Nine Heavens

Chapter 985

Chapter 985: The Truth of Subjugation

In the back, Liu Juan's face turned pale for a while, her green eyes were psychic, and after a flash of emerald rainbow light, she quickly bounced up, and with a thought, she summoned the Nine Generals of the Men's Family and Xiao Hong Dian'er, and turned towards the blood moon. Speeding outside.

"Husband, is it better for the two children to be placed in the Yunlengbing Cave of Haishi Mountain, or in the Xuechifeng Spring of Mengshan Mountain?" Liu Juan, the queen of ghosts, flew for a while, and heard Bu Shenghuachen's words from afar.

"Ah! At this moment, the souls of the two children are gone, and the primordial spirit has also drifted away. The only thing we can do is to keep their dharma bodies alive forever. So we put them in the Yun Leng Cang Bing Cave, and then we go to Mengshan Pick up the blood red wind, and then inject them into their bodies.

After ten years of this, although the two children have no soul or soul, they finally have the blood circulation to promote their blood circulation, and they can act like ordinary people. Although there is no conscious communication with us, it is enough to watch them appear in our sight all day long! "

Zhanxie Song Yu said with a sigh.

Hua Chen has been thinking about what Cheng Yuanfang, the leader of the Sirius Sect, said a year ago, "Can we really wrong the Liu family, and end up letting Zhen'er's good brother Lang Yuan Hun Zun, who is so good in his life, be like this, Fallen for brotherhood!"

Bu Shenghuachen paused for a while and said.

"Don't talk about it, Chen'er. In fact, when I heard that Zhen'er sealed the suicide note and knew that Langyuan Hunzun was willing to die for his brother, I regretted being my husband. Zhen'er was right, even if his Yuanzu Liu Xingdu Guilty, we shouldn't take our anger on him, let alone he is a kind and righteous person. If we kill him, countless people he could have protected will lose their lives because of our selfishness. This is what I did for my husband. What a fool!"

"However, the big mistake has already been made, what's the use of epiphany? We can only clean up and make atonement, and treat the two soulless children kindly!"

After hearing this, Liu Juan, the queen of ghosts, generally understood the reasons for the deaths of her younger brother Liu Qianlang and her adopted brother Song Zhen. I thought it was Zhanxie Shuangsha who killed the younger brother, but the fact is that the younger brother killed himself. Looking at the signs of his death, his body was intact and his soul was gone.

This poison enters the body and separates the soul from the soul. If one does not take the initiative to seal the heart, one can still move, but has no soul, no pain, no emotion, commonly known as the living dead. And the two younger brothers obviously took the initiative to seal their hearts and give up their breath.

The ghost queen Liu Juan suddenly stopped while speeding, and said coldly: "Zhanxie Shuangxia! You avenge your country and hate your family. Of course, my ghost queen Liu Juan has no right to interfere, but you have wronged good people and killed your own son. You and my younger brother Liu Qianlang are so confused!"

"Huh? Is the ghost queen chasing you? Your name is Liu Juan? Liu Qianlang? You are?" Zhanxie Song Yu suddenly heard the voice of the ghost queen Liu Juan tens of thousands of feet away. After reporting his name and contacting Liu Qianlang, he asked in amazement.

"Liu Qianlang is my younger brother, and Song Zhen is also my righteous brother! You are so focused on seeking revenge from members of the Liu family, it's ridiculous that you didn't even know the reason why Zhanhao Kingdom was really destroyed back then, but simply blamed it on your own sect one of his disciples."

"It's hard for the Queen of Ghosts to understand. Other sects tried their best to disobey their disciples, but you helped the ancient royal family of the Coconut Kingdom hunt down and kill their disciples, the patriarch Liu Xingdu. You forced a pair of life-and-death lovers back then. Fallen demon, ashamed to break into the seal of the Emerald Mausoleum that seals the demons, one of them crashed to death on the Mountain of Allies!"

"What's wrong with the imperial concubine Yiling who fell in love with her ancestor Liu Xingdu back then? There is an ancient anecdote and anecdote and magic volume "Guoyou", which was written by the descendants of the ancient Coconut Kingdom in the former dynasty of Liu Kingdom in Qing Dynasty. The reason why the country was really slaughtered, I don’t need to say more after this ghost, you will know after reading it.”

"You must protect the dharma bodies of the two younger brothers. Maybe the two younger brothers still have the hope of being alive again! Farewell!" After Liu Juan finished speaking, she turned around abruptly, and a burst of emerald green divine light flickered outside her. Then suddenly disappeared.

