Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1114: Vulnerable to one blow, the battle is over

"What's wrong, Qin Chuan?" Fengzi asked nervously.

Qin Chuan smiled: "It's okay, they played formations in front of me, and they played very low-level."

An old man on the back of the Golden Devil Eagle spoke at this time. Looking at Qin Chuan, he already knew that the core of the opponent was Qin Chuan.

"Young man, I'm really surprised that the three elders of Tianyin Palace couldn't stop you."

"Do you think you can stop me?" Qin Chuan asked.

"You'll know if you try it." The old man said confidently.

"I don't like killing, I really don't like it, so I give you a chance to withdraw from this battle and don't get involved in my affairs with Tianyin Temple. I don't have to kill you." Qin Chuan looked at the dozens of people on the other side and relaxed. Xu said.

For a young man to speak like this in front of a group of powerful people from Tianyin Temple, it must have been ridiculous for outsiders to see it. Now it seems very ridiculous to these people in Tianyin Temple. Many people have already laughed, without any Covering it up, he smiled wildly.

Qin Chuan didn't smile, he was very calm, waiting for the other party to make a choice.

The old man also smiled, with disdain in his eyes, a sarcastic smile.

At this time, Qin Chuan already knew the other party's choice. He was not surprised. The other party's reaction was the most normal. It was impossible for him to be frightened by his few words. In that case, it would not be his turn to scare him.

"It's ridiculous. Young man, get ready. Forget it, I'll let you take action. At least let you take action before you die. Remember to use your strongest strength and don't leave any regrets for yourself." The old man curled his lips. Get up, he said disdainfully.

Qin Chuan looked at him with a smile, sneered, and said in a plain voice: "I will give you one last sentence, sailing in the gutter, no, this does not count as capsizing in the gutter, I can only say that you are blind, everyone has to do it for him Choose to be responsible.”

Qin Chuan moved directly after speaking.

The opponent's formation is not worth mentioning in Qin Chuan's opinion. The opponent is a treasure, but in Qin Chuan's current opinion, it is extremely ridiculous.


Directly entering the formation, Qin Chuan's action stunned the old man. What was he doing? To die?

But soon the old man discovered that he was wrong. The opponent was like a fish in water in the formation. It was even difficult to describe the opponent. Qin Chuan had already taken action.

The counterattack started directly in the formation.

He shot randomly, and every time someone fell down, dead on the spot.

In an instant, three people fell down, life or death unknown.

The old man's expression changed greatly. Now he understood a little better, and suddenly he remembered that it was said that the small courtyard where he was was protected by a formation. As long as he was in the small courtyard, no one could let him out.

Originally, when the old man heard the news, he was dismissive and didn't believe that a young man could have any accomplishments in formations, so he simply chose to ignore it, but now he suddenly realized that he might be in trouble.

Although he felt this way, he did not believe that so many people on his side could not deal with a young man.

The old man moved and decisively withdrew the formation.

A smile appeared on Qin Chuan's face.

Dragon Leopard Beast and Treasure Beast Diamond Rat!

Since the opponent has removed the formation, it is like removing the shell.

Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation!

Ten Flower Goddess!

Qin Chuan took out the Forged God Sword Hammer in his hand!

The ability to turn stone into gold coupled with the divine power of yin and yang.

Qin Chuan's attacks were indescribably sharp. Each blow was like a mountain bombardment. Even if they could catch one move, the power of turning stone into gold and the effect of yin and yang divine power caused their body reaction to decrease, and the next blow would be very difficult. Hard to take.

The Dragon Leopard Beast and the Treasure Beast Diamond Rat were even more terrifying at this time. They were killer-like existences, and they would kill immediately. Soon, more than ten people died, dying.

Without the formation, these people are really vulnerable, but with the formation, it is not worth mentioning in front of Qin Chuan.

The old man was getting hungrier and hungrier, his body couldn't help but tremble, and a fear spread from the depths of his heart.

The battle continues, Shen San and his wife also join in, as well as the elegant treasure beast Blood Dragon Demon.

Fengzi, the little girl and the stranger did not participate in the battle.

However, the battle at this time had no suspense and was one-sided.

At this time, Qin Chuan had already rushed towards the old man on the golden devil eagle.


A loud dragon roar came out, using the method of Buddha's roar.

The golden devil eagle trembled, and its body was crumbling. The dragon's roar is a deterrent to any monsters that are inferior to dragons. It comes from the soul. What's more, the nine divine dragons in Qinchuan are divine dragons, and this dragon's roar is the purest. Powerful dragon roar.

Not only was the golden devil eagle shaky, even the old man on it was pale.

He was not frightened by Qin Chuan's dragon roar, but because Qin Chuan rushed towards him, he was frightened.

Once a person is afraid, his fighting power will drop sharply.

He was already far behind Qin Chuan, and his current combat effectiveness is even more worth mentioning.

The great yin and yang hand covers the divine dragon seal!

When Qin Chuan rushed towards the old man, he raised his hand and used this imprisoning move.

The imprisonment effect is also an ability discovered after reaching the Immortal Realm.

The huge ancient handprint contains a divine dragon and a divine sword.

The roar of dragons and the sound of swords intertwined in the air, and the entire sky seemed to be moved, and the rolling energy of heaven and earth gathered together.

Boom boom!

The divine dragon and the divine sword came down with a blast.

With this blow, the sky seemed to be shattered.

It is quite now!

The battle is over.

Qin Chuan was very calm. He killed many people this time, but these people deserved to die. They had been given a choice before. Everyone must be responsible for their own choices, and they must bear the consequences of whatever they do.

This is a kind of heavenly way, cause and effect.

This time, the road was peaceful.

Langhong City!

We have arrived at Langhong City.

Qinchuan, who had been to Jiangyue City, was not so surprised to see that Langhong City was not there. After all, Langhong City and Jiangyue City were still a little bit different.

The master of Langhong City is not Tianyin Temple, but the strength of Tianyin Temple in Langhong City can be ranked among the top three.

In Qin Chuan's opinion, Tianyin Temple is not a thorny issue. What is troubling is that he is afraid that the powerful people in the circle where Tianyin Temple is located will take action. In that case, it will be difficult for Qin Chuan to deal with it with his current strength. After all, at this level, there should be many There are few existences beyond the Immortal Realm.

Fengzi felt very nervous. After all, this was a heavy burden on her. This sworn enemy, not to mention the adopted son and adopted brother that his father valued most, actually did something that was outrageous to both humans and gods.

She was forced to Phoenix City, her sister's life and death were unknown, and her parents were all killed.

She had a hard time every day, and no one knew the pain in her heart.

She was going to Tianyin Temple soon, and she felt very nervous and excited.

Qin Chuan could feel her thoughts. He stood next to her without speaking, but gently held her shoulders.

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