Nine Heavens

Chapter 983: Sealed Suicide Note

Chapter 983 Sealed suicide note

"It's really good wine, the third brother drank it really happily! Haha! It just so happened that the third brother planned to take advantage of the stability of the world's righteous way, and when the Blood Moon God Sect was hit hard by the Sirius Sect in the distance a year ago, he would retreat for another ten years and continue to practice to the soul , breaking through the realm of the human era, the third brother at that time is no longer the soul of the human world in the human era. Not a human, not a demon, not a demon, after Si Liu Qianlang drank a whole pot of brotherly love wine, he laughed asked.

"No matter what happens in the future, the third brother will always be Song Zhen's third brother!" Song Zhen said without hesitation, twisting his black and white eyebrows, but when he spoke, his face became darker, and beads of sweat ooze from his forehead.

"Hehe, the third elder brother has the fourth younger brother who respects him so much. It's really a happy thing for Xiao Langhua to be able to meet the human relations. Recently, the fourth younger brother has divination for the future of the Four-color Star Palace? I don't know what the future will be like?"

Liu Qianlang said, looking at Song Zhen's painful expression.

"Of course I counted it, and more than once, but what makes the fourth brother unbelievable is that with the fourth brother's cultivation base, the hexagrams of the third brother, sister Juan, Yuanfang Langzun and younger sister Shifeng have other things besides the hexagrams of the human world. Omens. These omens are extremely strange, and it is difficult for the fourth brother to understand them thoroughly for a while, but the third brother does not need to worry, although the omens are complicated, there are also auspicious signs appearing from time to time among the many heresies."

Song Zhen twisted his black and white eyebrows, and said after pondering for a moment.

"Hehe, after I retreat, the fourth brother must strictly control the children in the four-color star palace. They are our future. Recently, I saw that Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou and Liusha have made a lot of progress. The third brother is really happy. "

Sitting in the cloudy sky, Liu Qianlang took a deep look at the Hunzun Palace and Tianzun Palace below, and said with a smile.

"Well, third brother, don't worry, I specially asked Lan Shuang and Shui'er's sister-in-law to go to Xianxue City to be immortal teachers. With the two of them here, those naughty ghosts will be honest!" Song Zhen nodded.

"Third brother, have you ever thought about why the blood moon in the Blood Demon Palace of the Blood Moon God Sect moves to the chaotic sky in the northwest of Cangshan Mountain?" Song Zhen followed Liu Qianlang's gaze and looked around everything in the Star Palace, and then asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, the Blood Moon God Sect went for the legendary Nether Hell gate. There are many cracks in the vast land of Shenzhou, but those are only the existence of the surface layer under the earth. If you really want to go deep into the Nether Hell , the ground gate is the only entrance. And this entrance is rumored to be in an inexplicable area of ​​Chaos Mountain under the Chaos Sky."

"The Blood Moon God Sect wants to dominate the earthly fairy world, and even fulfill their ambition to rush into the heavenly world, find the ground gate, and release the God of Darkness, so they did this!"

Liu Qianlang didn't look back, and said, still looking at the vast expanse of star palace and sky.

"Hmm! The third brother is right. The reason why the Blood Moon God Sect gave up the auspicious position above the Eastern Sky Ocean where we were facing each other, and entered the chaotic sky above the windy and sandy Tianshan Mountains. Using my astrological ruler and Qishangquan to divination In the end, the same is true. In the past, there were clouds, mountains and rivers and the seal of the Dragon Ball in the Yiyue Palace in the sky above Mi Tiansha Valley, and the sky was clear and bright, but then the Dragon Ball was taken away by the third brother, and the current chaotic sky suddenly appeared."

"Looking at it now, the three dragon balls above the billion hectares of distant clouds are definitely not as simple as sealing the hell lava fire and thunder mouth. In fact, I don't know which fairy did it back then. The main purpose was to seal the chaotic sky!"

