Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1374: Immortal seeds sprout and can save Xue...

Originally, Qin Chuan did not intend to kill these people, no matter what the reason, he did not intend to kill them.

But what this person said made Qin Chuan murderous. Qin Chuan didn't think he was a good person, not a savior, but he was a kind person, compassionate, and willing to help those in need even if he could help others. people.

Of course, the prerequisite is that this person is also a good person.

It is said that no matter how much you are capable of doing, you will be in trouble if you don't do it well. Qin Chuan knows this very well, but if something happens to a relative or woman, then let's talk about it separately and try every means to solve it, even if it means asking for help. Get in there yourself.

These people in front of him are not good people. They are more hateful than those bad people who pretend to be righteous, so Qin Chuan takes action. As for the rules palace, Qin Chuan can guess some even if he doesn't know.

The Rules Hall should be a super large sect, but this is just a small stronghold. To put it bluntly, if everyone here dies, it may not alarm the more important people in the Rules Hall.

In the Palace of Rules, daring to use such a name seems to require some ability and confidence. After all, good rules and laws are all a bit ethereal.

Legend has it that the strong create rules and laws, while the weak follow the rules and laws.

If you want to break through, you can only break those rules and formulate your own rules, such as creating your own avenue...

Qin Chuan shook his head, these were really too far away.

Killed the person before with one move.

The soul of King Kong has been integrated into the inheritance of King Kong God of War, and Qin Chuan's current abilities are naturally terrifying.

The incident happened so suddenly that these people had no time to react. Moreover, they did not believe that Qin Chuan would take action. Besides, their actual combat strength was quite different from Qin Chuan's.

Qin Chuan's speed was like a ghost, and his attack was the extremely violent Yin-Yang Forged Divine Hammer.


Now that this person has been killed, there is no need to keep the others. They are all the same. Killing these people not only does not feel guilty, but also makes you feel that you have accumulated merit.

The last time I killed the old demon, I gained a lot of merit power from the old demon who massacred the city. That time I truly awakened the power of merit, and maybe I can build a body of merit in the future.

The body of merit plays a huge role in cultivating the indestructible body.

The awakening of the power of merit requires opportunity, otherwise why are there so few people in the world who have cultivated the power of merit.

Killing these people is too easy for Qin Chuan now.

After Qin Chuan left, a group of people appeared at the previous place.

If Qin Chuan were here, he would definitely know one of them, Young Master Gongliang.

"Qin Chuan, you are committing suicide and dare to kill people in the Hall of Rules. You are so bold. Let's see who can save you this time." Young Master Gongliang laughed proudly.

"Master, are we going to tell the Rules Hall?"

"No, we don't have to be so direct. We just need to let the people in the Hall of Rules know. Among the people who came this time are people from the Hall of Rules. I have a memory crystal here. It is a one-time use. I just remembered everything before. Once inside, just show it to the Rules Hall." Young Master Gongliang said happily.

Memory crystals are divided into one-time and multiple-time, or even permanent. Some memory scenes are stored in them for recall and viewing. However, memory crystals are extremely precious, especially those that are multiple-time and permanent. Their value is almost as valuable as treasures. .

Qin Chuan didn't know what happened after he left.

But today, Qin Chuan felt a sudden pain in his heart.

Suddenly thinking of the immortal seed in the Zhongfu Essence and Blood Pool, he summoned the Earth Golden Dragon Bear and sat cross-legged on the Earth Golden Dragon Bear's back.

Looking at it, he could see that more than half of the essence and blood in the Zhongfu Essence and Blood Pool had been lost.

Essence and blood can be regenerated, but very slowly, and essence and blood are the source of a person's bloodline power.

Qin Chuan's physique and Qin Chuan's essence and blood are definitely very powerful, but even if he absorbed most of the essence and blood like this, Qin Chuan is shocked just thinking about it. A warrior at this level would probably die directly if he were another person, with no essence and blood. Yes, naturally it is death.

Now the fairy seeds have begun to sprout. Qin Chuan can clearly feel the changes in the fairy seeds, and the fairy seeds follow the blood to the sea of ​​consciousness.

Just take root on the edge of the galaxy of consciousness.

It grew slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a jade-like ivy grew out. It was small, but terrifyingly full of vitality.


A powerful spiritual power emanated from the tiny ivy and poured into Qin Chuan's whole body. His whole body seemed to be washed by the spiritual energy. The spiritual energy integrated into Qin Chuan's body, as well as the consciousness galaxy and the golden dragon. The nine vines and dragons...

"What a powerful immortal seed!" Qin Chuan spat out a sentence after a long time.

The Immortal Seed is truly an Immortal Seed. It cleanses the body and increases its own Immortal Spirit. Although its realm has not changed, its actual combat strength has increased a lot. And this is just the beginning. If the Immortal Seed grows into a towering tree one day, , how powerful will it be then?

From now on, there is another huge capital, and it is also a very special capital, fairy seed.

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up at this time, because he realized that he should be able to get rid of the death energy in Xue Qianxun's body now.

But where is she now?

Qin Chuan was annoyed that this woman would be punished well after he found her. If he didn't believe in himself...

After going out, I went to look for Xue Qianxun.

The world is so big, where should I go to find her?

Qin Chuan was confused.

The day before leaving, Qin Chuan returned to the entrance.

It's just that the atmosphere here seems weird, and there are a lot of people there.

Well, the people in the Hall of Rules, because these people are exactly the same as the people Qin Chuan killed, wearing the same clothes, and wearing masks like ghosts.

At this time, there were hundreds of them, staring at Qinchuan, and their fierce murderous intent spread directly towards Qinchuan.

Qin Chuan was stunned. His first instinct was that he had been exposed. The rule guardians he had killed had been exposed.

But Qin Chuan didn't understand why it was exposed.

"So brave. After all these years, you are the first one who dares to kill anyone in the Hall of Rules." A man with a mask that was obviously softer than the others came out.

"I'm curious, why did you say I killed you?" Qin Chuan asked curiously and calmly.

"Do you know about memory crystals?" the man said lightly.

Qin Chuan knew that at the beginning, he didn't pay too much attention to his surroundings. After all, the place was so remote that he didn't expect there to be anyone there.

The other party must have seen it, otherwise he wouldn't have worked so hard. This made Qin Chuan frown slightly. He naturally didn't like to provoke this rule palace. Once he did, it would be more troublesome than a dog-skin plaster.

This is a big force after all.

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