Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,400: Kill the Mighty One, Heaven Comes 1...

It's not that there are no level-skipping challenges, and even in this realm, it's not that rare. It's said that those who reach the level of a powerful person experience different life and death tribulations, and their strength is even different, with a lot of difference.

But generally speaking, there are only a few people who can jump to challenge, very few, and there are different levels of jumping, and generally they can't cross too many realms.

It is normal to transcend one or two small realms. It is very rare to be able to transcend three small realms. More than three, it is basically rare.

Qin Chuan has now defeated the Great Perfection of the Holy Realm with the strength of the ninth level of the Holy Realm, surpassing the peak of the Holy Realm and the Perfection of the Holy Realm. This can be said to be against the heavens. After all, every realm here is unusual.

The most outrageous thing was that Qin Chuan only used one punch, a very casual punch.

This made the other party not shocked, deeply shocked.

Qin Chuan's performance can no longer be described as stunning. It is definitely a magnificent performance.

The man looked at Qin Chuan and suddenly felt a little bit of pressure.

But Qin Chuan was still calm and calm, and had no worries because this man was a powerful person.

This realization made the man a little uneasy.

This young man looks very calm and steady, and his clear eyes don't have the sharpness that belongs to a young man. Apart from being clear, they are calm and gentle.

Not everyone can have this kind of temperament, unless they reach a very high level, and only after a very old age. This is the precipitation and accumulation of years, but how old is this young man, why can he be so calm and sophisticated.

Qin Chuan didn't even have any trouble after killing a holy Dzogchen being. Looking at the man at this moment, the man felt like he was being targeted by a demon. This feeling was wonderful.

"If you don't disappear from me now, I don't mind keeping you all." Qin Chuan looked at the leading man and said.

The man shuddered.

He was a powerful man, but he was threatened by a being at the ninth level of the Holy Realm. He had never thought about this day.

But this happened.

He is a powerful person, and a powerful person has dignity. Without dignity, he would not be able to reach this state.

He was angry,

Looking at Qin Chuan, he should be aloof. If he gives in today, not only will he not be able to improve his cultivation in the future, but he will be punished even if he returns to Ziyan's house.

So he looked at Qin Chuan coldly: "I want to see how you kill me today."

Although he didn't know why he felt a little scared, he didn't believe that Qin Chuan could do anything to them. At most, he might not be able to defeat him, but this was just an idea.

Qin Chuan shook his head lightly.

With a burst of breath all over his body, he stretched out his hand to hold Xue Qianxun and walked towards the man step by step.

The Twelve Flower Goddess!

Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation!

The momentum burst out, and as Qin Chuan stepped forward step by step, the man and the people around him felt as if Qin Chuan was stepping on their hearts.

The blood all over his body surged up, and he even felt a little dizzy, as if he was about to vomit blood.

The nine-step heaven-defying step merges with the Qianjin cauldron and the aura of the sacred cow collapsing the mountain.

This is Qin Chuan's attempt to slowly integrate these three abilities and incorporate some of the artistic conception methods.

For example, when the sacred cow collapses from the mountain, it will not completely pop out, but the aura and ability will be integrated into it.

The Thousand Jin Cauldron is completely integrated, because it can increase Qin Chuan's strength, and can also increase the momentum and strength of the Nine Steps Defying Heaven.

When Qin Chuan reached the fifth step, it was obvious that the earth was shaking.

The man realized something. He was a powerful person after all, so he saw something at a glance and made the most decisive action.

Stop Qin Chuan from walking down.

If this continues, they will definitely be doomed. This feeling is very strong.

Six steps!

When the man rushed towards him, Qin Chuan took the sixth step.

At this time, he had reached the range where he could attack Qin Chuan.

The mighty one is still very powerful.

The spear in his hand shook and spun, followed by a roar.

A spear spun like a dragon and rushed towards Qin Chuan.

But at this time, Qin Chuan's figure spun upwards, dodged easily, and volleyed in the air!

Lift it directly with one hand.

The great yin and yang hand covers the divine dragon seal!

The entire sky became as gloomy as water, with huge gray handprints covering the sky and the sun, and an aura of destruction spread.

Step seven!

Qin Chuan spun upward and took the seventh step.

Strike down with a palm.

The other party was in a daze for a while. He was so frightened that he even forgot to run away. When he came back to his senses, it was too late.


Everything is quiet!

The man's last desperate gray gaze was just a flash. He didn't even have time to think, and even the thought of regret was just a flash.

The moment Qin Chuan relaxed.

An extremely terrifying danger appeared.

Qin Chuan's body suddenly tensed up.

A biting chill came from behind.

A sword of green light as sharp as a rainbow stabbed at him, and a sword came from the sky.

A sword from heaven!

This sword implies the rules of heaven and carries the might of heaven. This sword is gorgeous but not gorgeous, luxurious but not vulgar. Qin Chuan is lost in this sword.

I was careless, but I also underestimated the other party. A powerful person, a powerful person even more powerful than before, unexpectedly attacked him secretly.

This is a sure-kill sword.

Qin Chuan still underestimated the people in the world. After all, he was not a powerful person. Some of the powerful people had some special abilities, or some great abilities.

Golden Eyes!

Qin Chuan seemed not to move, but his body trembled slightly.

The sword penetrated directly through his heart.

All this happened so fast that she only saw Qin Chuan being penetrated by a sword.

At that moment she felt as if her heart was broken.

At this time, Qin Chuan was still holding Xue Qianxun tightly with one hand.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This hint of a smile changed the face of the powerful man who was sneaking around, making him feel deeply uneasy and making the hairs on his body stand up.

The effect of Jin Xuan Immortal Stone substitute talisman and seal appears.

At the same time, a fire snake wrapped strangely around the attacker's neck.

Yin and Yang fire!

Regardless of whether you are a powerful person or not, if the yin and yang fire is wrapped around your neck, you will only die.

Yin and yang fire is Qinchuan's last trump card. It is rarely used anymore. Every time it is used, it is usually very dangerous, because the success rate of using yin and yang fire is the highest at this time.

The distance is close, the moment the other party relaxes their vigilance.

This time was no exception, Qin Chuan still succeeded.

The yin and yang fire directly burned the powerful man's neck.

He died without even drawing out his sword.

And Qin Chuan is naturally not suitable to stay in Dragon City at this time.

So I directly opened the Heavenly Gate Escape.

go home!

Come back after recovering from your injuries. Anyway, Tianmen Escape has been set up here.

Qin Chuan and Xue Qianxun returned to Snow Wind City.

Not far from Qin's house.

"Qin Chuan, how are you?" Xue Qianxun looked at the body stained red with blood, holding his hand tightly, tears like broken beads.

Qin Chuan looked at the tears on her face, smiled and helped her wipe them: "It's okay, don't cry, don't cry."

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