Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1411: Necromantic inheritance, ear opening,...

Qin Chuan felt that things were getting weirder and weirder.

Langjing's performance was so strong, which surprised Qin Chuan. With such a strong performance, it was impossible for the Langyuan Holy Sect to be in such a state of decline.

Suddenly Qin Chuan looked at Lang Kuan who was being held by Lang Jing.

Seeing this, Qin Chuan's body was shocked. Lang Kuan was not dead and was recovering. Not to mention, the bones in his body could be seen slowly turning purple-gold.

Moreover, it exudes a faint evil aura, which also looks like the aura of death.

This made Qin Chuan feel a little uncomfortable. Is this the Langyuan Holy Sect?

Qin Chuan thought of what Langjing said before, this is his last chance, this is inheritance.

He always felt that something was wrong, but Qin Chuan didn't know what was wrong, and the woman named Yan Xi actually came with him, and Lang Jing didn't say anything.

Qin Chuan was originally a miracle doctor, and Lang Kuan's injuries could be cured, but now he saw that Lang Kuan's body was healing on its own, and the speed was terrifying. Lang Kuan also made him feel uneasy, and he didn't know what was wrong.

So Qin Chuan was not doing anything, nor was he acting rashly.

Next, the entire Langyuan City seemed very depressed.

Lang Kuan was recuperating from his injuries, while Qin Chuan was doing morning exercises, and then he was studying some weird things, and cultivating the Great Dao.

The days passed.

Unknowingly, half a month has passed.

Lang Kuan has recovered, and it seems that Yan Xi and Lang Kuan have also reconciled. The recovered Lang Kuan's strength is terrifying. In half a month, he has reached the first level of the powerful from the low level of the holy realm.

This progress is terrifying and really unbelievable.

The inheritance must have been successful, and the physique has also changed. Now Qin Chuan can be sure that it is not the evil spirit, but the undead spirit.

"Qin Chuan, why didn't sister Langyuan come with you?" Lang Kuan asked casually while drinking with Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan's heart moved slightly. If it was nothing before, but now why he inquired about Lang Yuan's whereabouts, it was still a strange inheritance awakening. The most important thing was that Qin Chuan inadvertently saw Lang Kuan's well-hidden struggle.

"I didn't ask him to come,

It's too far, it takes a long, long time to walk. Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"By the way, where are you? You want to give something to sister Langyuan. It was given to her by her parents." Lang Kuan said.

Qin Chuan smiled: "In the mortal realm."

He didn't tell the truth, but he didn't fail to answer either. He was sure something was wrong now. He had revealed his relationship with Langyuan before, and he believed Langjing and his family.

But now Qin Chuan feels that he is wrong. Lang Jing is suspicious, and this Lang Kuan is also suspicious now.

Was everything that happened before just to inspire Lang Kuan's inheritance?

Even Yan Xi and the Yan family are acting?

If so, it would be fine, but Qin Chuan felt uneasy because Langji was imprisoned, and Qin Chuan always felt that he was inseparable from Langjing.

And how did you receive Langyuan’s letter?

But Qin Chuan can't ask now.

Lang Kuan frowned slightly: "This girl, what are you doing so far away? It's too far to go to the mortal realm to find her."

"Give me whatever you want and I can bring it to her." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Brother Qin, it's not that the eldest brother doesn't believe you, it's my second brother who specifically told me to hand it over to Langyuan personally." Lang Kuan said.

"It's okay!" Qin Chuan smiled.

Qin Chuan mentioned a place in the Mortal Realm that was very remote. Even if the other party really looked for it, when he found it, he would not find it. It would probably take a year or even two years before he returned.

Spiritual Heart Pill!

This is a pill that Qin Chuan once refined, but sometimes it is unreliable.

But I have been using it on and off.

Lingxin Pill is also called the Linglong Pill to open up the orifices. This kind of pill is used to enhance mysterious abilities, such as the legendary Qiqiao Linglong Heart, which is a very terrifying and powerful physique. The Lingxin Pill is to open up the seven orifices, which are the seven orifices for normal people. It's not open.

Qin Chuan's Golden Eyes are considered to be enlightened, and Fohou is also considered to be enlightened.

However, both of these are enabled by the Golden Eyes and Buddha's Roar abilities. However, after taking the Spiritual Heart Pill, many abilities have been strengthened, but other abilities have not been enabled.

I remembered today that Qin Chuan used one.

There was no hope.

But half a quarter of an hour later, Qin Chuan's ears trembled slightly, and then the whole world seemed to be in chaos. There seemed to be many insects flying around his ears, and many people's voices were confusing.

But Qin Chuan soon laughed.

This is an ear opening.

Opening the ear orifices not only greatly enhances hearing, but can even hear the thoughts of monsters. Of course, this also depends on how far the ear orifices are opened.

Moreover, with his ear openings opened, it is said that he can practice the legendary magical skill of listening and listen to the sounds of other worlds.

However, this only exists in legends. The prerequisite for practicing it is to find the magical power of listening.

Qin Chuan had just opened his ears and was listening around casually and curiously. When he heard this, Qin Chuan was stunned.

"Father, is Langyuan really that important?"

This is Lang Kuan's voice.

"This is the person the Holy Son wants. When the Holy Son fought with him for Langyuan's mother, he failed. Langyuan looked too much like her mother, so the Holy Son must get Langyuan and kill him."

This is Langjing's voice.

Qin Chuan was stunned. He was just suspicious at first, but now it seemed that Langjing had actually colluded with that holy son.

Langyuan, this is the third uncle you believe in, the hope of the Lang family...

Qin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he found out not too late. Fortunately, he didn't bring Langyuan with him. He took the time to go back and discuss it with Langyuan.

"This Qinchuan is not simple, but if we want to find Langyuan, we must go through him. You must find a way to know Langyuan's whereabouts." Langjing said.

"He said he was in the mortal realm." Lang Kuan said.

"Ask for the specific place and use the king-level teleportation array to teleport there." Lang Jing said.

"You can't send it back even if you send it there. It will take at least a year." Lang Kuan said.

"A year is not long, but you must ask for the exact location and don't alert the enemy. That guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp." Langjing said.

"Yes, father!"

"Okay, you have awakened the Necromancer inheritance now, but I can't say that dad is still waiting for you to become the master of the Holy Sect." Lang Jing said happily.

"Dad, don't worry, my child will work hard and will not let you down."


Qin Chuan sighed, in this world, for the sake of profit, brothers will fight each other with swords and conspire against each other.

Suddenly, Qin Chuan felt very tired.

Where should I go now? Where should I go? Do I still want to stay here?

"Brother Qin, are you worried?" Lang Kuan walked to Qin Chuan and smiled.

Qin Chuan now wants to slap him with a big mouth, or even kill the person in front of him, but he can't. Langjing's strength is too terrifying. He should endure it before he becomes a powerful person!

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