plan step by step. First, I will successfully cultivate the countless magical skills of Wenyang Palace, and then destroy Wenyang Palace, and dominate the vast land of China in the east. Restore the glory of the ancient Han Toad Kingdom. Then he successively defeated the kingdoms of four demons and seven beasts, and brought the twelve poison emperors under his command.

Now there are only the last two tyrannical opponents left, Langyuanmen and Wujimen. As long as these two sects are eliminated, I will be the number one person in the world. Naturally, the Eastern Wujimen will quickly occupy Cangshan, the most vast land in China. The land of living beings in the center. Then, he ordered the eight people in all directions, and the human world is the only one who respects himself.

As for submitting to the Blood Moon God Sect for the time being, it is not temporary, it can be wiped out one day at a time, completely dominating the universe!

Kong Sheng, the Emperor of Wandu Grotto, knew very well that under the current situation, there were still two big steps to go before his final victory. One was to destroy the Langyuan Sect and the Tianjue Sect, and suppress the Shura Temple, which had never been willing to participate in the battle of the Mortal Realm. And Qingxin Dao, realize the unification of the heaven and earth. The second is to finally get rid of or eliminate the Blood Moon God Sect.

Then the opportunity to achieve the first big step has come. The Northern Territory King Ni Batian who thinks he is invincible in the Northern Tianjuemen has not reported his revenge for being seized. The ambition of the fairy world requires the Promise Gate Alliance to go to Cangshan. I happened to use the power of Langyunmen to slaughter Tianjuemen, and Tianjuemen would also severely damage Langyuanmen. And he just led an army of hundreds of millions to make up for one by one among the defeated Langyunmen remnants who were battered and battered.

Then he directly occupied Cangshan Mountain, declared it to the world, and changed the Wuji Gate to the God Gate of the Holy Kingdom of the Stepless Lich. However, with such a beautiful plan and plan, he made the same mistake as Ni Batian, but he didn't expect that the head of the Langyuan Sect in Cangshan could dominate the powerful existence of Mortal Realm, Earth Immortal Realm.

They had thought that Liu Qianlang must have practiced countless magical skills successfully, but they also thought that their magical skills had improved by leaps and bounds in the past ten years, and the existence of amazed through the ages must be invincible. Therefore, they are full of confidence, and even before coming, they have thought about how to congratulate after the victory.

At this moment, Kong Sheng, the emperor of the Ten Thousand Poison Caves, who was tens of thousands of feet high in the sky, was still calm and composed after a flash of surprise in his eyes. He had no doubts about the final victory of his Wujimen army.

Kong Sheng didn't bow his head, but lowered his eyelids slightly, and glanced at the third and fourth brothers among the seven sons of Juying. With a thought, on the golden robe, the nine ice god toads instantly turned into a solid sea blue. The Nine Ice Frost Toads filled the air, roaring and swooping down towards the two of them. At the same time, the truly powerful Promise Sect's frightening and powerful forces burst out from the sleeves like a tide.

The number is like the sea, and the momentum is shocking!

Liu Qianlang stood on the chaotic cauldron, staring at the fifth younger brother Kong Sheng who was tens of thousands of feet high in the sky with complicated eyes for a while, with a thousand words in his heart, but finally found that the eight-prayer relationship is exhausted, no matter how romantic it is, it is empty talk! Then with a clear whistle, he flew to Song Zhen's side, and when he brushed shoulders, he quickly injected Song Zhen with the soul of the seventy human race era that he had already refined and prepared to give to him. Then he entered the infinite army.

"Third brother!"

Song Zhen had been fighting for several hours, and felt that his spiritual power was a bit dull. Now that Kong Sheng had released an even more frightening cultivator full of evil poison, he suddenly felt a little powerless with the power of the poison.

However, the third brother rubbed shoulders and ears, and actually infused into his own soul sea the soul that he had exhausted his painstaking efforts to refine, so that his spiritual wisdom instantly opened up, and the powerful eighty-one soul power quickly restored the infinite spiritual power in his body, making Song Zhen was ecstatic. At the same time, I am even more grateful to Wuji. At this moment, the third brother knew that he might go to the Blood Moon God Sect where his parents belonged in the future, but he still poured his soul into him so that he was not afraid of being threatened in the future.

Song Zhen looked at Liu Qianlang's white hair and silvery body, and he called out "Third Brother" in his heart, and immediately continued to fight with his concentration.

Kong Sheng, the emperor of Wandu Cave, is indeed powerful and terrifying. With the existence of Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen's terrifying soul power of 81 soul powers, they even slaughtered for a day and a night, and finally surrounded Kong Sheng. In the middle of the two hundred feet.

In the world of Mortal Realm, the sky is as black as ink, and the earth is gloomy. The forces of Langyuan Sect placed by Mortal Realm who came to help have receded. In the tens of thousands of feet of dark sky, there are only three clusters of bright figures.

Liu Qianlang stood steadily on the chaotic cauldron of all colors and phenomena, with white hair fluttering, and the bright waves of the sky brocade cicada robe.

