Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,405 The Human Emperor of Chaos

"After all, we are friends now. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Shouldn't we be happy to see you?"

Qian Fei smiled very happily!

Qin Chuan also became happy unconsciously. Qin Chuan hoped that she could recover her memory, because he felt that she would be happy in that way. Unfortunately, this situation cannot be controlled by others. This kind of memory that is lost because of self-protection because of loving someone, Qin Chuan is a miracle doctor. There is no way.

She can only rely on herself.

Qian Fei walked to Qin Chuan and looked at his depressed expression. She didn't know why but she felt quite happy.

"Okay, as for that, it's been so long. Whether you recover or not, maybe it's not bad. This is a person's fate. Regardless of whether you recover or not, you are still my friend, okay?" Qian Fei said with a smile. .

"No, we can only be friends if we don't recover. If we recover, you will be my woman." Qin Chuan looked at her with a wry smile.

"You're annoying!" Concubine Qian shook her head and was not angry.

"How are you doing?" Qin Chuan asked, walking side by side with her with a smile.

"It's okay, I'm just a little annoyed." Qian Fei said casually.

"What kind of Chaos Human Emperor?" Qin Chuan laughed.

"You know it all."

"How could that fool at the door be a guard here?" Qin Chuan said.

"He is here shamelessly, and I am too embarrassed to drive him away." Concubine Qian said with a smile.

"This is not your character. The Human Emperor of Chaos is very powerful?" Qin Chuan asked with a frown.

Concubine Qian was stunned, looked at Qin Chuan, and smiled: "It is indeed very powerful."

"He proposed marriage to me, very forcefully." Qian Fei continued.

"I'll help you fight him off," Qin Chuan said.

"Why are you beating him? Can't I like him?" Qian Fei said.

Qin Chuan was stunned for a moment, and he felt a little confused. He was stunned and didn't know what to feel. Is it uncomfortable? It's not too uncomfortable. Isn't it uncomfortable? But why is he so uncomfortable in his heart?

He doesn't even understand it himself.

In fact, he had thought about this situation after Qian Fei lost her memory. After all, she lost her memory because she wanted to forget herself. As long as her memory is not restored, it will be difficult to fall in love with herself again. This is a great way, also called fate or reincarnation.

Otherwise, there would be no need for amnesia.

This is also what Qin Chuan is worried about.

But is this going to happen?

She used to love herself so much, and she loved her too, but now they meet but don't recognize her.

She lost her memory, maybe it was nothing.

But Qin Chuan already felt very upset. Now that he was like this, he really felt that he couldn't stop it, but he didn't have any right or qualification to interfere in her affairs now.

Concubine Qian was stunned and felt dumbfounded when she saw Qin Chuan's painful expression.

She really didn't expect Qin Chuan to be like this. She could feel that Qin Chuan was really sad and helpless...

"Qinchuan, Qinchuan!" Concubine Qian called to Qinchuan.

Qin Chuan came back to his senses and smiled, but the smile was very bitter.

"I'm just teasing you. I don't like him. He is an old man with a lot of women and children. How could I like him." Qian Fei said softly.

Qin Chuan looked at Qin Chuan and was delighted: "Really?"

"Really, if you have the strength, I will not stop you from taking action against him. That person is very hateful. He united with others to put pressure on me and force me to marry." Concubine Qian said with a smile.

Qin Chuan took a long breath and suddenly felt relieved. He said happily: "These are not problems. It's noon. I'll cook for you..."

Qian Fei and Qin Chuan did it together.

But Maekawa does most of it.

Open a jar of wine!

The two of us had a great time eating.

Now they are friends, because Qian Fei also believes that this man is the man she loves when she loses her memory. It seems that this hateful guy even said that his first kiss and her first kiss were dedicated to each other, and also said that he touched her with his hand...

"smell good!"

A voice sounded, and a group of people walked into the hall.

Concubine Qian frowned, but Qin Chuan smiled and said, "Eat!"

Qian Fei said nothing.

"Dad, it was this little beast that beat me." The young man yelled angrily.

This young man is naturally the son of that chaotic human emperor.

"Who are you scolding, little beast?" Qin Chuan turned around and said calmly.

"scold you!"

After saying that, he realized something was wrong and blushed: "I hate your mother..."


The young man's voice stopped suddenly and he slowly fell down.

A chopstick went straight through the brain.

Qin Chuan stood up, but the people across from him were still in a daze, because no one thought that Qin Chuan would dare to kill someone in this situation.

There were more than ten people on the opposite side, and each of them had an extraordinary identity.

The leader was a man who was very elegant and good-looking. His face was so green that it was dripping with water. His body was trembling as he looked at the young man who fell to the ground.

He was the Human Emperor of Chaos, and he never thought that one day his son would be killed, or killed in front of him.

Concubine Qian looked at Qin Chuan, with a glimmer of sparkle in her beautiful eyes.

Others were also stunned. At this time, the place was so quiet that one could hear a needle drop.

Qin Chuan mainly looked at that man. If he was right, he was the Human Emperor of Chaos.

The Human Emperor of Chaos looked at Qin Chuan with red eyes: "Who are you, and why are you so vicious?"

Anyone who has made it this far is not a reckless person, and now he can endure it without taking action. This is a good accomplishment.

"Vicious? You insulted my mother. I was kind enough not to kill you." Qin Chuan said lightly.

You must know that insulting a strong person is seeking death. If it is a dandy, you can also kill him, because the dandy uses my name to do evil and cause trouble.

The Human Emperor of Chaos looked at Qin Chuan. He was too young, but also too crazy. But he was the Human Emperor of Chaos. If he didn't regain his position today, he wouldn't have to mess around anymore.

"Today I will seek justice from Sir on behalf of my son." The Emperor of Chaos said through his teeth.

Qin Chuan smiled. The opponent was trying. If he could beat him, he would definitely kill him without hesitation. But if he couldn't beat him, the opponent would still have a way to retreat.

Qin Chuan doesn't like it when others attack and defend against him.

So he smiled and said: "You can seek justice, but if you lose, you will die."

It's plain words, but it also has absolute confidence, otherwise who would dare to say such words.

The Human Emperor of Chaos shuddered and looked at Qin Chuan. He knew that this sentence had reached a critical point. If he wanted to speak now, he had to agree to the other party. Otherwise, he could just turn around and leave now.

There is no alternative.

Today I brought my son to find justice and force the Empress of Chaos to marry me, but I never dreamed that such a thing would happen.


Qin Chuan looked at him and said coldly: "If you want to fight, then fight. If not, get out."

The Chaos Human Emperor's body was trembling.

It wasn't just him, everyone else was trembling too.

Who are they? They are the top beings in the realm of chaos. When did they receive this bird spirit? They are still just young boys.

This is the realm of chaos, and the other party's strength level will not exceed yours anyway. This is suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth, not to mention that you have the Domain Lord's Supreme Order.

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