Nine Heavens

Chapter 982 Song Zhen invites wine

Chapter 982: Song Zhen invites wine


When Cheng Yuanfang was recalling the battle between himself and the Blood Moon Sect to Liu Qianlang, the little wolf king hadn't seen Cheng Yuanfang visiting it for a long time, so he staggered to Cheng Yuanfang's side, and looked up very unhappy. Looking at Cheng Yuanfang with his small head, he whimpered angrily,

"Hehe, Sirius is good! I will play with you in a while, and I have something to do now!" Cheng Yuanfang quickly explained when he saw the little wolf king Sirius tilting his head and looking at him.


However, Sirius didn't listen to the persuasion, raised his head and let out a childish and clear wolf howl.

"Haha! What a stubborn guy, he is worthy of being the Queen of the Wolf King." Liu Qianlang raised his head and drank a glass of fine wine and said. Then he put down his wine glass and flicked his sleeves, grabbed his brother Cheng Yuanfang's wrist, and instantly injected seventy-one souls into Cheng Yuanfang's body.

"Thank you Qianlang!" Cheng Yuanfang felt a wave of gods in his head, and his mind suddenly opened up in his soul sea, and his spiritual power reached a level of ecstasy. He feels more comfortable controlling the divine power of the heavenly demon in his body. When he was happy, he hugged Sirius in his arms, and the little guy bent into a ball, staring at Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang drinking and drinking with curious eyes, his eyes were full of joy, and he stopped making trouble.

"Hmm! I said why the Blood Moon Sect has been so quiet for more than a year. It stands to reason that I brought Senior Fengxie's family to the Langyuanmen, and they should come to make a fuss! It's a pity that the army of wolf demons in the distance Thankfully, with Sirius here, there is hope for the army of wolf demons!"

Because Liu Qianlang has been too busy for more than a year, she only knows that today's Wolf Sect has become famous in the devil world, but she doesn't know anything else. Hearing Cheng Yuanfang's words, he said with emotion.

"It's nothing else, it's just leading the waves, the relationship between Zhanxie Shuangsha and Zhuxie Tianzun will make you very embarrassed after the meeting. I really want Brother Wei to worry about you!" Cheng Yuanfang said.

Liu Qianlang's heart trembled when he heard the words, but he said with a smile: "Some things are always unexpected. It turns out that Yuan Fang also knew about this, and he didn't tell me for a long time because he was afraid that I would worry! In fact, as early as Blood Moon God Not a few days after I was taught to attack your boiling sea, I learned about the relationship between Zhanxie Shuangsha and Tianzun."

"It's useless to worry about some things. What should come will always come. Now the power of Sirius Sect and the power of Blood Moon God Sect are half the same in the devil world. Qianlang believes that soon your power will surpass that of Blood Moon It's from the gods. Qianlang asks Yuanfang for something!" Liu Qianlang stopped and looked at Cheng Yuanfang when he said this.

"You want Yuanfang to never hurt Zhanxie Tianzun and his parents, right?" Cheng Yuanfang immediately guessed what Liu Qianlang was thinking.

"Yes! No matter what happens in the future, Song Zhen's kindness to Qianlang will never be erased. Without him, there would be no Langyuanmen today, and Qianlang would not be able to live today. But he finally found his parents, he If one day you leave Langyuanmen and join the Blood Moon Sect, please don't blame him!"

"The reunion of their parents has always been my wish, but I didn't expect his parents to be members of the Blood Moon God Sect. I believe that Song Zhen went there just to reunite with his parents. It is definitely not his original intention! Therefore, no matter how difficult the situation is in the future, we must spare their lives and end the relationship!"

Liu Qianlang poured a glass of wine for Cheng Yuanfang, and said after drinking each other. Then get up and say goodbye.

Cheng Yuanfang nodded and said: "Don't worry about Qianlang, you and I have been separated for many years, so we naturally know that family love is better than everything. If there is no love in the world, what's the point of being lonely and lonely!"

"Uncle Lang! Uncle Lang! We want to go with you too, to play with Sister Tianling and the others! And I miss Dragon Daughter. Can you take us to the White Star Palace?" Just behind Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang brothers When the two saluted and bid farewell, four lovely children about ten years old were thrown out of the hall, two boys and two girls, looking at Liu Qianlang with their little heads tilted, and said with expectant eyes.

"Haha! So it's Ying'er, Yuan'er, Eagle Girl, and Shi Lang! Let Uncle Lang take a good look at you. Yes! You have grown taller and more beautiful. If you are willing to go, Uncle Lang will be very happy I can't sleep anymore. You sister Tianling and the others have been arguing for a long time to come. It's okay this time, you can have fun together."

"By the way, in the future, you will also go to school in the Immortal Academy City, and learn many things about immortal writing and magic writing!" Liu Qianlang was very excited when he saw Cheng Yuanfang's son and daughter, as well as the daughter and son of the eagle demon and lion demon. said happily.

"Hee hee! He's ready! Huh?"

When the four children heard that they could go to the White Star Palace to play again, they were so happy that they clapped their little hands. But when they heard that they had to go to school again, they couldn't help but look a little pained.

"Hehe, look at them, they are not happy when they hear that they are learning something." Cheng Yuanfang laughed.

"Heck! The soul master is leaving! Our sisters are giving to the elders and parents, as well as the hearts of all younger brothers and sisters, please trouble the soul master to take it over!" At this time, Siying Meihu, the eagle demon and the lion demon When the wife came in, she saluted and said goodbye.

"Haha! Good. Let's go then. Wait for the two brothers Eagle Demon and Lion Demon to come back from their work. Say hello for me. The children are gone!"

