Nine Heavens

Chapter 974

Chapter 974: Unity of Kindness and Dao

However, both Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen believed in Kong Sheng's conscience and remorse, spared his life, watched the spiritual power outside his body disappear, and suddenly lay down in the dark night when the Nine Ice Cold Toad disappeared, The two clearly saw that Kong Sheng suddenly stood up with great spiritual power. The body that was damaged by it before was thrown into the air by him like undressing, and smashed to pieces with his palm.

And a new intact body and face were revealed, and the body was enchanting, the cloud hair was tilted, and the complexion was beautiful, and she turned into a woman. Then his eyes flashed, and he glanced at the positions of Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen, and laughed coquettishly: "Haha! My stupid third brother! Fourth brother! I'm sorry that you have known me, Kong Sheng, for more than 20 years, and you don't even know me. The most miraculous skill of the Han Toad Kingdom——the magical power of body transformation. If the cave emperor is not happy with his appearance, he can transform it at any time."

"I didn't kill Kong Sheng this time, haha, you will never have another chance, but I will have many chances to kill you two hateful people who made Kong Sheng's achievements on the verge of failure. By the way, Kong Sheng is the only one in this world. There will be no more, I will not tell you what I will be called in the future, and you will not know what it looks like!"

"Don't think you're smart, the Blood Moon God Sect will have a Wandu Cave Emperor, but that might be me, maybe it's just something, haha! I'm leaving, and you all will slowly wait for one day to die in the My subordinates. And keep an eye on your family members, I can’t kill you now, but it’s more than enough to kill your family members and disciples! Haha”

At this moment, Kong Sheng, whom Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen didn't know what to call, turned into a golden brocade cold toad magic robe, floating on the nine ice cold toads, laughing wildly and disappearing into the night sky.

"Third brother! He is really hateful!"

Song Zhen stomped his feet angrily, and said angrily.

"Fourth brother, don't be angry. If this is the case, a brotherhood with him is considered our best. Don't worry, I have implanted a tracking technique in his soul, no matter how it changes, I can recognize it. We Now go to Dongtianyang, destroy Wuji Island and Wuji Palace, and then go to Longyun Mountain Twelve Shocking Peaks, completely wipe out the evil remnants of Tianjuemen, and take back Longyun Mountain!"

The moment Kong Sheng manipulated the Nine Ice Cold Toad to leave, Liu Qianlang read from his evil eyes that he had done another stupid thing, but he still didn't have the heart to take his life with one move, and secretly turned to A divine sense shot out from his head, as a proof to track him down if necessary in the future.

Although Shuran was surprised by his change, he only let out a cold snort in his throat, comforting Song Zhen, and then the two roared and flew towards Wuji Island in the central area of ​​Dongtianyang.

Two days later, the Wuji Island stretching tens of thousands of miles above the Eastern Sky Ocean, together with the Wuji Shrine on it, disappeared completely, and turned into the Eastern Sky Ocean where the seas and oceans flowed.

Three days later, on the Twelve Shocking Peaks of Longyun Mountain, where the tumbling dragon clouds rolled, the evil cloud seal of the Tianjue Sect collapsed, and the former dragon cloud seal once again shone with a magical light blue divine light.

Three days later, the Langyuan Sect in the White Star Palace frequently dispatched various Langyuan fairy troops, and within half a month, they conquered all the eight righteous forces in the vast land of Shenzhou, realizing the unification of the mortal realm and the fairy world.

Afterwards, the world of Xuanlingmen in Longyun Mountain in the north was restored, with Yun Zhongzi as the head, leading the seven immortals of Taicang, the original old peak master Cang Yun of Xiaotian Peak, Qinggu and others have an indelible friendship with the ancestors of Xuanlingmen for generations Tens of thousands of forces, mighty and mighty, rejoicingly raised the divine power of the righteous way of the Twelve Shocking Peaks of Longyun Mountain, and all sects in the world, including Shura Temple, Qingxindao and Langyuanmen, came to congratulate.

