Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,336 The Abandoned Beast

Puyang Realm Master was stupid at this time. He was wrong. He missed something. Because of his mistake, the entire family disappeared.

He watched Qin Chuan and Xue Qianxun distracted, forgetting to attack and where to stay.

And Canglan was a little bit unacceptable. He could feel that Qin Chuan's power at this time was a bit too much. Not only that, that woman, that beautiful woman was also powerful and terrifying, especially her attack, which had too strong ice attributes. .

Xue Qianxun's power is because her Nine Yin Body has fully awakened, and she has also broken through two realms. This is the true awakening, the terror in the attack, and the ultimate cold power that makes any of her attacks comparable to the killer. The presence.

The old devil was also shocked at this time. This boy could actually withstand his attack.

Qin Chuan looked at him with a sneer on his face.

The old devil finally realized that something was wrong. Qin Chuan could withstand his attack, Haoran was righteous, but this woman's attack was enough to threaten him. She had a body of nine yins, and she was still awakened.

Thinking about this, his heart bleeds. He actually didn't get this benefit. This is the best cauldron. This is the best cauldron. Moreover, he can withstand the Nine Yin Body. If he can get the Nine Yin Body The benefits gained from women's co-cultivation are unimaginable.

But now everything is gone.

Qin Chuan cultivated the awe-inspiring righteousness. The old devil knew that it was not easy to kill Qin Chuan, but it shouldn't be difficult to kill other people, so he set his target on Xue Qianxun.

Divine Eyes Immortal Power!

The wrath of the divine pupil!

Swishing, two golden rays swept across, which suddenly reduced the old devil's strength by a large amount. However, the old devil's power happened to reach a critical point, and he didn't seem to lift it up in one breath. Needless to say, he was depressed and uncomfortable. .

Golden Dragon Vine!

Glacier Divine Sword!


The terrifying ice swords combined with the golden dragon vines immediately blocked the old demon's retreat.


The death energy on the old demon's body rose into the sky like black dragons.

At the same time, the old devil's body was also rapidly growing in size.

It suddenly grew to the size of a hill, giving people an extremely oppressive feeling.

No wonder it can slaughter a city, this is a huge monster.

"A bunch of frogs in a well want to kill me. It's ridiculous."

The loud sound is so loud that it hurts the ears.

Undead entanglement!

Qinchuan's Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation played a huge role at this time and could resist the aura of the dead.

Formation-breaking knife!

The huge formation-breaking knife was raised again, this time the old devil wanted to chop down Qinchuan's Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation.

Qin Chuan was not surprised to cut off the formation arranged by Qin Chuan.

It was acceptable, but Qin Chuan was also angry when his Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation was cut down. His own was the Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation, with statues of gods and Buddhas as well as the most precious gods and Buddhas. He was restrained against the evil spirit of evil spirits, not to mention that it was still ten thousand. First level formation.

With the eighth-level awe-inspiring hegemonic body and the seventh-level Divine Beast Formation Eye Stone, Qin Chuan was extremely confident in his Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation.

Qinchuan's Divine Beast Formation Eye Stone was also recently upgraded. Like the Supreme Treasure God Buddha and the Five Elements Immortal Flag realm, it greatly increased the power of the formation.

The Buddha slaughtered everyone's business, and the Buddha was angry with his sword!

Facing the old devil's huge sword, the huge Buddha statue on the Five Elements Formation of the Holy Buddha opened its eyes.

The figure does not need to be small, and the sword of wisdom is not smaller than the formation-breaking knife of Lao Mo.

Boom boom...

The huge sound shook the sky, and the Holy Buddha's Five Elements Formation trembled slightly, but there was no sign of being broken.

The old devil was directly struck by this sword and flew out.

A huge old demon, spitting blood.

In fact, the old devil is too confident. If he dodges, Qin Chuan's Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation will not be able to hit anyone because it is too slow and can only be used to break the formation and attack huge targets that are difficult to dodge.

The old devil was holding a formation-breaking knife. He was too confident in himself and his formation-breaking ability, so he did not dodge or evade until the collision. He felt the threat, but at this time it was too late to retreat. He gritted his teeth and came to a head-on confrontation. .

Because Qin Chuan's strength has greatly increased today, the Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation has also been greatly improved.

Lao Mo's luck today can be said to be extremely tragic.

He actually resisted the Buddha's angry sword.

Fortunately, the old devil used an object that could withstand damage and save his life at the critical moment, but even so, he still spit out blood and suffered moderate injuries.

How many years have passed since I was injured again?

The old devil wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. At this time, he had returned to his normal body, but he was not that chubby and warm-looking. At this time, he was two meters tall, extremely strong, with dark red eyes, holding a formation-breaking knife in his hand, surrounded by A jet-black aura like a dragon and snake.

This is his protective death energy.

Qin Chuan looked at him with a smile: "Do you think you will die today?"

"You really think you can kill me like this?" The old devil sneered and looked at Qin Chuan with disdain.

Death Soul Killing Immortal Formation!

The beast of abandonment!


A huge black demonic beast appeared, exuding a disgusting aura, and black stinky liquid was constantly rising from all over its body. It did not fall down and seemed to circulate around the body.

His body seemed to be covered in rot, and he looked extremely disgusting. He had a pair of huge blood-red eyes and a bloody mouth.

The Abandoned Beast, as its name suggests, is also an amazing existence. It once appeared in the history books. It was the tame beast of a super demon and could fight the legendary monsters in the realm of immortals and gods.

The one in front of me is also an abandoned beast, but it has not grown up yet.

This is an evil existence, and the venom on his body is also terrifying.

But this disgusting and fishy smell is poisonous gas. That breath can directly enter your body. It is the rotting gas of death and is very powerful.

Qin Chuan was disgusted when he saw this thing, but this abandoned beast rushed directly towards Qin Chuan and others.

Along with the stench rising into the sky as he ran, black droplets flew towards this side.

Qin Chuan summoned the Earth Golden Dragon Bear.


Earth Golden Dragon Bear!


The realm of gravity!

Earth Golden Dragon Thorn!

Puff puff...

The Earth Golden Dragon Bear directly used the Earth Golden Dragon Thorns to surround the abandoned beast.

Qin Chuan also used the Golden Dragon Vine at this time.


Qinchuan's golden dragon vine entangled the abandoned beast.



The old demon saw his monster being restrained, unable to break free, and screamed in agony.

The power of Qin Chuan's golden dragon vine is terrifying, even if the old devil is entangled at this level, he will die.

The abandoned beast was not dead, but it had been maimed by Qin Chuan. It had no fighting power and could not afford to be seriously injured.

At this time, Qin Chuan once again set his target on the old devil.


Sea of ​​blood!


The main body of Puyang Realm rushed forward with a snow-white sword.

A fierce battle begins.

Blood River Cart!

Dragon Strike!

Five Elements Divine Buddha Seal!

Glacier Divine Sword!

The ice dragon breaks!


The thorn of golden crystal!

The four people attacked frantically, and the old demon also activated the formation, but Qin Chuan had already released the formation-devouring beast, and was waiting for the next Buddha's Wrath Sword. To use the Buddha's Wrath Sword, you need to gather the power of gods and Buddhas first.

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