Nine Heavens

Chapter 975

Chapter Nine Hundred and Seventy Five

"Shut up! Those are all hypocritical tricks of the so-called upright people. In the end, you are not just a stepping stone for his earth immortal hegemony! The Langyuan Soul Lord you mentioned is now prestige in the entire earth fairy world, and is regarded as an earth immortal The overlord, not you. The descendants of Zhanxie and Shuangsha should not be others' counselors forever. Sooner or later, we must achieve an independent earth immortal career, and even become a king in the cloud world."

"Since the founding of our astrology sect, we have settled in the vast land of Shenzhou and occupy the Hao Kingdom in the southwest. Although we are also listed as one of the three major evil sects in the world, we have never done anything to destroy goodness. Our ancestors used stargazing as a profession. The whole country is full of star-gazing masters, regardless of sect, no matter who they are, as long as they can afford the capital, I will account for the corresponding astrologers of each family in the Hao country, and I will do divination for anyone who seeks divination."

"For countless years, you love me and I wish, and there is nothing wrong with each other. However, since the ancient Coconut Kingdom era, a man named Liu Xingdu came to our Zhanhao Kingdom to learn the art of astrology, everything has changed. Because he is a good person, deeply Loved by our astrological royal family, your ancestor accepted him as a disciple and taught him carefully. Later, he finally became a civilized world. After leaving the teacher, he became the first national teacher of the ancient coconut country in the central country at that time! Therefore, the capital of the country is highly respected by the world."

"However, that Liu Xingdu was unscrupulous and immoral, but he fell in love with the ancient concubine Yiling of the Coconut Kingdom. They both rebelled against the country. Later, they were besieged and killed, and the two were enraged by the whole world. Probably because they felt ashamed. Yiling crashed to death on the first astrology mountain in Zhanhao Kingdom, Qishan Haishimeng Mountain. Liu Xingdu ran to the north of Shenzhou Haotu, which was his own mountain gate Xuanlingmen at that time. Not coming out either!"

"However, the royal family of the ancient Coconut Kingdom was still furious and attacked our Zhanhao country on a large scale. A few months later, our Zhanhao country was trampled to the ground. I was the only one left, because my father was studying astrology on a strange island in the southeast with your mother and my junior sister at that time, so I survived."

"All this hatred stems from the evil deeds of Liu Xingdu, a hypocritical righteous person, which caused my central government to occupy the Hao Kingdom and leave behind infinite national hatred and family hatred. Father has a heavy responsibility to avenge his family and country, and As a descendant of Zhanhao Kingdom, how can you ignore it!? Do you know who Liu Xingdu is?"

Zhanxie Song Yu heard what Song Zhen said, and reprimanded him again.

When Song Zhen heard what his father said and saw his mother Bu Shenghuachen shed tears when he heard what his father said, Song Zhen was also very surprised. He never thought that the family and country he had never seen had such a painful past. Shocked, he shook his head and said, "My child doesn't know!"

"Huh! Then let me tell you! That Liu Xingdu is the ancestor of the Langyuan Hunzun of the Langyuanmen. Not only did he have an affair with the ancient queen of the Coconut Kingdom, but he also gave birth to the evil species called Liu Qianyuan. After they prepared to die in love, the child was sent to the Xuanling Sect of Longyun Mountain by them, and later became a generation of immortals, with many accomplishments."

"But then I don't know where he went. Some said that he had ascended, some said that he had entered the mysterious space, and there were all kinds of theories. His whereabouts became a mystery that could never be solved in the fairy world at that time. .”

"Your mother and I broke through the yin and yang, and after successfully practicing the Immortal Divine Art, we searched for his whereabouts everywhere, trying to kill him to avenge Zhanhao country, but the strength of the Xuanlingmen at that time was also extraordinary, and we were still unable to break through the Long Yun at that time. Mountain enchantment. Later, I was instructed by my teacher, your ancestor Xingmu, as long as my mother and I can find the three divination wonders that once existed in the chaotic universe, the astrology ruler, the Qishang spring and the chaotic Luoxiang infinite disk, we can Take control of one side of the fairy world and deal with our enemy, the Liu Shi family!"

"Thus, for a long time since then, your mother and I have been looking for the existence of the three great divination wonders. But we have found nothing until nearly three thousand years ago, when we obtained from an ancient scroll of astrology about the eight directions of the eight demons and the eight evil spirits of the eight realms. According to the legend of the fairy formation, I know that the Emerald Mausoleum is actually part of the formation of the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation in the Northern Boundary of the Heavenly Demon. Therefore, I guessed that the three great chaotic gods in the Heaven Realm may be among them, so your mother and I went to Qingshi Villa as commoners .”

