Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,385 Divine Eyes Level 10, Formation Level 12...

Qin Chuan left Jiecheng Mansion, wandered around, and found a restaurant to stay at.

Qin Chuan planned to fuse the giant spirit eye first, and then confirm whether Xue Qianxun was in Beicang Realm.

He took out the giant spirit eye and blended a drop of blood essence into it.


Qin Chuan felt a superb energy entering his eyes.

It was painful, astringent, and felt like needles, but Qin Chuan endured it. His eyes were burning, but soon he felt warm and comfortable.

Qin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

This means that absorption has begun. If it continues to be extremely painful, it means rejection and failure to absorb.

This pure energy is very large and sufficient, and the Golden Eyes seem to have found the greatest tonic and are constantly growing.


Qin Chuan felt his eyes light up, with golden light overflowing.


The tenth level of golden divine pupils.

The golden pupil that has reached the tenth level has greatly improved Qin Chuan's various abilities, especially locking targets, slowing down in disguise, seeing through reality, and pupil skills...

Qin Chuan was very happy. The Golden Eyes were as important to Qin Chuan as his physique. Many treasures and abilities were discovered and used because of the Golden Eyes.

In terms of attainments such as talismans and formations, they are also inseparable from the Golden Eyes.

The Golden Eyes of the Tenth Level seemed to have entered a new level.

Qin Chuan seems to have a slightly different feeling when he looks at the world now.

It's very subtle, and there's also a feeling of being very clear. This clarity is not just seeing clearly, it's a state, a comparison or a kind of control over a situation, or even the two sides of the battle.

This feeling is good, Qin Chuan likes it very much.

Although the Golden Eyes did not directly increase the strength, the overall actual combat strength improved in combat is immeasurable.

Stay for two days,

Qin Chuan rode the colorful dragon bird and continued to fly to the far north.

At the same time, feel the direction of Xue Qianxun.

Although it was clear, it was still relatively blurry. As he went further north, Qinchuan's feelings became increasingly blurry.

This made Qin Chuan somewhat confident that Xue Qianxun should be near Beicang Realm, or even in Beicang Realm.

When Qinchuan reached the northernmost part of Beicang Realm, the feeling really changed.

It turned into the south, so Qin Chuan smiled, Xue Qianxun was in Beicang Realm.

But it's not that easy to find her. It's still a bit too difficult to find her in this huge crowd.

Qin Chuan was already certain that Xue Qianxun was in Beicang Realm, but the level of Dragon Seeking was low, so even if he was near Xue Qianxun, he would still feel a little blurry.

He decided to practice the dragon-seeking technique and then look for Xue Qianxun in Beicang Realm.

If Xue Qianxun is not found, he will not leave here.

Beicang Realm is not small, but Qinchuan has been able to lock in the north of Boundary City, so it is possible to access the twenty-three cities in the north of Boundary City.

There are twenty-three cities, and each city is a giant. Finding a person in one city is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Finding a person in twenty-three cities is not easy.

But compared to before, Qin Chuan felt that this was much better. Before, he went to a world to find a person, but now it's just an area.

Qinchuan prepared to search city after city.

Although this seems stupid, there is no other way.

Storm City!

Qin Chuan would try out the dragon-seeking technique from time to time, and then he would open his golden pupils, which allowed him to see a large area within his eyes.

After all, Qin Chuan is familiar with Xue Qianxun's aura. If he were here, he would definitely be able to feel it. Now the golden pupil has reached the tenth level, with a wider range and a clearer feeling.

Qin Chuan has been running around constantly, weaving in and out of the crowd.

But a huge city is still too big. Qin Chuan can find someone many times faster than others, but it is still very difficult.

What's more, Xue Qianxun may also leave the place where he is. For example, when Qin Chuan is looking for the Wind City and goes to find the next city, Xue Qianxun may come to the Wind City and pass by.

Find a restaurant to stay at!

Qin Chuan now lives wherever he goes, then takes a rest and continues searching.

Practice at night and replace sleep with practice.


The eleventh-level formation has reached a critical moment, and a breakthrough is possible at any time. Qin Chuan has figured out the key to breakthrough these days, and has been moving forward.

If nothing unexpected happens, we can break through today.

Even if you can't break through, you will definitely be able to break through within three days.

Qin Chuan took his time and sketched out the formation in his mind. He continued after failure, and continued after failure. Every time he failed, he made progress. He progressed bit by bit, getting closer and closer to the twelfth-level formation.

It is already light in the east.

A ray of golden light shone in, and at that moment, Qin Chuan seemed to have a glimmer of understanding.

The outlined formation suddenly rushed forward with an indomitable momentum.


Qin Chuan felt his body shake.

The formation in the sea of ​​consciousness changed instantly, as if it had changed from a small pavilion to a large pavilion.

This change is huge. This change is a reflection of the change between the eleventh-level formation and the twelve-level formation.


The eighth level of the holy realm!


This was not a big surprise. Qin Chuan circulated his vitality and wandered in his body for a long time. When he got up, it was completely bright outside.

Searching like this now really requires luck. If you don't use this method, there are two other methods. One is the dragon-seeking technique.

This is what Qin Chuan feels he has the most hope for.

The other idea is to let Xue Qian find him.

The prerequisite for finding him is to let her know where she is.

Become famous in Beicang Realm.

It is not difficult for Qin Chuan to become famous now, because he has caused a sensation before, and now among the big forces in Boundary City, almost everyone knows about Qin Chuan's existence.

But this alone is not enough, you need to fill the fire.

So Qin Chuan returned to Jiecheng and came to Jiecheng Mansion.

"Brother, I want to ask you for a favor." Qin Chuan said.

"Brother, tell me, as long as I can help, I will never refuse."

"Help me find a place like a temporary talisman guild. If you can help me promote it, I will carve talismans of the psychic realm ten times a day for free. There is a quota every day. Whoever comes first can get it. There are no restrictions." Qin Chuan said.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Yi Tianyun asked in confusion.

"I can't find her. I want my name to be printed. I hope she can come to me." Qin Chuan said helplessly.

"I understand, brother, don't worry, I will do this." Yi Tianyun smiled.

The matter was thus decided.

The next day, Yi Tianyun began to send out invitations, inviting powerful people from big cities and even outside Boundary City, and even spread the name of Qin Chuan, a master of the Talisman and Seal Psychic Realm.

Of course, there is also the fact that Qin Chuan helps people carve ten psychic-level talismans and seals for free every day and vigorously promotes it.

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