Then the new Wenyang Palace was established in the polar region of Bianyang, where the sun rises in the East Ocean, and then changed to the Palace of Goddesses of the East, with the Goddess Xingyao as the owner of the palace, the special envoy of August, the master of the four oceans, the old and new goddesses of the eight seas, etc. There are a large number of female disciples of the sect, and tens of millions of them rush there to dominate the Eastern Tianyang.

Immediately, the Langyuanmen of the Xinggong issued the Earth Immortals Tongtian Order to all factions in the Mortal Realm, and congratulated Xuanlingmen on the rise of Dongshan again, and the goddess of the East Tianyang Palace Dayang shines brightly. From then on, the orthodox Taoism of Mortal Realm unified Cangshan Langyuan Gate, with Xuanling Gate in the north, Qingxin Dao in the south, Shura Temple in the west, and Dongtianyang Goddess Palace in the east.

Liu Qianlang, the soul master of the Langyuan Gate, ordered Feng Tian, ​​​​the god scissor, to cut out the five heavenly gods' banners, which are east sun, west moon, south star and north cloud, and middle blue dragon. With a wave of the Canglong Tongtian Banner of the Langyuan Gate of Xinggong, the four major sects of east, west, north and south responded together, punishing evil and punishing evil, defending the common people all over the world, and giving alms on the road of good fortune!

When the overall situation of the Righteous Way of the World was decided, Liu Qianlang also re-arranged the Star Universe Shrine. After ten years, all the disciples in the Star Universe had greatly increased in strength, and they could almost adapt to the environments of the entire Star Universe.

Therefore, the forces of Langyuanmen stepped out of the time and space in the northern region of the universe, centered on the central area of ​​the universe, and rebuilt the star palace in eight directions. .

Among them, there are two most majestic magical arts in the central area, the Soul Palace and the Heavenly Palace. Liu Qianlang and his family are in the Soul Palace, and Liu Qianlang is honored as the Soul Lord of Lang Yuan, and is no longer called the head. The reason is that Liu Qianlang injected the powerful soul power of thirty-six souls into the entire mountain gate, including the fellow daoists who returned to Longyun Mountain and the former fellow daoists who opened up the Dongtianyang Goddess Palace.

Song Zhen and his family live in Tianzun Palace. The most conspicuous thing in the Tianzun Palace is the Tianzun divination platform, sitting on it, you can look down on the entire universe and the entire world outside the universe.

Others are centered on the Second Palace, surrounded by countless shrines, such as the Shenlong Palace, Dragon Ball Palace, Shenfeng Palace, Fengdan Palace, and Jiuying Palace, which are distributed in the four directions of the Star Palace in an extremely regular manner. eight.

And Cheng Shifeng and Cai Ling opened up the blue time star universe alone, Yaya, Xiaohongzuier, Linger and other Yaya's followers also followed. Tianling, Diling, and the changed Lord Wolf and Fairy Luo Ling also joined the Blue Time Star Palace with their disciples and Shifeng. And asked Liu Qianlang for help, and moved the Demon God Tree to the Blue Time Star Palace.

In addition, Cheng Yuanfang also brought the Dark Wolf Castle into the Black Time Star, and established a new Sirius Palace again. Currently, there is only Liu Juan's Green Time Star, and no one has entered yet.

This series of changes is not disintegration, but that Liu Qianlang has made careful discussions with all parties who opened up new lands. They are each convinced by their own choices.

Probably after everything is on the right track, the Golden Capital at the foot of Longyun Mountain is now protected by the New Profound Spirit Gate, making it safer. Most of the common people in other parts of Mortal World have returned home, and of course some of them have entered the Golden Capital. , simply don't go back to the old place. In short, the entire Mortal Domain world has finally entered a peaceful situation.

At this time, Liu Qianlang began to prepare for the next soul refining, because he knew that Mortal Realm, Earth Immortal Realm would face three unimaginably stronger forces: Blood Moon God Sect, Netherworld Demons and Demons Power, power in the heavens!

