Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,072 The situation reverses and escapes

Qin Chuan now only hopes that the black phoenix can be tamed as soon as possible.

At first, the leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect did not dare to move, but as time passed by, he thought a lot. He had no way out, and now he could only fight.

So he took action anyway.

After making this move, he became angry. He had been deceived again. This boy only had taboo beads and no trump card at all. He would not die with him and would only be beaten.

Now that it was over, the leader of the Boundless Sea of ​​Blood rushed towards Qinchuan in a violent storm.

Qin Chuan's physical injuries were not minor, he was definitely seriously injured, and his combat effectiveness was naturally reduced a lot. In addition, the leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect was already much stronger than Qin Chuan, so this time he could only be beaten down.

Qin Chuan struggled to hold on and used all his methods. The precious beast Vajra Rat also kept assisting from the side.

But after more than ten rounds, Qin Chuan had no resistance at all and was directly knocked away by the opponent's blow, and another mouthful of blood spurted out in mid-air.

Blood Shadow Escape!

This is a special ability of the leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect, a powerful ability that consumes himself. Qin Chuan can only protect his vitals from the opponent's Blood Shadow Escape attack.

Qin Chuan didn't know how long he could last like this, but his only hope now was to tame the Black Phoenix quickly.

"Boy, you are dead today, there is no chance." The leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect said cruelly.

"That's not necessarily true." Qin Chuan suddenly said with a smile, and then looked at the golden dragon vine outside.

The face of the leader of the Boundless Sea of ​​Blood changed. He looked over and found that nothing had changed. This kid was cheating.

But at this moment, Qin Chuan's eyes lit up.

Golden prison!


When the opponent was distracted, he directly used this powerful ability, which was also one of Qin Chuan's trump cards. However, the strength gap between the two sides was really big. I don't know if it would work. If it failed, it would hurt him even more.

Well, it worked!

Qin Chuan was overjoyed, and the two of them appeared in the Golden Divine Prison of Qin Chuan City.


Then no matter how strong the opponent is, they won't be able to get out for a quarter of an hour.

For a quarter of an hour, this is such a luxury for Qin Chuan. This may be reversible. Even if it cannot be reversed, if the Black Phoenix is ​​successfully tamed, the situation can be reversed.

The leader of the Boundless Blood Sea Sect was a little panicked at this time. This was a kind of pupil technique. He knew about it and had been exposed to it. He had a deep understanding of the evil and horror of special pupil technique.

Looking around, there was golden light everywhere, and they were all buildings that looked like real golden divine gold. He looked at Qin Chuan. At least Qin Chuan seemed to be very calm now.

He slowly calmed down. Qin Chuan looked down at him like an emperor. In the golden prison, he was the king and the god.

But it can only be a mental torture for the leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect.

A quarter of an hour, at least a quarter of an hour, but Qin Chuan knew that he would probably disappear in a quarter of an hour. The leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect was so powerful that he would only be trapped for a quarter of an hour at most.

It is a foolish dream to torture him to death mentally at this time. Even if you torture the other person to madness or collapse, it will not work. The time is too short, but Qin Chuan still wants to leave a shadow on him first so that he will never forget it for the rest of his life. shadow.

The divine power of yin and yang fights yin and yang!

A quarter of an hour is enough!

In this quarter of an hour, the leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect suffered a huge mental blow. The pain and torture almost caused him to collapse. Fortunately, he disappeared after only a quarter of an hour.

The discomfort disappeared instantly, and at that moment he felt like going from hell to heaven.

He felt very good at this time. This feeling was so good. Without loss, it would not be rare. Without the pain before, he would not be able to feel the beauty now. So if he could survive, it would not be a complete nightmare before, and he could even Said it was a fortune.

But he was still angry. He didn't want to try that feeling again in his life. In reality, he didn't want to try that feeling.

"It's over!"

The leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect said softly. After saying that, his whole body turned into a blood cloud and rushed towards Qin Chuan again.

But this time Qin Chuan smiled and directly removed the forbidden bead, while his figure flashed.

Nine houses transposition.

Arriving at Dark Phoenix.

And Dark Phoenix is ​​always surrounded by the Demon of the Void Dragon.

At this point the taming was successful and the weakness disappeared.

At this time, the Blood Dragon Demon rushed towards the Blood Sea Boundless Sect Master.

Qin Chuan conveniently gave the Blood Dragon Demon a Nine-Flower Goddess.


The aura surged, and the Blood Dragon Demon's strength increased crazily.

Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation!

Qin Chuan had a smile on his face, but his body was shaking and shaky. Black Phoenix stretched out a hand to hold Qin Chuan: "Hey, is it worth it?"

"If you think it's worth it, then it's worth it." Qin Chuan said with a smile.


During a fight, the leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect was sent flying backwards. His face turned pale and the corners of his mouth were bloody.

The leader of the Boundless Sea of ​​Blood suddenly turned pale.

Sure enough, it is true.

He now knew why Qin Chuan tried every means to let Black Phoenix tame his precious beast.

I thought before that the key person is in Qinchuan. My treasure beast is very powerful, but it is not comparable to my own strength. I definitely can't do anything to the Blood Dragon Demon, but the strength of the Blood Dragon Demon can't do anything to me either. After all, he surpassed the Blood Dragon Demon in terms of realm.

But now they face each other face to face, and they are defeated.

Before, they were on par with each other.

But at that time, the strength of the Blood Dragon Demon had increased more than ten times. What kind of concept was this? It was already good to kill the leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect without a single move.

Seeing this, the leader of the Blood Sea Borderless Sect knew that there was no chance to kill Qin Chuan and Black Phoenix at this time, and the main thing now was to save their lives.

Snow and fog are filling the air!

Then the leader of the Boundless Blood Sea Sect disappeared, not even the Blood Demon Son.

The precious beast Blood Dragon Demon returned to Qin Chuan and Black Phoenix.

Qin Chuan was lying weakly on a couch. He was physically strong, but it would take him three to five days to recover.

"Come on, drink the medicine first!"

Black Phoenix came over with the boiled medicine, and the little girl followed, calling Daddy.

Qin Chuan smiled and held the little girl in his arms.

"You're too injured, put her down quickly." Black Phoenix said anxiously, reaching out to pick up her daughter.

"I'm fine."


Qin Chuan struggled to sit up, leaning on the edge of the couch, looking at the little girl smiling happily.

Dark Phoenix is ​​a little obsessed. Being nice to the little girl means being nice to her, or better than being nice to her. She is the little girl's mother, and this is maternal nature.

"Come and drink the medicine!" Black Phoenix scooped up a spoonful with a small spoon, blew it gently, and brought it to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan blushed: "I'll do it myself!"

Dark Phoenix looked at her and said nothing.

Qin Chuan opened his mouth strangely.


The little girl smiled happily and shouted that she wanted to drink.

The scene was very warm, just like a real family of three.

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