"Then we started to inspect the Emerald Mausoleum many times, but to my father's surprise, the Emerald Mausoleum is not only protected by the five surname families, but also the Tianyan Gang, Wolong Bay, and the inexplicable root forces of Longyun Villa are secretly exploring and analyzing it. Or protection, so that your mother and I never had a chance to do it. Later, we had to wait for the opportunity, and you were born while waiting."

"When you were fifteen years old, your mother and I accidentally discovered the location of the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk through divination. At that time, you went hiking and hunting for many days and did not return. Fearing that the situation would change, your mother and I had to leave quickly. , tell the neighbors to tell us that we will be back soon after you come back. Unexpectedly, when we came back a month later, the entire villa was empty."

"However, through divination, I found out that you had suffered a life-and-death calamity. In the end, you were out of danger. Later, I found out that you had entered the Xuanling Gate. My mother and I were very happy. Unexpectedly, we have not been able to complete the elimination of the Liu family and cover them. A member of the sect, even his own son joined the Xuanling sect, and when he brings you up, he will naturally be able to fulfill his wish, so it can be seen that there are some arrangements in the dark!"

"So from now on, no matter how much your mother and I miss you, we can't bear to disturb you. We just hope that you will grow up in Xuanlingmen every day, and you will succeed in your magic skills. Then we will slaughter the members of the Liu family and destroy Xuanlingmen together." , to avenge the tragic death of Zhanhao country!"

"Later in Xuanlingmen, Nibatian reversed the universe of the mountain gate and forced Liu Qianlang away. There was also a battle between Liu Qianlang and the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect at the Millennium Conference. At that time, Xuanlingmen destroyed the sect and Nibatian changed its name. At Tianjuemen, it is rumored that Liu Qianlang also died fighting in Kongfeng Mountain."

"I am very happy for my father and your mother. Except for those who have been slaughtered by us, there is only the most tyrannical Liu Qianlang left. I can't help being very excited. I am going to find you. We will live in seclusion in our homeland from now on." The number one divination in Zhanhao Kingdom is Qishan Mountain, vows to each other, and Mountain of Allies, and never gets involved in the mundane world.”

"But what is unimaginable is that the chaotic Luoxiang Wuji disk that has shown the image of Liu Qianlang's death hexagram unexpectedly flashed inexplicable vitality, and the hexagrams about Liu Qianlang's life and death in the future became more and more strange, such a chaotic god The Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk can't fully display his past and future, and life and death are even more unpredictable. So after discussing with your mother, considering that he trusts you very much, I decided to hand over the responsibility of killing Liu Qianlang to you. for you!"

Zhanxie Song Yu stared at Song Zhen who was standing on top of the flowers, and made Song Zhen listen to the words that shook his soul. And Niang Huachen looked at herself with infinite expectation.

"Father! Mother!"

Song Zhen was galloping with thousands of horses in his chest, suffering to the extreme, immediately knelt down, shook his head and cried, and then said: "Naturally, the hatred of the motherland is as deep as the sea, but such disasters are not what Liu Xingdu, the ancestor of the Soul Venerable, wanted. The royal family of the Coconut Kingdom blamed others. Even if Liu Xingdu is guilty, the descendants are all innocent people! Our motherland died because of anger, and our parents were tortured by hatred. Why should we add this pain to Liu Xingdu? What about the descendants!"

If Song Zhen was to slaughter Liu Qianlang, how could Song Zhen do it, he couldn't help crying.


"You rebellious bastard! We are a big country with hundreds of millions of souls. How can we just kill a few Liu family members to make up for our sins!? Even if you kill all the people surnamed Liu in the world, and kill Long Yun of Xuanlingmen Even Shan Taping can't solve the hatred in my heart! But you are lucky, you have repeatedly pioneered for our enemies, you are still worthy of being a descendant of Zhanhao Kingdom!"

Zhan Xie Song Yu was so angry that he slapped Song Zhen resoundingly with his giant palm. Tens of thousands of feet away, Liu Qianlang's heart trembled when he heard it.

Standing in the ghost boat, Liu Qianlang was also in great pain, secretly calling out to the sky, why fate always plays tricks on people like this, brothers who are life and death, how come these changes happened in just over a year. If only his parents were in the Blood Moon God Sect, and one day his brother Song Zhen would go away, Liu Qianlang would have already thought about it.

However, what he couldn't let go of was that his ancestor Liu Xingdu accidentally became the indirect culprit for the demise of the ancient Zhanhao country. As a descendant of the Liu family, although he was innocent, he could not escape. If I am like this, how can my brother Song Zhen be in love!

