Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1086: Phoenix City Lord’s Mansion, Chief Manager...

"With the consent of the city lord or the chief steward" Qin Chuan looked at the guard. "ωωωiLαMore and more complete" please search the product # book network to see the most complete and updated version. "Brother, can you tell me how to get the consent of the city lord or the chief steward?" Qin Chuan then asked. The guard thought for a while and seemed to have something unspeakable. Qin Chuan smiled and said: "Brother, don't worry, I know what to do. Don't worry, I will benefit from you when it is done." The guard looked at Qin Chuan. Perhaps Qin Chuan's appearance and eyes were too easy to convince. , and then said in a low voice: "Our chief steward is very talkative and likes to make friends, but he seems to have been seeking medical treatment recently. I don't know what is wrong with him, but it should not be made public. If you can find a miracle doctor, even if you can cure it, If you don't like the big housekeeper, the big housekeeper will agree to your conditions." Qin Chuan smiled in surprise. There is usually only one disease that is difficult to explain, and that is a man's disease. It is said that the profession of doctor is very good, very sacred, and very powerful, because there is no one who is not sick or injured, so even those who are full of evil will not offend doctors, nor will they kill doctors. After all, everyone can use them. , maybe you will find each other soon. Qin Chuan himself was a miracle doctor, and now he was healed. He said to the guard: "Brother, you are going to make a meritorious service this time. There is indeed a miracle doctor among us. I won't exaggerate, but at least it will definitely improve the butler's illness. , you have to seize this opportunity." The guard was stunned, looking at Qin Chuan and his party, as if he wanted to find the so-called miracle doctor, and finally he looked at Shen San, only this person seemed to be of the right age, and he was still hesitating. "ωωωiLα Dedication" Qin Chuan didn't say anything, just looked at him with a smile. "Wait a moment, I will inform the chief steward." the guard said. "Brother, remember, just say we are your friends." Qin Chuan said. The guard was stunned and nodded with a smile. This was a favor, but he actually thought a lot. For example, if the other party harmed the big housekeeper, then he would get involved, but he thought that he didn't know these people, and the other party didn't. Reasons to harm yourself. Wealth was gained in danger, and Qin Chuan made him feel that he could not be a bad person, so he gritted his teeth and decided to take a gamble. After a while, the guard came out, but his face didn't seem optimistic. He looked at Qin Chuan with a wry smile: "Where is the miracle doctor, butler? He said that it is inconvenient to see guests today." Qin Chuan was stunned, not expecting that he would be treated like this A young man blocked him. He really wanted to go straight through, even if he didn't notice, but he thought about it and decided to follow the normal procedure. But at this moment, a guard came over and said a few words in the ear of the previous guard. The guard showed surprise on his face and said quickly to Qin Chuan: "The miracle doctor told the housekeeper that you should go in too. Only the miracle doctor can go in. The others will rest in the guest room now." Qin Chuan nodded. When the guard finally knew that the miracle doctor was Qin Chuan, he was still stunned. After all, Qin Chuan was too young, but at this time he could only bite the bullet and lead Qin Chuan into a small courtyard. Shen San and others have been arranged to rest in a living room. "Butler, the miracle doctor is here," the guard said bravely. "Come in, come in" a friendly voice sounded. The guard led Qin Chuan in. This is a spacious living room. There are only two people in the room at this time, one is an elegant middle-aged man, and the other is an old man with an immortal spirit. The other two were also stunned when they saw Qin Chuan. Qin Chuan was slightly startled when he saw the old man, because the old man actually had a faint aura of immortality, a very pure one. This aura alone could make him a miracle doctor. And Qin Chuan was also stunned when he looked at this middle-aged elegant man. If nothing else goes wrong, this person should be the chief steward of the City Lord's Mansion. This man is not simple, he is actually stronger than Lang Qingyun, and the most important thing is that the aura in his body is very mysterious, the kind of powerful mystery that seems to contain special power. The position of the chief steward is very special and occupies a very important position in the big family. The chief steward cannot let his own family do it.

But he has to take care of his own family, so this person is even closer to the family head than a biological brother. This is a relationship. In addition to this, it is the ability of the great steward, which is equivalent to the national teacher or prime minister of the country. This shows the importance, that is, the ability must be particularly extraordinary. And this person can work as a housekeeper in the complex Phoenix City Lord's Mansion, which shows that his ability and strength are absolutely extraordinary. "Butler, the miracle doctor is here," the guard said bravely to the middle-aged elegant man. "Well, I understand, you can go down," the middle-aged man said with a smile. The guard hurriedly exited, feeling uneasy. Qin Chuan didn't say anything. After looking at the two of them, he looked at the large living room. There were patterns hanging on the walls, but they were not landscape paintings or figures, but talisman patterns and formation patterns. He was leisurely and contented, and did not feel awkward at all. These pattern changes were very high-level, which may seem cumbersome to ordinary people, but to Qin Chuan, they were actually very relaxed, simple, yet novel, which made Qin Chuan enjoy them. . "The chief steward seems to like formations and talismans." Qin Chuan said casually. The elegant middle-aged man, who was the butler, smiled and said, "What do you call me sir?" "Qin Chuan, the butler's symptoms are worrying." Qin Chuan turned around and said. The chief steward was stunned for a moment, and was a little stunned by Qin Chuan's thoughts. He was talking about talismans and formations before, but suddenly he talked about symptoms. To be honest, he had no intention of asking Qin Chuan to give him anything after seeing him. After seeing a doctor, he planned to let Qin Chuan stay for a while and then send him away. The chief steward narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Qin Chuan, and said in a calm voice: "Sir, what did you see?" Qin Chuan smiled. He saw the displeasure in the chief steward's eyes, so he smiled and said: "It's convenient. "Say it." "Say it, Lu Xianweng is one of our own, sir, I have to be confident." The chief steward said seriously. Qin Chuan knew that if he talked nonsense now, the other party would probably not show any mercy to him, or even get worse. "In three years at most, your Tianyang Vein will break, instead of being intermittently broken like it is now." Qin Chuan curled his lips disdainfully and said. In a word, the chief steward and Lu Xianweng were stunned. The other party saw the symptoms just by taking a look. Lu Xianweng also studied for half a month before coming to this conclusion, and Lu Xianweng had just said it before. After Qin Chuan finished speaking, he continued to look at the talisman patterns and formation patterns on the wall: "Where did these patterns come from? Can you tell me?" The butler was a little unaccustomed to Qin Chuan's thinking. He looked east and west, but Now he has retracted any slightest feeling of contempt. In an instant, Qin Chuan became a master in his eyes. This book comes from Pin\u0026Shu # website:


... (..)(Nine Domains Divine Emperor)

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