"Unexpectedly, the Queen of Ghosts is actually a member of Langyuanmen!? Is it true that she said that the two children still have hope of being alive?"

Looking at the ghost queen Liu Juan who disappeared tens of thousands of feet away, Bu Shenghuachen asked with disbelief in his eyes. At the same time, under the moonlight, a faint blue dossier flew in the darkness.

"I'm not sure yet. When we met Zhen'er this time, I made a fortune-telling in advance as to whether Zhen'er would be able to complete the poisonous death of Lang Yuan Hunzun. However, there are odd numbers in the hexagram, which I didn't understand at the time, but now it seems that it should be adapted to Langyuan Hunzun's siblings!"

Zhanxie Song Yu was also delighted when he heard the words, if Aizi and Liu Qianlang woke up again, he would naturally be less guilty. Then he and his beloved wife Bu Shenghuachen urged their spiritual consciousness to sweep towards the ancient scroll of "Guoyou".

"Husband! We really wronged Mr. Liu! It turns out that the royal family of the Central Coconut Kingdom slaughtered us occupying Hao Kingdom because of the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk, the Astrology Ruler and the Qishang Spring. Uncle Liu is just an excuse for them to attack our country. That's all."

After sensing the real reason for the massacre of Zhanhao Kingdom in "Guoyou", Bu Shenghuachen looked up at Zhanxie Song Yu, shaking his head and weeping.


Zhanxie Song Yu held the ancient scroll of "Guo You", with trembling hands, hesitated for a while, and said, "Uncle Liu! Song Yu is sorry for you!" Then he knelt down on his knees, hugged his beloved wife and cried bitterly.

In "Guoyou", there are more detailed memories about the events of Liu Xingdu and the imperial concubine Yiling, as well as the events of Zhanhao Kingdom's demise.

The general meaning of the content is that Liu Xingdu, a person who occupied the Hao Kingdom in the southwest of the central country, was a teacher of the ancient Coconut Kingdom at that time. He was young and promising. Every time he triumphs, he is honored as the first national teacher of the ancient coconut country within three years. Favored by the royal family, it is admired both inside and outside the court.

But the big tree attracts the wind, the sky is jealous of talents, and the other celestial masters in the court are restless, jealous and dreamless. So under the alliance, after some discussions and calculations, they unexpectedly thought of the new imperial concubine with a strong temperament.

Yiling was a royal princess who had just been plundered from the slaughtered Lingguo by the Central Kingdom at that time. Because she was good at singing and dancing, dignified and beautiful, she was favored by the Coconut Emperor and named Lingfei. However, Concubine Ling was staunch and disobedient to Emperor Ye. She took advantage of the emperor's wedding and tried to assassinate Emperor Ye, but failed.

The Coconut Emperor was furious, and immediately entered the palace of death, but before he could die in the future, he died! Four years later, the new emperor came to the throne, coveted the beauty of the concubine Ling, rescued the death palace, and then named Concubine Die!

But the new emperor knew Die Concubine was strong, so he just watched her dance and didn't dare to get close, and was depressed all day long. And Concubine Die's every frown and smile made the new emperor daydream, he couldn't sleep at night, and the court was boring, and she died again in less than a year.

For a while, Yiling was rumored to be a demon girl, and the new emperor ascended the throne. Immediately, he ordered that the demon concubine be executed in a blatantly slow manner on the wild and strange peaks outside the imperial city.

Unexpectedly, when the execution was about to be executed, all of a sudden, there were dark clouds in the blue sky, and then there was a hurricane, thunder and lightning. All the swords of the samurai who closed the mountain, as well as the execution knives, turned into bright red sparks and flew into the dark sky. middle. Then suddenly a word of God came from the dark clouds: Bold Coconut Emperor! Dare to torture the psychic Yuanmu, it seems that the coconut country is exhausted!

The Coconut Emperor was horrified, and quickly took back Concubine Die with a big gift, and made her a psychic mother. From then on, she built a psychic palace in the palace, served by countless maids, and the royal family and even the courtiers no longer dared to kill. It's frightening.

However, the existence of this demon concubine has always been a heart disease for the royal family and the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty. Although no one dared to kill again, there was no one who did not want Yiling to disappear or die suddenly.

Coincidentally, on the first day Liu Xingdu entered the palace, he happened to see Yiling returning from a trip, and the two had a good feeling for each other, and gradually came into contact with each other.

In the beginning, the officials and Tianshi Chaozhong saw this situation and didn't think too much about it, but as Liu Xingdu's status became higher and higher. Yeling and Liu Xingdu naturally became a thorn in the eyes of the out-of-favor celestial master.

