Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,331 Shura Poison Needle, Great Merit

The Demon Lord nodded: "Go ahead, I'll wait for your news!"

"Don't worry, Lord Mo, I will definitely bring that boy back."

Qin Chuan is not too worried about the existence of that troll. Even if he is extremely powerful, Qin Chuan is confident that the other party can't do anything to him, so he is not too worried.

The next day, Puyang Realm Lord was able to stand up and live like an ordinary person.

It's just that he was depressed. It was normal to suffer such a disaster and family changes, so Qin Chuan didn't say anything. He also needed to be quiet.

"Mr. Qin, I was wrong, I shouldn't have disobeyed you." Puyang Realm Lord said softly.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "There is no right or wrong, this is fate."

Fate, everyone's destiny is actually not that mysterious. It is all caused by some factors. These factors include individuals, people around them, or some unrelated people, including those left by ancestors, family, etc., everything. Cause and effect determine a person's destiny.

The Puyang family has been the leader for thousands of years, and has stepped on many bones to get to this position. Naturally, there are many causes and consequences. It is said that no family will not perish, but the time of perishment is long and short. Look at the long history, no matter how powerful it is. Every family, dynasty, and empire will perish one day.

Qin Chuan did not have much influence on the demise of the Puyang family. Since it happened, there is a reason for it to happen. Just as it is reasonable to exist, as long as it exists, it is necessary to exist.

"Mr. Qin, I want revenge. I didn't know what you did last time..." Puyang Realm Master was actually very embarrassed to say this.

The last time someone took the initiative to come to him, they made it very clear that he was indeed indifferent. Now that his family had been destroyed, to put it harshly, he just wanted Qin Chuan and the others to help him take revenge.

Although Qin Chuan was generous, he was not very comfortable. However, he thought about it and said, "You should recuperate first. You can consider the rest after you recover!"

Puyang Boundary Master knew very well that Qin Chuan would not be happy when he heard this.

Qin Chuan saved him this time, and he knew that many people outside were looking for him.

Now he is the only one left in the Puyang family. He doesn't care so much for revenge. He already owes Qin Chuan too much.

"Qin Chuan, there is a person standing outside.

It has been a long time. "Xue Qianxun said to Qin Chuan.

"Let him stand!" Qin Chuan smiled and pulled Xue Qianxun away.

The formation is open and ordinary people cannot enter.

The young man standing at the door was the one who told Lord Demon that he was coming. But after he arrived, he discovered that the formation here was very clever and he couldn't get in.

This made him very angry.

So he stood there waiting for Qin Chuan to come out.

One day passed, and Qin Chuan almost forgot about it. After the morning exercise, he found that the other party was still standing at the door, so he walked out.

Seeing Qin Chuan go out, the man said, "You finally came out!"

"Is something wrong?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Kill you!" the young man said coldly.

Qin Chuan frowned, looked at him, and raised his hand.

With a flash of golden light, Qin Chuan's hand whipped out like a golden dragon.

Diamond Dragon Claw!

But at that time, the Vajra Divine Dragon Claw was different from before. The previous Vajra Divine Dragon Claw looked extremely fierce, but this time it looked like a wandering dragon, both strong and soft.

It has the shock of a dragon shape and the charm of a divine dragon.

The young man was stunned, narrowed his eyes, and retreated.

But Qin Chuan's figure caught up again.

It's still the same move, Diamond Dragon Claw.

The Diamond Divine Dragon Claw is Qin Chuan's sharp attack method. It is indestructible and unparalleled in strength. It has the power of nine divine dragons and other enhancements, and its power is unimaginable.


The young man's face became increasingly ugly, and he couldn't break through the opponent's random moves.

This is so terrifying that it cannot be broken.

Since it can't be broken, then resist.

The young man looked at Qin Chuan's attack and thought it was terrifying, but in fact it was not that powerful.

So he resisted Qin Chuan's blow.

Then he completely regretted it.


The sound of broken bones made the man retreat quickly as if he had seen a ghost.

But at this time, Qin Chuan naturally gave him no chance, and the golden dragon vine blocked his retreat.

There was a vicious look in the eyes of the man who had no way out. Qin Chuan saw this look and used his protective divine dragon energy and the armor of the God of War.

call out!

A jet of black energy as small as a cow's hair shot towards Qin Chuan.

Shura Poison Needle!


Qin Chuan saw that there was a mark half an inch deep on the armor of the God of War at the center of his heart...

From the man's point of view, Qin Chuan would definitely die from this fatal shot. Even if he had some life-saving abilities, it would be useless. He was absolutely confident in his Shura poison needle.

But Qin Chuan's own defense capabilities, especially the resistance of the protective dragon's holy energy, and the armor of the King Kong God of War.

The protective divine dragon's holy energy has lost most of its power, and the power of the Vajra God of War armor cannot be judged.

Even so, it was still half an inch deep, and cold sweat broke out on Qin Chuan's forehead.

You must know that ordinary magical weapons cannot harm the armor of the God of War.

Perhaps because of his confidence in his Shura Poison Needle, or because he was physically injured, the man slowed down a bit after using it, and Qin Chuan's Diamond Dragon Claw killed him just like that.

Yes, it was shot to death.

Qin Chuan never took the opponent seriously from the beginning, but at the critical moment, he still used the protective dragon energy and the armor of the God of War, otherwise today would definitely be a bit dangerous.

This battle made Qin Chuan feel more and more that he should not take it lightly when dealing with anyone, even a much weaker being.

Qin Chuan took away the man's mustard seeds, and then burned the man clean with a fireball.

After Qin Chuan went back, he looked at the Xumi mustard seeds.

I was stunned at this sight.

What is the identity of this person? There seems to be a lot of good stuff in Xumi Mustard Seed, and the Immortal Crystal Stone alone costs two hundred yuan...


There were also two ancient chaos stones and a treasure map. Qin Chuan smiled when he saw the treasure map.

This is a good thing, but the location of the treasure map is difficult to find.

There are also several ancient books!

Qin Chuan thought of the black poisonous gas needle before and took it out.

Shura Poison Needle!

Qin Chuan looked at it and smiled. It turned out that the black poisonous gas before was the Shura poisonous needle. This power was too powerful.

This is a surefire move.

The more Qin Chuan looked at it, the more he liked it. He would certainly be able to get rid of that man a lot in his practice, and the Shura Poison Needle he used would also undergo huge changes.


These are basically the same type, Shura Poison Needle, Shura Sword and Shura Flash.

Qin Chuan collected them and threw the useful ones directly into his mustard seeds.

There are also some weird things. After all, there are too many and those who don’t care to look at them are thrown in.

Now Qin Chuan knew it was not the time to watch, the old devil might be about to take action himself.

This old demon still needs to be eliminated. After all, he has killed so many people. Besides, this old demon has countless lives on his body. Killing him will bring great merit.

Absolute great merit.

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