Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1338: The Abandoned King, Snow Zero

Qin Chuan and Xue Qianxun left, and Cang Lan also left. Puyang needed some quiet time, so they separated without discussion.

Go home, back to the restaurant.

Qin Chuan wanted to cook for her, but his hands trembled for the first time. Xue Qianxun held his hand and smiled: "I'll come, you teach me, I want to cook for you."

Qin Chuan felt like crying.

"Qin Chuan, I'm very happy, really happy." Xue Qianxun said with a smile.

During this period of time, she also watched Qin Chuan cook, and learned a lot, and was able to cook it. Qin Chuan watched her cook, but his mind was not on it at all.

It hurts, it hurts.

What if I can't cure her in ten years? I have been with her for the past ten years...

The two of them sat across from each other and ate, and no one mentioned the ten years of longevity.

Today, it was Xue Qianxun who did the talking, because Qin Chuan was speechless, and what he said was only a few words. Most of the time, Xue Qianxun was talking, and Qin Chuan was listening.

Puyang Realm Master was in a daze on the stage for a long time. When he came back to his senses, Qin Chuan and others had already left. Although there were still many people around, they had almost left.

He is no longer the Realm Master. He is now alone. He is alone. He had always thought about revenge, but now that he has taken revenge, he is even more lonely.

My home, my home is gone.

Suddenly he thought of Qin Chuan. He had the ability to kill the old demon, but instead of killing him, he came to find him and let the old demon destroy his family before killing him. Suddenly, all his resentment and hatred came to Qin Chuan.

And more and more, this hatred has completely transferred to Qin Chuan.

This is a belief that supports him to live. In order to survive, or it may be true resentment. After all, as long as Qin Chuan killed the old devil half a month ago, his family would be fine. It was all him, and it was all him who didn't help. He himself made his family disappear.

At this moment, Puyang Realm Master forgot that his life was saved by Qin Chuan, and that Qin Chuan helped him take revenge this time.

It's not that Qin Chuan didn't kill the old devil before, it was because he was not sure. After having a double cultivation with Xue Qianxun,

Only when your strength has greatly improved can you do this.

But Puyang Realm Lord didn’t know.

He suddenly saw the dying and abandoned beast.

He walked over uncontrollably, and the eyes of the abandoned beast were extremely blood-red, revealing more of a strange, indescribable weirdness, and the Puyang Realm Master suddenly felt that he could not tell the difference between himself and this abandoned beast. similar.

It is a beast of abandonment, abandoned, and disgusting to see.

And he felt that he was also abandoned. Now he was alone, and his family, wife, children, and parents were gone.

He had no disgust and sat calmly in front of the abandoned beast, when their eyes met.

A change occurred.

Then Puyang Realm Lord and the Abandoned Beast disappeared, strangely disappearing. Qin Chuan didn't know that an Abandoned King had been born, and would become Qin Chuan's opponent in the near future...

After killing the old devil this time, several people naturally gained huge power of merit. It can even be said that they have awakened the power of merit. This is a great benefit, but Qin Chuan is not happy about getting the power of merit now. .

"Qin Chuan, I want to eat green glass fruit." Xue Qianxun said with a smile.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll buy it soon." Qin Chuan went out.

Xue Qianxun couldn't help but shed tears.

"Qin Chuan, I'm sorry!"

Put down a snow-white letter title page and press a corner with a tea cup.

She looked at this place with nostalgia. Although this was a restaurant, it was her home.

"Ten years, Qin Chuan, ten years later, if I am still alive, I will look for you, even to the ends of the earth." Xue Qianxun said softly, turned and left, and quickly disappeared into the sea of ​​people outside.

Qin Chuan quickly returned to the room happily carrying the green glass fruit he just bought: "Xun'er, come, let's eat the fruit!"

no respond!

Qin Chuan shouted again and walked into the room.

There was still no response, and suddenly he realized something was wrong.

At a glance, I saw the paper on the round table in the room.

He threw down the fruit in his hand and walked directly over.

Picking up the piece of letter paper, there were a few simple sentences on it.

Qin Chuan, you should be very angry with me now, be good, don’t be angry, forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye, I know you are worried, I have seen you like this in the past two days, I am also very sad, I know you are very sad, I am very sad Be happy because you love me. Life and death are fateful, I have no regrets in life, I don’t want you to be like this, I want to see the wider world, see you again if we are destined!

love you forever!

Qin Chuan's hands were trembling. He rushed out, opened his golden eyes, and ran quickly on the street. Many people in Tianjie City knew that Qin Chuan was looking for Snow Fairy again.

Many people have also joined the ranks.

Qin Chuan got rid of the old devil.

Everyone was grateful to him, so they were all looking for Xue Qianxun.

But Xue Qianxun seemed to have evaporated from the world.

Three days later, Qin Chuan returned to the restaurant, fell on the bed and fell asleep.

This sleep lasts for a full week.

When he woke up again and lost a lot of weight, Qin Chuan shook his head, found the owner of the restaurant, and bought the restaurant directly.

A new door plaque was then carved by hand on the front door of the home.

Snow Chihiro.

This Qinghong Building directly became Xue Qianxun.

Today, Ouyang Junge and the old man came. They had come before, but Qin Chuan was sleeping.

"Qin Chuan!" Ouyang Junge said hello with a smile, and the old man looked at Qin Chuan worriedly.

Now Qin Chuan has a lot of things to think about and a lot of things to look at.

"Old man, brother Jun Ge!" Qin Chuan greeted with a smile.

"Hey, don't be sad, Snow Fairy has her own destiny."

Qin Chuan nodded.

"I'm leaving. I want to ask the old man and brother Jun Ge for a favor." Qin Chuan said.

The old man looked at the pavilion in front and the three words carved on it, and he already knew it, and nodded: "You said, I will do whatever I can do, and I will try my best to do what I can't. "

"Take care of this place for me." Qin Chuan said.

Qin Chuan left, left the Boundary City, and left the Southern Cang Realm.

He still wanted to look for Xue Qianxun. She said she wanted to go to a wider world, so she must have gone to a bigger and farther place, so Qin Chuan would definitely go to a wider place to search.

When Qin Chuan left, countless people from Boundary City came to see him off.

He knew because he got rid of the old demon.

Young Master Canglan is also here.

Qin Chuan looked at him. He sent Qin Chuan very far this time, all the way to the outside of the city.

"Okay, let's go back!" Qin Chuan smiled.

"I will leave here soon." Cang Lan said.

"Well, we will definitely meet again." Qin Chuan said.

"Take care!" Canglan nodded.

Qin Chuan nodded: "Take care!"

Outside the boundary city is an endless wilderness, all the way to the north. Qinchuan knows where the Zhongling Cang Realm is. It is much larger than the Southern Cang Realm, and is connected to the East Cang Realm and the West Cang Realm. The territory is unimaginably vast. .

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