Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,372 The Tribulation of Life and Death, The Legend of King Kong God of War...

Shaking his head, Qin Chuan looked at it again. There were many records in the classics here, but not too many. Qin Chuan knew that there were dragon realms and fairy realms above the holy realm in this world...

And there are powerful people above the holy realm. If you want to become a powerful person, you must go through a life and death tribulation.

Qin Chuan thought of the silver medal for avoiding death, which could be used to avoid death in the calamity of life and death.

At this time, you can know the preciousness of the death-free silver medal. Every time a powerful person breaks through, he will experience a life-and-death calamity. Every life-and-death calamity carries the risk of death, so at that level, the death-free silver medal will be very precious.

A powerful person, a powerful person has to go through nine or even ten tribulations of life and death before he becomes a semi-immortal, and after the semi-immortal, he becomes a fairy...

All of this requires going through many tribulations of life and death, reborn and refining one's bones, in order to become an unparalleled powerhouse.

In the calamity of life and death, he is now at the sixth level of the holy realm, and is still some distance away from being a powerful person. However, Qin Chuan is confident that it will not take too long, because there are still formations and divine positions. After all, the talisman has reached the twelfth level. .

What's more, Qin Chuan still has an immortal seed in his body.

However, Qin Chuan knew that going too far was not enough, so he could not rush. He would make breakthroughs when the time came.

Qin Chuan put away the basic books.

At this time, Qin Chuan looked at the stone statue, the stone statue of the God of War.

The feeling of intimacy was too strong.

As soon as Qin Chuan's hand touched the statue, a golden light flashed directly into Qin Chuan's body.


The King Kong God of War inheritance has a breakthrough.

This surprised Qin Chuan slightly. In fact, Qin Chuan's King Kong God of War was already at the second level, but now he has directly broken through and reached the third level.

The abilities obtained through inheritance can be continuously improved. As long as the first and second levels can be improved, given time, they can even surpass the inheritance.

Qin Chuan felt that the power of the God of War in his body was much stronger, and his body's physique and skills had undergone tremendous changes.

This was an unexpected surprise. It was a pity that the realm was not broken through, but it reached the peak of the sixth level of the holy realm.

The sixth to seventh level of the Holy Realm is a big hurdle.

Qin Chuan was not surprised if there was no breakthrough.

Looking around, this place is actually an underground mausoleum and a Vajra God of War inheritance.

Qinchuan already has the King Kong War God inheritance, so the King Kong War God inheritance has broken through to a new level. If someone comes without the King Kong War God inheritance, he will get the King Kong War God inheritance.

Overall, the most precious thing here is a legacy.

Qin Chuan is also very happy. After all, it is very difficult to break through the inheritance of King Kong God of War, and the benefits of breaking through once are no less than getting the inheritance of King Kong God of War for the first time, so Qin Chuan is still very happy.

Qin Chuan bowed to the stone statue and then withdrew.

Go back the way you came!

This time the speed was much faster. He walked out of the formation, but as soon as he came out, he found that he was surrounded.

"Boy, you got something, take it out!"

As soon as Qin Chuan came out, did he know that he was being followed before?

Thinking that he was in despair before, and that he was with Tantai Huangqing when he came, and what happened with the Gongliang family, it was not surprising that he was being followed. This time, he was careless. If the other party can keep up with him and dares to follow, then it means Still very powerful.

Qin Chuan looked at the speaker and felt at first that he was from the Gongliang family, but he was not sure.

This was a burly, bear-like man with a violent and violent aura about him.

He looks ferocious, has thick hair, and is rough. He holds two axes in his hands. The huge axes are pitch black and emit a dazzling cold light.

"Are you deaf? Hand it over. Don't force Mr. Xiong to show off his power." A young man standing next to the man said with a sneer.

"Who are you?" Qin Chuan asked.

Qin Chuan was in a bad mood and was not in the mood to play with these people.

"Boy, knowing too much is not good for you. We don't kill people for money, but if you don't cooperate, we don't mind killing you."

The man looked at Qin Chuan, the murderous intent in his eyes was extremely strong.

Qin Chuan knew that it was impossible for these people not to kill people, provided of course that they had the ability.

Qin Chuan shook his head and punched him in a flash.


The young man from before was punched out by Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan was in a bad mood now. He was not in the mood not to play with them. He punched the young man away and then directly swiped the King Kong Divine Dragon Claw at Mr. Xiong next to him.

Master Xiong didn't expect Qin Chuan to take action directly. In a hurry, he swiped the giant ax in his hand and struck Qin Chuan.

But his speed was too slow.

Qin Chuan's Vajra Body Dragon Ball swept Master Xiong away immediately before the ax came. You felt as if you had been hit by a hill.

The foot stepped suddenly.

The sacred cow collapses!

Some of those around him, Sang Chang, died, and others were injured.

And Qin Chuan used this step on Zhilian to rush out.

He caught up with Mr. Xiong in an instant.

Diamond Dragon Claw!

A roar, the sound was terrifying.

"Don't kill me, I can tell you a treasure location." Mr. Xiong yelled.

Qin Chuan was originally planning to kill him, but now he stopped.

"If I find out that you lied to me, I will make your life worse than death." Qin Chuan said lightly.

"Don't dare!" Mr. Xiong said quickly.

At this time, his face was pale and he was injured, but he was more afraid. His whole body was soaked with cold sweat, and his legs were shaking.

Before he knew it, he had walked through the gates of hell.

Mr. Xiong has been to this treasured land of Zhongling Mountain many times. He accidentally discovered that there is a formation here, but he can't get in, so he has been thinking of ways. His hard work paid off and he got some special things from the formation master.

He was finally able to enter, but the duration was too short. After entering, he was teleported out before he could get any good things.

Just when he was annoyed, he saw Qin Chuan entering another formation, so he made up his mind, but he didn't expect Qin Chuan to be so strong.

"Sir, I told you, please don't kill me, okay?" Mr. Xiong begged Qin Chuan for mercy.

"As long as you don't lie to me, I won't kill you, but if you dare to lie to me, you can think about the consequences yourself, or just commit suicide now. When the time comes, you will know that suicide is a luxury." Qin Chuan said coldly. He glanced at Mr. Xiong.

"No, no, don't worry!" Mr. Xiong's tone became more and more respectful.

Now his life and death depend on Qin Chuan's thoughts.

Soon we came to another location, which was more hidden. If Mr. Xiong hadn't led the way, it would be really difficult to find this place.

There is also a maze here, and it is much better than the previous maze.

When you see the formation Qin Chuan, you know that the other party is not lying to you.

It's just that Qin Chuan thought that there was a stone statue of the God of War like you in the previous palace. Is this the royal palace or the God of War?

Qin Chuan was confused.

But now he doesn't think about it so much. Go in and take a look. Maybe there is another opportunity here.

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