Song Zhen said with some difficulty in his voice for some reason, a trace of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, and he wiped it off while Liu Qianlang was not paying attention.

"Yes, this is something that the third brother regrets very much. Maybe if the third brother doesn't get back the three dragon balls, the Blood Moon God Sect will never know where the chaos is. However, the third brother failed to return to the soul, but let them get into Hole. If one day they determine the location of the ground gate, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Liu Qianlang sighed.

"No, if the Blood Moon God Sect wants to determine the exact location of the Chaos Mountain gate, they must have an astrological ruler, Qishang Spring and Chaos Luo Xiang Wuji Disk together to form a divination chaos array, so they can calculate it, but they will never Here's the chance! Because the fourth brother will never give it to them!"


Song Zhen couldn't help coughing suddenly, and blood stains flowed from the corner of his mouth again.

"You drank Fen Hun Fei Po San, right?" Liu Qianlang asked.

"Haha! You actually followed the fourth brother. Why didn't I realize that the third brother is also quite funny!" Song Zhen began to cough, but smiled happily.


Hearing this, Liu Qianlang turned his back to Song Zhen and looked at the misty clouds in the vast sky of the universe, the corners of his mouth began to drip blood, and he also started coughing violently.

"Third Brother! You?"

Song Zhen's heart suddenly turned cold, and an ominous feeling emerged, and he asked in horror.

"Haha! You're already the Heavenly Venerable Punisher, and you're still sloppy. I don't know if I stole your treasure. You just died like this. How can I rest assured? The third brother is under the guidance of the fourth brother and the divination saint. When we parted ways to go back to the Star Palace, half of your Soul Flying Posan had already been stolen. Not to mention that this portion of Soul Flying Posan tastes sweet, it is very delicious!"

Liu Qianlang's voice became a little hoarse, but he laughed.

"Third brother!?"


Hearing the words, Song Zhen was horrified, his blood rushed to his heart, and he lost his voice in pain. He yelled out third brother, spit out a mouthful of blood, gasped, and said: "Third brother, how can this be so? In a few years it will turn upside down, if the third brother also goes, what should we do?"

"Fourth brother is not here, it's just Jiutian Kuangyou, how can you be happy! Fourth brother doesn't want to betray Langyuanmen, and he can't see his parents die, and he doesn't want the Blood Moon God Sect to find the gate and slaughter the world. Third brother counts you will I did this, but third brother must not let you go away so alone, because third brother is worried."

"Fourth brother, don't worry, the third brother has secretly left a sealed suicide note for everything in the mountain gate. After the two of us leave, the poetic style in the distance will soon sense it."


After Liu Qianlang finished speaking, he couldn't help coughing again, but at this moment he turned his face, looked at Song Zhen's tearful face and smiled: "Haha, look at you, stop crying, I have long wanted to I told you, you don't look very pretty when you cry!"

"Hmph! You're still talking about me. No matter how handsome you are, what's the use of you? In the end, you're still my follower. Even if you die, you won't let the fourth brother be quiet!" Song Zhen also responded.

"Let's go, let's go to Chaos Mountain now, if we don't go we're doomed!" Liu Qianlang said after the two stared at each other for a long time.

"Let's go! Ahem!"


Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen each panted for a while, and then made a soul-refining move towards the Xinggong Jiuding, the soul-refining Jiuding turned into a divine light and penetrated into their black jade skull, and the black jade skull disappeared behind their chest In the middle, the tattoo of a black jade skull was condensed on the chest.

And Song Zhen also turned the astrological ruler and Qishang spring into divine light and submerged them between the black and white eyebrows, forming an exquisite overlapping pattern of the astrological ruler and Qishang spring, one black and one emerald, forming an interesting contrast. The two also complimented each other.

Then Song Zhen stood on top of the blood unicorn, and Liu Qianlang actually called out the willow branch from back then, stood firmly on it, the two of them smiled, held back their coughs, and walked around the universe calmly. Unfortunately, everyone told everyone to guard the mountain gate, and the two high-ranking officials were going to retreat together.

