Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,406 The Holy Gate of Langyuan City

The Human Emperor of Chaos is also the result of careful consideration. This is the Domain of Chaos, where his realm is the highest, and he also has the Supreme Order of the Territory Lord.

Unless the other party also has the Territory Lord's Supreme Order, even then, it can only be in the same realm as his own.

But the young man in front of me, let’s not talk about his strength. Even if he is the same strength as himself, can he have the Territory Lord’s Supreme Order?

So thinking of these, the Chaos Human Emperor calmed down and regained his confidence.

He looked at Qin Chuan and said coldly: "Little thing, you killed my son and still want to live. If I don't kill you today, I will be a father in vain."

"You don't know who you are? People like you deserve to die." Qin Chuan was still very calm.

"Haha, I want to see how you kill me today?" The Chaos Human Emperor sneered.

"Do you feel that you can become the master in the Realm of Chaos?" Qin Chuan looked at the Human Emperor of Chaos with disdain.

The self-confidence that had originally risen was knocked down by Qin Chuan's words.

That's what he thought. Today is very evil. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. This young man is so special that he has to take it seriously. He doesn't know why himself. He insists on giving a reason, that is intuition and feeling. .

Don't underestimate intuition and feeling. This is the warrior's judgment of breath and mental power. It may not be accurate, but it still has considerable merit.

The Human Emperor of Chaos thought of another variable, that is, everyone is of the same realm, but they are completely crushed in terms of actual combat strength. With the same realm, it is not impossible to kill you with one move, but people who can do this are really rare, but this It is also a real possibility.

Can the young man in front of me do it?

"You don't need to bluff. For this reason, it's better for your subordinates to show their superiority!" The Chaos Human Emperor gritted his teeth and made a difficult decision.

If you are not willing to leave, it is better to give it a try. If you win, you will have everything. As for the son who died, he is not short of sons. There are so many women and children.

Territory Lord’s Supreme Order!

The Human Emperor of Chaos used the Territory Lord's Supreme Order, but the most indifferent thing happened to him, and the other party was not restricted.

Qin Chuan looked at him with a sneer. Although Qin Chuan did not have the Supreme Order of the Territory Lord of the Chaotic Domain,

But there is the Supreme Order of the Territory Lord in the Tian Domain. No matter which domain the Territory Lord's Supreme Order is from, it can withstand the suppression of other Territory Lord's Supreme Orders.

Divine Eyes Immortal Power!

Qin Chuan displayed his divine power!

All strength was reduced by 20%.

Falling directly out of a small realm, or half a step into that realm, this is absolutely fatal.

The Human Emperor of Chaos is really scared now, but at this time he has already made a choice, and Qin Chuan will not give him another chance.


Everyone must be responsible for his choice. Qin Chuan will not let go of such a person who wants to take advantage of Qian Fei.

What is killing people like butchering dogs.

The son of the Chaos Human Emperor was killed before, but now the Chaos Human Emperor is still being killed.

Although to a certain extent, there is no distinction between good and bad people, only opposing camps, but this Chaos Human Emperor is not a good person, and his son is a person who will not be unjust even if he dies ten times.

Killing them can actually accumulate some merit.

After killing him, Qin Chuan got the Territory Lord's Supreme Order.

Everyone else's bodies were trembling, and no one dared to move.

Qin Chuan smiled. Now that these people are here, it is too cheap to let them go like this. They can come and leave whenever they want?

So Qin Chuan gave each of them a profound lesson.

Those who had the Domain Lord’s Supreme Order handed it over, and those who didn’t had an arm left behind.

It's not that Qin Chuan is cruel, this is the price. You have to pay the price for everything you do. This is a kind of fairness, or it can also be called rules. There is no rule without rules. Not killing them is already a mercy.

Cleaned up.

Qian Fei was surprised at how powerful Qin Chuan was now.

Two people go out for a walk.

Qian Fei did not recover her memory, so Qin Chuan left that day and told Qian Fei to take care of herself.

Concubine Qian watched Qin Chuan leave and looked at a piece of Territory Lord Supreme Token in her hand.

Dragon City!

Qin Chuan returned to Dragon City, this time becoming a human being.

Qin Chuan caused a slight disturbance in Dragon City before, but it has long since calmed down.

Although the Ziyan family had lost a lot of face, Qin Chuan disappeared, so the Ziyan family could say that they had killed Qin Chuan. They couldn't find Qin Chuan anyway, so the matter ended like this.

Qinchuan did not stop at Dragon City this time, but went directly through Dragon City to Langyuan City in the north.

Qin Chuan decided to join the Holy Sect of Langyuan City first.

I have to say that Dragon City is really big.

But the good thing is that there is a teleportation array, so you can go directly to Langyuan City.

I didn't even get to know the Dragon City properly, so I went straight to Langyuan City.

In Qinchuan's opinion, Langyuan City is similar to Dragon City. Similar cities and facilities are called Dragon City and Langyuan City.

Qin Chuan found a carriage and headed to the Holy Gate.

The Holy Sect of Langyuan City once had a glorious time. Unfortunately, it was squeezed out and suppressed because of the competition for the position of the Holy Son as the main sect. Now the opponent has almost occupied an absolute advantage. The Holy Son will be the future main sect of the Holy Sect. Door owner.

Langyuan's father competed for the Holy Son, and had always had an absolute advantage before. The most important thing was that the two families had a grudge. The winner was the king and the enemy was defeated. Now the other party has gained the upper hand and became the Holy Son, while Langyuan's father was just a loser. , and the energy of the Holy Son is very great. He is the future sect master, no one dares to offend him, so no one dares to suggest what the Holy Son does. This is why the Holy Son can imprison Langyuan's parents.

An hour and a half later, Qin Chuan stood at the door of the Holy Gate.

The Holy Gate of Langyuan City was still very decent, but there was no one at the door. Qin Chuan walked directly in and found that it was even more depressed inside.

A dignified holy sect can actually fall into such a state of desolation.

There is a big front yard, a square, and a martial arts platform, but there are only a few dozen people practicing or something.

The appearance of Qin Chuan made the people here stop, and a tall and handsome young man came over: "Are you looking for someone?"

"Yes, I asked you to take care of things." Qin Chuan said.

"You tell me, I can usually make the decision on anything." The young man said with a smile.

Qin Chuan nodded: "I'm here to join the Holy Sect."

The young man was stunned and felt that he heard wrongly, but he knew that he heard right, so he shook his head and said: "Brother, although I really want to welcome you, the Holy Sect is not recruiting people."

"Do you have this brand?" Qin Chuan said.

Qin Chuan took out the sign.

When the young man saw it, he frowned, looked at Qin Chuan, and said, "Wait a moment!"

Qin Chuan nodded.

Soon, a handsome middle-aged man came out. As soon as this man came out, Qin Chuan knew that he should be Langyuan's third uncle, because his face was very similar.

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