Nine Heavens

Chapter 981 Sirius Dominates

Chapter 981: Sirius Dominates


Just after the little wolf king let out a long and immature wolf howl, Cheng Yuanfang, who was still sitting cross-legged in the vortex of infinitely colorful light, on the top of the Wolf Castle, suddenly let out a wolf howl that used to summon the army of demon wolves in the past. Voices. Only this time, the domineering and mighty wolf king never came to his side again.


The little wolf king firmly remembered what the old wolf king said before he died, so that he must obey the master's call, and now the master is calling the wolf king. The little wolf king understood the master's unique voice of calling his father, so he broke free from Hongying Meihu's embrace and walked step by step towards the top of the wolf castle.

It walked very slowly, but it was very mighty. It was imitating the domineering pace of its father, without losing the face of the old wolf king at all. Then, its small figure floated up to the top of the city, followed by small waves following it.

The little wolf king raised his head and started his first howl as the new wolf king, which was the first howl in response to his master, and the ten thousand little wolves behind him responded immediately.

Just at this moment, within a quarter of an hour that the old wolf king was sure of, Cheng Yuanfang broke through the last entrance of the Heavenly Demon Divine Skill amidst the howling of wolves, and successfully practiced.

Now he is fully capable of activating the Heavenly Demon Divine Art, using the Heavenly Demon Divine Power to break through the Chaos Luoxiang Wuji Disk and synthesize the Great Formation and the outer Seven Seal Formation in an instant, to avenge his beloved Wolf King and Demon Wolf Army .

However, Cheng Yuan Fangbi did not do this, but after devouring all the whirlpools of light, he burst into tears, and then cautiously floated in front of the little wolf king, holding him tightly in his arms.

Cheng Yuanfang's heart was pierced by a knife, and his heart and soul trembled. When he sensed that the old wolf king had chosen to destroy the wolf pill to create a chance for himself to break through the demon's magical power, he was already in tears. But he gritted his teeth and survived, because the old wolf king told himself to take good care of the little wolf king, let the little wolf king follow the most powerful and majestic overlord in the demon world, and let the little wolf king surpass his father.

Therefore, the leader of the Sirius Sect has no reason to live up to the entrustment of the three-eyed wolf king who lost his life for him, let alone let him sacrifice in vain, so apart from successfully practicing the Heavenly Demon Divine Art, he will undoubtedly comfort the undead.

The little wolf king was hugged by Cheng Yuanfang, blinking a pair of clear eyes, his expression was full of doubts and incomprehensions, he looked up at Cheng Yuanfang's long bright red hair flying, and then gently licked some of his master's mouth. trembling hands.

Cheng Yuanfang gently stroked the forehead of the little wolf king with his other hand. It was still small, and the demon eyes on its forehead had not yet been opened.

The next moment, the little wolf king and more than ten thousand baby wolves turned into a ray of light and shot into the celestial demon meteor on Cheng Yuanfang's chest, and the whole dark wolf castle turned into a dark thread of light and got into it .

And Cheng Yuanfang flashed, and immediately appeared infinitely strangely in the sight of Zhanxie Shuangsha, standing firmly on the chaotic Luoxiang infinite disk that was still slowly rotating, the black magic robe was rolling wildly with the hurricane, his face The vicissitudes of life, the red hair flies wildly.

"You have mastered the Unbounded Void Extreme Magic Art in the Demon Fall of the Heaven Realm!?"

Seeing that for half a year and six months, the combined formation of Chaos Luo Xiang, Wuji Pan, Heaven and Earth has shrunk to its limit. With the help of those hundreds of millions of wolves who died bravely, the opponent's Wolf Fort was not only not destroyed, but even He also successfully practiced the legendary magical skill in the "Moon of the Heavenly Realm" - the magical skill of Wujie Xuji, which is extremely frightening.

With this miraculous skill, you can travel through the three realms of heaven, earth and man as you please. Naturally, your own chaotic Luoxiang Promise Disk and the outer seven government seal formations can no longer stop it. The Zhanxie Shuangsha couple's body finally stopped the chaos that had been intensified for six consecutive months.