Afterwards, these out-of-favor celestial masters deliberately set up puzzles and took the initiative to create tryst opportunities for Liu Xingdu and Yiling many times. The two didn't know what to do, because they fulfilled their love for each other, and they were grateful again and again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, these out-of-favor celestial masters slandered Yehuang again, saying that Zhanhao's state-owned astrological treasures, chaotic Luoxiang, Wuji disk, etc. were buried in the Mountain of Allies! Liu Xingdu doesn't have any real divination skills, and every time he succeeds in divination, it is the master divination master in the middle school who uses the astrology rare treasure, the chaotic Luoxiang, and the infinite disk to tell Liu Xingdu the secrets. If Zhanhao Kingdom is destroyed and treasures enter the court, then the Royal Family of Coconut Kingdom will always follow their will, the fortune of the country will prosper, and the eternal prosperity will prevail.

So tempting, Ye Huang would not be tempted, so the monarch and his ministers hit it off and caught Liu Xingdu's tryst with the former imperial concubine on the spot, and then immediately took Liu Xingdu into custody, dragging the psychic Yuanmu to insult the dignity of the royal family. Sin expels the palace. Then he tortured Liu Xingdu and forced him to ask the exact location of Chaos Luo Xiang Wuji Pan in Zhanhao Country's Oath of Allies Mountain.

Liu Xingdu thought for a while, and finally realized that he was plotted by others, and the relationship between himself and Yiling was used by the other party, which not only made him and Yiling deeply involved, but also put Enguo Zhanhao in danger of being slaughtered at any time. For the sake of Enguo and Haoguo being slaughtered, Liu Xingdu firmly insisted that the Chaos Luoxiang Wuji Disk was in his body, hoping that by doing so, Enguo would be spared from the catastrophe of Enguo.

But when he was severely tortured, the spiritual energy in his body hung upside down, his heart pulse reversed, and he fell into a demon. In the moment when the fallen demon burst into flames, Liu Xingdu destroyed the prison, flew out of the sky with disheveled hair, roared towards Longyun Mountain, and disappeared from sight.

But Yiling, the psychic Yuanmu, has long been in love with Liu Xingdu. She searched for many years and found out Liu Xingdu's whereabouts. She was extremely sad, thinking that Liu Xingdu might have returned to her own capital. So he entrusted Liu Qianyuan, the beloved son that he and Liu Xingdu had just given birth to, to a farmer's family, and then went through hardships and dangers to Zhanhao Country in the southwest of the vast land of China, hoping to find a husband.

However, what made him heartbroken was that he found that Zhanhao Kingdom had been slaughtered by the Coconut Kingdom. Except for the sobbing and injured ducks in the sky, there were ruins and bones everywhere, and he couldn't help crying with grief.

Love to the depths, no fear of pain. Yiling struggled to climb up to the first fortune-telling mountain in Zhanhao Kingdom, Qishan Haiyanmeng Mountain, with disheveled hair, standing on the top of Haiyan Mountain every day, swallowing wind and rain, wind and snow bullying her body, and looking through autumn water. Another three years of waiting. Accidentally learned from a monk Tengyun passer-by that her husband had already fallen into the devil's tomb at the foot of Longyun Mountain.

After hearing the news, Yiling washes up carefully in a mountain spring, and then waits until the night of the full moon, swears a poisonous oath, and then resolutely crashes to death on the Mountain of the Oath of Each Other. , Yin Po went to Nether Hell, and continued to search for her beloved husband.

"Husband, Master Uncle and Master Aunt are so affectionate, and the ending is so sad, but our wounds are pierced with knives, it really makes Hua Chen feel like a knife is twisted, and I can't forgive myself!" Bu Sheng Hua Chen swallowed sadly, Can't help shaking his head and said.

"National hatred! Family feud! Haha! Haha"

"Crack! Crack!"

Zhan Xie suddenly raised his head to the sky, laughed wildly, and kept flapping his mouth, his cheeks were bleeding like waterfalls, but he was still laughing wildly.

"Husband! No, don't do this, we still have a chance, go back and take good care of the two children, and wait for the ghost queen to wake them up!" Bu Shenghuachen choked with grief, grabbed Zhanxie Song Yu's arms and shouted.

"Yes! Yes! We still have a chance! Let's go back to the Mountain of the Oath of Allies, apologize to the uncles and aunts, and take good care of Zhen'er and Langyuan Hunzun." Zhanxie Song Yu stopped, nana said, and then the husband and wife The mournful voices of the two were drowned in the night wind.

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