Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,377 Arriving at Beicang Realm

Qin Chuan sometimes feels that God is still very good to him. For example, this time, he was tired and aimless from running around, and he didn't know where to look.

Although I thought about trying my luck at Xue Qianxun's house, the probability was very small.

But other than where to go, Qin Chuan really doesn't know where to look. Looking for someone in the vast world is undoubtedly the same as finding a needle in a haystack.

But it was different now. Qin Chuan used the Dragon Seeking Qi and felt a huge dragon Qi rising in his body.

Then Qin Chuan raised his head and looked due north.

He was thinking about Xue Qianxun before, and gradually felt Xue Qianxun's direction. He could only feel the general direction, but not the specific distance and location, but this was already very good.

Because the closer the distance, the stronger the feeling, so as long as you think about the direction to move forward, you will find Xue Qianxun sooner or later.

In this case, Qin Chuan planned to go due north.

Where is the direction of Beicang Realm.

Qin Chuan doesn't know if Xue Qianxun is in Beicang Realm, but Qin Chuan is not in a hurry. He has the Dragon Seeking Technique. Finding Xue Qianxun is no longer a problem for you, and even looking for Tantai Huangqing is not a problem.

Qin Chuan did not leave immediately.

The old man had helped him so much, and Qin Chuan wanted to help him again.

So she is here waiting for him.

"Sir, I would like to ask about marriage." A voice broke Qin Chuan's trance.

Qin Chuan was stunned and realized that the other party regarded him as a fortune teller and came to ask about good or bad luck.

This is an ordinary person, not handsome either, but he has a loyal and honest face, but he has a sad look on his face, and he is obviously troubled.

Qin Chuan originally wanted to tell the other person that he was not a fortune teller, but seeing how pitiful this man was, he wanted to see if he could help him.

"What aspect do you want to ask about?" Qin Chuan asked.

"I want to ask if you can still marry a wife in this life?" the man said.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this man is in his early thirties. He may not be old, but he is definitely not young. He looks ordinary, his family must be poor, and his personality tends to be honest and dull.

It is indeed not easy for such people to start a family and marry a wife.

"Do you have any special skills? What do you do?" Qin Chuan asked.

The man was stunned. This was his first fortune-telling, and he said bitterly: "I am a cook, but my cooking skills are only average."

Qin Chuan smiled. In fact, he had guessed before that the other party had a mixed smell of food in the kitchen. Most people didn't have it, and most people couldn't smell it. But Qin Chuan could, so he thought of a way.

It is better to teach someone to fish than to teach him to fish.

"We are destined to meet each other. I will give you two recipes. Listen carefully. Listen to what I say." Qin Chuan was in the best mood in many days today, so it was fate that we met.

Qin Chuan is talking about two home-cooked dishes in the Five Elements Recipe. Using the special ability of Fo Roar, this person can master it as much as possible. But after all, he is an ordinary person, but the food he makes is absolutely delicious among ordinary people. With this With two dishes, there is no problem in starting a family, and you can even become rich.

Qin Chuan is in a good mood today, and this man is considered lucky.

The man was dull and honest. When Qin Chuan took it back, the man knelt down and kowtowed several times. Qin Chuan wanted to stop him, but the man kowtowed three times seriously: "Thank you!"

The man left without saying much.

Qin Chuan smiled. This ordinary person had some wisdom. He was just an ordinary person. Even if he could give him more, he couldn't because it would be a crime for him to have a treasure.

If you have two good dishes, you won’t be jealous. After all, you will have two signature dishes...

This time Qin Chuan put down the fortune telling sign and sat here.

It lasted three days.

Three days later, Qin Chuan saw the old man. In fact, the old man was not very old. He was mainly slovenly and looked older. He was probably in his forties or fifties. Seeing Qin Chuan still here, he said embarrassedly: "You Why are you still here?"

Qin Chuan smiled. At first, he really thought this guy was a bit virtuous, but now it seems that he is just an ordinary person.

But after this fate was established, Qin Chuan gave up.

"The money has been spent!" Qin Chuan laughed.

The half-old man smiled awkwardly.

Qin Chuan also admires this guy's spending ability, which can allow ordinary people to spend almost a lifetime...

He gave that man two dishes a few days ago, and today Qin Chuan decided to teach him something. He was still a man who could spend money.

"What do you know?" Qin Chuan asked with a smile.

"I can tell fortunes, gamble, read Feng Shui, succumb to demons, and get rid of ghosts. I'm also a wild doctor..."

"Stop, what are you most proficient in?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Actually, I am a wild doctor." The old man chuckled.

Qin Chuan thought for a moment and then reached out and tapped three fingers on the inside of the third rib.

The man knew that Qin Chuan was testing, so he stretched out his hand and tapped it a few times.

Qin Chuan nodded, stretched out his hand and used an initiation.

Directly empower him with the Nine Medical Sutras.

The Nine Paths of Medicine is naturally a combination of medical skills and cultivation.

As for how far he can practice, it depends on his personal luck and talent. At least with this ability, he can make money, plus he is a doctor and does good deeds...

The old man left happily, thanking him repeatedly before leaving, and Qin Chuan finally ended this fate.

After all, I left before, and I felt that I owed this favor too much.

If the debt of favor is too big, the cause and effect of the other party will be linked to you.

A drop of water's kindness is repaid by a spring, so no matter what the reason, Qin Chuan wanted to repay the favor.


Qin Chuan is preparing to go to Beicang Realm. If Xue Qianxun is not in Beicang Realm, Qin Chuan plans to continue going north to find a suitable place to escape from Tianmen.

The Beicang Realm is separated from the other four regions and is far, far away from the Zhongling Cang Realm.

And there is no teleportation array, so although Beicang Realm is called Beicang Realm, it has nothing to do with the other four areas.

We can only move forward by riding on the colorful dragon bird.

Qin Chuan practiced along the way, practicing the soul of King Kong, immortal seeds, formations and formations...

Forgetting the time, the colorful dragon bird and the earth golden dragon bear took turns moving forward.

Qin Chuan himself didn't know how long it had been. It seemed a long time, but also seemed very short. The shadow of a huge city appeared in the distance. From a distance, it looked like a huge Xuanwu statue.

The tall city is like the giant beast Xuanwu in the void.

Qin Chuan also learned about Beicang Realm during this period.

Beicang Realm is also called Xuanwu Land, because when viewed from the air, it looks like a huge Xuanwu beast.

Qin Chuan came here and felt it, and it seemed that Xue Qianxun's aura was clearer, but he still didn't master the dragon-seeking technique enough now, and he couldn't really be sure whether it was in the Beicang Realm, but he couldn't rule it out, so Qin Chuan Chuan decided to search here in Beicang Realm and feel the fluctuations of the aura.

The Beicang Realm is very large, and it is equally difficult to find someone here. However, using the Dragon Seeking Technique, Qin Chuan is still confident that he can find him. But at the moment, he needs to confirm whether Xue Qianxun is in the Beicang Realm.

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