Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1033: 10 Half-Step Immortal Realm Demons...

Qin Chuan's ability also made these people estimate that although he is a young man, he can break the Taoist heart and foundation of the Buddha's daughter.

And now no one doubts that the Buddha's daughter is his woman. The Buddha's daughter's current strength may already be in the immortal realm. Even if she is suppressed to the half-step immortal realm, she is still stronger than the normal half-step immortal realm. A lot of.

Besides, they still respect the Buddha's daughter very much. After all, she is the woman closest to the Buddha and is sacred. Even if she is now someone else's woman and has been affected by it, she cannot completely change. She is still so sacred and Buddhist. Sex, only some women's expressions occasionally appeared in front of that young man.

This makes them all jealous and want to go crazy. A sage once said that food and sex are the foundation of human beings. Food is the way to life. To put it more broadly, it is the way to immortality. No matter who you are, you must eat and drink. Even with your current strength, You don’t need to eat every day, but you still need to eat, and you even need to eat better. Taking elixirs is also eating, and it is also eating.

The color in food and color is actually the harmony between heaven and earth, the fusion of yin and yang. If only yang does not arise, yin will not grow.

In fact, becoming a partner with a beautiful woman with unparalleled talents and talents will give people the greatest satisfaction emotionally and physically, and make the body tend to the most satisfying state. This has a non-negligible effect on cultivation and longevity.

It is said that people feel refreshed during happy events, feel comfortable and live longer.

Boom boom...

The sound is getting closer and closer, the ground shakes, the earth trembles, and the mountains collapse, but the peaks in Qinchuan are as stable as Mount Tai.

This is also the reason why Qin Chuan chose this place. The Golden Eyes can tell that this place belongs to a low-level gold and stone mountain. The gold and stone here are very hard, but unfortunately they cannot be used as forging materials. However, such a gold and stone mountain cannot be used by beast tides. Easily broken.

Qin Chuan just used this place as a barrier, and even Qin Chuan felt that the person who set up the secret realm might exist to deal with the so-called beast tide.

The faces of the Yaoxian family are a little ugly. At this time, their lives can almost be said to be in Qin Chuan's hands. Now they all regret why they agreed. It would be great to leave. What should I do to fight for the so-called face? It's fine now. , will face a huge danger.


Monsters and birds in the sky passed through like arrows, sand and rocks flew on the ground, and the whole world was in chaos. The scene was terrifying, as if it was falling into chaos...


Qin Chuan stared outside,

He has confidence in his formation and dark artistic conception, and because of the special location here, he will not be attacked by monsters under normal circumstances.

Two hours!

If nothing unexpected happens, it should be two hours. If something unexpected happens during such a long time, it will be really dangerous.

Half an hour passed, it was very calm, nothing happened, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but everyone knew that the danger was usually behind, and those powerful monsters were also behind the beast tide.

Qin Chuan did not dare to be careless. This was the first time he had seen such a beast tide. If the formation was broken, then they would really be in danger. Even if he had a way to escape, the warrior kept his promise and let some of them die. , even if one person dies, there is no way to explain it, and there is no way to explain it to myself.

Bang bang...

Many monsters have already begun to rush here, but the formation can bounce them away.

These monsters are not very strong and cannot rush in at all.

But this charge aroused the hearts of many people. If these monster beasts can't rush in, it means they are not strong enough. What if powerful monster beasts attack the formation?

They all looked at Qin Chuan, who had a calm expression. He was also thinking about how to survive the remaining hour and a half.


Qin Chuan thought of taking the Fiery Green Lotus before and thought of fire. Except for the fire monsters, most monsters have an innate fear of fire. Qin Chuan thought of this and felt relieved. Now he felt that It should be fine after two hours.

In addition, if it doesn't work in the end, let Fan Qingchen use the Immortal Bell Wooden Fish. If this thing doesn't work anymore, it will be God's will, and Qin Chuan doesn't have to worry about it...

An hour has passed!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Half the time had passed. This time, they did not expect to encounter a rare and terrifying tide of beasts. Such a tide of beasts was really terrifying. If this happened in the Chaos Realm, I don’t know how many cities would be destroyed.

Every day on the mainland, cities are destroyed by the tide of beasts.


A loud voice appeared outside the formation, and everyone was shocked by this loud roar.

A half-step fairyland monster.

And it's not far away, everyone can see it.

This is a white tiger with blue eyes.

He is more than a hundred meters long, all white, with spotless fur. He is a strong and powerful horse, exuding powerful aura, and has a pair of blue eyes like gems, staring at Qinchuan.

Qin Chuan secretly screamed at the monster with special eyes.

This is a powerful monster that is half-stepping into the Immortal Realm. It also has special eyes. It can see through your own dark mood. Moreover, monsters that have reached this level have very high IQs. Although they are not as good as humans, they are almost close to them. Ordinary people.

This is also the balance of heaven. If monsters are smarter than humans, then humans don’t need to exist. Monsters are monsters after all. Unless they become monsters, monsters are not monsters. In fact, most monsters are still humans. Qin Chuan also They are considered human beings, but they can also be said to be monsters.


After all, the white tiger kept roaring, and a piece of world immediately became empty around him.


There were continuous roars, and Qin Chuan secretly thought that this was not good. This blue-eyed white tiger was summoning helpers. This was a leader-level blue-eyed white tiger.

Soon, a dozen half-step fairy beasts appeared here.

Everyone turned pale at this moment, it was over, it was definitely going to be over now.


The blue-eyed white tiger roared, and the surrounding monsters rushed towards the formation like a tide.

Qin Chuan's expression changed, his consciousness suddenly changed, and he directly used the Yin and Yang Fire.

The yin and yang fire could only cover the thirty meters in front of everyone.

The monsters that rushed in were reduced to ashes.

But there were still countless monsters rushing in.

If this continues, there is no way to stop it, because the distance is only thirty meters, and there are too many monsters over a hundred meters long, and there are also many monsters attacking from the air.

However, Qin Chuan's formation is still very powerful, and ordinary monsters can't rush through it, but this will increase consumption.

It would be fine if he could just hold on like this for two hours, but there were still dozens of half-step immortal beasts staring at him, and they should be attacking soon.

Qin Chuan knew that he had to take the initiative this time. This blue-eyed white tiger was the leader. As the saying goes, catch the thief first and capture the king first. If that didn't work, he would have to capture this blue-eyed white tiger.

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