Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1399: Beat you until you lose your temper


Another backhand slap.

This time Zi Yangao saw Qin Chuan take action, but still couldn't dodge it, but he was very angry now. He had a long sword in his hand and stabbed Qin Chuan's throat directly.


Qin Chuan turned his body to avoid it, and slapped him again at the same time.

"You, I'll kill you!" Zi Yangao has never felt as humiliated as he does today. The speed of the sword became faster and sharper. Cold stars shone, and three afterimages were drawn with one sword, covering Qin Chuan.

The sound of sword energy breaking through the air in the air was terrifying, and it was so fast that it was dizzying.

This speed is not bad, and it is definitely very good among young people. Unfortunately, the tenth-level golden pupil allows Qin Chuan to clearly see every trace of this sword.

The innate fighting eye of the Golden Divine Eye, the Immortal Power of the Divine Eye, the Wrath of the Divine Eye, even the Golden Divine Sword, the Golden Divine Prison, etc., are all combat abilities.



There were already a lot of people around, and then they discovered that Zi Yangao, the favorite son of the Ziyan family, was being slapped one after another by a young man, and the crisp sound almost never stopped.

A handsome face has long since turned into a pig's head.

Although this man wanted to kill someone before, Qin Chuan slapped him in the face. It was not that he was soft-hearted, nor was he fake compassion, nor was he weak.

In Qin Chuan's view, the other party is just an ant. If an ant offends you, will you feel it? Killing him is like killing an ordinary person. Killing an ordinary person is against the will of heaven.

Besides, killing him would not be as satisfying as it is now.

I'll beat you until you lose your temper.


At this time, the giant dragon and the four tigers looked at the backer they had found in shock. Being beaten and played like this was not a competition or a fight, it was an insult.

Finally, Zi Yangao turned around and ran away.

Qin Chuan didn't chase him either. He was a proud man, and this shame was no worse than killing him.

Zi Yangao ran away,

The others naturally ran away.

But Qin Chuan knew that this matter was not over yet.

Shake his head.

Xue Qianxun smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

"No!" Xue Qianxun raised the corners of her mouth and walked forward.

Qin Chuan shook his head. Since ancient times, beauties have been plagued by disasters and beauties have had bad lives. It is not because of them. Just like before, if he was incompetent, Xue Qianxun would be robbed, intercepted, beaten, or even killed.

And Xue Qianxun's fate will also be tragic. Similar things happen countless times every day, so beauties are in trouble and beauties are in trouble.

A beautiful woman is like a treasure. If a man gets it, he must hide it in a golden house and treasure it, otherwise accidents will easily happen.

Unless the man has enough strength.

Or maybe this stunning beauty is a transcendent being in her own right.

Qin Chuan followed Xue Qianxun and looked at that charming and elegant figure. She was beautiful, really beautiful.

Xue Qianxun turned around and saw Qin Chuan staring at her. Her face turned red, but she was very happy in her heart.

Women, no matter how beautiful they are, are not exempt from vulgarity. Women like their appearance to please themselves. Some of them like to be watched by all men, which shows that they are beautiful. Others like to be watched by some men. These men are relatively outstanding, which shows that they are beautiful. Their charm, and some women, only like the gaze of whichever man they like.

Xue Qianxun just liked Qin Chuan looking at her.

Qin Chuan walked over and picked her up.

"Ah, bastard, let me down!" Xue Qianxun was so embarrassed that she buried her face in Qin Chuan's arms.

There were a lot of people here. It was the first time for her to be hugged by a man like this, and she was a little overwhelmed for a moment.

Qin Chuan didn't care what others thought.

"This is the street. There are many people watching. Put me down, bad guy." Xue Qianxun whispered in his arms.

"I hug my beloved woman and don't care what they do." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

He wants to give his woman some unforgettable memories. Such behavior may not be advisable, but at least it will make her not forget it.

I don’t know if it was an infection, but soon a young man and woman not far away also had the same behavior.

"Look at me, I want it too."

At this time Qin Chuan heard a girl's voice.

Then the young man happily hugged the girl.

Sometimes it's just such an inadvertent action that can lead to infection.

It was better now, but a strange scene appeared on the street. Many couples, men holding women, passed by.

Qin Chuan was also stunned. Originally, he just wanted to leave some memories for Xue Qianxun, but now, this memory is more profound and he cannot forget it even if he wants to.

Others may have this idea too.

When there are more people, it is easy to join, but it is difficult at first. It not only requires thick skin, it also requires being extremely thick-skinned.

Perhaps it was because there were so many people around, Xue Qianxun looked around curiously, and silently shrank into Qin Chuan's arms: "You!"

"Are you happy?" Qin Chuan smiled and lowered his head and said in her ear.

The crystal-clear jade auricles were as beautiful as ingots, and her lips touched them and spoke softly.

Xue Qianxun blushed. She liked this feeling very much, but she was instinctively shy.

Unconsciously, I walked around for a long time and didn’t know where I was.

It was at this time that Qin Chuan decided to go to the Holy Gate.

There is a Holy Sect in Dragon City, which is the master of Dragon City, but the Holy Sects here are just branches. You have many such Holy Sects.

But within half a day, the news of Zi Yangao's beating completely spread.

The proud son of the Ziyan family was beaten in the Dragon City. He was slapped in the face and slapped crazily, and was beaten to pieces...

Originally, there was nothing wrong with young people fighting each other, but being slapped in the face like this was a bit too much. It was no different from killing someone to a certain extent.

So Ziyan's family was very angry.

So he came to Qin Chuan again to regain his position.

Qin Chuan and Xue Qianxun were stopped on the road.

This is the main road, which is extremely wide. Qin Chuan and Xue Qianxun are surrounded here.

Qin Chuan didn't say anything. He knew the origins of these people. He didn't know any of them here. He only beat the few people before, so these people must be related to the previous ones.

"Do it, beat the man to death, take the woman back!"

The speaker was a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is a powerful person, almost as powerful as the giant spirit demon.

Qin Chuan narrowed his eyes.

Before, I could not kill people and feel nothing, but now it is different.

These people have already made Qin Chuan murderous.

"Boy, if you dare to hit someone from Ziyan's family, you are seeking death. Die!"

The one who attacked Qinchuan was a being in the holy realm of Dzogchen.

Not very old, but not young either, close to middle age.

Qin Chuan looked at the man rushing over.

He took a slight step forward with his feet, and then punched out.

He was cunning and weird, and this step was also very mysterious. He easily avoided this man, but Qin Chuan's punch hit the opponent's heart exactly.



One move to solve it, and it's one punch, a simple punch.

One punch easily killed the existence of the Holy Realm of Dzogchen in an instant.

And Qin Chuan is only at the ninth level of the Holy Realm.

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