Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1398: Dragon City, you shouldn’t hit him

Only two people started walking, and a group of people came towards them.

Qin Chuan was stunned. He knew that the other party was coming towards him.

The four people were all young people, and their clothes were luxurious, not ordinary luxury. Qin Chuan could tell that these were made of high-quality materials, and these people were very powerful.

But the eyes and expressions of these people cannot be complimented.

Qin Chuan frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

There is no shortage of people in this world who think that they are the King of Heaven, domineering and lawless in a place, and can even do things that are outrageous to both humans and gods and still be fine.

These four people all have good looks, good genes, and good looks, so it's not surprising.

"You two look very unfamiliar, where did they come from?" one of the tallest young men said with a smile.

He is the tallest among them, more than half a head taller than Qin Chuan. He has a well-proportioned figure, giving people a very masculine look, and is also very handsome in appearance.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Who are you?"

"We are the dragon and the four tigers." The young man smiled.

"Big dragon and four tigers?" Qin Chuan asked doubtfully.

"It seems that you two have just arrived here, and you don't even know whether we, the Dragon and the Four Tigers, should take you to visit this Dragon City and let you get familiar with it." The young man's eyes lit up and he narrowed slightly. smiled.

"I won't bother you." Qin Chuan said and took Xue Qianxun away.

"Well, brother, you can go, as long as this girl stays." A young man blocked Qin Chuan's way, smiling playfully.

Qin Chuan stopped leaving and looked at the young man who was blocking him: "Get out of my sight now. I won't argue with you."


There was laughter all around.

"I said Third Brother, did you hear that? He told you to get out without any further investigation. It made me laugh to death." Another young man laughed very loudly, as if he had heard the funniest thing.

"Very funny?" Qin Chuan said, looking at the young man who was leaning back and forth with laughter.


This is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time, whether it's funny or not. "The young man walked up to Qin Chuan and said happily.

Talking and laughing.


Qin Chuan punched him directly in the nose.

This time he was cured. His nose was bleeding wildly, his nose bones were broken, his eyes were filled with tears, and he was covering his nose in unspeakable pain.

Everyone else was stunned.

This is the Dragon City, and someone actually dares to fight against their giant dragons and tigers. He is a foreigner and a young man. He really has no eyesight.

"You little beast, how dare you hit us?"


Another person came to question Qin Chuan and punched Qin Chuan at the same time.

Although the strength of these people is good, they are really far behind Qin Chuan now.

This man's mouth was smashed by Qin Chuan!

The remaining two people were not in a hurry to take action, but surrounded Qin Chuan.

"You are really tired of living, Fourth Brother. Go call someone. If he can walk out of Dragon City alive today, I will cut off his head and play it as a ball." A young man yelled angrily.

The Giant Dragon and the Four Tigers are their own titles. Although they are playboys, when they reach a certain level, they are far away from ordinary people.

They have no shortage of women, money or anything else, and they go to high-end places.

A dandy at this level does not do evil or anything, but does not make progress, does nothing, does nothing, and has no ambitions. In fact, for a big family, this is considered a dandy.

But today, when they see someone like Xue Qianxun, it's normal for them to have some thoughts. At their level, as long as they can provoke someone, they will definitely take action. It's rare to encounter such a charming woman.

They felt that they were really lucky today to encounter such a stunning beauty, so there was no reason to let them go.

But they didn't expect to be beaten. There were still people who dared to beat them in Dragon City, so everyone was furious at this time. In their hearts, Qin Chuan had been sentenced to death.

"Let's go!" Qin Chuan pulled Xue Qianxun away.

"Did I let you go? Didn't you hear me calling someone?" The last two young men on the left stepped forward hesitantly to stop Qin Chuan and Xue Qianxun.



He was slapped and kicked away: "Are you thinking about shit? You called someone, we have to run away!"

"You don't have to run, as long as you are in Dragon City, you are dead." The one who was beaten before shouted inarticulately.

Qin Chuan has gained a lot of experience when meeting this group of people, but it is not uncommon in these years. People who think he is the best in the world are everywhere, and they are used to dominating in one place.

"Get out of the way!" Qin Chuan said to you calmly.

The man instinctively avoided.

Just like that, Qin Chuan and Xue Qianxun left, either leaving or continuing to go shopping.

These people followed at a short distance.

Qin Chuan is not worried. Even his big family will not disturb the big shots just because of a few playboys. As long as he does not kill anyone, they are usually just for fun of young people.

This is an underlying rule.

Otherwise, if a big shot in the family takes action, he will appear to have no grace, no measure, and lose his identity.

Qin Chuan now knows that this is Dragon City.

Holding a large map in his hand, he could see that this was the central area of ​​the Holy Domain. It was actually very, very far away from the Beicang Realm. Yi Tianyun and Qin Chuan had already told this.

You can do a Tianmen Escape here.

Qin Chuan saw that this place was not far from the teleportation array, and directly set the Heavenly Gate Escape here.

After setting up Tianmen Escape, Qin Chuan felt much more relaxed.

You can go home and take a look anytime. I haven’t been back for a long time.

"Big brother, big brother, it's them." The few people not far behind said respectfully to a young man.

Then the young man walked directly towards Qin Chuan.

"You two, please stay!"

The young man blocked the way of Qin Chuan and Xue Qianxun.

Qin Chuan looked at this young man, who was at a higher level than his own, at the peak of the holy realm.

"Is something wrong?" Qin Chuan asked.

"My name is Zi Yangao, and I am from Zi Yan's family." The young man said with a smile.

"I don't know him," Qin Chuan said.

The young man was stunned and looked at Qin Chuan: "It doesn't matter if you don't know him. I mainly want to seek justice from you today. My brother's teeth are all broken. What do you think I should do?" Zi Yangao said.

"Go back and ask your brother why I hit him, and then you come to me again." Qin Chuan said calmly.

"No need to ask, no matter what the reason, you shouldn't hit him." Zi Yangao said softly, his tone full of confidence.

Qin Chuan looked at Zi Yangao and said, "Shouldn't he hit him? Should I hit you if he's hard to beat?"

"Yes, as long as you have the ability." Zi Yangao said with a smile.


A crisp slap sounded.

Zi Yan was stunned for a moment, as he was slapped in the face.

This slap was a bit of a fluke.

Zi Yangao never thought that Qin Chuan would actually take action. Another reason was that Qin Chuan was too fast, so he didn't escape at all.

"You dare to hit me?" Zi Yangao looked at Qin Chuan in disbelief.


Another backhand slap.

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