Song Zhen was tall and straight, stepping on the huge blood unicorn, with rough eyes and black and white eyebrows constantly twisting.

Both Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen stared at Kong Sheng between them with emotion in their eyes. Although Kong Sheng was completely annihilated and his face was full of shame and gloomy, he still stood calmly on the Nine Ice Cold Toad, skillfully playing with the emerald green bamboo pen in his hand.

Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen could kill Kong Sheng with just one random move at this moment, but the two of them never made a move. In fact, they would not do anything to this fifth brother no matter what.

Kong Sheng had thought of the two of them, so he never worried about his own life, so he was so calm and relaxed. As long as you don't die, you will have a chance.

Kong Sheng didn't feel grateful because Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen didn't make a move. When he was wielding the emerald green bamboo pen, he was planning in his mind how to use the power of the Blood Moon God Sect to rise step by step in the future. At the same time, he engraved the two people in front of him deeply in his mind. They were his greatest enemies in this life, and the great cause that he had worked so hard to plan for more than 20 years turned into nothingness in one day and one night.

With such hatred, it is difficult to solve the hatred in his heart even if he digs out his heart and lungs. Liu Qianlang, just wait, sooner or later Confucius will let you kneel at my feet! Song Zhen, remember, unless you don't come to the Blood Moon God Sect to follow Zhanxie Shuangsha, otherwise it's your time of death! Kong Sheng's face was gloomy, thinking bitterly.

The three of them were in the dark night sky, each shining with divine lights, and were silent in a weird way.

After a long time, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen exchanged glances, and finally figured out one thing. This person is not only ambitious, but also harms the common people in the Mortal Realm, and poisons all the monks in the Immortal Realm. He is also a member of the Blood Moon God Sect. big demon. If this person is not eliminated, there will be endless disasters, so the two of them recalled in their minds the voice and smile of the handsome and romantic fifth younger brother who was looking forward to outside the water city, with tears in their eyes, they sacrificed the artifacts one after another.

The Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword flies clear into the sky, the astrological ruler is proud of the sky, the Qishang Spring is bubbling with light and smoke, and the Song of Songs is filled with tears.

"Fifth Brother! Third Brother, I'm sorry!"

"Fifth Brother! I hope that you will come to reincarnate and regenerate good fate and time and space. I will continue the brotherhood!"

Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen said vicissitudes one after another, and then began to make a formula with their hands, preparing to slaughter the Wandu Cave Emperor, the Emperor of the Lich Holy Kingdom, the extinct head of the Promise Sect, and his former sworn brother Kong Sheng.

"Third brother! Fourth brother! Let's do it! Fifth brother knows that he has committed a lot of sins and has done countless wrong things. Although he has come to his senses now, it is too much to be punished! To die at the hands of the beloved third and fourth brothers It's not in vain for me to wait for my brother, and finally end the sinful life of my fifth brother!"

Seeing that Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen were going to kill him, Kong Sheng was startled, knelt down on the Nine Ice Cold Toad, and said in tears. The voice was so sad that Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen were heartbroken to hear it. From Kong Sheng's words, it was heard that Kong Sheng had the intention of repentance, and the two of them couldn't help but flashed a glimmer of hope in their eyes, and they stopped their actions.

"There is a way to know that mistakes can be corrected, and there is nothing good about it! Fifth brother has made a big mistake in the past. In fact, you can understand it by killing your life! We want to kill you in order to prevent you from continuing to do evil to the world! If you Sincerely reform, and even benefit the world in the future, what good is slaughter for you, but your fourth brother and I really can't believe what you say anymore!"

Liu Qianlang said with a sigh.

"Third brother! Now that the fifth brother has been wiped out, there is no capital for doing evil. Besides, the fifth brother really knows that he is wrong. If he can just let it go and waste some time, Kong Sheng should clean up the mountains and forests and do something. Good deeds, to atone for sins! The fifth brother corrects his sins and is sincere, and the heavens and the earth will prove it! The sun and the moon can be relied on!"

Kong Shengcang burst into tears, and while speaking, he waved a green bamboo pen, destroying his extremely powerful Wenyang magic, and then said dejectedly: "Third brother! Fourth brother! Now Kong Sheng is just an ordinary monk. But you still believe what Confucius said!?"


"Hey! No matter, third brother! Let him go!"

Seeing Kong Sheng's behavior, Liu Qianlang was convinced that he really regretted his past. And Song Zhen couldn't bear to watch it anymore, looked at Liu Qianlang and said.

"Go! I hope that from now on, you will focus on cultivating virtue and asking, and if you have a good relationship, you will naturally open to you!" Liu Qianlang said with tears in his eyes, extremely helpless and reluctant.

"Thank you third brother! Forgive me fourth brother! If Kong Sheng can see the two elder brothers in the future, you will definitely be impressed!" After Kong Sheng finished speaking, he crouched on the Nine Ice Frost Toad and controlled the Nine Ice Han Chan flew into the depths of the dark night sky.

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