Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,332 The power of merit, the old devil is coming

Really great merit.

Merit is a good thing. Although this thing is from the five elements, it is real, just like Qin Chuan's awe-inspiring righteousness, which can restrain evil.

Merit belongs to the way of heaven, and everyone actually has the power of merit that he is born with.

In fact, the power of merit can generally only be regarded as an auxiliary method, but some people specialize in the power of merit, such as great good people, such as great Confucians, such as some Buddhists...

The merits of heaven and earth are people-oriented. Only by making merits can one learn the power of merits.

Eliminating violence and maintaining good health can be considered a kind of meritorious deeds.

If Qin Chuan can kill such giant demons, he will naturally have the power of merit. This is actually the purpose of Mr. Canglan, because this merit is the biggest treasure of the old demon.

Just relying on the power of merit obtained by killing the old demon can permanently increase a lot of strength, and the role of the power of merit does not stop there, because in the future calamity of life and death, the role of the power of merit will be fully demonstrated. Even merits can reduce the power of the calamity of life and death. It is said that if you reach a certain level, you can avoid death directly, and you can accept the benefits of the calamity of life and death without suffering the harm of it.

What Qin Chuan and Cang Lan valued was the power of Lao Mo's merit.

Two days later, Qin Chuan walked towards the door because he felt a surge of murderous intent.

He knew that the old demon was coming, because he knew that no one in the Southern Cang Realm except the old demon had such powerful murderous intent. This was not a murderous intent that could only kill dozens or hundreds of people.

Walked out the door.

A fat middle-aged man, wearing a precious silk robe, stood quietly with a smile on his face.

But Qin Chuan could see the murderous aura around him. This was the actualization of the murderous aura. It was simply a gathering of countless undead souls. This was almost the death aura of the dead souls.

Originally, Qin Chuan thought that the living dead clan and the dead energy of the living corpse clan were powerful enough last time, but now Qin Chuan knows that this is simply a small thing and cannot be compared with the person in front of him.

I still underestimated this troll.

To outsiders, he looks like a rich man, but Qin Chuan can see the ferocious evil side. He is a troll, a terrifying troll.

The old devil looked at Qin Chuan,

The expression on his face was also very indifferent, but he found that Qin Chuan was different from ordinary people. This was an intuition, which even made him feel vaguely invisible.

To know that at his level, it was really rare for her to be able to see through him.

This young man is very calm. The other party must know his identity, but he can still be so calm.

"Young man is very clever and has killed many of my people. I come to you to ask for an explanation." The old devil said with a smile.

Qin Chuan slowly took out the Forging God Sword Hammer!

Raise your breath to its peak.

The old devil was stunned. What was this young man going to do? Was he going to take the initiative to fight with him?

"Oh, what did you just say?" Qin Chuan said.

The old devil was not in a hurry and said again: "You killed so many of my people and you don't want to give me an explanation?"

"Well, how many people have you killed? Have you given an explanation to others?" Qin Chuan asked.

This person who massacred the city actually asked others for an explanation. How many people were waiting to ask him for an explanation.

"Haha, that's interesting. You asked me for an explanation. Do you have one? Who asked me for an explanation?" Lao Mo laughed.

"Can't you see the dead souls surrounding you? There are countless dead souls. It's okay for a warrior to kill someone. Killing a city like this is against the will of heaven. How long do you think you can live?" Qin Chuan asked.

A sharp look flashed in the old devil's eyes: "What do you know? Of the three thousand avenues, the killing path is the most important. I am the killing path, the killing path. Since the killing path exists, it is in line with the way of heaven, and all the ways return to the sect. As long as I succeed in cultivating it in the end." Zhengguo, no one asks about one’s origin, and besides, it’s okay to ask about one’s origin. Since ancient times, how many people have followed the path of killing, it’s not uncommon.”

"You have only seen the surface but not the inside. Killers will always be killed. This road is not easy to follow. How many people have really walked out?"

"I'm going to come out soon. I'll be able to enter a new realm soon. When the time comes, my killing path will be smooth sailing." The old devil laughed happily.

Qin Chuan frowned. Qin Chuan was quite knowledgeable on the road. He knew what the old devil said was right. Therefore, if he wanted to kill the old devil, he could not wait too long. Once he broke through, they would not be able to become the old devil. magic.

"Maybe, but I hope you have time to break through." Qin Chuan said.

"Huh? What? You still want to stop me?" The old devil laughed.

"I will ask you for an explanation on behalf of thousands of dead souls. I hope you can give an explanation when the time comes." Qin Chuan said.

"Don't you think it's ridiculous to give an explanation to a dead man? Don't you think you're stupid?" Old Devil sneered.

"It's ridiculous. Maybe, I hope you can say this again in the future. I won't keep you here today. In a few days, I will go to Jiecheng Mansion in person to ask for an explanation from you. What do you think?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"You think so well, today I want to see what qualifications you have to ask me for an explanation?" After the old devil finished speaking, he was about to take action.

"Slow down, why are you in such a hurry? Let's do this. Three moves. No matter you win or lose after three moves, stop today. I will go to Jiecheng Mansion to find you in ten days at most, maybe a week." Qin Chuan said.

"Okay, I'll follow you. I just hope you can hold on to the three moves." The old devil said with a smile.

"I also hope you keep your word and don't ruin your reputation as a troll."

"Although I don't care about reputation, I will still do what I say because I am a warrior. You don't have to question this." Lao Mo said seriously.

"Okay, let's get started!" Qin Chuan said.

"Are you ready?"

Qin Chuan nodded!


Qin Chuan used the Golden Eyes, but instead of using the weakening ability, he summoned the Dragon Leopard Beast.

The dragon and leopard beasts now exist in the holy realm, and the treasure beasts' strength is naturally extraordinary.

The Dragon Leopard Beast is directly like a Soaring Dragon!

In terms of formation, the Dragon Leopard Beast's ability is still very powerful.

At the same time, Qin Chuan stretched out his hand and shot out the golden dragon vine.


Then Qin Chuan wielded the Forged God Sword Hammer and killed him directly.

Yin-Yang Forged Divine Hammer!

A hammer that contains awe-inspiring righteousness.

The old devil's eyes lit up. His perception ability was very strong. This golden dragon vine actually made him feel a little scared, so he did not try it easily. Even though he felt that the opponent's vine did not threaten his life, he would not. Take risks easily.

Interestingly, this young man is very evil.

Qin Chuan's God-Forged Sword Hammer collided with the old devil.

Qin Chuan retreated instantly, his face turned pale, and there was a strong death energy in his body.

The old demon was shocked when he saw that Qin Chuan was not dead, or even just turned pale.

Qin Chuan did not weaken the old demon, nor did he use formations, nor did he use the protective divine dragon energy and the armor of the God of War. This blow made Qin Chuan feel a little low. Of course, the other party must not have tried his best. He knew that he would show weakness today. , it is impossible for him to kill the other party, so he will be injured today, so he did not use the protective divine dragon's holy energy. You must know that the protective divine dragon's holy energy can avoid at least 60% of the damage...

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