Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,115 Yang Dao vs. Bone Palm

"Qinchuan!" Fengzi called him softly.

"Yeah!" Qin Chuan responded softly.

Fengzi didn't say anything, but looked into the distance with blurry eyes. At this time, the Dragon Leopard Beast and the Treasure Beast Diamond Rat came back, bringing with them a lot of Sumi Mustard Seeds.

Qin Chuan put it away directly. He had a lot in his hands now, and he didn't even look at what was inside. When this matter was over, he would take the time to see if there was anything he needed.

Find a place to stay, then find a restaurant, eat something first, then rest and prepare before going to Tianyin Temple.

Seeing how late it was, I finally decided to go to Tianyin Temple tomorrow.

We'll stay at this restaurant called Hakka tonight.

Three rooms were booked, one for Shen San and Ying'er, one for Stranger, and one for Qin Chuan, Fengzi and the little girl.

At night, Fengzi tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

Qin Chuan turned her over and looked at her with a smile: "If you can't sleep, then don't sleep. Let's talk."

"We are not trying to be a couple." Fengzi said.

Qin Chuan smacked his lips and leaned over, Feng Zi blushed, while Qin Chuan buried his head in her arms.

Fengzi blushed and gently hugged his neck.

The next day, while having breakfast, I found that the stranger was not there, so Fengzi went to the stranger's room to see her.

Finally Fengzi came out with a letter.

Qin Chuan frowned and looked at the letter, which was for him.

Qin Chuan, when you read this letter, I have already left. Don’t think about looking for me. You can’t find me. I know you probably don’t want to look for me either. I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say. I I know that I am no longer qualified to ask for anything from you in this life. You have given me a lot, including my life, but I treat you like this.

I know that being sorry doesn’t mean anything to you, and you don’t care about it. I will take care of myself when I leave. See you again by chance. Take care of me. I miss you Sister Fengzi, Brother Shen San, and Sister-in-law Ying’er, I am very happy. I like them and I want to stay, but I can't.


Take care of yourself.


Qin Chuan sighed.

"Qin Chuan, we have to go find her. It's very dangerous for her to be out there alone." Fengzi said anxiously.

"I can't find her. She's actually not that weak. It's useless to find her. She has already made up her mind to leave. Just like she said, let's see you again if we have the chance!" Qin Chuan said.

Fengzi didn't speak.

After breakfast, the group moved forward again, this time heading directly to Tianyin Temple.

Tianyin Temple is located in the north of Langhong City.

Tianheng Mountain!

This is the largest mountain range in Langhong City, running east-west. Almost all the major sects and families in Langhong City are on this mountain range.

This is a spiritual vessel.

This time it went smoothly, and we reached the foot of Tianheng Mountain without any obstruction.

It is too easy to find Tianyin Temple in Langhong City.

However, it was already three days later when Qin Chuan and his party arrived at the gate of Tianyin Temple.

Tianheng Mountain has a very high altitude, more than 3,000 meters, and there are exactly 10,000 stone steps. Ordinary people can't even walk up these stone steps.

Fengzi didn't say a word, her expression was very tense.

Qin Chuan once again used his previous methods and stepped down directly.

The sacred cow collapses!

It directly shook the mountain gate of Tianyin Temple to collapse.


The sound was frightening and the movement was huge. Many people avoided it. Some people went to report the news, and some people rushed over directly.

"I'm looking for death. I don't want my life. I really don't want my life." A young man shouted loudly towards Qin Chuan, and even rushed towards him, with great potential to take action.

"Get out!" Qin Chuan shouted coldly.

This one was in the form of Buddha's roar. After the sound, the young man drew blood from his mouth and retreated in panic.

This time no one rushed forward, and no one even dared to say anything.

If Qin Chuan waited any longer, the door of Tianyin Palace would be broken by him. They couldn't afford to lose face and they would definitely come out.

And Qin Chuan also wanted to settle the matter today.

The only ones who came today were Qin Chuan and Feng Zi.

The little girl followed Shen San and his wife and did not come.

Originally, Shen San had to come, leaving Ying'er to take care of the little girl alone.

But Qin Chuan did not agree. Instead, he found a temporary place to stay and even set up a formation to accommodate the two of them, so that Qin Chuan could rest assured.

During a cup of tea, a group of people came out with frowns and cold faces, wearing dark clothes embroidered with bones.

The leader was an old man. He was slender, thin, with fair skin and gray hair, but there was no wrinkle on his face. He had harrier eyes, an eagle nose, and thin lips like knives. His eyes shot toward Qin Chuan like lightning.

"Where is Feng Xiang Sect?" Qin Chuan asked.

Feng Xiangzong was Feng Zi's sworn brother, that person who was worse than a beast. If he hadn't drunk Feng Zi's father and others, Tianyin Palace wouldn't have succeeded.

"Who are you? You come to Tianyin Temple to act recklessly and seek death!" The old man said in a cold tone and his anger had reached the critical point.

"Let me ask you one last time, where is the Feng Xiang Sect?" Qin Chuan's voice was very light and cold.

"Seeking death!" The old man was angry. He stepped on his foot, causing gravel to fly. He was ejected and rushed directly towards Qin Chuan, shooting out with both hands.

Bone Palm!


A pair of hands turned into white bones, and the huge white bone palm grabbed Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly. The cold aura above them was very strong. Tianyin Temple, this technique really followed the path of coldness, it was extremely vicious.

However, Qin Chuan has the Yin Yang Dao, and he is also in the realm of refining the void and combining the Tao. This seemingly vicious technique is actually self-defeating in Qin Chuan's opinion.

Yang Dao!

Qin Chuan remained motionless. When the opponent's bone palm came closer, Qin Chuan's hands quickly reached out, like lightning.

With the hot pure yang power, the yin and yang divine power, especially the yin and yang yang, the whole pair of hands hit the ice like hot flames.

Yang is heaven, earth is yin, heaven is noble and earth is humble.

With a huge noise, the old man's boney hand disappeared directly. The pale old man's arms hung down limply and he looked at Qin Chuan in disbelief.


Qin Chuan had no mercy for such people.


The old man still couldn't hold it back, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out.

Qin Chuan's blow directly injured his internal organs.

The violent attacks and thunderous methods shocked the others.

"No one involved in the Feng family's affairs could escape." Qin Chuan looked at the old man and said calmly.

The old man looked at Qin Chuan with an expression of disbelief, and then looked at Feng Zi. He suddenly seemed relieved and looked at Feng Zi with a smile: "Are you the daughter of the Feng family?"

"I am!" Fengzi said.

"It's finally here, it's finally here." The old man said a few strange words and fell down.

"Where is the Fengxiang Sect?" Qin Chuan asked as he looked at the few people who came with the old man.

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