Then he flew to a place where no one was around, hid his figure, and sped towards the outside of the star palace.

Two days later, the sun was setting.

The chaotic sky above the Chaos Mountain descended from a height of tens of millions of feet, a man and a woman. The man was tall and majestic, with a rough and mighty face, white eyebrows shining, stepping on the rain clusters, wearing a star robe, and holding a white chaotic elephant in his hand. Promise plate sky plate.

The woman's figure is slim and middle-aged, with a dignified face and black phoenix eyebrows, floating above a mysterious brilliance flower, holding a black chaotic Luoxiang Wuji plate in her hand.

The two looked at the sky for a while, and soon discovered the existence of their son Song Zhen. At this moment, Song Zhen was sitting cross-legged on the top of a peak in Chaos Mountain, as if he was in a state of cultivation.

Seeing Song Zhen, Zhanxie and Shuangsha couple, looking at each other, there was a burst of comfort in their eyes. Sure enough, the son did not forget the country's hatred and family feud, and did not betray the countless souls of Zhanhao who died unjustly. He really brought the soul venerable Langyuan of the Langyuanmen to death by poison, and at this moment Liu Qianlang was looking up at the chaotic and inexplicable matter in the high altitude where Zhanxie Shuangsha was.

Liu Qianlang's complexion was bone-pale, his white hair was hanging down, and his spiritual energy was gone. It was obvious that he had been dead for a long time. However, his bone-white complexion was calm and calm, and there was even a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Haha! As expected of me, the son of Zhanxie Song Yu, who finally killed the last member of the Liu family as far as I know in the ancient Coconut Kingdom. We have finally avenged Zhanhao Kingdom! Haha."

Both Zhanxie and Shuangsha were very excited and slowly landed on the Chaos Mountain, and then looked at the dead Liu Qianlang very happily. However, after a while, Zhan Xie Shuangsha's smile froze immediately. Because they saw not only Liu Qianlang dying, but also their own son Song Zhen.


Seeing his son Song Zhenying's majestic but lifeless face, and the black and white eyebrows that he inherited from his husband stopped twisting, Bu Shenghuachen immediately threw himself on his son, crying loudly!

Zhanxie Song Yu couldn't help crying when he saw his son's death, but he said immediately: "Chen'er, don't cry, we should be happy for him. What he really does, if he lives up to your entrustment, is called filial piety. No Forgetting national humiliation is benevolence! Killing a brother and punishing oneself is righteousness! We should be happy for him to have such a son!"

"Bah! What kindness, righteousness and filial piety, now our son is dead! Dead!" Bu Shenghuachen cried heart-piercingly.


Then he hugged his son in his arms, cried loudly, and regretted letting his son kill Liu Qianlang's words again and again.

"Hehe! Father! Mother! If a son is unfilial, it is hard to disobey the order of the parents. The country is responsible for hatred, and brothers are hard to abandon. This is the only way to do it. However, the son must tell the parents that the third brother was not poisoned to death by the son. He saw it that day. When you gave me the soul flying away, he didn't want to embarrass me, he was the one who took the soul flying away and died with his son."

"My son is very sad. In fact, the third brother is really innocent. I wonder if the parents can agree to two things? One is that the parents leave the Blood Moon Sect! With the Blood Moon Sect, there will be more people like us in the future." The Zhanhao Kingdom will perish as well! Second, bury me and Third Brother together! It is a shame to be Third Brother’s brother in this life, and we will reincarnate together to be brothers in the next life!”

"Father! Mother! Take care! My son and third brother are gone!"

Just as Bu Shenghuachen was weeping mournfully, Song Zhen's black and white eyebrows twitched, and two small clouds flew out, one black and one white, and then they joined together and issued Song Zhen's sealed suicide note.

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