Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,376: Dragon Seeking Technique, Seeking Dragon and Seeing Qi

"Where's the girl? Why didn't she come with you?" the old man asked casually.

Qin Chuan was silent for a moment: "She went to the Jiutian Xuannv Temple."

The old man was stunned and looked at Qin Chuan. He wanted to see something in Qin Chuan's eyes, but those eyes were still extremely clear. He believed in Qin Chuan and felt that he had seen the right person.

The old man suddenly seemed to have aged a lot.

Qin Chuan stepped forward to support the old man's trembling body.

"Old man, I'm sorry, I'm useless." Qin Chuan said painfully.

"My child, there is no need to tell me this. This is her life. A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. In fact, I thought she would leave for a wider world, but I didn't expect it would be so soon and in this way."

The old man shook his head. He naturally knew about the legend of Jiutian Xuannv Temple, and Te even knew more about it, but he believed it was because he believed in Qin Chuan.

"I accidentally discovered the Jiutian Xuannv Stone in the treasure land of Zhongling Mountain. Qing'er was automatically recognized as the owner by the Jiutian Xuannv Stone." Qin Chuan felt that it was necessary to tell the old man.

After hearing this, the old man felt much more relaxed. He looked at Qin Chuan and sighed and said, "Cheer up, don't think too much, and go see the girl in the future. If I am still alive, I hope to see her again."

"Old man, I promise you, I will definitely find Qing'er and come to see you with her." Qin Chuan said seriously.

"Okay, your words are enough." The old man said with a smile.

"Old man, who is the master of Xuanmen?" Qin Chuan asked.

He knew that news about Tantai Huangqing would come out soon.

"You should also leave here!" The old man thought for a while and said.

Qin Chuan nodded.

"About when?" the old man said.

"As close as possible!" Qin Chuan can now save and cure Xue Qianxun, so he naturally has to look for Xue Qianxun. After all, he only has ten years.

"Tell me when you leave, it's okay. I will take care of Xuanmen for the time being." The old man said.

Xuanmen sect,

Qin Chuan was not worried about survival. It was not that he could not survive without him. Qin Chuan told the old man to leave in three days.

In three days, the news outside has been spreading.

The Gongliang family was in great disgrace this time. Fairy Tantai died in the treasure land of Zhongling Mountain.

This makes many people feel sad that such a lovely person is gone just like that, which makes many people feel distressed and regretful.

Many people in Xuanmen resented Qin Chuan, even Fu Zhuanmen.

There was no way, Qin Chuan had no way to explain that going to the Jiutian Xuannv Temple was actually no different from the rumors outside.

So Qin Chuan could only bear it silently.

When Qin Chuan finally left, the old man was the only one to see him off.

"Old man. Go back and wait for my good news." Qin Chuan said.


Qin Chuan left. Left Nanyuan City.

It’s so difficult to find someone. The world is so big, how should I find someone?

Suddenly Qin Chuan thought of a possibility.

go home!

But she won't go home openly, maybe she will watch secretly somewhere.

It seems like I should go back.

But before going back, we need to determine the location of Tianmen Escape.

Although he guessed that Xue Qianxun would return home, Qin Chuan still decided to search the Zhonglingcang Realm, Dongcang Realm, Xicang Realm, Nancang Realm and even Beicang Realm.

Returning to Nan Cang Realm, I came to the restaurant where I once lived. Everything here was as before. The three words Xue Qianxun that I had carved were still there. After asking, I didn’t find that Xue Qianxun had come back.

Qin Chuan stayed here for three days, feeling the warmth of the place before leaving.

Next, many people saw a man starting to travel through the Southern Cang Realm. Qin Chuan had powerful spiritual consciousness and golden eyes, but it was still not enough to find a man.

Qin Chuan, who was a little exhausted this day, wanted to take a day off. He didn't know where exactly it was, but it should be an ancient city in the Dongcang Realm.

"Young man, you are confused. Do you want me to tell you a fortune and help you solve your problems?" came a voice.

Only then did Qin Chuan realize that there was a fortune teller next to him. He was an old man who was very slovenly. He was only a little better than a beggar. He had a shabby sign and could solve problems and ask for good or bad luck.

In fact, Qin Chuan didn't believe these heresy, but he was very tired today, and the other party just wanted to make some money, so he generously took out a handful of banknotes and handed them to him, and then prepared to leave.

"Little friend, stay!" The old man called to Qin Chuan.

At this time, the old man's title also changed.

"Little friend, you can't break the rules. Either take the money or come and ask for divination." The old man said.

Qin Chuan was stunned, then went back and sat down on the small stool in front of the old man: "I'm looking for someone, but I can't find him."

The old man was stunned for a moment: "Man or woman?"


"What's your relationship?"


"To be honest, I really can't find it." The old man sighed.

Qin Chuan was also happy. He didn't expect that the old man could be found, so he smiled: "I know!"

"Okay, little friend, you are a good person. I don't want to give you back the money. I have a dragon-hunting technique here. It is very useful for finding dragons and people. I wish you good luck." The old man threw it to Qin A yellowed ancient book in Sichuan.

From the outside, it looks really old.

Qin Chuan subconsciously caught it. The dragon-seeking technique had a very majestic name. But the moment he took it into his hands, the nine divine dragons let out a low dragon roar.

It seems to be resonating.

Originally, Qin Chuan had nothing to do with this dragon-seeking technique, but the nine dragons all resonated with this dragon-seeking technique, which was enough to show that this dragon-seeking technique was very good.

Qin Chuan raised his head to look at the old man.

I found that the old man had disappeared and didn't even want the stall anymore.

In the past, Qin Chuan could give money to the elderly, which would be enough for an ordinary person to spend a lifetime.

Qin Chuan didn't know whether he was lucky or the old man was lucky?

This thing may be a treasure in your own hands, but in the hands of others, it may not be qualified as toilet paper.

Qin Chuan simply sat in the seat in front of the old man, and then began to read about this dragon-hunting technique.

When you saw Qin Chuan, your eyes lit up.

The dragon-seeking technique can be used to find dragons or people, but these are all minor ways. What is truly precious is the way to seek the dragon, the way of the true dragon, the way of the divine dragon...

The nine divine dragons kept making low roars.

The ancient book "Looking for Dragons" gradually became lighter and fainter as Qin Chuan read it. When Qin Chuan finished reading it, it turned into a clear consciousness and entered Qin Chuan's sea of ​​consciousness.

After Qin Chuan absorbed the ancient book on dragon hunting, he mastered the most basic ability.

Look for the dragon and look for the energy!

This is the most basic ability, but it is also the ability that Qin Chuan needs most at the moment.

Because this ability allows Qin Chuan to feel the general direction of people he knows and has contact with. The closer the distance, the clearer it will be.

It's really a timely help, this is the treasure he needs most, and for Qin Chuan now, this is the best treasure.

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