"That's right, but the leader of the sect didn't know that this magical skill is called Wujie Xuji magical skill, and he already called himself the magical skill of the heavenly demon! The reason why this magical skill was successfully cultivated is entirely because of the lives of the billions of wolf demons of the leader of the sect!"

Cheng Yuanfang's fists were clenched, and his voice sounded like broken wood in the gradually weakening hurricane, which made Zhan Xie's scalp numb for a while.

"Now Zhanxie Shuangsha is no longer your opponent. Don't you want to avenge your army of wolf demons? Then do it. Zhanxie Shuangsha will never evade, let alone fight back. There is only one thing, please The head of the Heavenly Wolf Sect will act on his behalf, and hand over the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk to Song Zhen of the Langyuan Sect!"

Zhan Xie and Shuang Sha looked at each other, Zhan Xie and Song Yu gradually became calm, and then said.

"How do you believe that I will help you?" Cheng Yuanfang asked.

"Because you are the brother of Hunzun Langyuan of Xingzhou Langyuan Sect, and Song Zhen is also, and the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk is a divination wonder, Song Zhen needs it, and you will not refuse it. Don't be surprised, we are Song Zhen biological parents!"

Zhan Xie Song Yu said slowly, with a calm and clear tone.


Cheng Yuanfang secretly condensed the supernatural power of the heavenly demon, after hearing this, after thinking for a while, he flew past Zhanxie Shuangsha with a roar, but did not make a move. Just when he crossed out of the chaotic Luo Xiang Wuji disk and formed a large formation, he said: "No matter how unrighteous you are, the master of this sect will not be able to kill the parents of brothers. Come, if you want to give it, that is your own business!"

"However, Cheng Yuanfang will always engrave your hatred of killing my army of hundreds of millions of wolf demons in his heart. You don't know that the reason why this leader was able to survive in the world in the past was because he depended on those demon wolves for his life. Wolves are like brothers to me! How cruel you are!"


Seeing Cheng Yuanfang, the leader of the Sirius Cult with flying red hair, flashing by his side like lightning without killing him, a trace of surprise flashed in Zhan Xie's eyes, and then a little shame and apology appeared in his expression. Then they saw the other party rushing out of the formation of the seal of the Seven Governments. Seeing that it was Cheng Yuanfang, the seven disciples had already secretly absorbed more than half of Zhenhao's divine power and allowed him to break into the army of the Blood Moon God Sect.

Next, Cheng Yuanfang screamed like a lion and wolf, and unceremoniously urged the Heavenly Demon Divine Power, and instantly the magnificent and boundless Heavenly Demon Divine Power, like the ocean, rolled towards the sky of the sky and shadows.

More than half a year has passed, and Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect standing on top of the Blood Demon God Dragon, has been irritated for a long time, but he has been suppressing his irritability thinking that he will eventually get the existence of the Heavenly Demon Fall and Chaos Purpose Supreme Demon Realm My mood did not explode, and I waited patiently.

However, after hearing a roar suddenly, a hundred thousand gigantic mushroom cloud clusters of infinite colors and brilliance rose out of the seven-government seal formation with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and then a demon dressed in pitch black rose out of the cloud cluster. Robe, the frightening figure of the red-haired Feihong.

As soon as this person came out, the blood-red eyes on his forehead immediately locked on Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, and then rushed towards Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect. Along the way, colorful and flowing clouds poured out from outside his body, and the army of the Blood Moon God Cult within a radius of ten thousand zhang around him quickly disintegrated and destroyed like countless balloons collapsing.

Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, suddenly shot cold eyes, and really hoped to finally get the goal of the celestial demon and chaos. Unexpectedly, not only did the hateful wolf demon, the leader of the Sirian Wolf Cult not die, he broke through a two-layer seamless death formation. He hated him so much, how could he let it go.

Immediately, the blood god's banner was called out, and the nine dragon heads on his head hissed and shook for a while, and all the evil forces of the Blood Moon God Sect were filled with the air and surrounded Cheng Yuan like a dark cloud.


