Nine Heavens

Chapter 986 Liu Juan saves her soul

Chapter 986: Liu Juan Saves Her Soul

Late at night, dark.

The ghost queen Liu Juan relied on her ghost-yang body's ability to enter and exit the Yin-Yang world at will. She had shot down into the ground and was floating on the banks of the Nether River in the twenty-four Yin-Yang worlds of the Nether Hell. The Nether River was foggy and foggy.

On the east bank, the Nether Flowers of the Yang Realm are in full bloom. Tall and short, the Nether Flowers of the Yang Realm are in various single-toned colors. They are simple and elegant. The faint fragrance of flowers fills the entire river bank and hillside. With a gentle breeze, there seems to be a cool white light flickering in the far eastern sky.

On the other side of the Nether River, there are two figures, one is wearing a pure white sky brocade cicada robe, with white hair fluttering, and a silver rainbow shining. The other has a rough face, with black and white eyebrows, and is wearing a star illusion Tai Chi gown. The two are talking and laughing, admiring the dazzling Netherworld flowers all over the mountains and plains on the west bank of the Youming River.

The Netherworld Flower of the Yin Realm is very beautiful, and the fragrance of the flower is strong. Every time the two of them leaned over to smell the flowers of the Netherworld of the Yin Realm, the color of their bodies would dim a little.

Netherworld flowers in the underworld, the blossoming flower hearts are floating and releasing wisps of fragrant smoke, there are all kinds of colors, very beautiful and strange, two figures are walking on the hillside on the west bank, their bodies are sometimes big and sometimes small, sometimes tall and sometimes short , the voice is babbling, it is no longer a human language at all.

"Hey! Uncle Guodi! Song Tianzun!"

Xiao Hongdian, who was squatting on Liu Juan's shoulder, saw Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen's incorporeal bodies, jumped up and down on Liu Juan's shoulder anxiously, and kept yelling.

"Little Hongdian, don't shout anymore. Their primordial spirits are not here, so they won't be able to hear you no matter how you shout. The Nine Generals of the Men Family obey the order, and you nine will go to the west of Hell Hell, the north and the south respectively. The three Yin-Yang rivers tried their best to intercept and collect the souls of the two younger brothers."

"Yes! Queen Qixiang!"

Men Tiangang and other nine bronze armored generals who have been standing beside the ghost queen Liu Juan, although their souls have returned to mortal bodies now, like Liu Juan, they have successfully cultivated in the ghostly blood sea and blood abyss of the blood demon palace. The world is connected to the body of ghosts and yang, so entering the Nether Hell is as casual as the Mortal Realm, they all knelt down and went away with a crash, responding.

"Twenty-one Chaos Elves are troubled to show up, please divide them into seven groups and go to the northwest, southwest, northeast and southeast of the nine Yin-Yang Rivers to intercept their souls to prevent them from entering the depths of the Nether Hell. There are nine remaining, and the remaining three follow me and Xiao Hongdian to firmly guard the Yin-Yang Boundary River in the East. The other six are patrolling around the eight places. Where to intercept, we must carefully analyze and not lose any soul! Go!"

The ghost queen Liu Juan flashed her gaze, calling out the twenty-one chaotic elves left by her younger brother eleven years ago in her body, which happened to be of great use at this moment, and ordered them to go away one by one.

Then he quickly shot towards the Yinyang Bridge above the Nether River, and the little red dot on his shoulder also flew up, followed by the three red elf emperors on the left and right.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

As soon as Liu Juan flew to the Yin-Yang Bridge, the wisps of evil smoke from the Nether Flowers of the Yin Realm on the other side of the Nether River immediately merged together, and then turned into roaring hurricanes and hit the ghost queen Liu Juan.

However, Liu Juan was not afraid of these things at this moment, the hurricane in this Yin-Yang world was nothing compared to her harsh environment in the ice and snow region. After a while of speeding, Liu Juan had already reached the highest point of the Yinyang Bridge, and then quickly ran down the Yinyang Bridge, towards the phantom shadows of her younger brother Liu Qianlang and her righteous brother Song Zhen.



The Ghost Empress Liu Juan galloped among the underworld flowers and flowers on the west bank of the Nether River. The surroundings were misty and gloomy, and she came to Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen in front of Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen. Liu Juan stretched out her hands and grabbed the arms of the two younger brothers, yelling to stop.

However, suddenly a black evil wind suddenly blew in front of Liu Juan, and she swayed for a while, turning into a ferocious ghost with a height of more than ten meters, with white fangs exposed in her mouth, whining strangely. Then she looked intently at Liu Juan, and couldn't help laughing: "So it's Liu Juan, the self-appointed ghost emperor in the Wandering Territory! Do not intend to interfere with others!"

"Since you have the ability to break through the yin and yang realms of eight people in all directions and escape back to the yang realm, then you have the ability, and I can let you go if you take the soul of the Youmingwaihe in the Eastern Territory. These two people, this is Liu Qianlang. There is no such thing as him in the Yin-Yang Book, so you can take him away. But this Song Zhenyang has reached his birthday, so he must stay! Leave quickly, otherwise Ben Shuhun will let out a sharp roar, which will startle Zhonghe Suo Hunxie and Nei He Hunsha, Once the countless Yin soldiers arrive, you will not be able to escape even if you spread your wings!"

"Hmph! Go to hell!"

However, Liu Juan, the queen of ghosts, didn't even look at the other party. As soon as the Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal came out, the other party turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared with a whimper. Then he wanted to receive the souls of the two younger brothers into the Jade Seal of Nine Dragons Fireworks.


