Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1373: Soul of King Kong, Palace of Rules

Qin Chuan directly led Mr. Xiong into the formation.

The reason why Mr. Xiong was poured in was to let others calm down and not call a large group of people when the time comes, to save trouble.

The same passage, but it seems that the passage here is wider and brighter.

This time Qin Chuan accelerated his speed and kept rushing forward, but the golden pupils still opened, covering the far surrounding areas. No matter what kind of disturbance could escape Qin Chuan's eyes.

The main hall!

At first glance, it is also a main hall, but compared with the previous main hall, the previous one can only be regarded as a side hall, and this can be regarded as a main hall.

Qin Chuan suddenly realized something and entered the hall directly.

Then I suddenly saw the stone statue in the main hall. It was almost exactly the same as the previous one, but the one here was more charming and larger.

What's happening here?

Qin Chuan didn't understand. This place was almost the same as before, but it was more advanced.

Qin Chuan didn't look at it this time, put away the classics on the stone table, and then put his hand on the stone statue's hand.


Qin Chuan trembled directly, and then a ray of pure energy entered Qin Chuan's body, from his consciousness to his middle palace to his dantian, and even his limbs.

Almost at the same time, Qin Chuan's inheritance of the God of War directly entered the fourth level.

The third to fourth level is also a watershed, and now it is easy to break through.

The soul of King Kong!

This was the mysterious energy that entered Qin Chuan's body before.

This is a special kind of breath, formed between heaven and earth, as if it is the awe-inspiring righteousness between heaven and earth. The same is true for the soul of King Kong, which is directly integrated into Qinchuan's King Kong God of War inheritance.

This is the psychic Vajra Victory lineage.

Qin Chuan was excited. A King Kong God of War inheritance was already extremely exciting, but he didn't expect that there was actually a King Kong Soul here.

Originally, the Vajra God of War inheritance could only be regarded as an upper-middle-class inheritance.

But if the inheritance has a soul, then it can be directly squeezed into the top row.

One step to reach the sky.


At the same time, the realm has also been broken through, reaching the seventh level of the Holy Realm!

Qin Chuan can feel that after the fusion of the soul of King Kong and the inheritance of King Kong God of War, his strength has directly changed qualitatively. It is estimated that it will be difficult for warriors in the holy realm to hurt Qin Chuan now...

Good thing, I made a lot of money this time.

Look around, there is still nothing.

Now Qin Chuan is sure that this hall should be the Temple of War.

Qin Chuan looked around, and then walked out directly with Mr. Xiong.

After I came out, I found that there was no one here...

Qin Chuan reached out and patted Master Xiong on the shoulder and left directly.

Mr. Xiong felt like he was in another world, but looking at his former subordinates, there was no one left now. No need to think about it, they were all gone.

This is human nature. It would be a fool not to run away at that time. Mr. Xiong understood that if he ran away, he would have earned a life this time.

Qin Chuan left and walked aimlessly. The treasure beast continued to look for opportunities. This time he was very happy to get the Soul of King Kong. This is the soul existence of the inheritance of King Kong War God. With the Soul of King Kong, the inheritance of King Kong War God can be regarded as a step forward. Top ranks.

One day or two days...

Days flew by without even realizing it.

It seemed that his good luck had been used up before, and he got nothing in the next few days, but at this time Qin Chuan could no longer go deeper because there were only ten days, and now five days had passed.

You won't be able to get out any later.

In fact, some people once thought about staying there for two years, hunting for treasures during these two years, and then going out after two years, bringing delicious food and supplies, and treating it as an adventure with a few people.

There are many people who think this way. After all, two years is not a long time.

But these people did not come back, which made many people who wanted to follow their example stop this idea.

Qin Chuan wanted to go out now. He really wanted to go out, so he called back the two treasure beasts and left directly.

What happened to Tantai Huangqing made Qin Chuan feel heavy.

On the sixth day.

Qin Chuan was stopped again.

four people.

Everyone's appearance was beyond recognition, and they looked ferocious, like ghosts.

But the four of them are very powerful, evil cultivators!

Four people stopped Qin Chuan. Now he was in a bad mood, so he looked at each other and said, "Who are you?"

"Young man, you don't follow the rules and break them. We are the guardians of the rules." A person said slowly, his voice was like metal.

"Guardians of the rules? That's funny. Are you qualified to be the guardians of the rules?" Qin Chuan asked.

"The rules of heaven and earth are determined by heaven and earth, and the rules of Zhongling Cang Realm, Dong Cang Realm, and Xicang Realm are naturally determined by people, and we are just a few of the many people who guard the rules." The man said slowly.

"Now you also have a chance to join us and become the guardian of the rules." The man continued.

"No interest. I advise you not to provoke me. I have no interest in you people." Qin Chuan said lightly.

"In that case, let's follow the rules and go to the palace of rules with us!" the man said.

"What if I don't go?" Qin Chuan said.

"It seems that you still don't understand our Rules Palace. In the Zhonglingcang Realm, Dongcang Realm, and Xicang Realm, no one can resist the Rules Palace." The man said confidently.

Qin Chuan was stunned. He really didn't expect that the Palace of Rules would be so powerful and find him. You must know that this is just an inconspicuous place in the Zhongling Cang Realm.

"Your Rules Palace is so powerful, why are you targeting a small person like me? Nanyuan City is so small, how did you pay attention?" Qin Chuan was very curious.

"We are responsible for this area of ​​Nanyuan City. If you don't cooperate, we will report it." The man said.

Qin Chuan understood that the Hall of Rules might be very powerful, but the few people in front of him were actually just minions.

Although they are minions, they represent the palace of rules and have a high status. No one dares to offend them, which develops their unscrupulous habits.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Qin Chuan said lightly.

"Kill us? Don't talk about your ability. Even if you have it, do you dare? If you kill us, there will be no place for you even if you run to the ends of the earth. Young man, wake up and come with us!" The man smiled disdainfully.

"Brother, what are you talking about with this guy? Just kill him. The two girls we just captured today are so beautiful. Let's just stay together for a while and have fun." The man next to him chuckled.


Qin Chuan took action and punched the person who had spoken before.

A violent punch!

The integration of the Soul of King Kong has greatly improved Qin Chuan's strength. It has been inherited to the fourth level, and his strength is the seventh level of the holy realm. In addition, his own physique and functions have also made a leap.

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