However, the leader of the Sirian Wolf Sect just snorted coldly, thinking of suffering for his beloved Demon Wolf King and the army of billions of Demon Wolves! Killing Wuji, clutching the Celestial Moyun in his hand, he suddenly turned into a giant mountain-like mass of light from the Celestial Demon Divine Power Guanghao, forming a huge Guanghao hurricane vortex with himself as the center.

Quickly swallowed the blood moon army summoned by Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the blood moon god sect, into the vortex. Poor these invincible demon army, except for crying and screaming, there is no time to resist. The magic weapon in his hand was turned into nothingness before being activated, and he was also quickly turned into flying dust in the torment.

"Ouyang Langlong! Today is your death day, take your life!"

In the center of the huge vortex of demonic divine power, the gorgeous and endless light group is like a colorful flower, and the petals are rolled up layer by layer. No matter how many dark clouds the army of blood moon gods and demons can't reach the center of the vortex.

The leader of the Sirius Sect, Cheng Yuanfang, steadily soared out from the center of the colorful and wonderful flowers. At this moment, his dark red magic hair was like blood, and with the hurricane, it spread for thousands of miles. The tall celestial demon, shimmering with all kinds of colors.

Cheng Yuanfang then slowly raised his head, his chaotic eyes shot at Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, in front of Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect. Falling into a fiery ocean of colorful flames, the leader of the Sirius Sect hummed in a cold voice.

"Cheng Yuanfang! You and I are both members of the Demon Sect. Why do you go against the leader of the sect and help Xing Zhou Lang Yuan Sect? I know that you and that Liu Qianlang are brothers who grew up together, but that So what? He now dominates the entire earth fairy world, the Shura Temple in the west, the Qingxin Dao in the south, the Xuanling Gate in the north, and the Goddess Palace in the east, all bow to him. But what have you got?"

"If you and I join forces to destroy the Langyuanmen, slaughter the eight four major sects in all directions, and eliminate thousands of small sects, then the entire earth fairy world will be the world of our demon sect. Wouldn't it be happy for you and me to dominate the world side by side? I can see , the leader of the Sirian Wolf Cult is also a majestic person, how can he mix with them nondescriptly, if he wants to be famous or not, he will have no part!"

Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, was not worried about escaping because he had the Blood Demon God Palace in his body. He watched the raging flames around him from left to right, and after a brief moment of horror, he shouted loudly.

"Haha! You're right, the leader of the sect is indeed going to dominate the world of immortals, and the two of us will enjoy the world of cultivation together, but not with you, but with my brother Liu Qianlang. As for you, you can only die!"

Cheng Yuanfang, the leader of the Sirius Sect, sneered, and with a thought, the multicolored flames below Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, began to rush towards the top of him, and he was drowned in the raging multicolored fire .


Apparently it's uncomfortable to be surrounded by raging fire, the nine dragon heads on the dragon's head of Ouyang Lang, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, and the blood demon dragon under him all let out bursts of manic roars.

At the same time, Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, saw that his army of hundreds of millions of blood moons had been swallowed by the opponent's colorful hurricane vortex, with more than half of the casualties, and there were still casualties. Unable to become angry from embarrassment, he manipulated the blood demon dragon, roaring, and rushed towards Cheng Yuanfang in the center of the vortex.

However, at this moment, under the huge vortex where the leader of the Sirius Sect, Cheng Yuanfang, suddenly flew into the chaotic Luoxiang Wuji Pan, the two pans of heaven and earth, and the Zhanxie Shuangsha couple stood on it, each shooting a beam of infinite light, quickly protecting the blood. Ouyang Langlong, the leader of the Luna Sect, flew towards the blood moon in the sky, which is tens of millions of feet high.

The remaining Blood Moon army behind them also roared and fled.

Because Qizheng Zhanwang was at the end of the march, after Sirius Sect leader Cheng Yuanfang and Qizhengzhanwang looked at each other speechlessly, Cheng Yuanfang did not continue to pursue because he was grateful for the kindness of releasing the formation just now. Instead, he watched as King Qixing Zhan gradually disappeared from sight.

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