After some preparations, at midnight on the same day of September in Ye Xing Zhou, Liu Qianlang went to various halls one after another to look at your beloved wives, parents, Tianling and Xiaoying. Flying to refine the soul, intending to retreat and refine the soul.

However, while flying, under the psychic eyes, he saw his brother Song Zhen flying out of the Tianzun Palace in the middle of the night, looked at his own Hunzun Palace for a long time, and then stood on the blood unicorn and flew away to the outside of the universe .

"Huh? This is fourth brother?"

Liu Qianlang was very curious, guessed something vaguely in his heart, and wanted to follow him to see, but in order not to embarrass his brother, Liu Qianlang still jumped into the ghost boat, and followed his brother Song Zhen for more than ten thousand feet with his breath-holding method The left and right positions floated out of the universe with him.

Beyond the universe, it was the setting sun at this moment. Song Zhen controlled the blood unicorn and did not land towards Cangshan Mountain, but flew towards the chaotic sky that had now moved to the northeast under the blood moon in the sky.

The setting sun was red, the earth was red, and the sky was flying brilliantly. After Song Zhen galloped through the river of clouds, the blood unicorn stepped on a piece of blue cloud and stopped. After a while, Song Zhen flew two tens of thousands of feet away. figure.

These two figures are erratic, appearing or disappearing, a man and a woman, the man is tall and burly, with white eyebrows and wide eyes, wearing the Promise God divination suit, with a shimmering divine light. The woman is wearing a magic robe of thousands of flowers, dotted with shining stars, her face is dignified and soft, and her autumn waves are shining under her dark crescent eyebrows.

The two of them were standing under the rain clusters of flowers, each holding a disc shining with a strange color of light in their hands, and they came to Song Zhen in the blink of an eye.

"The child knocks on seeing his parents!"

Song Zhen raised his head and said after seeing the two of them quickly knelt on the blood unicorn and kowtowed.

"Zhen'er! Mother finally saw you again today! Good boy, get up, let mother take a good look!" the woman who came, the Blood Moon God Sect Bu Sheng Huachen, said excitedly when she saw Song Zhen.

"Yes! Mother!"

Song Zhen was very comforted to see that his parents were still alive no matter what. As long as they are alive and well, everything else can be resolved slowly. Song Zhen slowly raised his rough and majestic face, twisted his black and white eyebrows, looked at Hua Chen and responded.

"Hmph! Beast! You clearly know that the Wanduku Emperor is a disciple of the Blood Moon God Sect, and you should have realized that your mother and I are in the Blood Moon God Sect, but you still help Liu Qianlang of the Langyuan Sect. Boy, deal with Wandukudi! And Wandukudi's army attacked Cangshan a year ago. The method of marching and deploying the army was designed for him by your father and your mother. If you work together to defeat Wandukudi, wouldn't it be a fan? A slap in the face for the father! How could such a rebellious son appear in the astrology family!"

When Zhanxie Song Yu saw Song Zhen, he didn't show any kindness, instead he reprimanded him, and then snorted coldly.

"Father! You don't know. All these years, my boy and Lang Yuan Hunzun have depended on each other for life. They have encouraged and supported each other to come to this day. He treats me like a brother like a father, he takes my life, traces your whereabouts for me, and presides over the family and business for my boy."

"Even if Hai'er has a lifetime of life, it is difficult to repay one or two. Moreover, he is majestic and kind, and takes it as his duty to defend the common people in the world and protect his relatives and friends. He does not hesitate to give up the opportunity to ascend to the fairy world. He and Hai'er have traveled all the way. Experienced The ups and downs and heartaches, the child can't count them all."

"Isn't such a person the kind of person that parents taught their children to be when they were young? Although the children are not talented now, how can they live up to the fate and kindness! Therefore, the children, always doing their best to help him is also for himself to complete the good of the world. Act of kindness!"

Seeing that his father Song Yu was dissatisfied with his behavior, Song Zhen quickly explained.

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