Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1384: 1 Giant Spirit Eye

Everyone was shocked by Qin Chuan's actions.

The visual sense Qin Chuan brings to people is so impactful that it simply cannot be accomplished by humans.

Everyone felt like they had seen a ghost. Fairy A didn't even think about whether Qin Chuan's Fu Zhuan could be better than Master Tianmu. The visual impact alone was enough.

What's more, this talisman seal is lifelike and full of spiritual energy, as if it is coming to life.

Master Tianmu didn't know why, everyone looked at Qin Chuan like this, but he soon smiled. It must be that this kid's carving was too rubbish.

The Realm Master also looked at the talisman carved by Qin Chuan in disbelief.

Although he is not a master of Fu Zhuan, he still has the vision to appreciate Fu Zhuan. He can see that Qin Chuan's Fu Zhuan is already in the psychic realm, and the powerful Fu Zhuan makes him even more powerful than he can estimate.

"I suddenly feel that Master Tianmu is going to lose."

"How is it possible? Master Tianmu will never lose."

"Although this young man can carve talismans very quickly and seems to be very good, I still feel it is impossible to surpass Master Tianmu."

"But young people are still young, and youth is the greatest capital. I believe that when Master Tianmu was as old as young people, he would definitely not be as powerful as this young man in talismans."

"You know what? You're just making a fool of yourself. This young man's talisman has already reached the realm of talisman psychics. It's more than a star and a half better than Master Tianmu's talisman."

"What, you said that the young man has reached the realm of Talisman and Seal Channeling, which even Master Tianmu has not reached."

"You will know in a moment. The young man's talisman must be in the talisman realm. This is correct."

"Master Tianmu wanted to accept this young man as his disciple before. Why does it suddenly feel so ridiculous?"

Master Tianmu finally realized something was wrong. He walked over and took a look, and the armor in his hand fell directly to the ground.

"This is impossible, this is impossible, how can it be that the talisman and seal are channeling spirits."

These are the words of your Master Tianmu.

Then the surroundings exploded. Some people didn’t believe it before, but now it comes from Master Tianmu’s mouth,

Of course they all believed it.

"Hey, it's true that there is someone like you outside the world. I thought young people were arrogant and ignorant before, but now I realize that they are already very low-key."

"Yes, I felt that Master Tianmu was kind and kind before, but now I know that he wanted to deceive young people into getting things from the temple."

"No wonder, the young man also got something from the temple."

"Master Tianmu is really disappointing. He pretended to be so good that he almost deceived everyone."

"When I think about the young man saying that he has a master, but Master Tianmu said that he doesn't care and can let him join his disciple, I feel that Master Tianmu's face is swollen and bruised."

"It's good now. Stealing the chicken will end up losing the rice. Master Tianmu loses. Everything he just got from the temple will be lost to the young man."

Qin Chuan looked at Master Tianmu and said nothing.

At this time, the Realm Master happily put away the armor.

This made many people around him feel regretful. A master in the realm of Talisman and Psychic Realm would borrow a piece of armor from others, but no one would lend it to him. If he had borrowed it himself, he would now have a powerful piece of armor. The defensive talisman of the spiritual realm is a guarantee of life for many people.

"I lost!" Master Tianmu said softly.

Qin Chuan smiled: "What about the bet?"

Master Tianmu's mouth twitched, but he still took out something like a stone eye and handed it to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that this thing was really taken from the temple.

Because this is a giant spirit eye.

Not the Djinn Eye.

The giant spirit family, the giant spirit god, the giant spirit god is the god of the giant spirit clan.

This god should be in a realm.

Over the years, there is not much energy and spiritual power left in this giant spirit eye, but even if it is not much, it is still a good thing for Qin Chuan now, at least it seems that Qin Chuan has obtained it so far. A dragon egg is useless, not useful at the moment.

But this giant spirit eye is a good thing, because it can make his golden eye break through again.

Qin Chuan put away his giant spiritual eyes, looked at Master Tianmu's body pain, and smiled. This kind of person must be taught a lesson. Today's lesson is enough, big enough, looking at that picture of body pain You know it by the look.

"Sir, I wonder if it's an honor to invite you to sit in my house and let me show my friendship as a landlord." The realm owner's name for Qin Chuan has changed.

Qin Chuan thought for a while and realized that he might not stay in the Beicang Realm for a while in the future, and the Beicang Realm was a window to connect with the outside world, so it seemed necessary for him to have a good relationship with this realm owner.

So Xiaoxiao said: "That's my pleasure, excuse me!"

"You're welcome, sir!" the world leader said quickly.

"My name is Qin Chuan, you can just call me Qin Chuan."

"My name is Yi Tianyun, Brother Qin, please!" the Realm Master smiled.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Brother Yi, please!"

"Master Tianmu, do you want to have a cup of tea together?" Yi Tianyun invited Master Tianmu.

Master Tianmu hesitated for a moment: "Then I'll excuse you."

The group left Juling Mountain and headed directly to Jiecheng Mansion.

Jie Cheng Mansion was luxurious and grand, and Qin Chuan felt a little yearned for it when he saw it.

A good environment and good facilities will naturally lead to a good mood. People in the secular world can naturally not escape the word vulgarity. In fact, vulgarity is easier for people to accept. In fact, if such luxury is considered vulgar, then wouldn't the legendary fairy palace and the like be more Customary? Because it is said to be more luxurious there.

Qin Chuan did not speak to Master Tianmu.

Master Tianmu also has his own arrogance, and what he did before was really a bit embarrassing. He deceived young people, which was a bad character.

So he actually wanted to get in touch with Qin Chuan. After all, Qin Chuan was in the Fu Zhuan psychic realm.

But he knew that Qin Chuan didn't want to see him, and no one else would want to see him.

It's a pity that I gave away the treasure I got, but I still can't be a friend. The more I think about it, the more angry I become.

Everyone chatted about various things, Yi Tianyun was very talkative, and without realizing it, everyone felt very familiar with each other.

"Brother, what are your plans, how long do you want to stay in Beicang Realm?" Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

"I'm mainly here to find someone, but I don't know if she is here, so she should stay in Beicang Realm for some days." Qin Chuan said.

"I'm looking for someone. What can I do for you?" Yi Tianyun said.

"I have to take the exam myself, and no one else can really help." Qin Chuan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Then I need help. Don't be polite to me."

"Okay, if you need help, brother, I'm welcome."

Qin Chuan did not stay in Jie Cheng Mansion for long, but left temporarily.

Although Yi Tianyun persuaded Qin Chuan to stay, Qin Chuan insisted on leaving, and he couldn't force him to stay. Besides, it would take a long time, so take your time. Relationships cannot be handed over in a day.

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