Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,397 Leaving, the Holy Gate’s Sign

Mr. Canglan is not too worried. As long as he doesn't stop, it will be difficult for him to catch up with him.

As for Tantai Huangqing, you can only forget about it for the time being, because now you can only do nothing, not to mention the Jiutian Xuannv Temple, the inheritance of the Jiutian Xuannv, it will not be so easy to get into trouble, after all, it is a heaven-defying opportunity, and it must have a special means of protection.

What we have to do now is to improve ourselves and live a good life now.

"You want to leave?" Yi Tianyun looked at Qin Chuan in surprise.

Qin Chuan nodded: "I have some things and need to go to a wider world. Brother, do you have any suggestions?"

Yi Tianyun was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up after thinking about it, wait a moment.

He stirred in the mustard seeds for a while, and then took out a purple-gold token with a holy word on it.

Qin Chuan also trembled when he saw this word.

The charm of this word is shocking. It seems to be a very good word. It is not gorgeous and cannot be said to be beautiful, but everyone admits that it is a good word.

However, Qin Chuan could see another kind of charm, which was the charm of this holy character. It was vigorous, majestic, thick and grand. This character had a holy skeleton, but not a single bit was exposed.

"Brother, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that this thing is a token of the Holy Sect. You can use this token to join the Holy Sect. By the way, the Holy Sect is one of the top sects in the Holy Domain, but the Holy Sect has a great cause. , you can only join one branch..."

Qin Chuan now needs a big stage, a big platform, and it's best to find a backer. After all, he can only protect himself now.

Qin Chuan took it and nodded.

"When you leave, leave from the teleportation array in Jiecheng Mansion and let you go directly to a larger place. This is a one-way teleportation array. You can only pass it through, but you can't. If you want to come back, you can only fly back by yourself. It will probably take a long, long time. time." Yi Tianyun said seriously.

Qin Chuan nodded: "Okay, let's leave in three days!"

After agreeing on a time, Yi Tianyun hosted a banquet for Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan gave their family three pieces of poison-proofing stuff, and gave the little girl several roasted meats with Sumeru mustard seeds. This shows Qin Chuan's doting on the little girl. This was enough for him to eat for a long, long time.

That's not all,

There are also many unique spices in it. Although this thing is not as delicious as Qin Chuan's, it can at least have more than half of the deliciousness, and the difference in taste is not very big.

"Uncle!" The little girl also knew that Qin Chuan was leaving, so she was very reluctant to leave.

"Be good in the future and listen to your mother and father." Qin Chuan hugged her and kissed her.

"Uncle, can you not leave?" the little girl said pitifully.

"Girl, uncle has something important to do." Mrs. Yi coaxed her gently.

"Can I come back to see our little princess when I have time?" Qin Chuan smiled and pinched her little nose.

"Well, keep your word, pull the hook!"

The little girl smiled happily. She was smart and smart. She seemed to know that Qin Chuan would definitely leave, so her purpose was to hope that Qin Chuan would come back.

Qin Chuan smiled bitterly and hooked up with the little girl. Fortunately, he didn't say when he would come back.

Seeing Qin Chuan's helpless expression, Xue Qianxun also smiled happily. He also teased the little girl and took out some strange things to make her happy.

Three days passed in a flash.

Yi Tianyun and his family sent Qin Chuan and Xue Qianxun to the teleportation array.

"Take care, you will always be my brother. If I need to ask for anything, I will never frown even if I risk my life." Yi Tianyun said seriously.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Okay, family, don't be so polite. Don't worry, I'm fine. Brother, you should also take care."

Qin Chuan and Xue Qianxun disappeared.

Yi Tianyun looked at the empty teleportation array, and felt empty in his heart. In this world, favors are as big as the sky, and what he owes Qin Chuan is as big as the sky.

But he was very pleased that it was rare to meet a noble person in life, and Qin Chuan was a noble person to him, a very noble person.

"Hey, I will never be able to repay what I owe my brother in my lifetime." Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

"Actually, everyone knows in their hearts that Brother Qin has no intention of giving it back." Mrs. Yi smiled.

"Yes, the greatest happiness in my life is meeting you and having a little girl. The most noble people I have met in my life are brother Qin and his younger siblings." Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

Mrs. Yi smiled: "I am old, but I can talk now."

"We are still young, how can we get old? Let's continue to prove it tonight." Yi Tianyun said seriously.

"You're not serious!" Mrs. Yi blushed and glared at him.

Qin Chuan and Xue Qianxun appeared in an ancient city.

It's not that this city is old, but its flavor. Qinchuan can feel the antiquity and inheritance of this city, which is more than one or two realms higher than the boundary city in Beicang Realm.

Yi Tianyun only said that this place is very far away from Beicang Realm and it takes a long, long time to walk.

Where is this place, somewhere in the holy realm, the vast holy realm, where is the holy realm now, roughly where?

We need to first get a rough map of the sanctuary.

Look at where you are and the level of strength here.

There are definitely more powerful people here, and there are even those who surpass the powerful ones.

Living in a huge ancient city, humans look at the towering city walls and the extremely strong and huge pavilions, which make people feel how small a person is.

But the strong heart of a warrior feels his own strength and beauty in this powerful contrast.

The world is huge, these huge cities and pavilions are huge, but the warriors are also very powerful and the masters.

On the extremely wide street, various beast carts, giant beast trucks, etc. were speeding. Large monster birds flew in the air from time to time, blocking the sky and the sun.

There are also gorgeous carriages, some flying chariots of various shapes, beautiful noble ladies, and ordinary people running around for life.

Wealthy businessmen, hunters and warriors, farmers and vendors, warriors, children of aristocratic families...

It is orderly, everyone is busy with everyone's business, shuttles between each other, but does not interfere with each other, this is a kind of great order.

Qin Chuan stood there and looked at this huge city. This picture was most obvious here. Standing here and looking up at the huge pavilions, he could see the bustling crowd at a glance.

This world is prosperous, this world is wonderful, this world is beautiful.

A touch of satisfaction, a touch of hope...

In this wonderful and prosperous world, it is a good choice to live a wonderful life and compete with the proud sons and daughters of heaven. It is also a good choice to become a free prince in this world full of rules.

Qin Chuan came back to his senses and saw Xue Qianxun standing quietly beside him.

"Let's go. My husband will take you around the city today, okay?"

"Okay!" Xue Qianxun smiled.

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