Liu Qianlang saluted everyone again and smiled, then greeted the four children, walked to the wall of Wolf Castle, and summoned the huge Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword from under his feet. Immediately, a large group, four small groups and five people voted for Leshan, and it was like nothing else.


Just when Liu Qianlang controlled the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and was about to shoot it high into the sky, the little wolf king Sirius suddenly broke free from Cheng Yuanfang's embrace, ran up the city wall, and howled angrily at Liu Qianlang.

"Ha ha!"


When everyone saw it, they immediately understood that Sirius was angry because he didn't invite it to play, and couldn't help laughing.

"Oh! Going to the White Star Palace to play, how can it be interesting without Sirius? Haha! Come here, Sirius!" Liu Qianlang looked at it and laughed quickly.


When Sirius heard it, he immediately snorted a few times happily, turned his head and glanced at Cheng Yuanfang and the others, shot at the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, then squatted at the feet of the four children excitedly, and looked back at Cheng Yuanfang and the others. Far away, that means, I'm not at home, you pay attention to safety.

"Hehe! Sirius must be obedient! Let's have fun!" Cheng Yuanfang said with a happy smile seeing that Sirius has become so fast in only a year.

Next, Liu Qianlang led the four children and a little wolf to the Blue Star Palace with a burst of laughter, injected seventy-one souls into Cheng Shifeng, and then sent them to the Palace of Grace and Parents. Instructed Yaya to arrange a gathering for the children, and then flew towards a cloud platform in the clouds of the universe.

"The third brother is here!"

Song Zhen had already prepared a table of fairy wine and delicacies at this moment, and said with a pale face when he saw his brother, the third elder brother, receiving the sound transmission from his own thoughts.

"Haha! The fourth brother is invited with good wine, and the third brother will come out even after retreat!" Liu Qianlang smiled calmly and entered the table.

"There is still a pot of brotherly scented wine here. The fourth brother wants to drink it with the third brother. I'm afraid I'll have to wait ten years to drink it again. Ye Xiang said that the brotherly love wine actually tastes better the longer it is brewed. But brothers are greedy, I can't help but want to drink." Song Zhen said with some hesitation.

"That's right! Yexiang is really good. It's been so many years. Thank you for her hard work in brewing a lot of fine wine for our brother! The fairy wine she brews accompanies our brother's every loss and success, and we can never drink enough!" Liu Qianlang said meaningfully.

"Third brother, don't worry! Ye Xiang and Lan Shuang will always live in this star palace. I told Ye Xiang that you don't have to do anything, but third brother's fairy wine can't be stopped, haha! Third brother, don't worry, both of you The virtuous wife and children stay in the star palace, and the happy thing is that I can brew the fairy wine you like to drink for the third brother."

"However, the third brother may not know that Yexiang's mother's pot of wine is the water from the spiritual spring and the spirit flower fairy flower that Song Zhen personally collected for the third brother, because Song Zhen thinks that only Song Zhen knows what the third brother wants to drink. What kind of fairy wine to drink, especially this brotherly love wine!" Song Zhen twitched his black and white eyebrows, his face became a little dark, his eyes were complicated, but he smiled with a bit of vicissitudes.

"The third brother knows! And the third brother has seen everything that the fourth brother has done for the third brother from the sky, so the third brother likes to drink every pot of wine brewed by Yexiang. It is more accurate to say that Yexiang is brewing the wine. It is said that the fourth brother is brewing wine for the third brother. How can the third brother never forget this kind of brotherhood!"

Liu Qianlang stared at Song Zhen's rough face and said.

"Oh! Haha, the third brother is so thieves, sneaking behind his back to watch the fourth brother running all over the mountain, and he didn't say anything to help?" Song Zhen sighed and laughed.

"Of course not. The third brother wants to drink the brotherly love wine brewed by the spirit flower beauty dew carefully selected by the fourth brother. If I participate, maybe the fairy wine will not taste good! But the third brother always hopes One day, we will be able to brew a pot of brother Qixiang Jiutian Wine together! Sit upright on the Yaotai of the Heaven Realm and watch each other drink!"

Liu Qianlang stared at the amber brotherly love wine in the white jade pot on the fairy wine table, and said while watching Song Zhen's painful face.


Liu Qianlang opened the fairy wine pot, before Song Zhen could speak, he poured himself a glass, raised his head and drank it, laughing and admiring.

"Haha! The third brother is really a drunkard! You are so anxious, but now you can drink with the fourth brother freely, the fourth brother is really happy! How about filling a glass for the fourth brother?"

Song Zhen saw that Liu Qianlang now knew the father-son relationship between himself and Zhan Xie Shuangsha, and he still had no doubts about his immortal wine. He was infinitely moved and laughed loudly.

"Haha, fourth brother is really stingy, why do you have to call me Jiuxian, why do you call me drunkard?" Liu Qianlang laughed happily. At the same time, he kept drinking the brotherly love wine in the pot one cup after another, and poured each cup by himself.

"Haha! That wine fairy drinks like the third brother, it's simply a strong drink!" Song Zhen couldn't help laughing when he saw his brother drinking like this.

"Didn't you say that you have to wait ten years for the next pot of wine? The third brother should drink up quickly!" Liu Qianlang was still smiling, but he did not slow down his drinking speed at all. After drinking most of it, at the end, he simply picked up the jug and drank it with his head raised.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Seeing Song Zhen, the black and white eyebrows stretched, twisted, and laughed loudly, the laughter was bright and gratifying. At the same time, looking at the three white hairs shining with silver rainbow, the resolute and handsome faces, the deep eyes, and every detail of the whole body, engraved in the heart, condensed in the sea of ​​soul.

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