Unexpectedly, as soon as the Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal came out, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen were immediately alarmed. Although the two of them are now separated, there are almost twenty-four Yin and Yang worlds with divided souls. But the strong cultivation base of the two still existed instinctively. Liu Qianlang shouted, grabbed Song Zhen's arm, and fled to the other side of the Yinyang Youming River, which was guarded by the evil spirit of the river lock in the Eastern Yinyang Realm thousands of miles away.

The ghost queen Liu Juan was shocked, she broke out in a cold sweat immediately, she followed closely, standing on the east bank of the middle river in the Yin-Yang Realm, watching her younger brother Liu Qianlang and her adopted brother Song Zhen on the opposite bank looking at her inexplicably.

At this moment, Zhonghe Suohunjiu has already been alarmed, only to see Suohunjiu covered in yellow smoke, standing horribly on the Netherworld Bridge in the Middle Realm, waving the evil Yin-Yang mace that shines bone white in his hand, screaming strangely with.

"Oh my God! That evil spirit on the bridge is so scary! Why did Uncle Guodi and Song Tianzun run away when they saw us? Don't they know us?" Xiao Hongdian chased after her panting, and landed on Liu Juan's shoulder and asked road.

Liu Juan didn't answer Little Red Dot, her face became extremely pale, and she was lost in thought while looking at her two younger brothers.

"Thank you, the three elf emperors, go to the other side secretly to intercept their way of further escape. Don't disturb them yet. I will go to find their original souls. Their cultivation base is too high, and their original souls must be allowed to escape by themselves." You have to subdue them, otherwise we won't be able to catch them. Remember, don't disturb them!"

Liu Juan stood floating on the east bank of the Yinyang Youming River, concentrating on the souls of her two younger brothers for a while, and transmitted her thoughts to the three elf emperors beside her, and then watched the three elf emperors disappear strangely into the middle river. In the world of clouds and smog, and the two younger brothers stabilized for the time being, they were relieved to hide their figures.

About two hours later, Liu Juan and Xiao Hong Dian'er finally found Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen's original souls in Waihe River, northwest of Nether Hell.

After some exchange of spiritual thoughts, Liu Juan told them to save them and to ensure the safety of their dharma body. The next thing is that Liu Juan led the two younger brothers to arrest their soul phantoms in the four corners of the Nether Hell.

Because of the original souls of Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen, together with Liu Juan's guidance and guidance, and the slaughter of all walks of life, the guards are fierce, soul-locking, and even soul-hunting.

Although it took a lot of trouble, but two days later, they finally managed to capture all the souls of Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen, and gathered on the east bank of the Eastern Yin-Yang Boundary where the yang energy is relatively strong.

"Hee hee! Mother Queen, it's fun! Why are there so many brothers and uncles, Song Tianzun!"

Xiao Hong Dian'er crouched on Liu Juan's shoulders and gasped for breath, looking at the eighty-one Liu Qianlang and the eighty-one Song Zhen who were surrounded and protected by the nine generals of the Men's family and twenty-one chaotic elf gods. Feeling dizzy, but still asked curiously.

"Hehe, Xiaohong doesn't know something. Now your two uncles are not ordinary people of the human race. They both have eighty-one souls, and each soul is very powerful, so each soul and each soul Everyone can have a phantom body."

After two days and two nights of desperate running, Liu Juan finally found the souls of her two younger brothers without missing a beat. She felt relieved suddenly, looked sideways at her beloved Xiaohong and smiled.

"Thank you sister for giving me your life again!"

At this time, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen's original souls walked up to Liu Juan and knelt down.

"Get up quickly, why should the two younger brothers be polite to the elder sister, hurry up and unite your souls, and soon the Yin soldiers will come after you, we will protect the law for you, hurry up!" Liu Juan was extremely exhausted at the moment, and her face was pale.


Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen nodded, and then rushed to their own eighty strands of souls. Seeing the eighty strands of souls, the eighty Liu Qianlang and the eighty Song Zhen, successively met with their own primordial gods Liu Qianlang, Song Zhenrong, etc. as one.

"Boom! Boom!"


However, at a critical moment, suddenly there was a sound of ghost drums and ghost horns from the depths of the Three Realms River in the Yin-Yang Realm, and then on the other side of the Nether River, countless dark or pale Yin soldiers appeared in the gray space.

In front are countless ghost cavalry, ghost horses neighing, banners swaying, and the sound of shouting to kill shakes the entire ghost hell.

"Hmph! Bold Liu Juan! The wandering Hades from the ice and snowy regions of the Northern Territory thought that you fled back to the Mortal Realm just because of the reunion of human relations, so I want to give you another era of mortal world and happiness in the mortal world, and then capture you and return you to the Netherworld. I don’t want you to be ignorant of gratitude, to act recklessly, to break into the Yin-Yang realm privately, to seize souls and block rules, and to ignore the laws of the Nether Ghost Realm!”

"If you are smart, quickly capture Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen, hand them over to the King of Hades, and pay off your crimes! It is better to let you suffer less from the Nether Hell, or you will not be reborn forever, and you will suffer 99,000 Nether Hells day and night. Nine hundred and ninety-nine high school's strange suffering! You can't live, you can't die!"

In the whole team of Yin soldiers, the cavalry in front stepped out of a pale horse, and sitting on it was a bald, bald, dog-mouthed guy, and said wow.

"Hmph! Sect General, all elves and gods, be careful to protect the Dharma!" Liu Juan shouted coquettishly, stepped on the ancient handkerchief made of refined incense, urged the Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal in her hand, and rushed into the team of Yin soldiers on the other side of the Nether River.

"No! Mother Queen is in danger!" Seeing this, Xiao Hongzui'er squatted on Liu Juan's shoulder and shouted in horror.

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