Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,371 The Legend of the Nine-Day Xuannv

He saw the painful and lingering look in Emperor Tantai's eyes...

Qin Chuan looked at Tantai Huangqing's eyes and felt his heart ached. Tantai Huangqing's words were still lingering in his ears, but the shadow slowly disappeared.

Suddenly, Qin Chuan felt so regretful. He regretted coming here and looking at this shining thing.

But everything has happened. If you want to recover, you can only go to Jiutian Xuannv Temple.

But this place is a legend.

There are many legends in this world, and one of the well-known legends is about the Nine Heavens Xuannv.

Jiutian Xuannv is a legendary existence in the mainland, supreme and legendary. In order to suppress the legendary demon king, the Twelve-Winged Demon Dragon, the Nine Heavens Xuannv Temple was founded. The two sides fought many times, but the outcome was indifferent.

In the end, Jiutian Xuannv turned into a Jiutian Xuannv stone to suppress the twelve-winged demon dragon.

The story originally ended here, but according to legend, the twelve-winged demon dragon seemed to absorb some power and shattered the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl Stone. It was broken into nine pieces of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl Stone and fell all over the world. Each piece has its own mystery. With the power and inheritance of the Nine Heavens Xuannv Stone, the Nine Heavens Xuannv Stone will automatically recognize its owner, but if you get the benefits of the Nine Heavens Xuannv Stone, you will also inherit her mission.

The mission is to suppress and eradicate the twelve-winged demon dragon.

Not knowing when this goodbye would last, Qin Chuan stood there in despair, wondering what he should do.

At this moment, he suddenly felt so lonely. Before, with Emperor Tantai around, he didn't feel anything, but now it's as if the whole world has abandoned him.

The confused Qin Chuan thought of Xue Qianxun.

Xue Qianxun left in order not to worry herself. She only had ten years to live. Unless she found the fruit of heaven and earth, the probability of finding something was no less than finding a needle in a haystack.

Suddenly Qin Chuan felt incompetent.

Really incompetent.

He can't even protect the woman he loves.

The moonlight was like water, but Qin Chuan suddenly felt extremely haggard.

It was extremely dangerous for Emperor Tantai to go to suppress the demon, and it could be said that he had a narrow escape from death, and the matter of Xue Qianxun once again occurred in Qin Chuan's mind.

Thinking of Xue Qianxun’s long snow-white hair when she left,

Although it is beautiful, it makes me feel sad when I think about it.

Exhausted mentally and physically, Qin Chuan wanted to leave here, but to leave here, he didn't want to stay here.

I don’t know how to explain to the old man when I go out.

Tantai Huangqing had just become the sect leader, the sect leader ceremony had only been completed a few days ago, and now the sect leader was gone again.

If you go out by yourself and tell people that the sect leader has gone to the Jiutian Xuannv Temple, I don’t know how many people will regard you as a madman.

I will definitely find Tantai Huangqing, I will.

Qin Chuan's eyes began to become determined.

He wants to go to Jiutian Xuannv Temple. The premise is that he has to cultivate himself. He has to find Xue Qianxun within ten years and get rid of the death energy in her body.

But all this requires strength, strength.

Qin Chuan had arrived and no longer had so much desire for strength, but now he found that he had an unprecedented desire for strength. Warriors have to let go of everything, but after letting go of everything, can they still practice with full motivation?

Qin Chuan was confused for a moment.

Human beings are born with seven emotions and six desires. Cutting off emotions and destroying desires is ultimately a small and ruthless way.

Qin Chuan still can't figure out whether the Dao is ruthless or the Dao is sentimental. He can't be ruthless. People distinguish themselves from other existences because of their affection.

Unknowingly, Qin Chuan looked at the sky and it was already dawn.

He just had such a confused night.

Tantai Huangqing's departure suddenly made Qin Chuan feel a little empty.

But at this moment, the Dragon Leopard Beast sensed.

What was discovered.

Qin Chuan shook his head. He couldn't be depressed now. He had to work hard and cheer up. He had to save Xue Qianxun and find Tantai Huangqing.

Putting aside some distracting thoughts, Qin Chuan rushed towards the dragon and leopard beast.

This ancient city is very big, and most of the people who come in basically spend their time in this ancient city, because there is inheritance here.

Qin Chuan felt the distance. It would take nearly an hour to move forward at high speed. He didn't know if he would leave the city.

Riding on the colorful dragon bird, Qin Chuan left the crowd early.

An hour is not long, but it is definitely not short. A day is only twelve hours.

Well, when Qin Chuan arrived, he found that this place was still in the ancient city.

It's just that this is a very hidden location. Not only is the location hidden, but there is also a clever little formation here.


Qin Chuan studied it for a while, and with his ability, he could easily pass through.

This is an underground passage.

Qin Chuan found that behind the formation, which he could not pass through, was the entrance to an underground passage.

It's not dark here. There are luminous beads hanging on the walls in the passage. These luminous beads alone can be sold for a lot of money.

Qinchuan moved along the passage.

His feet stepped on the stone floor, making a crisp sound that could be heard far away in the passage.

Qin Chuan opened his golden eyes and released several monsters for them to explore.

Qin Chuan moved forward holding the three-eyed snow jade mink.

The passage was very long, as if there was no end. Qin Chuan was not in a hurry and kept walking for almost half an hour. The passage was more than dozens of kilometers long.

Underground palace!

His eyes lit up, and what appeared in front of Qin Chuan was an underground palace.

This place is spacious and looks black when you look up, just like the sky at night, but here in the palace it is brightly lit, with crystal-like flower trees and luminous beads hanging from them.

Qin Chuan looked around and then walked towards the palace gate.

Standing at the door, Qin Chuan clasped his hands and bowed three times thinking about the main hall.

He raised his hand and slowly pushed open the palace door.

The place was spotless. As the door opened, Qin Chuan also saw the inside of the palace.

The place is magnificent, but the light is soft, dreamlike, luxurious yet elegant, but there is a statue of a god here.

Qin Chuan trembled slightly when he saw it.

With just one glance, one can be sure that this is a statue of the God of War.

And this is a real statue of the god.

A stone statue that turned itself into stone.

There is a golden stone case in front of the stone statue, with some classics placed on it.

Qin Chuan picked up one of the books and read it. He discovered many secrets in it, which surprised Qin Chuan.

For example, about the Jiutian Xuannv Temple.

The Jiutian Xuannv Temple and the War Temple come from the same sect, and were actually called temples at first.

The book Qin Chuan read not only mentioned the Temple of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Goddess and the Temple of War, but also mentioned the Demon Gate, the Demon Dragon Palace, the Nine Heavens Demon Dragon, and the Twelve-Winged Demon Dragon King. These things recorded in this classic did not seem to be legends. , but real.

In addition, the Jiutian Xuannv Stone was mentioned. This dynasty was destroyed because the Nine Heavens Xuannv Stone appeared here. Due to physical reasons and other reasons, not everyone could get the Nine Heavens Xuannv Stone and identify themselves as the master, so in the end the dynasty was destroyed. As the dynasty continued Perished, the Nine Heavens Xuannv Stone also disappeared.

This has become a ruins, and it is located in the treasure land of Zhongling Mountain.

But Qin Chuan saw it in a daze, and he didn't expect that Tantai Huangqing's physique matched him. Qin Chuan thought of the fairy clouds in Tantai Huangqing's body, and he didn't know if it was because of this.

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