Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,351 The Yin Position of the Nine Divine Dragon Positions

Qin Chuan's expression changed. His "draft net" just couldn't catch him...

If the network can't hold it this time, there's basically no hope of catching it.

But just when Qin Chuan was a little at a loss, the three-eyed snow jade mink suddenly turned around, and the third eye suddenly opened. This time it was dark red, black and red, and a huge black hollow tunnel appeared.

This is the second time Qin Chuan has seen it.

I could vaguely see the stars, sun and moon, but it was very blurry and extremely dark, like a devil's cave. This black hole was approaching the Oolong Beast.


Uolongmon quickly stopped his body, but the black hole was approaching, so Uolongmon was frightened and ran back.

This time it was better, and I just fell into the "drag and earth net".

Qin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, and was surprised at the intelligence of the three-eyed snow jade mink. At the same time, he also understood that what the Oolong beast was worried about was the three-eyed snow jade mink's trump card.

What this Eye of Hell opened before seemed to be the legendary Gate to Hell, the real Gate to Hell.

Of course, this is just a guess, but it is definitely very dangerous. Beings like Wulongmon are scared out of their wits. They would rather face the danger behind than try that black hole.

Qin Chuan breathed a long sigh of relief, happily picked up the three-eyed snow jade mink, and rubbed its furry head. It was white and spotless. Tantai Huangqing kept looking at the three-eyed snow jade mink.


The Oolong Beast caught in the golden fishing net struggled, struggling fiercely, but it was useless. In Qin Chuan's hands, the golden fishing net increased its toughness and strength by eight times. Even though the Oolong Beast was extremely powerful, it could not escape. It fell, and the golden fishing net became tighter and tighter, and finally the Oolongmon was unable to move.

At this time, Tantai Huangqing was holding the three-eyed snow jade mink, Qin Chuan smiled: "What do you think of this black dragon beast?"

Tantai Huangqing looked at the Oolong beast seriously.

One foot in size, the whole body is black and shiny, like black gold, and like black glass. It is not ugly, it is a divine horse, an Oolong beast. This kind of black is the kind of atmospheric black, elegant black, high-grade black.

In fact, the most beautiful colors are black and white, which also correspond to yin and yang. Real black and white are more beautiful than those gorgeous colors. Authentic black and white, any color will look exaggerated in front of them.

"Very good!" Emperor Tantai said with a smile.

"That's good!"

Qin Chuan said that he could kill the Oolong Beast, the Chaos Furnace, and the seven-story Demon Suppressing Immortal Tower.

Then he began to let Tantai Huangqing carve the brand.

Qin Chuan grabbed her hand and helped her.

However, the resistance of this Oolong beast is too fierce, and the progress is slow at all. If it continues like this, let alone not succeeding, it will take a year and a half to succeed, but this energy cannot be sustained at all.

So Qin Chuan stopped.

Then start to weaken directly, and then use Suppress the Demon.

Then Qin Chuan became depressed and failed to suppress the demon for the first time.

This is the first time it failed. I have fought several times before and succeeded every time. However, the first few times it was used when the target was injured and weak.

This time, the Oolong Beast was not injured at all, which made Qin Chuan think that he would be half dead before suppressing the monster the next day.

The next day, Qin Chuan didn't need to do anything, since the Black Dragon Beast couldn't move anyway, but the precious beast Diamond Rat began to torture the Black Dragon Beast.

The teeth of the precious beast Vajra Rat are said to be able to bite even high-level artifacts. The Oolong Beast's body is very powerful, but it cannot withstand the bite of the Vajra Rat.


Uromon roared in pain.

Emperor Tantai couldn't bear to watch.

"Qinchuan!" Tantai Huangqing shouted unbearably.

"There's no other way, otherwise it won't be tamed." Qin Chuan was helpless.

It has been torturing Oolongmon to the point where it is almost out of shape. The immobile Oolongmon is tortured by the treasured beast Vajra Rat. It is not easy, and it can be killed easily. No matter what existence exists, as long as it cannot move, the treasured beast Vajrarat It can be described as easy to kill.


On the second day, Qin Chuan used Demon Suppression again for the sake of success rate.

This time it was successful. The weak Oolong Beast had given up its resistance and was desperate.

So this time it is really necessary to succeed, and then this time to tame and carve the mark, it will be extremely smooth and the taming will be successful.

After successfully taming it, Qin Chuan put away the golden fishing net, while Tantai Huangqing applied medicine to the Oolong beast and fed it elixirs to heal its wounds.

The Oolong Beast's recovery ability is terrifying. Besides Qin Chuan's medical skills, a blast of divine dragon energy can make the Oolong Beast recover less than half of its injuries. It only takes a few days of rest to fully recover.

Sitting on the ground, Qin Chuan felt so good now, better than ever before, and it was a big gain to come here this time.

Although the Oolong Beast was tamed by Tantai Huangqing, Qin Chuan was very happy. With the Oolong Beast's Tantai Huangqing, it would definitely be even more powerful, and it would be a top existence even in Nanyuan City.

This gave Qin Chuan another supporter. In fact, sometimes Qin Chuan thought about it and realized that he did not regard Tantai Huangqing as an outsider.

Only then did Qin Chuan look at what he had gotten.

Zulong Golden Emperor Pill.

It’s of earthly Yin nature!

After looking at it, Qin Chuan decided to return directly to his position. This would not take much time anyway, so he returned directly to his position.

The dark position of the Nine Divine Dragons has been activated. I got an Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill with dark attributes, which enabled the dark position of the Nine Divine Dragons.

As the Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill with the Earth Yin attribute returned to its position, a cold breath instantly spread throughout the body. It was a wonderful feeling, and the whole person felt cool.


A faint roar sounded.

Then Qin Chuan discovered that the nine divine dragons were flickering on and off, the charm had changed, and the dark positions of the nine divine dragons had also changed.

Yin position!

The Yin position of the Nine Dragon Positions.


Breakthrough, fifth level holy realm.

The realm has improved by a small level, but Qin Chuan's actual combat strength has improved a lot. However, it is a pity that there is no breakthrough in Yin Yang Avenue, and it even just feels more complete.

It was already at the Dzogchen state of refining the void and combining it with the Tao, but now it feels like it is truly impregnable. It is a very subtle feeling.

After a day of rest, Qin Chuan found that there was nothing good here, so he planned to leave with Tantai Huangqing.

Those people in Tiantong who heard the news of killing don't feel worried at all now.

Tantai Huangqing was not worried. Most of the Wulong Beast's injuries had recovered. Needless to say, the power of this monster was natural. If it weren't for the three-eyed snow jade mink with an extremely terrifying eye of hell, it would not be enough to see.

If the Oolong Beast is amplified by Qin Chuan, Qin Chuan can't even imagine its strength.

The journey back to Xuanmen was peaceful.

But many people looked at the two of them strangely.

Qin Chuan understood immediately when he saw this look.

Moreover, the comments from people around him also reached Qin Chuan's ears.

That is to say, the matter of killing Tiantong.

Qin Chuan didn't seem to hear anything and went directly back to Fuzhuan Gate with Tantai Huangqing.

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