Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,350 The Hell of Three-Eyed Snow Jade Mink...


It turned out to be an Oolong Beast, and the black bead was the Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill, and it was also of the precious Earth Yin attribute.

The Nine Divine Dragons have the Dark Attribute Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill. Now this Earth Yin attribute Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill is much more powerful than the previous dark attribute. Perhaps after the fusion, the Nine Divine Dragons will There will be some changes.

These thoughts flashed through Qin Chuan. The current problem is how to solve it?

"What's wrong with Qin Chuan?" Tantai Huangqing looked at Qin Chuan's expression and asked with uncertainty.

"There are good things down there." Qin Chuan said.

Tantai Huangqing didn't immediately ask what it was, because it was the water of the earth's Yin. It seemed a little inappropriate to go in rashly. If something went wrong, it would really be more than the gain was worth the loss.

Qin Chuan did not dare to act blindly. He squatted down and slowly put his fingers into the water of the earth's Yin.

Instantly, a feeling like a knife cutting off your fingers came, and it slowly spread along the fingers to the palms and arms.

Qin Chuan's face turned pale. The water of the earth's yin was so strong that Qin Chuan couldn't help but look at the little beast in the water, the Oolong beast. This guy slept soundly in the water of the earth's yin...

It was cold, as cold as a knife. Qin Chuan was hesitant, should he go down?

The Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill below is very attractive to him, but the Oolong Beast, although very small, must not be ignored. The little thing in this must be a king-like existence.

Lead it out?

It would be much easier if you could tame it and let it get the Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill for you.

But there is still a question, how scary this little thing is, and whether it can be tamed. If it is lured out, it will not be its opponent, wouldn't it be very dangerous?

So Qin Chuan is very confused now.

Qin Chuan summoned two precious beasts and even the three-eyed snow jade mink.

After this call, Qin Chuan was stunned.

Because this three-eyed snow jade mink seemed to be very interested in the water of the earth's Yin. He stretched out his paws and put it in, then jumped directly into the pool and swam happily...

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up,

The Three-Eyed Snow Jade Marten has three eyes, and the third eye is said to be also called the Eye of Hell. It possesses the Eye of Hell. Perhaps this is why it seems to be unaffected by the water of the underworld.

This is really an unexpected surprise. Now it's better. In the water of the earth's Yin, this three-eyed snow jade mink is really like a fish in water. I don't know if it can resist the Oolong Beast.

Qin Chuan's golden eyes continued to look.

The three-eyed snow jade mink is also very cautious.


A low and childish dragon roar sounded. Even in the water, it was very shocking. It made Qin Chuan's expression change. This little thing was really scary.

The Oolong Beast has woken up. It is as black as ink. In the black water of the underworld, you can still see that it is even darker. Not only is it black, it also glows black, and a warm black halo appears.

But the three-eyed snow jade mink now opened its third eye.

Blood red, red monster, can shine a red light in this black earthly water.

The Oolong Beast kept roaring, but seemed to be afraid of the three-eyed snow jade mink's eye.

Qin Chuan had only seen the Three-Eyed Snow Jade Marten use its third eye once. It saw the stars, sun and moon in its eyes, and directly sucked the target into it. It was like a black hole. After entering, it was almost impossible to survive.


The three-eyed snow jade mink also kept making squeaking sounds.

Only now did Qin Chuan realize that he had always underestimated this thing. Among his monsters, he had always felt that the two treasure beasts had the strongest combat power. In fact, only now did Qin Chuan realize that the most dangerous and most capable one was this little thing.

It's too evil, too dangerous. It looks cute and pretty, with its snow-white fur. It's very beautiful, but who could have imagined that it would be so terrifying.

Although those poisonous beasts are powerful, the evil spirit of the three-eyed snow jade marten is more terrifying than those poisonous beasts. For example, if those poisonous beasts are little ghosts, the three-eyed snow jade marten is a big demon.

The Oolong Beast still attacked. With a roaring dragon roar, its entire body rushed towards the Three-Eyed Snow Jade Marten like a black lightsaber.


The eyes of the three-eyed snow jade mink became brighter, and a red vortex appeared, spinning bigger and bigger as it faced the Oolong Beast.

The red vortex entangled the Oolong Beast, and the water splashed everywhere, as if it was boiling.

The red light disappeared, and the Oolong Beast was not hurt at all, but it still moved forward cautiously, and even retreated.

The three-eyed snow jade mink's entire body tensed up, staring closely at the black dragon beast.

The body of the three-eyed snow jade mink is also very powerful, but its terror lies in that one hell eye.

Qinchuan gave it the Ten Flower Goddess and the Five Elements Formation of the Holy Buddha.

With such an increase, it can compete with this Oolong beast.

In fact, the main reason is that the Oolong Beast seems to be worried about something and does not dare to charge. This means that the three-eyed snow jade mink has a big trump card, which is enough to threaten the Oolong Beast.

The three-eyed snow jade mink did not dare to use it easily, which meant that this trump card could only be used once in a short period of time.

The Three-Eyed Snow Jade Sable's trump card has the ability to kill the Oolong Beast, or at least severely injure it. However, if it fails to take down the Oolong Beast once it is used, then the Oolong Beast can definitely kill the Three-Eyed Snow Jade Sable.

This is a delicate battle.

Qin Chuan thought for a while and asked the Three-Eyed Snow Jade Marten to take out the Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill and lure the Black Dragon Beast out.

The three-eyed snow jade mink began to use the red swirls in its eyes to drive back the Oolongmon.

Then the three-eyed snow jade mink calmly approached the Zulong Golden Emperor Pill.

Qin Chuan was surprised to find that the three-eyed snow jade mink is very smart, with a very high IQ. Monsters are not monsters, and IQ is a flaw. No matter how powerful the monster is, it is still a monster. IQ cannot be compared with humans, unless it becomes a monster. The great demon must transform into another person before he can become wise.

This is also the scary thing about the monster clan. They have the powerful body of monster beasts and the wisdom of humans.

Although Oolongmon is also very sensitive, it is far inferior in IQ.

However, monsters are very sharp. Just like now, after the Three-Eyed Snow Jade Marten hugged the Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill, the other party reacted and quickly rushed towards the Three-Eyed Snow Jade Marten.

The three-eyed snow jade mink quickly rushed upward.

Qin Chuan's increase in speed allowed the three-eyed snow jade mink to not be as slow as the Oolong beast, chasing each other and rushing outside.

Qin Chuan was very excited because he held a big king in his hand.

Gold fishing net.

Yes, Qin Chuan wanted to use this golden fishing net to catch this black dragon beast this time.


A string of three-eyed snow jade minks came out, and Qin Chuan rushed out from a hidden position.

The golden fishing net in his hand was shot out directly.

Not to mention that, almost at the same time, he raised his hand and the golden dragon vine rushed up from below.

This is really a dragnet.

After all the escape routes were blocked, only the direction of the Three-Eyed Snow Jade Sable was left.

Qin Chuan felt that he was about to suffer. At this speed, his "draft net" might not be able to catch it.

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