Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1032 Poor people, terrifying beast tide

Qin Chuan got the Fiery Green Lotus and was slightly surprised. Although he already knew that it was the top Fiery Green Lotus, he was still shocked by the spiritual energy contained in it.

Sang Zi's face turned red and white at this time. He could feel the eyes of others. He was so ashamed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

He was no match for Qin Chuan, yet he was frightened out of his wits by just a few words from him. This was such a shame.

Also, the Buddha's daughter was also present. I had completely humiliated myself today. The more I thought about it, the angrier I became, and my hatred for Qin Chuan was deep in my bones.

Qin Chuan put away the Fiery Green Lotus and walked out of the huge pillar of fire. Everything around him seemed to have no threat to him. Even if the flames erupted passed through his body, he was like an elf in the fire. The god of war in flames.

He walked up to Fan Qingchen and took her hand.

Fan Qingchen blushed slightly because he had stopped him before and refused to let him go, but after he said a few words to himself, he actually fell into a trance. When he came back to his senses, he was already in the pillar of fire. .

This is the first time, maybe the last time.

Sang Zi felt embarrassed. At this moment, he was extremely jealous. He wished he could be like Qin Chuan. He was holding the Buddha's daughter, and the Buddha's daughter was looking at him with loving eyes...

Anger can make a person angry and make a person lose his mind.

"Qin Chuan, you are going too far. She is mine, mine." Sang Zi suddenly shouted loudly. Pointing at Fan Qingchen.

He was going crazy. She had been driven crazy by Qin Chuan and lost her mind. The subconscious suggestion seemed to have become a reality. Qin Chuan seemed to be robbing him of his woman.

When he shouted, everyone around him was stunned, and the person who wanted the wizard felt extremely embarrassed at this moment.

The half-old man in the lead twitched his lips, trying to stop Sang Zi.

But at this time, there was someone who was faster.

Qin Chuan!


With a crisp big mouth slap, Sang Zi's teeth flew out all over his mouth, blood flowed, and he woke up.

"You're shameless, you have to push your limits." Qin Chuan looked at Sang Zi.

Sang Zi wants to cry now. He is such a proud person, but now he has lost all face and wants to commit suicide directly.

Fan Qingchen didn't even look at Sang Zi, as if he didn't hear him at all. This was a kind of silent ignorance, not thinking that he existed at all.

In the end, the old man from the Yaoxian family came out to apologize, and the matter was settled.

Qin Chuan didn't intend to go into details. The other party had already lost all face. If he continued, he would appear to be unreasonable. A big mouth was enough.

This time, Sang Zi was completely embarrassed.

He used the treasure directly and disappeared here.

Sangzi left the sanctuary secret realm.

Sure enough, there is a treasure that can be left voluntarily, otherwise the secret realm of the sanctuary would not allow anyone to leave voluntarily. Unless you clear the level, you will die here.

This is why there are so few people coming to the Holy Land.

Qin Chuan smiled, it was quite good to be able to leave this place with popularity.

Two hours passed.

The first four levels are killings in four seasons, the first is winter, the second is spring, the third is summer, and the next one should be autumn.

Autumn is refreshing!

Qin Chuan and others appeared in a new place. Different from spring, there were fruit trees and vegetation everywhere, and there was a harvest scene everywhere.

There is a patch of yellow, orange and gold everywhere.

Well, this is similar to the metal element in the five elements.

The gold and jade are charming. It is so beautiful to see this scene that can only appear in paintings. Orchards, food, livestock...

Harmonious and beautiful, like a paradise.


Suddenly the earth shook, and then you could see smoke billowing from the ground, accompanied by dense roars of beasts.

Beast tide!

There are monsters like a tide, and they are very powerful.

"How could this happen?" Fan Qingchen frowned slightly.

Qin Chuan was stunned: "What's wrong?"

"There was no tide of beasts in the past." Fan Qingchen said.

Everyone else also frowned, should they quit? You must know that it will take time to go out and come in again this time.

There is no time limit in the Sanctuary Secret Realm.

But there are life-saving treasures, but they cannot allow you to escape at any time indefinitely. Life-saving treasures, especially those that can be teleported away from a place, generally have a minimum use interval of three months.

Fan Qingchen frowned slightly, while the others looked at each other, and only one of them said they would leave together.

Qin Chuan saw that Fan Qingchen didn't want to leave and smiled: "It's okay, it's just a tide of beasts. We can go around it."

Fan Qingchen smiled bitterly and shook his head: "This is not an ordinary beast tide. There are countless powerful people and half-step immortals among these monster beasts. This is the secret realm of the holy realm, and we cannot escape at all."

Qin Chuan thought seriously: "How will you know if you don't try?"

"Hey, forget it, let's go. If you don't leave, it will be too late." The leader of the Human Emperor Sect sighed and said.

"Actually, it's okay not to leave." Qin Chuan said at this time.

"Oh, little brother, what can you do?" the leader of the Human Emperor Sect asked.

"I took a look and found out where is the location. The monsters will not pass by there. We can stand there and wait for the tide of beasts to pass." Qin Chuan said.

"You are so naive, thinking that monsters can't see. Monsters are not as intelligent as humans, but they are not blind even if you are standing there." The half-old man from the Yaoxian family frowned. He already had problems with Qin Chuan. , now it will naturally show itself.

"They are not blind, but you can make them blind." Qin Chuan said.

"Then you can try it, but even if they can't see it, they will pass through it. After all, it is a tide of beasts, and everything they pass will be wiped out." The leader of the Human Emperor Sect said doubtfully.

"You can open the formation and push the monster away." Qin Chuan said.

"What kind of formation can stop half-step immortal monsters? Young man, don't make fun of everyone's lives." The old man from the Yaoxian family said displeasedly.

"I can only say that I am confident, and I will not make fun of everyone's lives. If you don't believe me, you can leave." Qin Chuan said.

"I believe little brother." The leader of the Human Emperor Sect said.

Qin Chuan was still a little happy. After all, being believed by others was a kind of affirmation and a sign of ability.

The leader of the Human Emperor Sect believed it. If the Yaoxian Family left, he seemed too afraid of death. He gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, young man, we will believe you just once."

Qin Chuan smiled and nodded, and the group came to a blind spot that Qin Chuan said.

Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation!

Dark mood!

The dark artistic conception was directly applied to his group, covering up the entire formation.

Qin Chuan's dark artistic conception is no small matter. These people also have treasures to deal with the dark artistic conception, but they still feel that their vision is greatly affected. At this time, everyone is shocked, where did this freak come from, with such terrifying abilities.

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