Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,413: Phantom Infinite Killing, Book of the Dead

Qin Chuan knew the other party's conspiracy and naturally dealt with it easily.

"Good brother, go have a drink, you have nothing to do." Lang Kuan said.

Qin Chuan smiled and said, "Let's wait another day. I have something else to do today." Qin Chuan refused.

It's not that I'm afraid of being discovered, but it's unnecessary and it feels quite disgusting.

"Okay, then another day." Lang Kuan nodded and left.

Qin Chuan thought about cultivation. The Langyuan Holy Sect was a large sect after all, so he wanted to go to the Hidden Gong Pavilion. As a disciple of the Holy Sect, he could naturally go, but he was still stopped by the elder who was guarding it.

"This is the Hidden Gong Pavilion, no entry allowed!" said the guarding elder.

Qin Chuan was stunned: "Can't the disciples of the Holy Sect be the same?"

"Holy disciples are allowed, but they need to show their tokens, otherwise they are not allowed to enter." said the guarding elder.

"Where can I find the token?" Qin Chuan asked.

"I don't know, I only recognize cards but not people."

Qin Chuan had no choice but to come back and go directly to Langjing.

"Third uncle!"

"Well, Qin Chuan, here you go, sit down and drink tea with your third uncle." Langjing smiled and invited Qin Chuan to sit down.

He took out a tea cup and filled it seven-cent full.

"Come, try my tea and see how it tastes." Langjing said with a smile.

Gentle, elegant, and warm, even for a moment Qin Chuan felt that he had made a mistake. How could such a person be that kind of person? He even doubted whether he had heard wrong.

But he knew he couldn't be wrong.

The so-called "knowing people but not knowing their hearts" does not necessarily mean that evil people must look fierce or not look like normal people.

In fact, good people and bad people are normal people most of the time, and only occasionally choose to do good or bad things.

This Langjing is a big bad guy, and the big bad guy is actually a capable person with a charming personality.

When Langjing came forward,

The moment he killed Lin Tian for Lang Kuan, he was a good father, apart from anything else, and from the conversation between their father and son, Lang Jing was really good to Lang Kuan.

This is normal, tiger poison will not eat its seeds, let alone humans.

Qin Chuan smiled and sat down, drinking slowly: "Well, it's pretty good. It's fragrant, distant, and refreshing."

"Haha, this is made from the buds of the Lingmu tea tree in Langyuan Mountain. You can drink it often if you like." Langjing said with a smile.

"That's so embarrassing, it's too disturbing to Third Uncle." Qin Chuan said.

"Don't bother me. Just be polite to my third uncle. We are all one family." Langjing smiled.

"Qinchuan!" Lang Jing frowned slightly and said after thinking.

"What's wrong, Third Uncle?"

"What do you think about good people and bad people?" Langjing said.

“Good people do good and bad people do evil.”

Qin Chuan didn't know why Langjing discussed this issue with him, but he still answered.

"What if we add benefits and evil deeds?" Lang Jing said.

"No matter what the reason is, doing good is doing good, and doing evil is doing evil. There is no contradiction in this. The law of heaven is fair. In fact, those good people in the ninth and tenth life will not suffer. Nothing can be one side. It is like getting And loss, the more you gain, the more you lose." Qin Chuan thought for a while and said.

He didn't dare to say any more, for fear that he would arouse the other party's suspicion.

Just like Langjing, even if the sect leader finally obtained the main sect of the Holy Sect, he lost his family ties, the second brother, and his family. These bloodline things cannot be measured by external objects.

Gains and losses depend on each person's standards.

Langjing thought for a while: "You are right. You are not old, but you think a lot. No wonder you can make the little girl Langyuan like you."

"The main thing is that I came out early. I have no one to rely on but myself. I consider myself a kind person and like to be friends with all kind people." Qin Chuan looked at Lang Jing with a smile.

Langjing's clear eyes and natural temperament made Langjing like him a little. It was great to have such a nephew. At this moment, he felt that his nephews were not as good as him.

"By the way, why do you have time to come see your third uncle?" Lang Jing said with a smile.

"I wanted to go to the Hidden Gong Pavilion, but I was stopped. What token do you want? I'll come to Third Uncle to get one." Qin Chuan said.

"I actually forgot about the Hidden Gong Pavilion. It has been sealed." Lang Jing said.

"Sealed? Third uncle, you are the sect leader. It's not you who has the final say whether to seal or not?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Do you know the main gate of the Holy Sect?" Langjing said.

"Yeah, I heard about it."

"The main sect of the Holy Sect has a Holy Son. The Holy Son is the future sect leader. The Holy Son has a grudge against my Langyuan family. We were suppressed. This Hidden Gong Pavilion was sealed by the Holy Son." Langjing said.

If it had been before, Qin Chuan would have believed it, but now he really couldn't believe that the relationship between Langjing and the Holy Son was absolutely extraordinary.

Qin Chuan was depressed and wanted to go to the Hidden Gong Pavilion to see if there was anything suitable for him.

Since he couldn't, Qin Chuan drank two cups of tea and left.

Watching Qin Chuan's leaving figure disappear, a smile appeared on Lang Jing's face.

"I can't keep you here. When Langyuan finds him, I will send you on your way." Langjing said softly.

Qin Chuan's body trembled as he walked out.

He heard it and looked forward. One day, I will kill you.

Unable to enter the Hidden Gong Pavilion, Qin Chuan sneered. Since he was not allowed to enter openly, he didn't mind sneaking in. Even Qin Chuan had the urge to destroy the Hidden Gong Pavilion.

Ride the Golden Dragon Bear of the Earth and enter from under the Earth to the Ruzanggong Pavilion.

However, there are restrictions on the Hidden Gong Pavilion, but these are minor problems for Qin Chuan.

So he passed through easily and entered the Hidden Gong Pavilion.

There is someone in the Hidden Gong Pavilion.

Qin Chuan saw that it was Lang Kuan and others who were looking at the martial arts and combat skills.

As soon as he saw this, Qin Chuan became more and more unhappy and refused to let him in, but these people could look around as they pleased.

Qin Chuan knew that it was too difficult to find super skills from here. Unless he missed something, the good things were not actually in the hidden skill pavilion, especially a declining sect's treasure pavilion.

Qin Chuan mainly saw the phantom Wuji Kill in Langjing that day.

Another reason that makes him want to learn is that Qin Chuan has the ability of phantom clone. In Qin Chuan, he feels that phantom clone is the basis of Phantom Infinite Kill. If he learns Phantom Infinite Kill now, it shouldn't be very difficult.

Qin Chuan has the ability of the Golden Eye, so it is easy to find things. After searching, Qin Chuan actually found it. It was a manuscript and it was placed in the corner.

The precious beast King Kong Rat was directly brought back to Qin Chuan.

The Hidden Gong Pavilion was very large and quiet. Qin Chuan sat down in a remote corner.

Phantom Infinity Kill.

Although it was copied by hand, the words are very sharp.

Just throw it into the mustard seeds and prepare to go back and study it slowly.

As for whether it would attract other people's attention, he didn't care.

Just when Qin Chuan was about to leave, the golden eyes inadvertently swept across the classics in Lang Kuan's hand, leaving him stunned.


These are the three words on the cover. This is a gray classic, very old. Those three words are indescribably weird and chilling.

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