Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1410: Terrifying Uncle 3, Phantom Wuji...

Qin Chuan didn't ask any more questions.

But soon, the third uncle looked at Qin Chuan and smiled: "Let's go, let's go over slowly and take a look."

The group of people followed the third uncle to the Lin family.

At this time, the engagement ceremony had begun in the Lin family. The people who came were all big shots in Langyuan City, a big family. Young Master Lin was happy and smiling, and there was a beautiful woman standing next to him.

She is Yan Xi.

The figure is tall and graceful, showing the softness of a woman to the fullest. The face is very pure, but the eyes are very charming. This is a kind of natural charm, full of water mist, and seems to be very mature.

"Young Master Lin and Miss Yan are such a talented couple, they are a perfect match."

"Yes, that Young Master Lang Kuan Lang is not worthy of Miss Yan Xi at all. He is better suited to Young Master Lin."

"Keep your voice down, can you afford to offend the Lang family?"

"Haha, the current Lang family is nothing, it's just a joke. The Lin family will replace the Lang family sooner or later. At this time, we must hug the Lin family tightly."

"Don't make decisions easily before things are finalized. Sometimes it will be very tragic."

"What are you afraid of? Do you think the Lang family can survive?"

Eating, drinking, talking and laughing, Young Master Lin and the Lin family toasted to some people.

At this moment, someone came with a faint red light deep in his eyes.


Lang Kuan's appearance quickly attracted the attention of many people, and Lang Kuan went directly to Yan Xi.

Young Master Lin frowned when he saw Lang Kuan.

Suddenly it became quiet here.

Everyone's eyes turned to Lang Kuan.

But at this time, Lang Kuan seemed to be unable to see anyone else. He only had Yan Xi in his eyes, so he walked straight towards Yan Xi.

"There's a good show to watch,

What do you think will happen? "

"Needless to say, it's not the first time I've been beaten by Young Master Lin."

"Today, in front of so many people, do you think Young Master Lin will beat Young Master Lang to death?"

"No way, no matter how young Master Lang is the Lang family, the Lang family is still the largest family in Langyuan City in name only."

"What's the use of that? This title will disappear sooner or later, and the Lang family will eventually disappear."

"Yan Xi, you can't get engaged, come with me!" Lang Kuan took Yan Xi's hand and said.

"Let go!" Young Master Lin looked extremely ugly.

With so many people watching, Lang Kuan took his fiancee's hand. Although she was Young Master Lang's fiancée before, that was before, and now she is his, in name only, and he cannot afford to lose this person.

"This is my woman." Lang Kuan said firmly.


Young Master Lin flew up and kicked Lang Kuan away.

Not to mention that, he rushed over in a flash and stepped on Young Master Lang's back.


Lang Kuan spurted out a mouthful of blood.

But he struggled to stand up and continued walking towards Yan Xi, the redness in his eyes getting stronger and stronger.

Like a bunch of flames.


Young Master Lang was defeated again.

But Yan Xi seemed to be a magic spell in his heart. He struggled to stand up and continued to walk towards Yan Xi.

Yan Xi looked calm and calm on the surface, as if looking at a stranger, but deep down in his eyes there was a struggle.

"Lang Kuan, you are looking for death. Believe it or not, I will kill you."



There was a sound of bones breaking, blood spurting from the mouth, the ground was in a mess, and tables and chairs fell to the floor.

At this time, Lang Kuan was as embarrassed as he could be.

The Lin family was also embarrassed, even looking at Lang Kuan with murderous intent.

Killing Lang Kuan was a bold temptation.

If Lang Kuan dies and there is still no movement in the Lang family, then the Lang family can be replaced. Besides, even if something happens, the Holy Son will be there to support him, so what should I worry about?

The head of the Lin family looked at Lang Kuan and then at his son.

Young Master Lin naturally understood from his father's eyes and nodded.

"Lang Kuan, you don't know how to live or die. What do you think this is in my Lin family? You are looking for death." Young Master Lin became even more ruthless after saying this.

Every move is aimed at death.

With each move, Lang Kuan would spit out a mouthful of blood, and many bones on his body had been broken.

Lang Kuan's breath became weaker and weaker.

But the obsession in Lang Kuan's heart was still there.

He is the eldest young man in Langyuan City, and his fiancée can only be his.

And he really likes this woman.

Bang bang bang...

Lang Kuan's life breath became weaker and weaker.

It’s almost like less air comes in and more air comes out.

At this time, Qin Chuan, Sanshu and others walked in and saw this.

The Lin family was a little surprised by the appearance of the Lang family. They felt that the Lang family would not show up.

The third uncle looked at Lang Kuan, then walked over slowly.

Every step he takes contains huge momentum.

Young Master Lin's body was shaking a little.

At this time, Young Master Lang was beaten with blood all over his body and was no longer human. And Young Master Lang's father, the powerful man who could only look up to existing men, was walking towards him.

He walked over and picked up Lang Kuan, then casually raised his foot and kicked Mr. Lin directly in his Dantian.


Young Master Lin screamed and fainted.

It's useless, the cultivation is useless, it's hard to say whether he can even wake up.

At this time, the third uncle looked at the head of the Lin family.

The head of the Lin family narrowed his eyes.

The third uncle's eyes were dull and he walked towards the head of the Lin family calmly.

All the people around him stayed away.

"Lin Tian, ​​you have repeatedly provoked me and I have tolerated it. Do you really think that my Lang family is easy to bully? My son is being beaten to death by you. If I don't do something, wouldn't I be a father in vain?" said the third uncle. .

"Langjing, so what, you think I will be afraid of you. You, an elder, actually attack a junior. You are breaking the rules." Lin Tian shouted.

"Lin Tian, ​​I really thought that with the support of the Holy Son, you would have nothing to fear. Why didn't he come to destroy the Langyuan family himself, instead of relying on the hands of a fool like you?" Langjing looked at Lin Tian and said.

Lin Tian trembled uncontrollably: "Langjing, do you think the Lang family is still the Lang family before? All the big families in Langyuan City are here. Let everyone see who is stronger, your Lang family or my Lin family." Lin Tian bit his tongue. Ya said.

Lang Jing hugged Lang Kuan and rushed towards Lin Tian in a flash.

"I will let you know today how ridiculous you are, and your Lin family is a joke." Langjing said, walking in the air.

It's just that his figure doubled in size with every step he took.

One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight...

Phantom Infinite Kill!

Puff puff……

Lang Jing's figure became one, he was still holding Lang Kuan, and the head of the Lin family was already dead and could no longer die.

Quiet, deathly quiet.

Qin Chuan had been looking at Langjing before. Langyuan, the third uncle, was the variable of the Lang family. He was even the Lang family's trump card and the one who guarded the last pure land of the Lang family.

Lang Jing, Qin Chuan and others left and did not take action again, but the scene of killing Lin Tian previously will never be forgotten by the people here.

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