Therefore, both Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen are in the greatest pain in their lives at this moment.


Seeing that Zhanxie Song Yu wanted to continue beating Song Zhen, Bu Shenghuachen suddenly fell on his son Song Zhen's head, protected Song Zhen's head and scolded. Then he squatted down, stroked his son's rough and tearful face, and said with tears of love: "You only care about revenge, and you don't even think about it. Since we separated from him, one day we will be parents." The responsibility lies with Liu Qianlang, whenever I secretly visit my son, I see their brotherly love!"

"I don't think that Liu Qianlang is like those hypocritical orthodox people. He really treats Zhen'er very well. Didn't you and I secretly go to see Zhen'er's fairy marriage that year? Now we all have things we can't get along with. The grandson Danrou you recognize! Our two daughters-in-law and grandson are really cute. These are really given to Zhener by Liu Qianlang."

"Hmph! What do you know! The dignified astrological descendants of the royal family are only satisfied with two wives. Isn't it a joke through the ages. Besides, the rebellious son got married back then. It was obviously for him, but in fact it was to seduce the mysterious man at that time. The bait of the hostile forces of the Lingmen, this is not good for him, I think it is not bad to save one's life!"

Zhanxie Song Yu didn't take this at all seriously, and said with fire in his eyes.

"My child doesn't understand. It is rumored that the ancient Zhanhao Kingdom is also a peaceful capital in the southwest of the Ancient Coconut Kingdom. Why did my father and mother later create a school of astrology and become one of the three evil saints? One place? Parents and parents, do you know that the Blood Moon God Religion is perverted, evil to the world, and treats everything in the world like a dog! Why do you join its ranks and help crimes add evil!"

Song Zhen felt the scorching pain on his face like being cut by a knife, but it was not as painful as the pain in his heart. He was not angry when he was reprimanded and beaten by his father, and even thought it was a burst of happiness to have parents. But he was really puzzled that his parents joined the Blood Moon God Sect, so he asked.

"Haha! What kind of decent cult, I want to know, let me tell you, you listen to me clearly! We occupied the country of Hao and perished at the head of the righteous people, so I helped my father to make astrology a cult. Because the Blood Moon God Sect is also based on the righteous way. The enemy, and his strength is at the height of the sky, so Xingdu is willing to join him. Only the Blood Moon God Sect can help me complete the task of slaughtering Cangshan Langyuanmen. Kill Liu Qianlang and kill all Liu's people. Let the world never again The existence of the surname Liu!"

Zhan Xie Song Yu laughed wildly coldly.

"No! My boy will not let my father hurt Langyuan Hunzun! If there is no him in the Mortal Realm, there will be conflicts between thousands of factions, and people will die everywhere. Besides, my boy has predicted that there will be countless demons and ghosts in the Nether Hell soon." Things are about to break through the gates and break into the human world to do evil. And the heavens will also descend on the mortal realm, all of which require the constant and powerful soul power of the third brother to be able to fight. The third brother is now the supreme god who is stable in the whole world, I beg my parents to let him go!"

Song Zhen's black and white eyebrows almost twisted together, begging in pain.

"Bah! You rebellious son, I didn't expect people from my astrological family to learn such hypocrisy. What kind of peace is there in the world! In this world, only you are strong is the way of heaven, and all other rhetoric is just a way to dominate the world." The good words of one who is foolish to another."

"The relationship between Liu Qianlang and you is like this. He stepped on your shoulders to ascend to the sky. One day he will rise to the sky and will definitely dump you. And the relationship between me and the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect is also the same. He is using me and your mother I want to dominate the world, but the difference between me and you is that I want to use his hand to complete a great cause of revenge. But you are just willing to be Liu Qianlang's stepping stone!"

"People in the whole world, regardless of righteousness or evil, have never been sincere and sincere, and some have only used each other, hum! This is a distraction, as long as you find a way to make Liu Qianlang drink it, from then on you will be the supreme and number one existence of Langyuanmen ! Do you want to be a stepping stone for others forever, or become the king who is the only one who respects me, you can think for yourself!"

"Go! Chen'er!"

The more Song Yu listened, the more angry he was, he threw a small scarlet jade bottle to Song Zhen and shouted, then pulled his wife Hua Chen and stepped on the spiritual object and flew towards the Northwest direction of Chaos Chaos.

"I'll give you three days. If you don't poison Liu Qianlang to death, you can go to the Chaos Mountain under the Chaos Sky to collect the bodies of me and your mother at sunset on the third day!"

Zhan Xie Song Yu's angry voice came from far away in the sky.

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