Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1085: Phoenix Prisoning Formation, Flaws in the Formation

Naturally, everyone enjoyed the meal.

Even Shen San sighed and looked at Qin Chuan: "I have no hope of surpassing you in this life. I really can't understand."

Ying'er said at this time: "Isn't it good for you to be like this? At least there is someone leading the way. No matter what, if you really stand in a position without opponents, you will feel lonely, have no motivation, and even lose the direction of progress."

"My sister-in-law is right, but this is different for me, because I just want to cook for my women and children, as long as they like to eat. Daughter, do you like to eat?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"I like it, I like it," the little girl said happily.

Fengzi didn't know why, but she felt a little unspeakable when she heard what Qin Chuan said. She looked at Qin Chuan slightly complicatedly. She didn't know whether the woman in that sentence included herself, but it definitely included her daughter. .

"Your woman is very lucky." Ying'er looked at Qin Chuan with a smile, and then at Fengmei.

Qin Chuan smiled and said, "That's for sure."

After everyone chatted for a while, they realized that one person had not spoken much.


Qin Chuan looked at her, and she happened to look at Qin Chuan as well. As soon as Qin Chuan's eyes met, she avoided her, and Qin Chuan said, "What are your plans for the future? Do you need help?"

The stranger lowered his head slightly: "I don't know!"

Qin Chuan thought for a moment and said, "Forget it, just stay here and keep company with your sister-in-law and Fengzi."


Qin Chuan decided to go out and take a look at the Phoenix Imprisonment Formation. He hadn't seen it for so long. Now he could go and study it, and maybe he could find some flaws.

"I want to see the Phoenix Prisoning Formation. Do you want to go together or stay here?" Qin Chuan asked.

"I'll go with you!" Fengzi said.

She was worried about Qin Chuan. After all, Qin Chuan's strength level was not enough. Although he was powerful, he needed some immortality level to cooperate with him.

Qin Chuan saw a trace of concern in her beautiful eyes, which made him feel happy for a moment. Everyone likes and desires to be cared for, let alone such a charming woman.


Others were going to go, but when they saw Qin Chuan and his wife going, Shen San smiled and said, "Then I won't go. We can rest assured that your brothers and sisters will accompany you."

Feng Zi's face turned slightly red, she was not Qin Chuan's woman.

But at this time Fengzi said: "Sister, please come too!"

The stranger was stunned, hesitated and nodded: "Yes!"

Qin Chuan didn't say anything, but just looked at Fengzi, who glared at him slightly.

Three adults and a little girl walked out of the magnificent palace.

The little girl was riding on Qin Chuan's neck. The position was high and she could see everything, so she was very happy. People say that when you take a child shopping, you must hold the child up, otherwise the child can only see the adult's legs and other things. You can't even see it, your line of sight is blocked.

After wandering around for a while, we rode the colorful dragon bird to the southernmost point, which is closest to the formation.

The Prison Phoenix Formation is a large formation, a huge formation that covers the entire Phoenix City.

It is difficult to break such a formation, so Qin Chuan is currently trying to see if he can find any flaws.

The colorful dragon bird flew across the sky quickly. Qin Chuan looked at the Phoenix City below. It was a different feeling to see it from a high altitude. Many invisible places could be seen.

Qin Chuan originally had golden eyes, but when he looked up, his eyes narrowed.

Prison Phoenix Formation!

Qin Chuan saw it. He made the colorful dragon bird rise again, and then looked down from above, looking at the Phoenix City with the Golden Eyes. The shape of the Phoenix City was really a lifelike phoenix pattern, especially when viewed with the Golden Eyes. Down.

But just around the Phoenix City, there is a five-element shackle, something similar to a dragon rope, strangling the neck of "Phoenix".

This is the Prison Phoenix Formation.

This formation is very magical. It requires understanding the rules of heaven and earth, the Five Elements and Bagua, and it also uses yin and yang to transform it, trapping the entire Phoenix City. You can only enter, but cannot exit.

Qin Chuan suddenly looked at a location. The shape of this phoenix city was with its head in the south and its tail in the north.

Qin Chuan was looking at the teleportation array of Jin Phoenix City.

Because somewhere, Qin Chuan's golden eyes saw something different.

How to describe this difference? For example, a rope holding a phoenix is ​​as thick as an arm in other places, but at this location it is only as thick as a finger.

When Qin Chuan saw this, he felt that this should be the flaw that Lang Qingyun mentioned. There would be a short-term crack in a hundred years.

This position is actually a range and cannot be narrowed down, so Qin Chuan still needs to go down and determine again where the crack will appear this time within that approximate range.

Qin Chuan didn't want to wait here for the next hundred years. He had to take at least a few people out this time. The crack was only for a short time, but Qin Chuan still had the confidence to take a few people out. This was the worst plan. Qin Chuan even thought about it. You can find a way to enter and leave Phoenix City at will, and you can also take people out.

Fortunately, it was very close to the south, and Phoenix City was not very big. The colorful dragon bird was super fast, but even so, it took two hours to reach the destination.

The colorful dragon bird falls.

Qin Chuan hugged the little girl, and the two girls followed Qin Chuan.


There were people guarding this place, seemingly protecting the formation. Qin Chuan understood after thinking about it that no matter what the reason was, it was impossible for everyone to come into contact with the Phoenix Prisoning Formation.

"The city lord has an order that no one is allowed to enter."

A guard said forcefully.

A city wall and a gate were built here. As expected, if you want to see the Phoenix Prisoning Formation, you have to enter this city gate.

The city wall is very high, a hundred meters long, and the city gate is more than 30 meters long. The city gate is open at this time, but there are guards guarding it. There is also a small city behind this city gate, which is also the largest force in Phoenix City. exist.

City Lord's Mansion!

This city gate is the gate of the city within the city where the city lord's palace is located.

Qin Chuan frowned slightly. It seemed that this place was different from what Lang Qingyun said. He could see the Phoenix Prisoning Formation at that time.

"Brother, we want to go in and see what conditions are needed." Qin Chuan calmly took out a few banknotes and stuffed them into the guard's hands.

The guard was stunned for a moment but quickly handed it over, but his tone was much better: "I really can't help you. The city lord said that no one can come in."

Qin Chuan did not take back the banknote, but nodded and said, "Whether you can help me or not, these are yours. If it's convenient for you, I have a few questions that I would like to ask my brother to tell me."

This time the guard simply said: "Well, you can ask!"

"Is there any way to get in?" Qin Chuan asked.

"It can also be done with the consent of the city lord or the chief steward," the guard said.

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