Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,337 The Seal of Death, White Hair and Beauty

The old devil activated the formation, and his strength suddenly increased a lot.

However, they were still beaten by Qin Chuan and they could only parry.

The Great Corpse Hand!

The old demon raised his arm, and the air of death gathered in the air. With a sharp roar like the undead, a huge pale handprint appeared. The air of death on it became stronger and stronger, and dark clouds rolled in the sky.

Canglan's blood river cart kept colliding.

But at this moment, he still couldn't stop the aura of destruction in the air.

The way of life.

Qin Chuan waved his hand and shot out the golden dragon vine, and at the same time, a patch of green vegetation quickly appeared in the world, full of green and lush.

Boom boom boom!

The corpse's hand fell.

Qin Chuan slapped it with one palm.

Divine Hand.

This is a life-saving mudra. It is a technique in the Nine Medical Scriptures. Now it was used by Qin Chuan, using the sacred hand in an offensive way.

Tsk tsk...

It was the sound of corrosion, but the two sides offset each other, and finally they were even. The huge palm disappeared, and the surrounding green vegetation also disappeared.

The old devil stared at Qin Chuan, as if he was seeing Qin Chuan for the first time. This young man is really evil. Who is he? How strong is this young man?

At this time, Qin Chuan no longer gave him a chance.

Because the Buddha's Wrath Sword can be used again.

As the sword struck out, the old devil was frightened by being struck before, so he naturally avoided it this time. However, as big as the taboo space of the taboo bead was, the old devil could avoid it, but his formation could not avoid it.

Therefore, the old demon's formation was directly shattered.

Almost at the same time, Xue Qianxun's attack arrived.

There are also two treasure beasts, a formation-eating beast and the earth golden dragon bear.

at the same time,

Qin Chuan's golden dragon vine was also shot out.

The old devil was frightened, and for the first time he had the intention of retreating. He had now discovered that this woman was no weaker than him. Even if the two of them fought, he might not be able to win.

Xue Qianxun, who had been boosted by Qin Chuan, was naturally very powerful. If he hadn't just broken through and was still uncomfortable, he could definitely defeat the old devil.

The old devil took out a golden ball in his hand, which was engraved with complicated runes, but his expression soon changed.


This golden ball is a treasure that can be used to teleport and escape, but now it is ineffective. My earth escape bead is actually ineffective.

The old devil couldn't believe that his Earth Escape Bead was his last life-saving treasure. It had the highest level among his treasures because this thing was used to save his life.

Ordinary taboo beads can't imprison him at all. He can move as he wants with the earth escape bead, and no one can stop him.

This is why when Qin Chuan took out the forbidden bead at first, the old devil didn't take it seriously at all.

"Want to run?" Qin Chuan smiled.

At the same time, his hands speed up the attack.

The old demon was accidentally swept away by the golden dragon vine, and he was suddenly covered in blood. This was not just a joke. The Puyang Realm Master cut off one of the old demon's arms with a desperate sword, but his shoulder was also broken by the old demon.


Puyang Realm Master laughed happily. This sword relieved the hatred. The hatred in his heart was overwhelming.

The old demon has lost an arm and has the intention to retreat. The battle is naturally not good for him. It can be said that there is only one way to die. He uses the treasure to escape but fails.

In the fight between trapped beasts, Qin Chuan did not dare to be on guard. Who knew if the old devil had the final terrifying trump card.


The old demon was blasted away again. The blood on his body had dyed his clothes red, and the death energy all over his body was gathering crazily. The old demon's eyes were fixed on Xue Qianxun.

Qin Chuan had an ominous feeling.

"Hahaha, even if I die today, I will still hold a cushion on my back and bear the death mark of the corpse, and my life will flow away!"

The old devil used all his own death power to form a mark of death. This was a blow with all his own death power at the cost of his life.

This move was one that Lao Mo thought he would never use in his life, so he just practiced it casually at first. After all, if he used this move, he would die, so it was only half-assed, but the power was still terrifying.

Xue Qianxun's face instantly turned pale because she couldn't resist, and a human-shaped bone mark hit her directly.


The old devil laughed crazily and fell down, instantly turning into a mummy-like existence.

The mark of death, the passage of life.

Qin Chuan could feel that Xue Qianxun's vitality was constantly draining away, so fast. If this continued, he might really die.

Her jet-black hair swayed in the wind, and she didn't know when it had turned snow-white.

But the vitality still cannot stop the passage.

The way of life!

Can't stop it!

Qin Chuan was sweating profusely for a while, but he was a miracle doctor and had many methods, but he could not stop Xue Qianxun's life force from draining.

Xue Qianxun's life force stopped losing, and there was an additional pattern in her body, and she still had ten years to live.

If it weren't for Lao Mo's incompetent practice of this technique, and if it weren't for Xue Qianxun's strong physique, she might not even have the last ten years to live.

The wind blew her hair, and she saw her long snow-white hair. She slowly touched her face with her hands. She was afraid that she would touch a face full of wrinkles.

Well, it's still very smooth and delicate. She looked at Qin Chuan: "Am I ugly?"

"It's beautiful. Your silver hair is even more beautiful." Qin Chuan said seriously.

This is not a lie, she is beautiful, really beautiful. She has not changed at all, except that her black hair has turned into silver hair, which is not even as long as before. But ten years of life makes Qin Chuan breathless. Naturally, he couldn't watch her only have ten years left in her life.

"We should be happy after killing the old devil and celebrate." Xue Qianxun said with a smile.

She had a beautiful smile, but Qin Chuan's heart ached so much.

If possible, if Qin Chuan doesn't kill this old devil, what does the life and death of others have to do with him? Although it is for the power of merit at the beginning, most of it is to kill the old devil. I don't want him to continue killing innocent people.

"Why is Snow Fairy's hair white?" someone around exclaimed.

"It's still so beautiful, but why does it make my heart hurt?"

"What do you know? That is the old devil's trick. Although Snow Fairy is not dead, she only has ten years to live at most."

"Ah, beauty is really unlucky."

Puyang Realm Master looked at the sky, his great revenge had been avenged, but his whole body was empty at this time, standing there in a daze.

Qin Chuan tried to be more natural. He didn't want his own emotions to affect Xue Qianxun's emotions.

But every time I see that beautiful white hair, I feel extremely dazzling.

She was not born with silver hair after all.

I have saved so many people, but now I can't even save the woman I love. In ten years, can I remove her death mark in ten years?

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