Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,414 Tianxing Silver, a silver medal material that avoids death...


Qin Chuan thought about what he heard from Langjing last time, saying that what Langkuan had received was the inheritance of the dead.

Seeing the part Lang Kuan was looking at, it was the method and technique of practicing the Finger of Death...

Qin Chuan frowned after just looking at it, because this finger of death is very vicious. This finger mainly uses the air of death to cut off the vitality, cut off the heart veins, and even pour the air of death directly into the heart. .

But the premise of all this is that it is the spirit of death.

Now that Qin Chuan has left, Qin Chuan doesn't know what kind of path Lang Kuan will take in the future, but he always feels that they will collide.

He has the spirit of death.

Qinchuan has the way and the energy of life for all things.

Back in his room, Qin Chuan looked at the Phantom Wuji Kill in his hand.

The more I look at it, the more surprised I am. The Phantom Infinite Killer and the Phantom Clone really have the same effect, but the Phantom Infinite Killer is more complicated and cumbersome than the Phantom Clone.

This sight made Qin Chuan unable to stop. Phantom Infinite Killing was really mysterious. The more he looked at it, the more Qin Chuan was surprised.

Phantom Wuji is actually a combination of body skills and beheading.

Qin Chuan's phantom clone is body technique, but this is the most basic and important.

However, the phantom clone can only appear in three figures with its main body.

As long as the realm of this phantom infinite killer is enough, there can be infinite numbers. In principle, one can be transformed into two, two can be transformed into four, and four can be transformed into eight...

However, reaching that level depends on personal talent and opportunity.

In the next half month, Qin Chuan hardly left home and practiced all the time. But on this day, a group of people came directly to the door of Langyuan Holy Gate and shouted to the Holy Gate to hand over Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan was stunned when he found out. It was someone from Ziyan's family who came.

The first reaction is to run away, because Langjing and the others are likely to ignore him.

But when he thought about it, nothing could happen to him until he found Langyuan, so Qin Chuan felt that he could wait first.

It would be best if Langjing and Ziyan could be allowed to bite off each other's hair.

Ziyan's family is a big family in Dragon City. They came to ask for someone, which naturally alarmed Langjing.

Soon Langjing understood what was going on and found Qin Chuan.

"Third uncle!" Qin Chuan said with an embarrassed smile.

"It's okay, don't worry. How is Ziyan's family? It's not their turn to come to Langyuan City to act recklessly. With your third uncle here, Ziyan's family can't touch you." Langjing patted Qin Chuan on the shoulder.

Qin Chuan was moved for a moment.

If he hadn't heard what he said that if he found Langyuan, he would send him on his way, Qin Chuan would definitely be very grateful to him.

Along Qin Chuan's journey, few people said this to him. As long as his third uncle is here, Ziyan's family can't touch you.

This sentence is heroic and sounds very warm.

But Qin Chuan knew that this was an opportunity for Langjing to bribe him, a good opportunity.

Although he knew that the other party was trying to bribe him, he still did not delay Qin Chuan's mood at this moment, so Qin Chuan said very sincerely and touched: "Thank you, third uncle."

Let’s talk about it later. It’s rare to feel like this now. Wouldn’t it be better to fake it and make it real?

Langjing was very happy because he felt that Qin Chuan really treated him as a relative, he could feel it.

Qin Chuan followed Langjing out of the Langyuan Holy Gate and stood at the door.

Lang Kuan and others were discussing with Ziyan's family at this time.

Seeing Qin Chuan and Lang Jing coming out, the people of Ziyan's family were very excited. They stared at Qin Chuan and wanted to rush over to catch Qin Chuan.

Langjing snorted coldly and took a step forward. The man who was rushing stopped and looked at Langjing: "You want to stop me?"


Lang Jing kicked the man away with a kick: "Your family master wouldn't dare to be so presumptuous even if he came here. Who do you think you are?"

The Holy Sect is a large sect, and many of the Holy Sect branches are the top beings in a city, and are even the masters of a city.

The man stood up and looked at Langjing with an extremely ugly face. But when he thought of Langjing's words, he shuddered. He didn't know whether it was true or not, but he didn't dare to do anything anymore and decided to report it to the head of the family first.

The group of people discovered Qin Chuan and came before they had time to go back and report to the family leader. They were shocked by Lang Jing's tough attitude.

In the end, he left in despair, and Langjing did not intercept the opponent.

This matter came to an end for the time being, and the dog-eat-dog Qin Chuan expected did not happen for the time being.

Qin Chuan doesn't know whether it will happen in the future.

"Brother, it's okay. No matter what happens, we will face it together." Lang Kuan said with a smile, very sincerely.

There were other people who were also very enthusiastic, and it really felt good at that moment.

It's a pity that all this is false.

What happened made Qin Chuan feel that he needed to speed up his practice so that he could easily cope with any accidents.

Qin Chuan decided to go to the auction house to see if there was any good prescription or any natural treasure. Although the hope was slim, he could still give it a try and maybe he would find it.

Lang Kuan and others went with Qin Chuan.

There is no way to refuse such a thing.

Xuanwu Auction House!

When Qin Chuan saw this auction house, he was no longer so surprised. The scale of Xuanwu Auction House was so terrifying that it could be found all over the place, in small and big cities.

The Xuanwu Auction House in Langyuan City is the highest quality Qin Chuan has ever seen. It's too magnificent to describe. It's too high-end and makes people feel a little discouraged.

I'm late, the auction here has already started.

Several people found a place to sit down.

The auctioneer is a young woman.

Beautiful, mature and charming!

Attracting the attention of many men, the woman was wearing a cheongsam with white patterns and gold rims, revealing a patch of snow-white color inadvertently.

Many people who saw it felt itchy, and some even asked how they could contact this woman.

So charming, her figure is so good, and her appearance is so enchanting.

This is a woman, a woman among women.

Qin Chuan didn't have much interest. It wasn't that the woman wasn't beautiful, it was just that she was far behind women like Langyuan.

But Qin Chuan's eyes lit up, not because of the woman, but because of the things the woman auctioned.

This is a stone, silvery white.

This is the material for the silver medal to avoid death. There are many kinds of materials for the auction of the cause of death. This large piece of snow-white stone is Tianxing Silver. Its biggest use is to make the silver medal to avoid death.

"Tianxing Silver, a valuable item used to make a silver medal to avoid death. The auction starts with 10,000 drops of high-grade spiritual crystal liquid. Each increase in price must not be less than 100 spiritual crystal liquid." The auctioneer said.

Spiritual crystal liquid is still high-grade, and the currency of a warrior is spiritual stone, spiritual crystal stone, and spiritual crystal liquid.

Spiritual stones are the lowest level, and spiritual crystal liquids are the highest level.

"A good thing is a good thing, but it's a pity that it has collection value. We can't make a silver medal to avoid death."

"Yeah, what a pity, forget it, I won't fight," another person said.

"Collection counts, I can still afford ten thousand drops of spiritual crystal liquid, ten thousand drops of spiritual crystal liquid." A middle-aged man shouted loudly.

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