Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1071: All means exhausted, taboo beads appear

Dark Phoenix gritted his teeth and concentrated. He knew that if he succeeded in taming it earlier, this man would be less likely to be attacked.

The leader of the Boundless Blood Sea Sect also became ruthless at this time. He must get rid of this young man in the shortest possible time and interrupt Black Phoenix's recognition of his master.

However, the young man was surrounded by golden light and could withstand most of his strength.

This is an ability that Qinchuan King Kong Dao has after reaching the state of transcendence.

King Kong Fudo!

In a short period of time, Qin Chuan's body can be made so powerful that it is currently terrifying. This is why Qin Chuan can resist the crazy attack of the Blood Sea Sect Master without getting injured.

But the "Vajra Immovable King" will not last long. As long as this time passes, Qin Chuan will not be able to resist like this.

Time passes slowly and quickly.

More than half of the imprint has passed, but Qin Chuan's time for King Kong Fudo is coming soon.

The leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect also seemed to understand, so he attacked more quickly at this time, trying to kill Qin Chuan directly at the moment when his life-saving ability ended.

Golden Dragon Vine!

On the last one, Qin Chuan directly shot the Golden Dragon Vine, but this Golden Dragon Vine was not directed towards the Blood Sea Sect Master, but towards himself, but at that moment Qin Chuan jumped out.

So now the Golden Dragon Vine covers the three Black Phoenix people.

Forming a big cocoon to isolate, this is a powerful protective ability.

Qin Chuan, on the other hand, faced the leader of the Blood Sea Boundless Sect.

In fact, Qin Chuan thought that he was also in the golden dragon vine, but he knew that the golden dragon vine could not stop the leader of the Blood Sea Boundless Sect.

Therefore, Qin Chuan must entangle the leader of the Boundless Sea of ​​Blood by himself, and the Golden Dragon Vine can block other people's attacks, which is enough.

"What are you still doing? Attack quickly and stop that woman." The leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect was really panicked this time and shouted loudly.

He was frightened by Qin Chuan's methods.

This young man is so weird. He doesn't believe that if Qin Chuan successfully tames the Blood Dragon Demon with Black Phoenix, he won't have a follow-up move.

So he knew that the key was to prevent Dark Phoenix from taming the Blood Dragon Demon.

At this time, others have begun to besiege!

However, the Golden Dragon Vine cannot be destroyed by anyone, and it can last for a not-too-short period of time.

At this time, the Dragon Leopard Beast and the Treasure Beast Diamond Rat were guarding the Golden Dragon Vine.

Qin Chuan and the Golden Dragon Bear of the Earth were entangled with the leader of the Blood Sea Boundless Sect.

Qin Chuan had a smile on his face at this time, and a hint of cruelty.

The leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect had never seen any big winds and waves, but he still trembled in his heart. Qin Chuan was so evil. It made him feel uneasy from the inside, as if he had seen waves of demons. He even regretted provoking this person. .

There is no way out now, he must be killed, otherwise he may really be able to make the sea of ​​blood disappear.

Blood Demon Soul Devouring Strike!

The earth moves!

The leader of the Boundless Sea of ​​Blood suddenly burst into blood and rushed directly towards Qinchuan, then attacked and enveloped Qinchuan, sealing off all his escape routes.

But at the moment when the Blood Sea Sect Master's attack reached Qin Chuan.

A smile appeared on Qin Chuan's face.


There was blood in the sky, but it seemed to be empty.

Where is the most suitable one, the Earth Golden Dragon Bear directly moves Qin Chuan away with Earth Movement.

This requires grasping the best opportunity. It won’t work if it’s too early, and it won’t work if it’s too late.

The face of the leader of the Boundless Sea of ​​Blood was as gloomy as rain. He stared at the person who had appeared in another place. His figure flashed and rushed over with a bloody light.

This is real blood.

At the same time, the strength of the leader of the Boundless Sea of ​​Blood has increased again, and his body's skills are being consumed.

This is a type of blood escape, which increases strength and speed at the expense of oneself.

Qin Chuan narrowed his eyes, and then quickly used it.

Seven-star reversal!

Compared with speed, it can be delayed for a while. By the time he understands, it will be too late.

The two sides quickly changed positions, but Qin Chuan soon felt something was wrong.

Because there was a black phoenix behind him before. Although he was protected by the golden dragon vine, he could not stop the leader of the Blood Sea Boundless Sect.


After a change of position, the opponent rushed towards the black phoenix guarded by the golden dragon vine even more quickly.

At this time, Qin Chuan's expression changed drastically. He couldn't let this happen.

Although the Earth Shift and Seven Star Reversal can not only be used once a day, you cannot continue to use it after you have just used it.

Soaring dragon!

It was at this time that the depending beast Dragon Leopardmon used Dragon Soaring.

God made a hole!

The treasure beast King Kong Rat has also been dispatched. Even if it blocks him, he must be held back.

After stalling, Qin Chuan looked at the Golden Dragon Vine.

At this time, Qin Chuan gritted his teeth and took out the forbidden bead.

Then he used it directly, shrouding him and the leader of the Boundless Sea of ​​Blood. Now, no one could leave for an hour, unless Qin Chuan removed the forbidden bead, but Qin Chuan left the precious beasts Diamond Rat and Earth Golden Dragon Bear behind. Next to him, the dragon leopard beast is guarding the golden dragon vine.

The face of the leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect became even uglier. He tried but could not get out. The treasure could not be used for a short period of time. He could not get out if he wanted to. The treasure beast that the opponent had tamed himself could not be changed.

Since he can't get out, he can't change, but he feels that as long as he can kill this young man, Dark Phoenix can't change anything even if he tames his own beast. The variable still lies in this boy.

I have to say that the guess of the leader of the Blood Sea Boundless Sect is still correct.

At this time, Qin Chuan could only smile bitterly. He could only delay, hoping that the black phoenix could be tamed as soon as possible.

The leader of the Boundless Sea of ​​Blood looked at Qin Chuan with a cruel smile on his face. The area where the Taboo Pearl can taboo is not big, but it is not very small either. It is about a spherical area three hundred meters away.

"I will make it impossible for you to live or die." The leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect looked at Qin Chuan and gritted his teeth.

"Since I dare to use the Forbidden Pearl, I will kill you. Do you think you still have a chance to leave here?" Qin Chuan looked at him with a sneer.

Qin Chuan was trying to scare him, but using the taboo beads to intimidate him would definitely be effective.

The leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect's heart jumped a few times. He was afraid of this. No one can get out now. If he uses something terrible in this forbidden bead, for example, it can destroy everything in this forbidden bead, it will be a common death. , but when it comes to death, who cares about this.

This was what the leader of the Boundless Sea of ​​Blood feared most, so he was not in a hurry to take action.

However, he still stared at Qin Chuan to see if he was cheating.

Qin Chuan simply found a place to sit down and remained calm.

A quarter of an hour!

Unconsciously, a quarter of an hour passed, and the leader of the Boundless Sea of ​​Blood kept staring at Qin Chuan. As long as Qin Chuan had the slightest abnormality, he would take action.

Qin Chuan did not dare to see whether the black phoenix was successfully tamed.

I just hope that Dark Phoenix can be tamed soon.

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